Satoshi Kataoka
am 16b2dd43
: (-s ours) am ee1ff0da
: am 7611af75
: Merge "Do not merge. Save / restore the last used emoji category" into klp-dev
* commit '16b2dd439634e469edcfbd9b876be6288014df58':
Do not merge. Save / restore the last used emoji category
2013-10-11 00:26:25 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am ee1ff0da
: am 7611af75
: Merge "Do not merge. Save / restore the last used emoji category" into klp-dev
* commit 'ee1ff0da30f7895d38a1d93d1810425dcd04390a':
Do not merge. Save / restore the last used emoji category
2013-10-11 00:24:52 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 7611af75
: Merge "Do not merge. Save / restore the last used emoji category" into klp-dev
* commit '7611af753af5ba112bcfc8c434caf88dc8f46325':
Do not merge. Save / restore the last used emoji category
2013-10-11 00:23:38 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
Merge "Do not merge. Save / restore the last used emoji category" into klp-dev
2013-10-11 07:21:35 +00:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 6026a958
: Merge "Save / restore the last used emoji category"
* commit '6026a9581685b2d91fc5bd6cf33a506d5560c238':
Save / restore the last used emoji category
2013-10-11 00:07:41 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
Do not merge. Save / restore the last used emoji category
Bug: 11029983
Change-Id: I5547910c7b5dd7974292fc075af33568940f4e81
2013-10-11 16:05:38 +09:00
Satoshi Kataoka
Merge "Save / restore the last used emoji category"
2013-10-11 07:04:42 +00:00
Satoshi Kataoka
Save / restore the last used emoji category
Bug: 11029983
Change-Id: I1bec2c3c6b547de68562a818a8d6c9fef83787b7
2013-10-11 16:00:33 +09:00
Yuichiro Hanada
am 9514ed5c
: Add the new format of bigram entries.
* commit '9514ed5c2a49e645e2d468f7191d54d77d9f127f':
Add the new format of bigram entries.
2013-10-10 23:57:54 -07:00
Yuichiro Hanada
Add a time stamp for unigrams.
Bug: 10920255
Change-Id: I26d2cce3c322a4ff39a614f8615f43fb7bd3baed
2013-10-11 15:08:09 +09:00
Yuichiro Hanada
Add the new format of bigram entries.
In new format, each bigram entry has flags (1 byte), a terminal id (3 byte),
a time-stamp (4 byte), a counter (1 byte) and a level (1 byte).
Bug: 10920255
Bug: 10920165
Change-Id: I0f7fc125a6178e6d25a07e8462afc41a7f57e3e1
2013-10-11 14:50:41 +09:00
Ken Wakasa
am 84994295
: (-s ours) am 56e21a02
: (-s ours) am 85dec741
: am 6dac27ee
: Merge "Tweak vertical gap of Emoji palette. DO NOT MERGE" into klp-dev
* commit '849942950e50f5f53c5fd22a7a5641e9d496fdeb':
Tweak vertical gap of Emoji palette. DO NOT MERGE
2013-10-10 08:39:41 -07:00
Ken Wakasa
am 604f523e
: (-s ours) am e38ed07c
: (-s ours) am 07baf17c
: am f9d7d17f
: Merge "Retry to tweak punctuations. DO NOT MERGE" into klp-dev
* commit '604f523ef20c4ef565386a203ccba15a699c5595':
Retry to tweak punctuations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-10-10 08:39:36 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 295fda09
: (-s ours) am 3bd1f24f
: (-s ours) am 49d8b8ca
: am c8e4ad07
: Support sw540 (ultra Z). DO NOT MERGE
* commit '295fda09ecc8a3f6de8300765662d86d7d7289f2':
Support sw540 (ultra Z). DO NOT MERGE
2013-10-10 08:39:33 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am ae408df1
: am 273ca4c3
: am 2783fcec
: am 2d74136e
: keep history after reset to jb-ub-latinimegoogle-bayo
* commit 'ae408df19ccd6ec7113702fb4276a3be8e95c6f5':
2013-10-10 08:39:29 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am c48143b9
: am 6d0d4b85
: am e75cd64a
: am 8105ea2f
: keep history after reset to jb-ub-latinimegoogle-bayo
* commit 'c48143b9220abd64d681f3a4ff81f2b2cbbcc531':
2013-10-10 08:39:26 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 4d7b1102
: am ddb0f5a2
: am 8e9ce07b
: am a6a6abc8
: Fix the security related API change for PreferenceActivity
* commit '4d7b11020a5249fd987400fa9dad195cf6917d4a':
Fix the security related API change for PreferenceActivity
2013-10-10 08:39:22 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 44df1394
: am 22888291
: am 6beb03df
: am 6862b819
: Fix crash in AdditionalSubtypeUtils
* commit '44df13949a069eb18e99ae6584ff5ac72f1d39aa':
Fix crash in AdditionalSubtypeUtils
2013-10-10 08:39:18 -07:00
The Android Automerger
am 51764e83
: am b7922678
: am 3815e4d2
: am 965eac66
: merge in jb-ub-latinimegoogle-bayo history after reset to jb-ub-latinimegoogle
* commit '51764e8347fcee99e4c23073e16252d01484239f':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-10-10 08:39:14 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am ab581457
: am 1a5e6a74
: am 6deea22c
: am 31e152e3
: am de65b7c0
: Merge "Fix the position of emoji palette"
* commit 'ab581457ae46e43bbfcc4927cd48b2fc1262c983':
2013-10-10 08:39:10 -07:00
Ken Wakasa
am 6b1fbd50
: am 5e70e91e
: am ef2add6f
: am 1d24f19b
: am c040d59d
: Merge "Add more_keys_for_* declarations for the Swedish keyboard."
