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# Chat Registration System
The basic backend code needed to register & login to a chat system (to be built).
Send it the unhashed username and pin, and it'll store it in the `users.json` file with the pin hashed with SHA1.
## API Documentation
`POST /api/register/<name>/<pin>/<pronouns>` Register the username with the pin provided if it doesn't already exist
`GET /api/users/<name>` Check if the user exists
`GET /api/users/<name>/<pin>` Check if the user exists, and if the pin provided matches
`POST /api/users/change/<name>/<pin>/<new-name>/<new-pin>` Change a users pin/name
`GET /api/about/name/<name>` Get's the name of a user, probably just for checking if they exist
`GET /api/about/pronouns/<name>` Get's the pronouns of a user
## Chat Planning
Clientside js will register & check login of users, if login is correct will ask for a random token.
Backend will generate token, store it, and then send it to the client to set as a cookie.
Whenever user sends a message, client will send message & token and backend will check if token matches.
## To-Do:
- [x] Basic auth api
- [ ] Basic messaging system
- [ ] Token generation & storage
- [x] Pronouns