Jean Chalard
am 4746093c: am a9b0c4fb: am 1ff8b1ce: Merge "Update dictionaries"
* commit '4746093c3c90a44eff373a1c02405a49185031fb':
2013-05-15 11:07:42 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 685b6558: am 75a6a525: am adbafa1a: Merge "Support ICS on the user dictionary settings"
* commit '685b65580b5285f089a3bef622ab0888f44199f9':
2013-05-15 11:07:40 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am e681b528: am 7a2fbbb3: am 4bb312c7: Merge "Add strings-appname.xml to AOSP Android Keyboard project"
* commit 'e681b528225340578f31b0cf2577e4d15f456d5d':
2013-05-15 11:07:39 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 33eaf073: am 01f044b0: am dca46b50: Merge "Keep task stack when invoking settings from setup wizard"
* commit '33eaf0731595db5a49e93b5e8fecd25918d4fad6':
2013-05-15 11:07:38 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 037be7fa: am 3385fe8f: am 9fc82bdb: Merge "Remove graying animation of alt-code keys while typing"
* commit '037be7fa0a50b7c4bfc1368b9e9e158473f2e3b5':
2013-05-15 11:07:36 -07:00 |
Tom Ouyang
am b55f0be8: am 17fce9e3: am fd02ec10: Always consider corrections of intentional omissions (e.g., apostrophe)
* commit 'b55f0be85c51d07c6e64d8fc59279349045e52aa':
2013-05-15 11:07:35 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 511432b2: am ba4677fe: am df3ca042: Fix deleting a dictionary
* commit '511432b23c6b37a896186af073acfb66c4a4698b':
2013-05-15 11:07:34 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 5ca33bdc: am 12b35158: am 1919072c: Merge "[ZF1] Check profanity in Java rather than in native"
* commit '5ca33bdc5b48e90c313350baf7ad3e8c45ac4f8c':
2013-05-15 11:07:32 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am fa51a86b: am 9799b7dc: am fb34869f: Merge "[PB8] Add an animation upon status change."
* commit 'fa51a86b314fe75f7766bc1055c5f2d93eaadd58':
2013-05-15 11:07:31 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 03b6259b: am 4ecc0a29: am b1b03cfc: Merge "Fix missing initialization of PreviewPlacerView"
* commit '03b6259b752682aa2e6858574e4412d3472f3c15':
2013-05-15 11:07:29 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroynagi
am e591c0bf: am f2edc2a8: am 3261746f: Merge "Fix exact match checking for words with digraph."
* commit 'e591c0bfa7c2dc4beba9728717e5def7f77d657f':
2013-05-15 11:07:28 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am e6b7fa93: am 47c5846d: am 43590149: Work around a bug in older DownloadManager versions.
* commit 'e6b7fa9310758084d9e6712c9fdec3ff3d50d9ea':
2013-05-15 11:07:27 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am b7853ede: am 13a2e1b2: am 4dc77dcf: Merge "[PB7] Export animation code out of the preference"
* commit 'b7853edee00f496a9bf53da029882b337bf3437a':
2013-05-15 11:07:25 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 8810ac41: am c090b38c: am a995bf40: Put temp files within app files
* commit '8810ac41af509f311f9692adb3a1426bc99d451b':
2013-05-15 11:07:24 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 56ec8d6a: am 36de7a5e: am 30f0f3a9: Merge "Implement a functionality to add an entry to the user dictionary"
* commit '56ec8d6a0247dae29b65097a316f341179b657ce':
2013-05-15 11:07:22 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 2037d6e4: am 7e22f2e3: am 2cf450f4: [PB6] Encapsulate the buttons into a view
* commit '2037d6e41dfc1d0a06f17f3f3e559d6003c1d02e':
2013-05-15 11:07:21 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 6ace5215: am 7a9ec9dd: am e91387e2: Merge "[PB5] Store state in a more convenient manner"