* commit '6b1fbd50e790893689f244a986a547d38bdc7a11':
2013-10-10 08:39:04 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am f68d6e42
: am d0d728eb
: am 71895285
: am e9631bcd
: am 0152ff53
: Merge "Update dictionaries"
* commit 'f68d6e424ddbf788a170d34f05d9cb8804ff51a2':
2013-10-10 08:39:00 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am cffaaa56
: am 2163a48d
: am 302102ee
: am db7513bb
: am a701501c
: Merge "Reduce memory of emoji palette"
* commit 'cffaaa56a4df0e70963c61e66bc4362b1a7050c1':
2013-10-10 08:38:48 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am ca237747
: am 5ff266e0
: am 2b33fc74
: am 17bec5cb
: am 92190d9a
: Merge "Show the keyboard earlier when rotating."
* commit 'ca237747fba58dd3b90517eaf1165995e102deef':
2013-10-10 08:38:44 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 9b22a2f0
: am 5908917c
: am 2715465b
: am 67aa1a93
: am 2d3e1210
: Fix memory leak in EmojiPaletteView
* commit '9b22a2f0e799733bda55f6905d689848385bce57':
2013-10-10 08:38:40 -07:00
Ken Wakasa
am 3d8b0cbb
: am 86c6aff4
: am 8d454af4
: am 87f06033
: am d900b90d
: Merge "Prep for RAM footprint optimization for Emoji palettes"
* commit '3d8b0cbba90712e9993f08e30a118f4af21b3e6f':
2013-10-10 08:38:35 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am 4c2b785e
: am 4f1424f9
: am 156ea961
: am 6d4cdadb
: am a2422c0b
: Merge "Show more messages when reading a compressed combined format file."
* commit '4c2b785ec3f235e48ae482a02dc070d33bdc796b':
2013-10-10 08:38:31 -07:00
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 66684a74
: am 96f54480
: am ba13ae79
: am d168bd54
: am 6d91e4ce
: Fix offdevice test build.
* commit '66684a74dc0dd49e1deb855426e07987b12a8827':
2013-10-10 08:38:20 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am a2ba8819
: am 86e0e06c
: am 9af39314
: am 62001702
: am 36c56cae
: Merge "Make the sentence separator a resource."
* commit 'a2ba881991165190af55589a074a73b933c497f0':
2013-10-10 08:38:16 -07:00
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am e5aeb6a0
: am 616eabae
: am 394363c2
: am 551cc99e
: am 61aae2b4
: Merge "Add Ime language switching test."
* commit 'e5aeb6a0253177618b64d54cbe34ab78a70cc73a':
2013-10-10 08:38:07 -07:00
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am a6012802
: am 5b61f1d2
: am 584e0fd6
: am a798a16a
: am 6d3d5395
: Merge "Fix a bug: wrong parent position is written when moving."
* commit 'a6012802f1e556b058dfa86f233b9bbd213fd42b':
2013-10-10 08:37:58 -07:00
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 80bea4a8
: am 3c01d789
: am 8ddac9ae
: am bf4c72c4
: am a81d37ee
: Merge "Add a large test adding bigrams for decaying dictionary."
