@id/cast_button_type_empty @id/cast_button_type_rewind_30_seconds @id/cast_button_type_mute_toggle @id/cast_button_type_empty @id/cast_button_type_closed_caption @id/cast_button_type_skip_previous @id/cast_button_type_skip_next @id/cast_button_type_mute_toggle @id/cast_button_type_empty @id/cast_button_type_empty @id/cast_button_type_play_pause_toggle code_name_monkey_donate_1 code_name_monkey_donate_2 code_name_monkey_donate_3 code_name_monkey_donate_4 code_name_monkey_donate_5 code_name_monkey_donate_6 code_name_monkey_donate_7 @string/normal @string/cascading @string/depth @string/vertical_flip @string/horizontal_flip @string/hinge 0 1 2 3 4 5 @layout/activity_album @layout/activity_album_style_2 @layout/activity_album @layout/activity_album_small @string/normal @string/small 0 1 @string/always @string/only_on_wifi @string/never always only_wifi never @string/system_equalizer @string/retro_equalizer system retro @string/light_theme_name @string/dark_theme_name @string/black_theme_name @string/color_theme_name light dark black color @layout/item_grid @layout/item_card @layout/item_card_color @layout/item_grid_circle @layout/image @layout/item_image_gradient @string/normal_style @string/card_style @string/card_color_style @string/card_circular_style @string/image @string/image_gradient 0 1 2 3 4 5 @layout/item_artist @layout/item_artist_square @layout/item_album_card @string/circular @string/card_color_style @string/card_style 0 1 2 @string/today @string/this_week @string/this_month @string/past_three_months @string/this_year today this_week this_month past_three_months this_year @string/auto @string/labeled @string/selected @string/unlabeled 0 1 2 3 true false true false true @android:color/black #7fa87f @android:color/black @android:color/black @color/material_deep_teal_200 @color/material_deep_teal_500 #f5f5f5 #607d8b #1F000000 #1F000000 #4DFFFFFF #43000000 #4DFFFFFF #43000000 #B3FFFFFF #8A000000 #FFFFFFFF #DE000000 #B3FFFFFF #8A000000 #FF424242 #FFBDBDBD #FFBDBDBD #FFFAFAFA #1AFFFFFF #1F000000 #4DFFFFFF #43000000 #4DFFFFFF #61000000 @color/material_grey_800 @android:color/white @color/material_grey_850 @color/material_grey_50 #80ffffff #80000000 @color/bright_foreground_material_light @color/bright_foreground_material_dark @android:color/white @android:color/black #ff5a595b #ffd6d7d7 #FF424242 #FFFFFFFF #03000000 #37000000 #FEC92F #1AFFFFFF #FEC92F #000000 #FFFFFFFF #E5FFFFFF #46FFFFFF #FFFFFF #CC000000 #BB33B5E5 #2196F3 #FFFFFFFF #FFFFFFFF #000000 #D0021B @android:color/white #1F000000 @android:color/black @android:color/white #90000000 #1F000000 #90000000 #DE000000 #14000000 #3F51B5 #303F9F @android:color/transparent #14000000 #44000000 #0A000000 #0F000000 #1AFFFFFF #2EFFFFFF #323232 #80bebebe #80323232 #ffbebebe #ff323232 #80000000 #ff7043 #ff5722 @android:color/white @android:color/black #6680cbc4 #66009688 #ff37474f #ff263238 #ff21272b #ff80cbc4 #ff009688 #fff5f5f5 #ffe0e0e0 #fffafafa #ff757575 #ff424242 #ff303030 #ff212121 #000000 #2196F3 #302196F3 #448AFF #2979FF #2962FF #37474F #33969696 #40CBCBCB #30673AB7 #651FFF #6200EA #10000000 #10FFFFFF #DD2C00 #304CAF50 #69F0AE #00C853 #EEEEEE #BDBDBD #9E9E9E #616161 #424242 #212121 #3F51B5 #2196F3 #1565C0 #E91E63 #F50057 #EF5350 #F44336 #30F44336 #FF1744 #D50000 #FFFFFF #30FFEB3B #FFD600 #1F000000 #61000000 #00ffffff #52000000 #6B000000 #1F000000 #0A000000 #DE000000 #ffffffff #ff9e9e9e #ff424242 #ff008577 @android:color/black @color/material_grey_600 @color/material_grey_900 @color/material_grey_100 #ffffffff #de000000 #4Dffffff #39000000 #33ffffff #1f000000 #b3ffffff #8a000000 #36ffffff #24000000 #ff616161 #ffbdbdbd #ffbdbdbd #fff1f1f1 #e6616161 #e6FFFFFF #34000000 16dp 72dp 56dp 0dp 0dp 4dp 16dp 10dp 6dp 48dp 180dp 5dp -3dp 48dp 48dp 36dp 48dp 48dp @dimen/abc_control_inset_material 6dp 8dp @dimen/abc_control_padding_material 720dp 320dp 2dp 4dp 4dp 2dp 80% 100% 320dp 320dp 8dp 8dp 65% 95% 24dp 18dp 8dp 0.30 0.26 32dip 8dip 8dip 7dp 4dp 10dp 16dp @dimen/abc_action_bar_content_inset_material 296dp 4dp 48dip 320dip 2dp 2dp 20dp 3dp 14sp 14sp 14sp 12sp 34sp 45sp 56sp 112sp 24sp 22sp 18sp 14sp 16sp 14sp 16sp 16dp 20sp 20dp 110dp 250dp 128dp 56dp 64dp 250dp 