
402 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.provider.UserDictionary.Words;
import android.service.textservice.SpellCheckerService.Session;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.LruCache;
import android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo;
import android.view.textservice.TextInfo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
public abstract class AndroidWordLevelSpellCheckerSession extends Session {
private static final String TAG = AndroidWordLevelSpellCheckerSession.class.getSimpleName();
private static final boolean DBG = false;
public final static String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
// Immutable, but not available in the constructor.
private Locale mLocale;
// Cache this for performance
private int mScript; // One of SCRIPT_LATIN or SCRIPT_CYRILLIC for now.
private final AndroidSpellCheckerService mService;
protected final SuggestionsCache mSuggestionsCache = new SuggestionsCache();
private final ContentObserver mObserver;
private static final class SuggestionsParams {
public final String[] mSuggestions;
public final int mFlags;
public SuggestionsParams(String[] suggestions, int flags) {
mSuggestions = suggestions;
mFlags = flags;
protected static final class SuggestionsCache {
private static final char CHAR_DELIMITER = '\uFFFC';
private static final int MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 50;
private final LruCache<String, SuggestionsParams> mUnigramSuggestionsInfoCache =
new LruCache<>(MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
private static String generateKey(final String query, final NgramContext ngramContext) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(query) || !ngramContext.isValid()) {
return query;
return query + CHAR_DELIMITER + ngramContext;
public SuggestionsParams getSuggestionsFromCache(String query,
final NgramContext ngramContext) {
return mUnigramSuggestionsInfoCache.get(generateKey(query, ngramContext));
public void putSuggestionsToCache(final String query, final NgramContext ngramContext,
final String[] suggestions, final int flags) {
if (suggestions == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) {
generateKey(query, ngramContext), new SuggestionsParams(suggestions, flags));
public void clearCache() {
AndroidWordLevelSpellCheckerSession(final AndroidSpellCheckerService service) {
mService = service;
final ContentResolver cres = service.getContentResolver();
mObserver = new ContentObserver(null) {
public void onChange(boolean self) {
cres.registerContentObserver(Words.CONTENT_URI, true, mObserver);
public void onCreate() {
final String localeString = getLocale();
mLocale = (null == localeString) ? null
: LocaleUtils.constructLocaleFromString(localeString);
mScript = ScriptUtils.getScriptFromSpellCheckerLocale(mLocale);
public void onClose() {
final ContentResolver cres = mService.getContentResolver();
private static final int CHECKABILITY_CHECKABLE = 0;
private static final int CHECKABILITY_TOO_MANY_NON_LETTERS = 1;
private static final int CHECKABILITY_CONTAINS_PERIOD = 2;
private static final int CHECKABILITY_EMAIL_OR_URL = 3;
private static final int CHECKABILITY_TOO_SHORT = 5;
* Finds out whether a particular string should be filtered out of spell checking.
* This will loosely match URLs, numbers, symbols. To avoid always underlining words that
* we know we will never recognize, this accepts a script identifier that should be one
* of the SCRIPT_* constants defined above, to rule out quickly characters from very
* different languages.
* @param text the string to evaluate.
* @param script the identifier for the script this spell checker recognizes
* @return one of the FILTER_OUT_* constants above.
private static int getCheckabilityInScript(final String text, final int script) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text) || text.length() <= 1) return CHECKABILITY_TOO_SHORT;
// TODO: check if an equivalent processing can't be done more quickly with a
// compiled regexp.
// Filter by first letter
final int firstCodePoint = text.codePointAt(0);
// Filter out words that don't start with a letter or an apostrophe
if (!ScriptUtils.isLetterPartOfScript(firstCodePoint, script)
&& '\'' != firstCodePoint) return CHECKABILITY_FIRST_LETTER_UNCHECKABLE;
// Filter contents
final int length = text.length();
int letterCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i = text.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1)) {
final int codePoint = text.codePointAt(i);
// Any word containing a COMMERCIAL_AT is probably an e-mail address
// Any word containing a SLASH is probably either an ad-hoc combination of two
// words or a URI - in either case we don't want to spell check that
if (Constants.CODE_COMMERCIAL_AT == codePoint || Constants.CODE_SLASH == codePoint) {
// If the string contains a period, native returns strange suggestions (it seems
// to return suggestions for everything up to the period only and to ignore the
// rest), so we suppress lookup if there is a period.
