Tadashi G. Takaoka ca2f051cc1 Auto generate various shift states alphabet keyboard automatically
If any shift state variants of alphabet keyboard layout is not
specified in KeyboardSet.Element, it will be automatically generated
from base alphabet keyboard definition.

This change also
  * Eliminates KeyboardShiftState object from Keyboard.
  * Removes various set shift state methods from Keyboard.
  * Removes KeyboardSet.Element.elementAutoGenerate attribute.
  * Separates "sticky" Key.backgroundType to "stickyOff" and "stickyOn"
  * Add preserveCase flag to smiley, .com, and labeled special keys.
  * Rename KeyboardShiftState class to AlphabetShiftState.
  * Rename some attributes from *UppercaseLetter* to *ShiftedLetterHint*.
  * Introduce shiftedLetterActivated to Key.keyLabelFlags

Change-Id: I01a0a8efeeaa76820ae728a5bdfa8d02b6ce74b7
2012-01-31 12:55:45 +09:00

267 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
// TODO: Move to package.
* Represents the parameters necessary to construct a new LatinKeyboard,
* which also serve as a unique identifier for each keyboard type.
public class KeyboardId {
public static final int MODE_TEXT = 0;
public static final int MODE_URL = 1;
public static final int MODE_EMAIL = 2;
public static final int MODE_IM = 3;
public static final int MODE_PHONE = 4;
public static final int MODE_NUMBER = 5;
public static final int ELEMENT_ALPHABET = 0;
public static final int ELEMENT_ALPHABET_MANUAL_SHIFTED = 1;
public static final int ELEMENT_ALPHABET_AUTOMATIC_SHIFTED = 2;
public static final int ELEMENT_ALPHABET_SHIFT_LOCKED = 3;
public static final int ELEMENT_ALPHABET_SHIFT_LOCK_SHIFTED = 4;
public static final int ELEMENT_SYMBOLS = 5;
public static final int ELEMENT_SYMBOLS_SHIFTED = 6;
public static final int ELEMENT_PHONE = 7;
public static final int ELEMENT_PHONE_SHIFTED = 8;
public static final int ELEMENT_NUMBER = 9;
private static final int F2KEY_MODE_NONE = 0;
private static final int F2KEY_MODE_SETTINGS = 1;
private static final int F2KEY_MODE_SHORTCUT_IME = 2;
private static final int F2KEY_MODE_SHORTCUT_IME_OR_SETTINGS = 3;
public final Locale mLocale;
public final int mOrientation;
public final int mWidth;
public final int mMode;
public final int mElementId;
private final int mInputType;
private final int mImeOptions;
private final boolean mSettingsKeyEnabled;
public final boolean mClobberSettingsKey;
public final boolean mShortcutKeyEnabled;
public final boolean mHasShortcutKey;
private final int mHashCode;
public KeyboardId(int elementId, Locale locale, int orientation, int width, int mode,
int inputType, int imeOptions, boolean settingsKeyEnabled, boolean clobberSettingsKey,
boolean shortcutKeyEnabled, boolean hasShortcutKey) {
this.mLocale = locale;
this.mOrientation = orientation;
this.mWidth = width;
this.mMode = mode;
this.mElementId = elementId;
this.mInputType = inputType;
this.mImeOptions = imeOptions;
this.mSettingsKeyEnabled = settingsKeyEnabled;
this.mClobberSettingsKey = clobberSettingsKey;
this.mShortcutKeyEnabled = shortcutKeyEnabled;
this.mHasShortcutKey = hasShortcutKey;
this.mHashCode = hashCode(this);
private static int hashCode(KeyboardId id) {
return Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] {
private boolean equals(KeyboardId other) {
if (other == this)
return true;
return other.mOrientation == this.mOrientation
&& other.mElementId == this.mElementId
&& other.mMode == this.mMode
&& other.mWidth == this.mWidth
&& other.navigateAction() == this.navigateAction()
&& other.passwordInput() == this.passwordInput()
&& other.mSettingsKeyEnabled == this.mSettingsKeyEnabled
&& other.mClobberSettingsKey == this.mClobberSettingsKey
&& other.mShortcutKeyEnabled == this.mShortcutKeyEnabled
&& other.mHasShortcutKey == this.mHasShortcutKey
&& other.imeAction() == this.imeAction()
&& other.mLocale.equals(this.mLocale);
public boolean isAlphabetKeyboard() {
return mElementId < ELEMENT_SYMBOLS;