2dp 96dp 96dp 40dp 250dp 48dp 48dp 40dp 250dp 1dp 14sp 16sp 16dp 0dp 2dp 1dp 2dp 2dp 350dp -1px 370dp 20dp 350dp 420dp 24dp 56dp 12dp 24dp 0.4 50dp 35dp 100dp 20dp 88dp 20dp 40dp 40dp 16sp 20sp 40dp 20dp 320dp 16dp 16dp 64dp 64dp 64dp 18sp 18sp 4dp 4dp 6dp 8dp 4dp 2dp 320dp 320dp 8dip 16dp 4dp 168dp 96dp 14sp 8dp 56dp 24dp 96dp 56dp 8dp 1dp 12sp 16dp 64dp 0.5dp 6dp 24dp 40dp 56dp 6dp 6dp 16dp 32dp 24dp 16dp 32dp 280dp 8dp 8dp 128dp 0dp 6dp 0dp -1px -1px 12dp 14dp 24dp 14sp 264dp 72dp 14sp 12sp 5dp 0.30 0.26 20sp 8dp 0dp 50dp 0.26 0.20 0.12 0.50 0.38 0.70 0.54 0dp 32dp 20dp 800dp 120dp 8dp 72dp 4dp 2dp 2dp 8dp 48dp 4dp 6dp 72dp 12dp 8dp 32dp 4dp 1dp 14sp 56dp 8dp 8dp 16sp 24dp 28dp 356dp 52dp 1dp 16dp 48dp 6dp 48dp 24dp 16sp 12dp 8dp 12dp 16dp 20dp 16dp 62dp 40dp 16dp 18sp 8dp 12dp 6dp 20sp 48dp 104dp 68dp 24dp 288dp 16dp 320dp 320dp 60dp 5dp 8dp 0dp 56dp 4dp 64dp 0dp 0dp 2dp 2dp 2dp 12dp 8dp 6dp 0.07 4dp 16dp 16dp 4dp 6dp 1dp 4dp 8dp 8dp 14sp 0dp 1dp 8dp 3dp 14sp 6dp 2dp 6dp 0dp 22dp 14dp 4dp 8dp 3dp 4dp 0dp 4dp 12dp 1dp 2dp 16dp 56dp 32dp 13sp 12dp 134dp 8dp 64dp 64dp 10dp @dimen/notification_content_margin_start 16dp 2dp 3dp 24dp 13sp 10dp 5dp 12dp 4dp 16dp 5dp 0dp 0dp 22dp 0dp 36dp 20dp 0dp 2dp 2dp 2dp 2dp 48dp 4dp 2dp 16dp 8dp 8dp 96dp 6.5dp 0dp 16dp #3333B5E5 #0cffffff 220 150 200 150 150 127 138 150 2 4 2 4 1 2 2 300 12451000 320 4 6 400 400 200 300 100 100 100 250 240 200 999 Navigate home Navigate up More options Done See all Choose an app OFF ON sans-serif sans-serif-medium sans-serif-medium sans-serif sans-serif sans-serif sans-serif sans-serif-light sans-serif sans-serif sans-serif sans-serif-medium Alt+ Ctrl+ delete enter Function+ Meta+ Shift+ space Sym+ Menu+ Search… Clear query Search query Search Submit query Voice search Share with Share with %s Collapse Accent color The theme accent color, defaults to teal About Add to favorites Add to playing queue Add to playlist Clear playing queue Clear playlist Delete Delete from device Details Go to album Go to artist Go to genre Go to start directory Grant Grid size Grid size (land) Next Play Play next Play/Pause Previous Remove from favorites Remove from playing queue Remove from playlist Rename Save playing queue Scan Scan directory Search Start Set as ringtone Set as start directory "Settings" Share Shuffle all Shuffle playlist Sleep timer Sort order Tag editor Adaptive Add Add \nphoto "Add to playlist" "Added 1 title to the playing queue." Added %1$d titles to the playing queue. Album Album artist The title or artist is empty. Albums Always Retro Music Hey check out this cool music player at: @string/last_added @string/last_added @string/action_shuffle_all Shuffle @string/my_top_tracks Top Tracks Retro music - Big Retro music - Card Retro music - Classic Retro music - Small$ScrollingViewBehavior Artist Artists Audio focus denied. Change the sound settings and adjust the equalizer controls Auto Base color theme Bass Boost Bio Biography Just Black Blacklist Blur Blur Card An unexpected error occurred. Sorry you found this bug, if it keeps crashing \"Clear app data\" Retro Music Pro Cancel Card Circular Colored Card Card Carousel Carousel effect on the now playing screen Cascading Cast Ad BA9C3F5E Casting to %1$s Closed captions Closed captions unavailable Connecting to %1$s Disconnect Image displayed while the cast receiver is playing an ad" Ad in progress… Album art Live stream Loading… Skip Ad You can skip ad in %1$d… Forward Forward ten seconds Forward thirty seconds @android:string/ok --:-- --:-- Mute Connected to %1$s Connecting to %1$s Cast Disconnect Pause Play Rewind Rewind ten seconds Rewind thirty seconds Playback seek control Skip to next item Skip to previous item Stop Stop live stream Audio Cancel Closed Captions Track %1$d None OK Subtitles Unmute Changelog Changelog maintained on the Telegram channel Character limit exceeded %1$d of %2$d %1$d / %2$d Circular fonts/circular_std_book.otf fonts/circular_std_black.otf Clear Clear app data Clear blacklist Clear playlist %1$s? This can\u2019t be undone!]]