package; /** * @author Hemanth S (h4h13). */ public class TempUtils { // Enums public static final int TEMPO_STROLL = 0; public static final int TEMPO_WALK = 1; public static final int TEMPO_LIGHT_JOG = 2; public static final int TEMPO_JOG = 3; public static final int TEMPO_RUN = 4; public static final int TEMPO_SPRINT = 5; public static final int TEMPO_UNKNOWN = 6; // take BPM as an int public static int getTempoFromBPM(int bpm) { // STROLL less than 60 if (bpm < 60) { return TEMPO_STROLL; } // WALK between 60 and 70, or between 120 and 140 else if (bpm < 70 || bpm >= 120 && bpm < 140) { return TEMPO_WALK; } // LIGHT_JOG between 70 and 80, or between 140 and 160 else if (bpm < 80 || bpm >= 140 && bpm < 160) { return TEMPO_LIGHT_JOG; } // JOG between 80 and 90, or between 160 and 180 else if (bpm < 90 || bpm >= 160 && bpm < 180) { return TEMPO_JOG; } // RUN between 90 and 100, or between 180 and 200 else if (bpm < 100 || bpm >= 180 && bpm < 200) { return TEMPO_RUN; } // SPRINT between 100 and 120 else if (bpm < 120) { return TEMPO_SPRINT; } // UNKNOWN else { return TEMPO_UNKNOWN; } } // take BPM as a string public static int getTempoFromBPM(String bpm) { // cast to an int from string try { // convert the string to an int return getTempoFromBPM(Integer.parseInt(bpm.trim())); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // return TEMPO_UNKNOWN; } } }