* commit '6ace5215005fb888d86009999c49cd6243398f11':
2013-05-15 11:07:19 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 6116b9f7: (-s ours) am 8b2dcbcb: am 348e062a: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '6116b9f7b54c9b3ee9a265af2cf3b4db3de58052':
2013-05-15 11:07:18 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 357460ae: (-s ours) am 44ba9cc2: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '357460ae70db621d6fc0c7a6875427465eea699b':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-05-15 11:07:17 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am a9b0c4fb: am 1ff8b1ce: Merge "Update dictionaries"
* commit 'a9b0c4fb9d0247ccdc92984de2d972136a8d34bb':
Update dictionaries
2013-05-15 11:05:01 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 75a6a525: am adbafa1a: Merge "Support ICS on the user dictionary settings"
* commit '75a6a525e9a34befd931fe666ee761625e6ead99':
Support ICS on the user dictionary settings
2013-05-15 11:04:59 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 7a2fbbb3: am 4bb312c7: Merge "Add strings-appname.xml to AOSP Android Keyboard project"
* commit '7a2fbbb3e6c807340be95807fbd70042466a5426':
Add strings-appname.xml to AOSP Android Keyboard project
2013-05-15 11:04:58 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 01f044b0: am dca46b50: Merge "Keep task stack when invoking settings from setup wizard"
* commit '01f044b07a7c90d2b87f5cc31b363326134dfc7c':
Keep task stack when invoking settings from setup wizard
2013-05-15 11:04:56 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 3385fe8f: am 9fc82bdb: Merge "Remove graying animation of alt-code keys while typing"
* commit '3385fe8ff58cf42f1c1abac85d6d2ba2aa62ff32':
Remove graying animation of alt-code keys while typing
2013-05-15 11:04:55 -07:00 |
Tom Ouyang
am 17fce9e3: am fd02ec10: Always consider corrections of intentional omissions (e.g., apostrophe)
* commit '17fce9e3455c9fbc88f6eabf220165abdaaee417':
Always consider corrections of intentional omissions (e.g., apostrophe)
2013-05-15 11:04:54 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am ba4677fe: am df3ca042: Fix deleting a dictionary
* commit 'ba4677fe0b47aa17ac2a5856d9e71c83eaa71c40':
Fix deleting a dictionary
2013-05-15 11:04:52 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 12b35158: am 1919072c: Merge "[ZF1] Check profanity in Java rather than in native"
* commit '12b35158efe759c772454059b69615b6c6b6b854':
[ZF1] Check profanity in Java rather than in native
2013-05-15 11:04:51 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 9799b7dc: am fb34869f: Merge "[PB8] Add an animation upon status change."
* commit '9799b7dc712f3b0d5c320856b172970a9221a18d':
[PB8] Add an animation upon status change.
2013-05-15 11:04:49 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 4ecc0a29: am b1b03cfc: Merge "Fix missing initialization of PreviewPlacerView"
* commit '4ecc0a2972bb7747b797c498cc79e4135220bae0':
Fix missing initialization of PreviewPlacerView
2013-05-15 11:04:48 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroynagi
am f2edc2a8: am 3261746f: Merge "Fix exact match checking for words with digraph."
* commit 'f2edc2a81d8d7d6e48ba236d0884173c0b0b701f':
Fix exact match checking for words with digraph.
2013-05-15 11:04:47 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 47c5846d: am 43590149: Work around a bug in older DownloadManager versions.
* commit '47c5846dae1452e5e0e480cef91838ebe1d01a48':
Work around a bug in older DownloadManager versions.
