<html><head><styletype="text/css">*{word-wrap:break-word;}{style-placeholder}a{color:{link-color};}a:active{color:{link-color-active};}ol{list-style-position:inside;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;}li{padding-top:8px;}</style></head><body><h4>v3.4.970</h4><ul><li>Updated internal libraries</li><li>Added default cover with accent color</li><li>Major code refactor for library tabs</li><li>Folder option now in available in tabs</li><li>Improved drive mode page</li><li>Added date modified option to sort songs</li><li>Added toggle bluetooth connection to play on device as soon as it connected</li><li>Fix tablet version of app</li><li>Fix Album and Artist details toolbar full width for better accessibility</li></ul><h4>v3.4.900</h4><ul><li>Added playlist search</li><li>Added Drive mode</li><li>Added Album and Artist layout change option in library</li><li>Added Show more album and artist information in details</li><li>Added Pixel style scroller bar</li><li>Added current now playing share</li><li>Fix font issues and colors in some places</li><li>Improved Full now playing theme</li></ul><h4>v3.4.850</h4><ul><li>Added new theme called circle</li><li>Added tiny color card style for home artists</li><li>Added extra track info details to now playing themes</li><li>Added scroll animation</li><li>Added smooth transition animations 🤔</li><li>Added current playing tab options for Bottom Navigation View</li><li>Added search in genre</li><li>Improved selecting feedback effect(ripple with corners)</li><li>Fix bugs & crashes</li><li>Fix crashing on lyrics</li><li>Fix genre details last song is under mini player</li><li>Fix colors mistakes and font sizes</li><li>Fix slider jumping while scrolling in now playing themes</li></ul><h4>v3.4.800</h4><ul><li>Improved dark theme colors and Follow system theme</li><li>Rounded rectangle ripple for BottomNavigationView</li><li>Follow sleep timer dialog checkbox color as accent</li><li>Added song list selection for Album and Artist details</li><li>Fixed Toolbar popup text color when selecting songs</li></ul><h4>v3.4.700</h4><ul><li>Added splash screen(for app loading time)</li><li>Updated dark theme colors</li><li>Added circular progress view</li><li>Hiding year if not showing</li></ul><h4>v3.4.600</h4><ul><li>Fix notification layout height</li><li>Fix folder list last item not showing</li><li>Added auto hide/ show controls according to first and last item</li></ul><h4>v3.4.500</h4><ul><li>Added peak theme</li><li>Added app rating dialog</li><li>Fix song name scrolling in now playing themes if it's long</li><li>Fix playing queue last item hiding FAB</li><li>Added desaturated color option for dark mode</li><li>Fix slow search loading</li><li>Fix last added slow loading</li><li>Fix home banner toolbar corner</li><li>Fix home crashing when switching between two tabs</li><li>Fix remaining time in playing queue</li><li>Fix font not applied for some components</li><li>Fix crashing on album details sorting</li><li>Fixed lot of internal bugs</li><li>Fix dialog expand</li><li>Fix list card color</li><li>Removed SlidingUpPanel to replace with BottomSheet</li><li>Removed color theme as per material design guidelines</li><li>Removed classic theme(We're bringing back)</li><li>Replace line switch to Material Switch in settings</li><li>Performance improved</li><li>Updated internal libraries</li><li>Updated translation</li><li>Limiting the use of Theme engine for making use of system colors</li><li>Change home icon from the user icon</li><li>Corrected all toolbar with elevation whe