// TODO: investigate why native returns these suggestions and remove this code.
if (Constants.CODE_PERIOD == codePoint) {
if (ScriptUtils.isLetterPartOfScript(codePoint, script)) ++letterCount;
// Guestimate heuristic: perform spell checking if at least 3/4 of the characters
// in this word are letters
return (letterCount * 4 < length * 3)
* Helper method to test valid capitalizations of a word.
* If the "text" is lower-case, we test only the exact string.
* If the "Text" is capitalized, we test the exact string "Text" and the lower-cased
* version of it "text".
* If the "TEXT" is fully upper case, we test the exact string "TEXT", the lower-cased
* version of it "text" and the capitalized version of it "Text".
private boolean isInDictForAnyCapitalization(final String text, final int capitalizeType) {
// If the word is in there as is, then it's in the dictionary. If not, we'll test lower
// case versions, but only if the word is not already all-lower case or mixed case.
if (mService.isValidWord(mLocale, text)) return true;
if (StringUtils.CAPITALIZE_NONE == capitalizeType) return false;
// If we come here, we have a capitalized word (either First- or All-).
// Downcase the word and look it up again. If the word is only capitalized, we
// tested all possibilities, so if it's still negative we can return false.
final String lowerCaseText = text.toLowerCase(mLocale);
if (mService.isValidWord(mLocale, lowerCaseText)) return true;
if (StringUtils.CAPITALIZE_FIRST == capitalizeType) return false;
// If the lower case version is not in the dictionary, it's still possible
// that we have an all-caps version of a word that needs to be capitalized
// according to the dictionary. E.g. "GERMANS" only exists in the dictionary as "Germans".
return mService.isValidWord(mLocale,
StringUtils.capitalizeFirstAndDowncaseRest(lowerCaseText, mLocale));
// Note : this must be reentrant
* Gets a list of suggestions for a specific string. This returns a list of possible
* corrections for the text passed as an argument. It may split or group words, and
* even perform grammatical analysis.
private SuggestionsInfo onGetSuggestionsInternal(final TextInfo textInfo,
final int suggestionsLimit) {
return onGetSuggestionsInternal(textInfo, null, suggestionsLimit);
protected SuggestionsInfo onGetSuggestionsInternal(
final TextInfo textInfo, final NgramContext ngramContext, final int suggestionsLimit) {
try {
final String inText = textInfo.getText();
final SuggestionsParams cachedSuggestionsParams =
mSuggestionsCache.getSuggestionsFromCache(inText, ngramContext);
if (cachedSuggestionsParams != null) {
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Cache hit: " + inText + ", " + cachedSuggestionsParams.mFlags);
return new SuggestionsInfo(
cachedSuggestionsParams.mFlags, cachedSuggestionsParams.mSuggestions);
final int checkability = getCheckabilityInScript(inText, mScript);
if (CHECKABILITY_CHECKABLE != checkability) {
final String[] splitText = inText.split(Constants.REGEXP_PERIOD);
boolean allWordsAreValid = true;
for (final String word : splitText) {
if (!mService.isValidWord(mLocale, word)) {
allWordsAreValid = false;
if (allWordsAreValid) {
return new SuggestionsInfo(SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_LOOKS_LIKE_TYPO
new String[] {
TextUtils.join(Constants.STRING_SPACE, splitText) });
return mService.isValidWord(mLocale, inText) ?
AndroidSpellCheckerService.getInDictEmptySuggestions() :
CHECKABILITY_CONTAINS_PERIOD == checkability /* reportAsTypo */);
final String text = inText.replaceAll(
AndroidSpellCheckerService.APOSTROPHE, AndroidSpellCheckerService.SINGLE_QUOTE);
final int capitalizeType = StringUtils.getCapitalizationType(text);
if (!mService.hasMainDictionaryForLocale(mLocale)) {
return AndroidSpellCheckerService.getNotInDictEmptySuggestions(
false /* reportAsTypo */);
final Keyboard keyboard = mService.getKeyboardForLocale(mLocale);
if (null == keyboard) {
Log.d(TAG, "No keyboard for locale: " + mLocale);
// If there is no keyboard for this locale, don't do any spell-checking.