2013-05-15 11:04:45 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 13a2e1b2: am 4dc77dcf: Merge "[PB7] Export animation code out of the preference"
* commit '13a2e1b245c56812fd91099b4fe91a6111a14c0f':
[PB7] Export animation code out of the preference
2013-05-15 11:04:44 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am c090b38c: am a995bf40: Put temp files within app files
* commit 'c090b38c15cadf9655b2ba026639a42b76c2ea1f':
Put temp files within app files
2013-05-15 11:04:42 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 36de7a5e: am 30f0f3a9: Merge "Implement a functionality to add an entry to the user dictionary"
* commit '36de7a5ea32ef6738a2923581e0b14a00b8a6808':
Implement a functionality to add an entry to the user dictionary
2013-05-15 11:04:41 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 7e22f2e3: am 2cf450f4: [PB6] Encapsulate the buttons into a view
* commit '7e22f2e374425f5676fb9eac4bfb97e211d0d487':
[PB6] Encapsulate the buttons into a view
2013-05-15 11:04:40 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 7a9ec9dd: am e91387e2: Merge "[PB5] Store state in a more convenient manner"
* commit '7a9ec9dd5368c66bc4db8b52d217560339d7929f':
[PB5] Store state in a more convenient manner
2013-05-15 11:04:38 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 8b2dcbcb: am 348e062a: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '8b2dcbcbdcc6e4435ee1f31ad0355e5268413c57':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-05-15 11:04:37 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 44ba9cc2: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '44ba9cc22321b9d211176249f81e925dfa73bc05':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-05-15 11:04:36 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am a4d5187a: am 6157a049: am e91c001d: Merge "[PB4] Make a memory non-static"
* commit 'a4d5187a4c0d78b0a67ee26ef3827dd77460bf8e':
2013-05-15 11:03:49 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 45496215: am 77bcc98a: am 80790d78: Merge "[PB3] Simplify storage"
* commit '454962153d303d7364996a3918997ffb6455e8de':
2013-05-15 11:03:48 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 49ab021b: am e52eb1f7: am 776edcfe: Merge "[PB2] Small bugfix"
* commit '49ab021b383c724a78aacfb220bc06d70e8bb0ba':
2013-05-15 11:03:47 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroynagi
am 2f503e74: am 617f99b2: am 911f3268: Fix proximity/edit correction detection that affects the terminal cost.
* commit '2f503e7463377042ae9c15a91163203c0f1fe3ab':
2013-05-15 11:03:46 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am b713600a: am fd4baafe: am 46913aed: Merge "Add next axction to setup wizard"
* commit 'b713600a52b802f899d33c46a3e89df143855dbd':
2013-05-15 11:03:45 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am dfa5d2d7: am 38df0ed2: am b40a8c06: Merge "Tune setup wizard layout for landscape and tablet"
* commit 'dfa5d2d799e4f2b6192acc9ab2f381e8e2d2b615':
2013-05-15 11:03:43 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 96d5e291: am 6448f749: am b35aa487: Merge "Make aggressive threshold really aggressive"
* commit '96d5e291663558b302a2ae2c50afffa5f5caf8d2':
2013-05-15 11:03:41 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 7710c9d5: am ceb3f293: am 0e96003e: Merge "Refactor SetupStepGroup"
* commit '7710c9d59f00459e52d5ada3db40c4e563e3c1ba':
2013-05-15 11:03:40 -07:00 |
Tom Ouyang
am 98db1665: am 4b4e5f6c: am f99f1a75: Merge "Check bigrams for lowercased previous word if original is not found"
* commit '98db1665906b54f2d5b55d8ea6e7a7c23f441812':
2013-05-15 11:03:39 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am b689e661: am 9ff6a6bf: am 3ee39be1: Merge "Add setup wizard indicator size resource"
* commit 'b689e6615b420a9964dfd5a3086f7ff84fdebb0f':
2013-05-15 11:03:37 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 1f4b7481: am 6a355d2d: am 197a2d32: Merge "[PB1] Cleanup"
* commit '1f4b7481969c8ddf16e15350624858a3bdd17383':
2013-05-15 11:03:36 -07:00 |
Tadashi G. Takaoka
am 459c83a2: (-s ours) am bf53cade: am b71e435e: (-s ours) am e55ae342: am 0e5b6384: Disable shadow of gesture trail (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '459c83a2ce761b855b1f527c1a6183df96e74fcd':
2013-05-15 11:03:34 -07:00 |