// This should be aligned with {@link KeyboardShiftState#isShiftLocked}.
public boolean isAlphabetShiftLockedKeyboard() {
// This should be aligned with {@link KeyboardShiftState#isShiftedOrShiftLocked}.
public boolean isAlphabetShiftedOrShiftLockedKeyboard() {
return isAlphabetKeyboard() && mElementId != ELEMENT_ALPHABET;
// This should be aligned with {@link KeyboardShiftState#isManualShifted}.
public boolean isAlphabetManualShiftedKeyboard() {
public boolean isSymbolsKeyboard() {
return mElementId == ELEMENT_SYMBOLS || mElementId == ELEMENT_SYMBOLS_SHIFTED;
public boolean isPhoneKeyboard() {
return mElementId == ELEMENT_PHONE || mElementId == ELEMENT_PHONE_SHIFTED;
public boolean isPhoneShiftKeyboard() {
return mElementId == ELEMENT_PHONE_SHIFTED;
public boolean navigateAction() {
// Note: Turn off checking navigation flag to show TAB key for now.
boolean navigateAction = InputTypeCompatUtils.isWebInputType(mInputType);
// || EditorInfoCompatUtils.hasFlagNavigateNext(mImeOptions)
// || EditorInfoCompatUtils.hasFlagNavigatePrevious(mImeOptions);
return navigateAction;
public boolean passwordInput() {
return InputTypeCompatUtils.isPasswordInputType(mInputType)
|| InputTypeCompatUtils.isVisiblePasswordInputType(mInputType);
public int imeAction() {
// We are interested only in {@link EditorInfo#IME_MASK_ACTION} enum value and
// {@link EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION}.
return mImeOptions & (
public boolean hasSettingsKey() {
return mSettingsKeyEnabled && !mClobberSettingsKey;
public int f2KeyMode() {
if (mClobberSettingsKey) {
// Never shows the Settings key
return KeyboardId.F2KEY_MODE_SHORTCUT_IME;
if (mSettingsKeyEnabled) {
return KeyboardId.F2KEY_MODE_SETTINGS;
} else {
// It should be alright to fall back to the Settings key on 7-inch layouts
// even when the Settings key is not explicitly enabled.
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof KeyboardId && equals((KeyboardId) other);
public int hashCode() {
return mHashCode;
public String toString() {
return String.format("[%s %s %s%d %s %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s]",
(mOrientation == 1 ? "port" : "land"), mWidth,
(mClobberSettingsKey ? " clobberSettingsKey" : ""),
(navigateAction() ? " navigateAction" : ""),
(passwordInput() ? " passwordInput" : ""),
(hasSettingsKey() ? " hasSettingsKey" : ""),
(mShortcutKeyEnabled ? " shortcutKeyEnabled" : ""),
(mHasShortcutKey ? " hasShortcutKey" : "")
public static boolean equivalentEditorInfoForKeyboard(EditorInfo a, EditorInfo b) {
if (a == null && b == null) return true;
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
return a.inputType == b.inputType
&& a.imeOptions == b.imeOptions
&& TextUtils.equals(a.privateImeOptions, b.privateImeOptions);
public static String elementIdToName(int elementId) {
switch (elementId) {
case ELEMENT_ALPHABET: return "alphabet";
case ELEMENT_ALPHABET_MANUAL_SHIFTED: return "alphabetManualShifted";
case ELEMENT_ALPHABET_AUTOMATIC_SHIFTED: return "alphabetAutomaticShifted";
case ELEMENT_ALPHABET_SHIFT_LOCKED: return "alphabetShiftLocked";
case ELEMENT_ALPHABET_SHIFT_LOCK_SHIFTED: return "alphabetShiftLockShifted";
case ELEMENT_SYMBOLS: return "symbols";
case ELEMENT_SYMBOLS_SHIFTED: return "symbolsShifted";
case ELEMENT_PHONE: return "phone";
case ELEMENT_PHONE_SHIFTED: return "phoneShifted";
case ELEMENT_NUMBER: return "number";
default: return null;
public static String modeName(int mode) {
switch (mode) {
case MODE_TEXT: return "text";
case MODE_URL: return "url";
case MODE_EMAIL: return "email";
case MODE_IM: return "im";
case MODE_PHONE: return "phone";
case MODE_NUMBER: return "number";
default: return null;
public static String f2KeyModeName(int f2KeyMode) {
switch (f2KeyMode) {
case F2KEY_MODE_NONE: return "none";
case F2KEY_MODE_SETTINGS: return "settings";
case F2KEY_MODE_SHORTCUT_IME: return "shortcutIme";
case F2KEY_MODE_SHORTCUT_IME_OR_SETTINGS: return "shortcutImeOrSettings";
default: return null;