Team, social links 重點色調 重點色調,預設為粉紅色。 關於 加到最愛 加入播放佇列 加入播放清單... 清空播放佇列 清除播放清單 Cycle repeat mode 刪除 刪除 詳細資訊 開啟此專輯 前往此演唱者頁面 Go to genre 前往起始目錄 取得 網格大小 網格大小 New playlist 下一首 播放 Play all 在下一首播放 播放/暫停 上一首 從最愛中移除 從播放佇列中移除 從播放清單移除 重新命名 Save playing queue 掃描 搜尋 設定 設為鈴聲 設為起始目錄 "設定" 分享 隨機播放 隨機播放清單 睡眠定時器 Sort order 編輯音樂資訊 Toggle favorite Toggle shuffle mode Adaptive Add Add lyrics Add \nphoto "加入播放清單" Add time frame lyrics "已將 1 首歌加到播放佇列" 已將 %1$d 首歌加到播放佇列。 專輯 專輯演出者 專輯名稱或演出者欄是空的。 專輯 永遠 Hey check out this cool music player at: 隨機播放 最佳單曲 Retro music - 大型 Retro music - Card Retro music - 經典 Retro music - 小型 Retro music - Text 演唱者 演唱者 無法控制音訊焦點。 Change the sound settings and adjust the equalizer controls Auto Base color theme Bass Boost Bio 簡介 純黑(AMOLED) Blacklist Blur Blur Card Unable to send report Invalid access token. Please contact the app developer. Issues are not enabled for the selected repository. Please contact the app developer. An unexpected error occurred. Please contact the app developer. Wrong username or password Issue Send manually Please enter an issue description Please enter your valid GitHub password Please enter an issue title Please enter your valid GitHub username An unexpected error occurred. Sorry you found this bug, if it keeps crashing \"Clear app data\" or send an Email Uploading report to GitHub… Send using GitHub account Buy now 取消目前的計時器 Card Circular Colored Card Card Carousel Carousel effect on the now playing screen Cascading Cast 新功能 Changelog maintained on the Telegram channel Circle Circular Classic 清空 Clear app data Clear blacklist Clear queue 清空播放清單 %1$s? This can\u2019t be undone!]]> Close Color Color 主題顏色 Composer Copied device info to clipboard. Couldn\u2019t create playlist. "Couldn\u2019t download a matching album cover." Could not restore purchase. 不能掃描 %d。 建立 已新增播放清單 %1$s。 Members and contributors 我正在聽 %2$s 的 %1$s 暗沉 No Lyrics 刪除播放清單 %1$s 嗎?]]> 刪除多個播放清單 Delete song %1$s 嗎?]]> Delete songs %1$d 個播放清單?]]> %1$d 首歌嗎?]]> 已刪除 %1$d 首歌。 Deleting songs Depth Description Device info Allow Retro Music to modify audio settings Set ringtone Do you want to clear the blacklist? %1$s from the blacklist?]]> 捐助 如果你認為我的努力值得回報,你可以在這裡留幾塊錢。 Buy me a: 從 下載 Drive mode Edit Edit cover 空的 等化器 Error FAQ 最愛 Finish last song Fit 方角 文件夾 Follow system For you Free Full Full card Change the theme and colors of the app Look and feel 類型 Genres Fork the project on GitHub Join the Google Plus community where you can ask for help or follow Retro Music updates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Grid style Hinge 記錄 首頁 Horizontal flip Image Gradient image Change artist image download settings 已將 %1$d 首歌加入播放清單 %2$s 中。 Share your Retro Music setup to showcase on Instagram Keyboard 位元率 格式 檔案名稱 檔案路徑 檔案大小 More from %s 取樣率 長度 Labeled 最後新增 Last song Let\'s play some music 音樂庫 Library categories 原始碼授權 明亮 Listeners 清單文件 正在載入 Login 歌詞 Made with ❤️ in India Material Error Permission error Name 我的最佳單曲 永不 New banner photo 新增播放清單 New profile photo %s是新的起始目錄 Next Song 沒有專輯 沒有演唱者 "請先播放一首歌後再重試一遍。" 找不到等化器。 You have no genres No lyrics found No songs playing 沒有播放清單 No purchase found. 沒有搜尋結果 沒有歌曲 Normal Normal lyrics Normal %s 未在音樂庫裡。]]> 沒有東西可掃描。 Nothing to see 通知 Customize the notification style Now playing 播放佇列 Customize the now playing screen 9+ now playing themes 只在有 Wi-Fi 連接時 Advanced testing features Other Password Past 3 months Paste lyrics here Peak 無法取得存取外部儲存空間的權限。 存取被拒 Personalize Customize your now playing and UI controls 從手機裡選擇(SD卡或記憶體) Pick image Pinterest Follow Pinterest page for Retro Music design inspiration Plain The playing notification provides actions for play/pause etc. Playing notification 播放清單是空的 Playlist is empty 播放清單名稱 播放清單 Album detail style Amount of blur applied for blur themes, lower is faster Blur amount Adjust the bottom sheet dialog corners Dialog corner Filter songs by length Filter song duration Advanced Album style 音訊 Blacklist Controls Theme 圖片 Library 鎖定螢幕 Playlists Pauses the song when the volume decreases to zero and starts playing back when the volume level rises. Also works outside the app Pause on zero Keep in mind that enabling this feature may affect battery life Keep the screen on Click to open with or slide to without transparent navigation of now playing screen Click or Slide Snow fall effect 將播放中歌曲的專輯封面設為鎖定螢幕背景。 