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* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public interface TimerProxy {
* Start a timer to detect if a user is typing keys.
* @param typedKey the key that is typed.
public void startTypingStateTimer(@Nonnull Key typedKey);
* Check if a user is key typing.
* @return true if a user is in typing.
public boolean isTypingState();
* Start a timer to simulate repeated key presses while a user keep pressing a key.
* @param tracker the {@link PointerTracker} that points the key to be repeated.
* @param repeatCount the number of times that the key is repeating. Starting from 1.
* @param delay the interval delay to the next key repeat, in millisecond.
public void startKeyRepeatTimerOf(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker, int repeatCount, int delay);
* Start a timer to detect a long pressed key.
* If a key pointed by <code>tracker</code> is a shift key, start another timer to detect
* long pressed shift key.
* @param tracker the {@link PointerTracker} that starts long pressing.
* @param delay the delay to fire the long press timer, in millisecond.
public void startLongPressTimerOf(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker, int delay);
* Cancel timers for detecting a long pressed key and a long press shift key.
* @param tracker cancel long press timers of this {@link PointerTracker}.
public void cancelLongPressTimersOf(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker);
* Cancel a timer for detecting a long pressed shift key.
public void cancelLongPressShiftKeyTimer();
* Cancel timers for detecting repeated key press, long pressed key, and long pressed shift key.
* @param tracker the {@link PointerTracker} that starts timers to be canceled.
public void cancelKeyTimersOf(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker);
* Start a timer to detect double tapped shift key.
public void startDoubleTapShiftKeyTimer();
* Cancel a timer of detecting double tapped shift key.
public void cancelDoubleTapShiftKeyTimer();
* Check if a timer of detecting double tapped shift key is running.
* @return true if detecting double tapped shift key is on going.
public boolean isInDoubleTapShiftKeyTimeout();
* Start a timer to fire updating batch input while <code>tracker</code> is on hold.
* @param tracker the {@link PointerTracker} that stops moving.
public void startUpdateBatchInputTimer(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker);
* Cancel a timer of firing updating batch input.
* @param tracker the {@link PointerTracker} that resumes moving or ends gesture input.
public void cancelUpdateBatchInputTimer(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker);
* Cancel all timers of firing updating batch input.
public void cancelAllUpdateBatchInputTimers();
public static class Adapter implements TimerProxy {
public void startTypingStateTimer(@Nonnull Key typedKey) {}
public boolean isTypingState() { return false; }
public void startKeyRepeatTimerOf(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker, int repeatCount,
int delay) {}
public void startLongPressTimerOf(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker, int delay) {}
public void cancelLongPressTimersOf(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker) {}
public void cancelLongPressShiftKeyTimer() {}
public void cancelKeyTimersOf(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker) {}
public void startDoubleTapShiftKeyTimer() {}
public void cancelDoubleTapShiftKeyTimer() {}
public boolean isInDoubleTapShiftKeyTimeout() { return false; }
public void startUpdateBatchInputTimer(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker) {}
public void cancelUpdateBatchInputTimer(@Nonnull PointerTracker tracker) {}
public void cancelAllUpdateBatchInputTimers() {}