* commit '80bea4a849cf9de3b77f8101e4f837d21c101287':
2013-10-10 08:37:49 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am f38651f9
: am 16dfdf75
: am 6d998b36
: am da9408c8
: am 984aa60e
: Merge "Extend hitbox of emoji keys"
* commit 'f38651f9f880256c278ba1704d03b62df6d308eb':
2013-10-10 08:37:44 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am 35359a5c
: am 83305e53
: am a3efde54
: am 6e979246
: am 7712baa5
: Merge "Fix a possible IOOB"
* commit '35359a5cced64048afef94e8d7c09ab686a66c7b':
2013-10-10 08:37:40 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am b7cf8ae7
: am cc3bdb59
: am 322366d0
: am 9493affc
: am 3c4e8cb6
: Call loadKeyboard later if it can\'t be called right away
* commit 'b7cf8ae7b04309033c2507b32b03e3ef607e1e1b':
2013-10-10 08:37:36 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am c7c94757
: am d24cb579
: am e167265f
: am 4a0af2cb
: am 291ef1c9
: Merge "Clear the cache of subtypes in onStartInputViewInternal"
* commit 'c7c9475784eea69da9a51675e885c6aa6b96e4e2':
2013-10-10 08:37:32 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am 3f5dce62
: am e1e95fd2
: am ea3a2f28
: am 0675d374
: am 86f77114
: Merge "Don\'t auto-correct to non-whitelist shortcuts"
* commit '3f5dce628080808422c519672d1c22ea08f9b188':
2013-10-10 08:37:28 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am da00744a
: am 05aaedd0
: am e6b018aa
: am d44b2490
: am a6047aae
: Merge "Set the shortcut frequency correctly."
* commit 'da00744a3d1b13b8d5c47641f4f81eeafe143c58':
2013-10-10 08:37:25 -07:00
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 7c50d6d7
: am 34f6b9e8
: am 2b1e1696
: am eafff65b
: am be4d85fe
: Merge "Fix bug and Add large test for decaying dictionary."
* commit '7c50d6d70c96264ecba8f5450003ce7c83ebee94':
2013-10-10 08:37:21 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am 5a6810cd
: am bf5889a3
: am 11ab8f2e
: am 93622c4f
: am 69d10385
: Merge "Update en_GB dictionary"
* commit '5a6810cd2ae694ea726a6b07e74b9f1796af36eb':
2013-10-10 08:36:52 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am b5c7461d
: am fe8d76b1
: am adc7bacf
: am dff82299
: am 7da62bbe
: Merge "Remove suggestions when string contains a period"
* commit 'b5c7461df8e2cc71659ad1e52c2acdea3ac1336c':
2013-10-10 08:36:48 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 703645aa
: am 746d53d8
: am 9eb2acc7
: am 6a83a875
: am 47462172
: Enter -> Alpha keyboard switcher in Emoji palette view
* commit '703645aacb0e8a5821056c312ac2db6cbcd6adb5':
2013-10-10 08:36:44 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 0de2fd86
: am 38e3fac3
: am dd53038e
: am 192414a4
: am 32cf6f85
: Show Emoji key by longpressing the enter key
* commit '0de2fd865fa63a61738c48b1b0e2374fb72649f7':
2013-10-10 08:36:40 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 30c8db4f
: am 17dd222a
: am 72facc17
: am b3ac25f1
: am 4deb824f
: Add navigateEmoji
* commit '30c8db4fd595bf917832d99914ced2bc561c2bb5':
2013-10-10 08:36:34 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 13946f91
: am 13485642
: am bc5198b8
: am 8822a52c
: am 287c739d
: Merge "Fix build"
* commit '13946f911b42bc641c3a05c883c4c2d730088253':
2013-10-10 08:36:25 -07:00
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am e20cd6f9
: am 489a6aa4
: am 178ec9d9
: am 8b6b9e33
: am 785eed9b
: Merge "Parameter optimization."
* commit 'e20cd6f9c8848ead7287a8aeeaa930a34e59e7e1':
2013-10-10 08:36:22 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 4a60d2f7
: am 1dcb5bdc
: am 53e60a5e
: am 6f726f6f
: am d76b5529
: Rename EmojiKeyboardView -> EmojiPalettesView
* commit '4a60d2f789c67c80a6f18dcc70c2047decc24a4b':
2013-10-10 08:36:17 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 4cd9c5f6
: (-s ours) am ca77d5cb
: (-s ours) am 6fb8d3a6
: (-s ours) am 7b8c9dd0
: (-s ours) am a8f4efd0
: (-s ours) am 069b185d
: (-s ours) am 0de11871
: (-s ours) am b2ffcd64
: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '4cd9c5f65193a30ee0bb014fd1bbef5061d4a447':
2013-10-10 08:36:14 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 806d81d9
: (-s ours) am 00e43d31
: (-s ours) am eb2cf344
: (-s ours) am e9557d4b
: (-s ours) am f645402a
: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
* commit '806d81d97ca5f19286950ba30f65d5b915b2b2f3':
2013-10-10 08:36:10 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 379d958a
: (-s ours) am 73b5fe5d
: (-s ours) am 0cb0827f
: (-s ours) am d7e90dad
: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-ub-latinimegoogle
* commit '379d958a9c0f705f69c2910a07a78fdcd0a82382':
2013-10-10 08:36:06 -07:00