/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Hemanth Savarla. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * */ package code.name.monkey.retromusic.helper import android.annotation.TargetApi import android.app.Activity import android.content.* import android.database.Cursor import android.net.Uri import android.os.Build import android.os.Environment import android.os.IBinder import android.provider.DocumentsContract import android.widget.Toast import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import code.name.monkey.retromusic.R import code.name.monkey.retromusic.model.Song import code.name.monkey.retromusic.repository.SongRepository import code.name.monkey.retromusic.service.MusicService import code.name.monkey.retromusic.util.PreferenceUtil import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent import org.koin.core.component.inject import java.io.File import java.util.* object MusicPlayerRemote : KoinComponent { val TAG: String = MusicPlayerRemote::class.java.simpleName private val mConnectionMap = WeakHashMap() var musicService: MusicService? = null private val songRepository by inject() var isCasting: Boolean = false set(value) { field = value if (value) { musicService?.quit() } println(value.toString() + "" + isCasting.toString()) } @JvmStatic val isPlaying: Boolean get() = musicService != null && musicService!!.isPlaying fun isPlaying(song: Song): Boolean { return if (!isPlaying) { false } else song.id == currentSong.id } val currentSong: Song get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.currentSong } else Song.emptySong val nextSong: Song? get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService?.nextSong } else Song.emptySong /** * Async */ var position: Int get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.position } else -1 set(position) { if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.position = position } } @JvmStatic val playingQueue: List get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService?.playingQueue as List } else listOf() val songProgressMillis: Int get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.songProgressMillis } else -1 val songDurationMillis: Int get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.songDurationMillis } else -1 val repeatMode: Int get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.repeatMode } else MusicService.REPEAT_MODE_NONE @JvmStatic val shuffleMode: Int get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.shuffleMode } else MusicService.SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE val audioSessionId: Int get() = if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.audioSessionId } else -1 val isServiceConnected: Boolean get() = musicService != null fun bindToService(context: Context, callback: ServiceConnection): ServiceToken? { var realActivity: Activity? = (context as Activity).parent if (realActivity == null) { realActivity = context } val contextWrapper = ContextWrapper(realActivity) val intent = Intent(contextWrapper, MusicService::class.java) try { contextWrapper.startService(intent) } catch (ignored: IllegalStateException) { ContextCompat.startForegroundService(context, intent) } val binder = ServiceBinder(callback) if (contextWrapper.bindService( Intent().setClass(contextWrapper, MusicService::class.java), binder, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE ) ) { mConnectionMap[contextWrapper] = binder return ServiceToken(contextWrapper) } return null } fun unbindFromService(token: ServiceToken?) { if (token == null) { return } val mContextWrapper = token.mWrappedContext val mBinder = mConnectionMap.remove(mContextWrapper) ?: return mContextWrapper.unbindService(mBinder) if (mConnectionMap.isEmpty()) { musicService = null } } private fun getFilePathFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri): String? { var cursor: Cursor? = null val column = "_data" val projection = arrayOf(column) try { cursor = context.contentResolver.query(uri, projection, null, null, null) if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { val columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column) return cursor.getString(columnIndex) } } catch (e: Exception) { println(e.message) } finally { cursor?.close() } return null } fun getQueueDurationSongs(): Int { return musicService?.playingQueue?.size ?: -1 } /** * Async */ fun playSongAt(position: Int) { musicService?.playSongAt(position) } fun pauseSong() { musicService?.pause() } /** * Async */ fun playNextSong() { musicService?.playNextSong(true) } /** * Async */ fun playPreviousSong() { musicService?.playPreviousSong(true) } /** * Async */ fun back() { musicService?.back(true) } fun resumePlaying() { musicService?.play() } /** * Async */ @JvmStatic fun openQueue(queue: List, startPosition: Int, startPlaying: Boolean) { if (!tryToHandleOpenPlayingQueue( queue, startPosition, startPlaying ) && musicService != null ) { musicService?.openQueue(queue, startPosition, startPlaying) if (PreferenceUtil.isShuffleModeOn) setShuffleMode(MusicService.SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE) } } /** * Async */ @JvmStatic fun openAndShuffleQueue(queue: List, startPlaying: Boolean) { var startPosition = 0 if (queue.isNotEmpty()) { startPosition = Random().nextInt(queue.size) } if (!tryToHandleOpenPlayingQueue( queue, startPosition, startPlaying ) && musicService != null ) { openQueue(queue, startPosition, startPlaying) setShuffleMode(MusicService.SHUFFLE_MODE_SHUFFLE) } } private fun tryToHandleOpenPlayingQueue( queue: