Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 2d16f164: am 3e313e3d: am fef9e1cd: am 0ae51a5e: am e3e10317: Merge "Create empty dictionary file in native code."
* commit '2d16f1647a65d381815476cacc3692d34b6d89e2':
2013-10-03 16:29:56 -07:00 |
Yuichiro Hanada
am 161ea83b: am bfdc5d64: am 09129f58: am 11cccb56: am d188af70: Add SparseTable.
* commit '161ea83b54938536634c66a8c9478c588eb3ddc3':
2013-10-03 16:29:53 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am f86d2822: am 48c98423: am 9cb1b71c: am 4d4534b3: am 4ec2c6cc: Merge "Fix getDictionary."
* commit 'f86d28220ffe99a5021f55eec6357f1757667fd8':
2013-10-03 16:29:50 -07:00 |
Ken Wakasa
am 56e6e0fc: am 4f0da21e: am bf639e3c: am 84f6b2c0: am 5f8eba02: Merge "Revert inconsistent assets"
* commit '56e6e0fc1395e65d306dd23d4ab2c521a9160b83':
2013-10-03 16:29:43 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am d94fb283: am 31d20e16: am ce78149b: am 0171de25: am 10b56df4: Merge "Prepare dictionary file creating in native code."
* commit 'd94fb2832ee023417b2bd188cefe1f41a260c239':
2013-10-03 16:29:39 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 40a76c1f: am 6ae17f5b: am 0028be84: am b8098b3c: am c6015327: Merge "Add empty PtNode checking for PatriciaTriePolicy."
* commit '40a76c1fdecd1c03ef28bc212f60f80a0e6eb8fb':
2013-10-03 16:29:36 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 247d44b5: am 3b48d3fb: am 853cd794: am 42c716be: am 36f45921: Merge "Refactoring header attribute reading."
* commit '247d44b57bb1ed604e08cc395a328adc85d7a1d3':
2013-10-03 16:29:33 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am efba36bf: (-s ours) am 8a0013f3: (-s ours) am 7225cbf8: (-s ours) am 1a8d1cbc: (-s ours) am d28ea2b5: (-s ours) am 1e4ab88d: (-s ours) am 5a1d1557: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit 'efba36bf2b0b3d16b02f3bf3622a5a7ef70888a2':
2013-10-03 16:29:30 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am f5ddd568: am 252fe86f: am 99a15f84: am 2f11bc9b: am 009dcac3: Boundary check for children creating of PatriciaTriePolicy.
* commit 'f5ddd5682218dc7f9030c47308fa257fb31413c8':
2013-10-03 16:29:27 -07:00 |
Ken Wakasa
am 2ac06cc8: am 9ca0e511: am 086ffdcc: am 6c0e48b1: am 4350a93a: Merge "Fix the offdevice regression test build"
* commit '2ac06cc87de104baece3e1150cea3a13054e0973':
2013-10-03 16:29:24 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am d00b457a: am 12f9d9cc: am 6f5d2ded: am a2174bad: am 5fa96540: Merge "Clear traverse sessions when closing."
* commit 'd00b457ad0e103c678a7f8fea84e7158767a3c57':
2013-10-03 16:29:22 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am e38eb43b: am 96652219: am 2d514c81: am c536d27c: am 6e41d9a4: Merge "Input delete onUpKey"
* commit 'e38eb43ba56d87d6e8874a4ba02043dae03ad801':
2013-10-03 16:29:19 -07:00 |
Ken Wakasa
am bff49c39: am 7988da37: am 257f59fb: am b2956ef5: am 399422f4: Merge "Make Ver4DictEncoder write an address table of terminal nodes."