return AndroidSpellCheckerService.getNotInDictEmptySuggestions(
false /* reportAsTypo */);
final WordComposer composer = new WordComposer();
final int[] codePoints = StringUtils.toCodePointArray(text);
final int[] coordinates;
coordinates = keyboard.getCoordinates(codePoints);
composer.setComposingWord(codePoints, coordinates);
// TODO: Don't gather suggestions if the limit is <= 0 unless necessary
final SuggestionResults suggestionResults = mService.getSuggestionResults(
mLocale, composer.getComposedDataSnapshot(), ngramContext, keyboard);
final Result result = getResult(capitalizeType, mLocale, suggestionsLimit,
mService.getRecommendedThreshold(), text, suggestionResults);
final boolean isInDict = isInDictForAnyCapitalization(text, capitalizeType);
if (DBG) {
Log.i(TAG, "Spell checking results for " + text + " with suggestion limit "
+ suggestionsLimit);
Log.i(TAG, "IsInDict = " + isInDict);
Log.i(TAG, "LooksLikeTypo = " + (!isInDict));
Log.i(TAG, "HasRecommendedSuggestions = " + result.mHasRecommendedSuggestions);
if (null != result.mSuggestions) {
for (String suggestion : result.mSuggestions) {
Log.i(TAG, suggestion);
// Handle word not in dictionary.
// This is called only once per unique word, so entering multiple
// instances of the same word does not result in more than one call
// to this method.
// Also, upon changing the orientation of the device, this is called
// again for every unique invalid word in the text box.
if (!isInDict) {
final int flags =
| (result.mHasRecommendedSuggestions
? SuggestionsInfoCompatUtils
: 0);
final SuggestionsInfo retval = new SuggestionsInfo(flags, result.mSuggestions);
mSuggestionsCache.putSuggestionsToCache(text, ngramContext, result.mSuggestions,
return retval;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Don't kill the keyboard if there is a bug in the spell checker
if (DBG) {
throw e;
Log.e(TAG, "Exception while spellchecking", e);
return AndroidSpellCheckerService.getNotInDictEmptySuggestions(
false /* reportAsTypo */);
private static final class Result {
public final String[] mSuggestions;
public final boolean mHasRecommendedSuggestions;
public Result(final String[] gatheredSuggestions, final boolean hasRecommendedSuggestions) {
mSuggestions = gatheredSuggestions;
mHasRecommendedSuggestions = hasRecommendedSuggestions;
private static Result getResult(final int capitalizeType, final Locale locale,
final int suggestionsLimit, final float recommendedThreshold, final String originalText,
final SuggestionResults suggestionResults) {
if (suggestionResults.isEmpty() || suggestionsLimit <= 0) {
return new Result(null /* gatheredSuggestions */,
false /* hasRecommendedSuggestions */);
if (DBG) {
for (final SuggestedWordInfo suggestedWordInfo : suggestionResults) {
Log.i(TAG, "" + suggestedWordInfo.mScore + " " + suggestedWordInfo.mWord);
final ArrayList<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
for (final SuggestedWordInfo suggestedWordInfo : suggestionResults) {
final String suggestion;
if (StringUtils.CAPITALIZE_ALL == capitalizeType) {
suggestion = suggestedWordInfo.mWord.toUpperCase(locale);
} else if (StringUtils.CAPITALIZE_FIRST == capitalizeType) {
suggestion = StringUtils.capitalizeFirstCodePoint(
suggestedWordInfo.mWord, locale);
} else {
suggestion = suggestedWordInfo.mWord;
// This returns a String[], while toArray() returns an Object[] which cannot be cast
// into a String[].
final List<String> gatheredSuggestionsList =
suggestions.subList(0, Math.min(suggestions.size(), suggestionsLimit));
final String[] gatheredSuggestions =
gatheredSuggestionsList.toArray(new String[gatheredSuggestionsList.size()]);
final int bestScore = suggestionResults.first().mScore;
final String bestSuggestion = suggestions.get(0);
final float normalizedScore = BinaryDictionaryUtils.calcNormalizedScore(
originalText, bestSuggestion, bestScore);
final boolean hasRecommendedSuggestions = (normalizedScore > recommendedThreshold);
if (DBG) {
Log.i(TAG, "Best suggestion : " + bestSuggestion + ", score " + bestScore);
Log.i(TAG, "Normalized score = " + normalizedScore
+ " (threshold " + recommendedThreshold
+ ") => hasRecommendedSuggestions = " + hasRecommendedSuggestions);
return new Result(gatheredSuggestions, hasRecommendedSuggestions);
* The spell checker acts on its own behalf. That is needed, in particular, to be able to
* access the dictionary files, which the provider restricts to the identity of Latin IME.
* Since it's called externally by the application, the spell checker is using the identity
* of the application by default unless we clearCallingIdentity.
* That's what the following method does.
public SuggestionsInfo onGetSuggestions(final TextInfo textInfo, final int suggestionsLimit) {
long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
return onGetSuggestionsInternal(textInfo, suggestionsLimit);
} finally {