> Close Color Color Colors Enable %1$s won\'t work unless you enable Google Play services. Enable Google Play services Install %1$s won\'t run without Google Play services, which are missing from your device. Get Google Play services Google Play services availability Google Play services error %1$s is having trouble with Google Play services. Please try again. %1$s won\'t run without Google Play services, which are not supported by your device. Update %1$s won\'t run unless you update Google Play services. Update Google Play services %1$s won\'t run without Google Play services, which are currently updating. New version of Google Play services needed. It will update itself shortly. Open on phone Sign in Sign in with Google Couldn\u2019t create playlist. "Couldn\u2019t download a matching album cover." Could not restore purchase. Could not scan %d files. Create Created playlist %1$s. Members and contributors Currently listening to %1$s by %2$s. Kinda Dark No Lyrics Delete playlist %1$s?]]> Delete playlists %1$s?]]> %1$d playlists?]]> %1$d songs?]]> Deleted %1$d songs. Depth Discord Join the Discord server to keep up with the latest news Do you want to clear the blacklist? %1$s from the blacklist?]]> Donate If you think I deserve to get paid for my work, you can leave some money here Buy me a: Download from Edit cover Empty Equalizer Error Advanced FAQ Favorites Fit Flat Folders For you Full Full card Change the theme and colors of the app Look and feel Genre Genres GitHub Fork the project on GitHub Google Plus Join the Google Plus community where you can ask for help or follow Retro Music updates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hinge History Home Horizontal flip Image Gradient image Change artist image download settings Inserted %1$d songs into the playlist %2$s. Instagram Share your Retro Music setup to showcase on Instagram Bitrate Format File name File path Size Sampling rate Length Labeled Last added Let\'s play some music Library Licenses Clearly White Listing files Loading products… Lyrics Made with ❤️ in India Material Back Cancel Choose Custom Done Error Presets Your app has not been granted the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. Cast button Cast button. Connected Cast button. Connecting Cast button. Disconnected No info available Finding devices Cast to Album art Casting screen Close Collapse Disconnect Expand No info available No media selected Pause Play Stop Stop casting Volume slider Cast to a device Play on a group System Devices Remove %1$s My Name Most played Never New banner photo New Folder New playlist New profile photo %s is the new start directory. No albums No artists "Play a song first, then try again." No equalizer found No genres No lyrics found No playlists No purchase found. No results No songs Normal Normal lyrics Normal %s is not listed in the media store.]]> Nothing to scan. Notification Customize the notification style Now playing Now playing queue Customize the now playing screen 9+ now playing themes Only on Wi-Fi Other Show password Past 3 months M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12c1.73,4.39 6,7.5 11,7.5s9.27,-3.11 11,-7.5c-1.73,-4.39 -6,-7.5 -11,-7.5zM12,17c-2.76,0 -5,-2.24 -5,-5s2.24,-5 5,-5 5,2.24 5,5 -2.24,5 -5,5zM12,9c-1.66,0 -3,1.34 -3,3s1.34,3 3,3 3,-1.34 3,-3 -1.34,-3 -3,-3z M2,4.27 L19.73,22 L22.27,19.46 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1 L23,1 L23,23 L1,23 L1,4.27 Z M2,4.27 L2,4.27 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1 L23,1 L23,23 L1,23 L1,4.27 Z M3.27,4.27 L19.74,20.74 is an easy way to donate me money. In case you only linked a debit or a credit card the fee in the U.S. is 2.9% of the donation + $0.30 USD. Otherwise, there is no fee.more Permission to access external storage denied. Permissions denied. Personalize Customize your now playing and UI controls Pick from local storage Plain The playing notification provides actions for play/pause etc. Playing notification Empty playlist Playlist is empty Playlist name Playlists Album detail style Amount of blur applied for blur themes, lower is faster Blur amount Audio Theme Images Lockscreen Playlists Pause playing on zero and plays after raise volume. Warning when you increase the volume it starts playing even your outside the app Pause on zero Keep