* commit 'bff49c393b140d5fbb34d1bfaa377adcf7163b49':
2013-10-03 16:29:16 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 024ce454: am 652fcd56: am 95c7dfd0: am 5512b300: am 1e69f3e6: Fix emoji page
* commit '024ce4548c05f064ba4747bdf9d4098dad229686':
2013-10-03 16:29:13 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 7423a791: am e39df0b2: am 16c85695: am 400ec7c5: am 0938fb69: Allow gesture from the delete key
* commit '7423a7915ab81d746f85312c0450c5730045ad52':
2013-10-03 16:29:09 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 32597669: am 90394a36: am 73575763: am daa9eac9: am 9c3b2dbe: Fix emoji state
* commit '32597669b4cc65dd4114db0e30ae2b05e1611e79':
2013-10-03 16:29:06 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 839fa5f3: (-s ours) am aca3b7a8: (-s ours) am 7b94f85a: (-s ours) am 6460cc71: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-ub-latinimegoogle
* commit '839fa5f3a4b318398d940614d12054c0e05b20a7':
2013-10-03 16:29:02 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am d640f02c: am 1e7f4089: am b17084a4: am 0f75a055: am 431158c9: Turn off emoji palette on JB-MR2
* commit 'd640f02cb5525e49ece46b43db53cdadecd173b6':
2013-10-03 16:28:59 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am cf2b3063: (-s ours) am 11587e47: (-s ours) am 0693c6d2: (-s ours) am d484b1f4: (-s ours) am 46fdc6fd: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
* commit 'cf2b3063f84b21bcfdffb2b16aee9e3970117ee1':
2013-10-03 16:28:55 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 3bc77870: (-s ours) am 2d72a80b: (-s ours) am 3576e102: (-s ours) am 0f6eca4a: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-ub-latinimegoogle
* commit '3bc778704d41783d21b5dc6ea358ba4c9d9cdda9':
2013-10-03 16:28:52 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 3e313e3d: am fef9e1cd: am 0ae51a5e: am e3e10317: Merge "Create empty dictionary file in native code."
* commit '3e313e3db7f70aa9333c2af5efd0cbc3e39d1324':
2013-10-03 15:51:34 -07:00 |
Yuichiro Hanada
am bfdc5d64: am 09129f58: am 11cccb56: am d188af70: Add SparseTable.
* commit 'bfdc5d646278f7038df1ef71241042735ebd7781':
2013-10-03 15:51:32 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 48c98423: am 9cb1b71c: am 4d4534b3: am 4ec2c6cc: Merge "Fix getDictionary."
* commit '48c98423ba9181fa5909f2f8b9a9f42eda2287c5':
2013-10-03 15:51:29 -07:00 |
Ken Wakasa
am 4f0da21e: am bf639e3c: am 84f6b2c0: am 5f8eba02: Merge "Revert inconsistent assets"
* commit '4f0da21e03412a29442ad81b3d95624555bc3dbc':
2013-10-03 15:51:27 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 31d20e16: am ce78149b: am 0171de25: am 10b56df4: Merge "Prepare dictionary file creating in native code."
* commit '31d20e169807f39b3d98a8a2388d43967aecb363':
2013-10-03 15:51:24 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 6ae17f5b: am 0028be84: am b8098b3c: am c6015327: Merge "Add empty PtNode checking for PatriciaTriePolicy."
* commit '6ae17f5b7ab5547597282ab4f098b06d72b324f4':
2013-10-03 15:51:23 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 3b48d3fb: am 853cd794: am 42c716be: am 36f45921: Merge "Refactoring header attribute reading."
* commit '3b48d3fb93548cd332474d05e041568b4f392418':
2013-10-03 15:51:20 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 8a0013f3: (-s ours) am 7225cbf8: (-s ours) am 1a8d1cbc: (-s ours) am d28ea2b5: (-s ours) am 1e4ab88d: (-s ours) am 5a1d1557: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '8a0013f330d1afea623aeb7756f731f060440011':
2013-10-03 15:51:18 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 252fe86f: am 99a15f84: am 2f11bc9b: am 009dcac3: Boundary check for children creating of PatriciaTriePolicy.
* commit '252fe86faf675c7e3ffec11ccaf6cdc12d377aba':
2013-10-03 15:51:16 -07:00 |
Ken Wakasa
am 9ca0e511: am 086ffdcc: am 6c0e48b1: am 4350a93a: Merge "Fix the offdevice regression test build"
* commit '9ca0e511e8a604dabb2ce0055ed38501af66eb6d':
2013-10-03 15:51:14 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 12f9d9cc: am 6f5d2ded: am a2174bad: am 5fa96540: Merge "Clear traverse sessions when closing."
* commit '12f9d9cc8599fcff2e250c4d62e8a4fb69a4db33':
2013-10-03 15:51:11 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 96652219: am 2d514c81: am c536d27c: am 6e41d9a4: Merge "Input delete onUpKey"
* commit '96652219a5e4fd3c82f051c7c26b00c04c072349':
2013-10-03 15:51:09 -07:00 |
Ken Wakasa
am 7988da37: am 257f59fb: am b2956ef5: am 399422f4: Merge "Make Ver4DictEncoder write an address table of terminal nodes."