通知鈴聲、導航語音等。 The content of blacklisted folders is hidden from your library. Start playing as soon as connected to bluetooth device 在鎖定畫面上模糊化專輯圖片。第三方程式和小工具可能不正常運作。 Carousel effect for the album art in the now playing screen. Note that Card and Blur Card themes won\'t work Use the classic notification design 在播放面板上,背景與控制按鈕的顏色將根據的專輯封面顏色而改變 將重點色調設為應用快捷方式的顏色。每次更改重點色調後,請切換此功能以生效。 將主色調設為導航列的顏色。 "\u72c0\u614b\u5217\u984f\u8272\u8207\u5c08\u8f2f\u5716\u7247\u984f\u8272\u4e00\u81f4" As per Material Design guide lines in dark mode colors should be desaturated Most dominant color will be picked from the album or artist cover Add extra controls for mini player Show extra Song information, such as file format, bitrate and frequency "可能會在某些裝置上出現播放問題。" Toggle genre tab Toggle home banner style 提高專輯封面的成像品質,但會造成較長的讀取時間。建議只有在您對低畫質的專輯封面有問題時才開啟此選項。 Configure visibility and order of library categories. Use Retro Music\'s custom lockscreen controls License details for open source software 使視窗邊角為圓形邊角 Toggle titles for the bottom navigation bar tabs Immersive mode Start playing immediately after headphones are connected Shuffle mode will turn off when playing a new list of songs If enough space is available, show volume controls in the now playing screen 顯示專輯封面 Album cover theme Album cover skip Album grid 彩色的應用快捷方式 Artist grid 在焦點音訊響起時降低音量 自動下載演唱者圖片 Blacklist Bluetooth playback 將專輯圖片模糊化 Choose equalizer Classic notification design 自適應顏色 彩色的狀態列 Desaturated color Extra controls Song info 無縫播放 主題 Show genre tab Home artist grid Home banner 忽略音訊檔內嵌的專輯封面 Last added playlist interval Fullscreen controls 彩色的導航列 外觀 開源授權協議 圓形邊角 Tab titles mode Carousel effect Dominant color Fullscreen app Tab titles Auto-play Shuffle mode Volume controls User info 主色調 The primary theme color, defaults to blue grey, for now works with dark colors Pro Black theme, Now playing themes, Carousel effect and more.. Profile Purchase *Think before buying, don\'t ask for refund. 播放佇列 評分 如果您喜歡 Retro music,在 Play 商店給個好評吧 ! Recent albums Recent artists 移除 Remove banner photo 移除封面 Remove from blacklist Remove profile photo 將歌曲從播放清單中移除 %1$s 從播放清單中移除嗎?]]> 將多首歌曲從播放清單中移除 %1$d 首歌從播放清單中移除嗎?]]> 重新命名播放清單 Report an issue Report bug Reset Reset artist image Restore Restored previous purchase. Please restart the app to make use of all features. 回復購買 Restoring purchase… Retro Music Equalizer Retro Music Player Retro Music Pro File delete failed: %s Can\'t get SAF URI Open navigation drawer Enable \'Show SD card\' in overflow menu %s needs SD card access You need to select your SD card root directory Select your SD card in navigation drawer Do not open any sub-folders Tap \'select\' button at the bottom of the screen File write failed: %s Save 儲存檔案 Save as files 已儲存播放清單至 %s 儲存變更 Scan media 已掃描 %2$d 個檔案夾中的 %1$d 個。 Scrobbles 搜尋音樂庫… Select all Select banner photo Selected Send crash log Set Set artist image Set a profile photo Share app Share to Stories 隨機播放 Simple 已取消睡眠定時器。 %d 分鐘後,音樂將會自動停止。 Slide Small album Social Share story 歌曲 Song duration 歌曲 排序 Ascending Album Artist Composer Date added Date modified Year Descending 抱歉!你的裝置不支援語音輸入 搜尋音樂庫 Stack Start playing music. Suggestions Just show your name on home screen 支援開發 Swipe to unlock Synced lyrics System Equalizer Telegram Join the Telegram group to discuss bugs, make suggestions, show off and more 感謝你! 音訊檔案 This month This week This year Tiny Title Dashboard Good afternoon Good day Good evening Good morning Good night What\'s Your Name Today Top albums Top artists "音軌(用2表示第2首歌或用3004表示 CD3 的第4首歌)" Track number 翻譯 Help us translate the app to your language Twitter Share your design with Retro Music Unlabeled \u7121\u6cd5\u64ad\u653e\u9019\u9996\u6b4c\u3002 即將播放 更新圖片 正在更新… Username 版本 Vertical flip Virtualizer Volume 網路搜尋 Welcome, 你想分享哪些內容? What\'s New Window Rounded corners 已將 %1$s 設為鈴聲。 已選取 %1$d 個 年份 You have to select at least one category. You will be forwarded to the issue tracker website. Your account data is only used for authentication. Amount Note(Optional) Start payment Show now playing screen Clicking on the notification will show now playing screen instead of the home screen Tiny card About %s Select language Translators The people who helped translate this app Try Retro Music Premium Songs Albums %d Songs %d Albums %d Artists