List, startPosition: Int, startPlaying: Boolean ): Boolean { if (playingQueue === queue) { if (startPlaying) { playSongAt(startPosition) } else { position = startPosition } return true } return false } fun getQueueDurationMillis(position: Int): Long { return if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.getQueueDurationMillis(position) } else -1 } fun seekTo(millis: Int): Int { return if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.seek(millis) } else -1 } fun cycleRepeatMode(): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { musicService?.cycleRepeatMode() return true } return false } fun toggleShuffleMode(): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { musicService?.toggleShuffle() return true } return false } fun setShuffleMode(shuffleMode: Int): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.shuffleMode = shuffleMode return true } return false } fun playNext(song: Song): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { if (playingQueue.isNotEmpty()) { musicService?.addSong(position + 1, song) } else { val queue = ArrayList() queue.add(song) openQueue(queue, 0, false) } Toast.makeText( musicService, musicService!!.resources.getString(R.string.added_title_to_playing_queue), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show() return true } return false } fun playNext(songs: List): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { if (playingQueue.isNotEmpty()) { musicService?.addSongs(position + 1, songs) } else { openQueue(songs, 0, false) } val toast = if (songs.size == 1) musicService!!.resources.getString(R.string.added_title_to_playing_queue) else musicService!!.resources.getString( R.string.added_x_titles_to_playing_queue, songs.size ) Toast.makeText(musicService, toast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() return true } return false } fun enqueue(song: Song): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { if (playingQueue.isNotEmpty()) { musicService?.addSong(song) } else { val queue = ArrayList() queue.add(song) openQueue(queue, 0, false) } Toast.makeText( musicService, musicService!!.resources.getString(R.string.added_title_to_playing_queue), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show() return true } return false } fun enqueue(songs: List): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { if (playingQueue.isNotEmpty()) { musicService?.addSongs(songs) } else { openQueue(songs, 0, false) } val toast = if (songs.size == 1) musicService!!.resources.getString(R.string.added_title_to_playing_queue) else musicService!!.resources.getString( R.string.added_x_titles_to_playing_queue, songs.size ) Toast.makeText(musicService, toast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() return true } return false } @JvmStatic fun removeFromQueue(song: Song): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.removeSong(song) return true } return false } @JvmStatic fun removeFromQueue(songs: List): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.removeSongs(songs) return true } return false } fun removeFromQueue(position: Int): Boolean { if (musicService != null && position >= 0 && position < playingQueue.size) { musicService!!.removeSong(position) return true } return false } fun moveSong(from: Int, to: Int): Boolean { if (musicService != null && from >= 0 && to >= 0 && from < playingQueue.size && to < playingQueue.size) { musicService!!.moveSong(from, to) return true } return false } fun clearQueue(): Boolean { if (musicService != null) { musicService!!.clearQueue() return true } return false } @JvmStatic fun playFromUri(uri: Uri) { if (musicService != null) { var songs: List? = null if (uri.scheme != null && uri.authority != null) { if (uri.scheme == ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT) { var songId: String? = null if (uri.authority == "com.android.providers.media.documents") { songId = getSongIdFromMediaProvider(uri) } else if (uri.authority == "media") { songId = uri.lastPathSegment } if (songId != null) { songs = songRepository.songs(songId) } } } if (songs == null) { var songFile: File? = null if (uri.authority != null && uri.authority == "com.android.externalstorage.documents") { songFile = File( Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), uri.path?.split(":".toRegex(), 2)?.get(1) ) } if (songFile == null) { val path = getFilePathFromUri(musicService!!, uri) if (path != null) songFile = File(path) } if (songFile == null && uri.path != null) { songFile = File(uri.path) } if (songFile != null) { songs = songRepository.songsByFilePath(songFile.absolutePath) } } if (songs != null && songs.isNotEmpty()) { openQueue(songs, 0, true) } else { // TODO the file is not listed in the media store println("The file is not listed in the media store") } } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) private fun getSongIdFromMediaProvider(uri: Uri): String { return DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri).split(":".toRegex()) .dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray()[1] } class ServiceBinder internal constructor(private val mCallback: ServiceConnection?) : ServiceConnection { override fun onServiceConnected(className: ComponentName, service: IBinder) { val binder = service as MusicService.MusicBinder musicService = binder.service mCallback?.onServiceConnected(className, service) } override fun onServiceDisconnected(className: ComponentName) { mCallback?.onServiceDisconnected(className) musicService = null } } class ServiceToken internal constructor(internal var mWrappedContext: ContextWrapper) }