Total words: 1134659, Success Num: 944709, Success Percentage: 83.259%
Bad Failures, with auto-correction (typed word == expected word, output word != expected word): 1258, Bad Failure Percentage: 0.111%
Failures, with auto-correction (F-C): 28013, F-C Percentage: 2.469%
Max Keystrokes: 6072844, Min Keystrokes: 3347332, Keystroke Saving Percentage:44.880%
Total words: 1134665, Success Num: 945026, Success Percentage: 83.287%
Bad Failures, with auto-correction (typed word == expected word, output word != expected word): 1271, Bad Failure Percentage: 0.112%
Failures, with auto-correction (F-C): 27756, F-C Percentage: 2.446%
Max Keystrokes: 6072850, Min Keystrokes: 3290996, Keystroke Saving Percentage:45.808%
Change-Id: I16af52a3e9c371b95fd6f0741f45ee6b2443bea6