25 lines
1.0 KiB
25 lines
1.0 KiB
dmenu_command = rofi -dmenu
# # Note that dmenu_command can contain arguments as well like:
# # `dmenu_command = rofi -dmenu -i -theme nmdm`
# # `dmenu_command = rofi -dmenu -width 30 -i`
# # `dmenu_command = dmenu -i -l 25 -b -nb #909090 -nf #303030`
rofi_highlight = True
# (Default: False) use rofi highlighting instead of '=='
# compact = <True or False> # (Default: False). Remove extra spacing from display
# pinentry = <Pinentry command> # (Default: None) e.g. `pinentry-gtk`
# wifi_chars = <string of 4 unicode characters representing 1-4 bars strength>
# wifi_chars = ▂▄▆█
# list_saved = <True or False> # (Default: False) list saved connections
# # Uses the -password flag for Rofi, -x for bemenu. For dmenu, sets -nb and
# # -nf to the same color or uses -P if the dmenu password patch is applied
# # https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/password/
obscure = True
# obscure_color = #222222
# terminal = <name of terminal program>
# gui_if_available = <True or False> (Default: True)