* commit '7988da3797819fcd26bb434877e713358c1d269a':
2013-10-03 15:51:07 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 652fcd56: am 95c7dfd0: am 5512b300: am 1e69f3e6: Fix emoji page
* commit '652fcd56052496dd8e0d33d36b0827723c1a85bf':
2013-10-03 15:51:04 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am e39df0b2: am 16c85695: am 400ec7c5: am 0938fb69: Allow gesture from the delete key
* commit 'e39df0b274ef2a97fe312b27520746207d6c01f8':
2013-10-03 15:51:02 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 90394a36: am 73575763: am daa9eac9: am 9c3b2dbe: Fix emoji state
* commit '90394a361be5d8283cd5d2793db351985bfba2bc':
2013-10-03 15:51:00 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am aca3b7a8: (-s ours) am 7b94f85a: (-s ours) am 6460cc71: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-ub-latinimegoogle
* commit 'aca3b7a89917ddd8cb5399308a280160311a8d58':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-10-03 15:50:57 -07:00 |
Satoshi Kataoka
am 1e7f4089: am b17084a4: am 0f75a055: am 431158c9: Turn off emoji palette on JB-MR2
* commit '1e7f4089046038684560cf1da8b17fb7837d5ec6':
2013-10-03 15:50:55 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 11587e47: (-s ours) am 0693c6d2: (-s ours) am d484b1f4: (-s ours) am 46fdc6fd: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
* commit '11587e47af96154f50122cdf9cf3aa8bd58cab0b':
2013-10-03 15:50:53 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 2d72a80b: (-s ours) am 3576e102: (-s ours) am 0f6eca4a: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-ub-latinimegoogle
* commit '2d72a80b7d2c2d0015ea04fc8a42242f43520626':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-10-03 15:50:50 -07:00 |
Alan Viverette
am afa56511: Merge "Update string comments for translation"
* commit 'afa565119cd3e8fd7f92ee22033932fc8e8d47d4':
Update string comments for translation
2013-10-03 13:37:51 -07:00 |
Alan Viverette
Merge "Update string comments for translation"
2013-10-03 20:34:24 +00:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am fef9e1cd: am 0ae51a5e: am e3e10317: Merge "Create empty dictionary file in native code."
* commit 'fef9e1cdb374354957e8be774a4e9099a05f2335':
Create empty dictionary file in native code.
2013-10-03 13:21:22 -07:00 |
Yuichiro Hanada
am 09129f58: am 11cccb56: am d188af70: Add SparseTable.
* commit '09129f58f260edfded5cdd9b9f793a9e7c81acdb':
Add SparseTable.
2013-10-03 13:21:19 -07:00 |
Jean Chalard
am 9cb1b71c: am 4d4534b3: am 4ec2c6cc: Merge "Fix getDictionary."
* commit '9cb1b71c304af6dc7e43efb1a3cf41449ac5bcc3':
Fix getDictionary.
2013-10-03 13:21:15 -07:00 |
Ken Wakasa
am bf639e3c: am 84f6b2c0: am 5f8eba02: Merge "Revert inconsistent assets"
* commit 'bf639e3c05f7905bc22cc46645f436ab86e7876d':
Revert inconsistent assets
2013-10-03 13:21:12 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am ce78149b: am 0171de25: am 10b56df4: Merge "Prepare dictionary file creating in native code."
* commit 'ce78149b1474060a6167dea7a45479eb8ec02939':
Prepare dictionary file creating in native code.
2013-10-03 13:21:09 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 0028be84: am b8098b3c: am c6015327: Merge "Add empty PtNode checking for PatriciaTriePolicy."
* commit '0028be8428498c158ba52867f8de24a805819f3e':
Add empty PtNode checking for PatriciaTriePolicy.
2013-10-03 13:21:05 -07:00 |
Keisuke Kuroyanagi
am 853cd794: am 42c716be: am 36f45921: Merge "Refactoring header attribute reading."
* commit '853cd794f32a9c06367df1d289eeaf5b6203ac36':
Refactoring header attribute reading.
2013-10-03 13:21:01 -07:00 |
Baligh Uddin
am 7225cbf8: (-s ours) am 1a8d1cbc: (-s ours) am d28ea2b5: (-s ours) am 1e4ab88d: (-s ours) am 5a1d1557: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '7225cbf8c89931bcb8d6423078f6e87670dc94f0':
2013-10-03 13:20:57 -07:00 |