
841 B

hibiscus client



$ git clone --recursive "https://git.lavender.software/hibiscus-client/hibiscus.git"
$ cd hibiscus/
hibiscus/ $ # [open IntelliJ IDEA or something here, otherwise:]
hibiscus/ $ ./gradlew runClient

Make sure you clone recursive! If you didn't, just:

hibiscus/ $ git submodule update --init

You may want to also mark the run and vendor folders as excluded in IntelliJ.

To authenticate from the IDE, you can create a lastlogin.txt file in run/ (already gitignored) with the following structure.

my super secure minecraft password

This is handled by unknit's MixinMinecraftMain, and logs your account in at game start-up. If you do not trust having the file within the project directory, you can set the LOGIN_FILE environment variable.