in mind that enabling this feature may affect battery life Keep the screen on "Only available on Lollipop." Use the currently playing song album cover as the lockscreen wallpaper Lower the volume when a system sound is played or a notification is received Blur the album cover on the lockscreen. Can cause problems with third party apps and widgets Carousel effect for the album art in the now playing screen. Note that Card and Blur Card themes won\'t work Use the classic notification design The background and control button colors change according to the album art from the now playing screen Colors the app shortcuts in the accent color. Every time you change the color please toggle this to take effect Colors the navigation bar in the primary color "Colors the notification in the album cover\u2019s vibrant color" Most dominant color will be picked from the album or artist cover Add extra controls for mini player "Can cause playback issues on some devices." Toggle genre tab Toggle home banner style Can increase the album cover quality, but causes slower image loading times. Only enable this if you have problems with low resolution artworks Use Retro Music\'s custom lockscreen controls License details for open source software Round the app\'s edges Toggle titles for the bottom navigation bar tabs Immersive mode Start playing immediately after headphones are connected Shuffle mode will turn off when playing a new list of songs If enough space is available, show volume controls in the now playing screen Show album cover Album cover theme Album cover skip Album grid Colored app shortcuts Artist grid Reduce volume on focus loss Auto-download artist images Blur album cover Choose equalizer Classic notification design Adaptive color Colored notification Extra controls Gapless playback App theme Show genre tab Home artist grid Home banner Ignore Media Store covers Last added playlist interval Fullscreen controls Colored navigation bar Now playing theme Open source licences Corner edges Tab titles mode Carousel effect Dominant color Fullscreen app Tab titles Auto-play Shuffle mode Volume controls User info Primary color The primary theme color, defaults to blue grey, for now works with dark colors Profile Purchase *Think before buying, don\'t ask for refund. Queue Rate the app Love this app? Let us know in the Google Play Store how we can make it even better Recent albums Recent artists Remove Remove banner photo Remove cover Remove from blacklist Remove profile photo Remove song from playlist %1$s from the playlist?]]> Remove songs from playlist %1$d songs from the playlist?]]> Rename playlist Reset artist image Restore Restored previous purchase. Please restart the app to make use of all features. Restored previous purchases. Restoring purchase… Retro Music Equalizer Save as file Save as files Saved playlist to %s. Saving changes Scan media Scanned %1$d of %2$d files. Search your library… Search Select all Select banner photo Selected Set artist image Shuffle Simple Sleep timer canceled. Sleep timer set for %d minutes from now. Small album Social Social Buttons Song Song duration Songs Sort order Ascending Album Artist Date Year Descending Sorry! Your device doesn\'t support speech input Search your library 999+ Suggestions %1$s, %2$s Just show your name on home screen Support development Synced lyrics System Equalizer Telegram Join the Telegram group to discuss bugs, make suggestions, show off and more Thank you! The audio file This month This week This year Tiny Dashboard Good afternoon Good day Good evening Good morning Good night What\'s Your Name Today Top albums Top artists "Track (2 for track 2 or 3004 for CD3 track 4)" Track number album_art_transition album_art_transition album_art_transition artist_image_transition artist_image_transition artist_image_transition mini_player_transition Translate Help us translate the app to your language Twitter Share your design with Retro Music Unlabeled Couldn\u2019t play this song. Up next Update image Updating… OFF ON Version Vertical flip Virtualizer Web search What do you want to share? What\'s New Window Rounded corners Set %1$s as your ringtone. %1$d selected Year