The method deleteWordAtCursor would call finishComposingText, which is a very unexpected state change and would probably cause surprising bugs to any parent that would call it. As it happens, it's not used anywhere any more so let's just remove it. Change-Id: Iaa9200866e40b4e914f76baa987279948300679c
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* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.android.inputmethod.latin;
import com.android.inputmethod.compat.InputConnectionCompatUtils;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText;
import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Utility methods to deal with editing text through an InputConnection.
public class EditingUtils {
* Number of characters we want to look back in order to identify the previous word
private static final int LOOKBACK_CHARACTER_NUM = 15;
private static final int INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION = -1;
private EditingUtils() {
// Unintentional empty constructor for singleton.
* Append newText to the text field represented by connection.
* The new text becomes selected.
public static void appendText(InputConnection connection, String newText) {
if (connection == null) {
// Commit the composing text
// Add a space if the field already has text.
String text = newText;
CharSequence charBeforeCursor = connection.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0);
if (charBeforeCursor != null
&& !charBeforeCursor.equals(" ")
&& (charBeforeCursor.length() > 0)) {
text = " " + text;
connection.setComposingText(text, 1);
private static int getCursorPosition(InputConnection connection) {
if (null == connection) return INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION;
ExtractedText extracted = connection.getExtractedText(
new ExtractedTextRequest(), 0);
if (extracted == null) {
return extracted.startOffset + extracted.selectionStart;
* @param connection connection to the current text field.
* @param separators characters which may separate words
* @return the word that surrounds the cursor, including up to one trailing
* separator. For example, if the field contains "he|llo world", where |
* represents the cursor, then "hello " will be returned.
public static String getWordAtCursor(InputConnection connection, String separators) {
// getWordRangeAtCursor returns null if the connection is null
Range r = getWordRangeAtCursor(connection, separators);
return (r == null) ? null : r.mWord;
* Represents a range of text, relative to the current cursor position.
public static class Range {
/** Characters before selection start */
public final int mCharsBefore;
* Characters after selection start, including one trailing word
* separator.
public final int mCharsAfter;
/** The actual characters that make up a word */
public final String mWord;
public Range(int charsBefore, int charsAfter, String word) {
if (charsBefore < 0 || charsAfter < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
this.mCharsBefore = charsBefore;
this.mCharsAfter = charsAfter;
this.mWord = word;
private static Range getWordRangeAtCursor(InputConnection connection, String sep) {
if (connection == null || sep == null) {
return null;
CharSequence before = connection.getTextBeforeCursor(1000, 0);
CharSequence after = connection.getTextAfterCursor(1000, 0);
if (before == null || after == null) {
return null;
// Find first word separator before the cursor
int start = before.length();
while (start > 0 && !isWhitespace(before.charAt(start - 1), sep)) start--;
// Find last word separator after the cursor
int end = -1;
while (++end < after.length() && !isWhitespace(after.charAt(end), sep)) {
// Nothing to do here.
int cursor = getCursorPosition(connection);
if (start >= 0 && cursor + end <= after.length() + before.length()) {
String word = before.toString().substring(start, before.length())
+ after.toString().substring(0, end);
return new Range(before.length() - start, end, word);
return null;
private static boolean isWhitespace(int code, String whitespace) {
return whitespace.contains(String.valueOf((char) code));
private static final Pattern spaceRegex = Pattern.compile("\\s+");
public static CharSequence getPreviousWord(InputConnection connection,
String sentenceSeperators) {
//TODO: Should fix this. This could be slow!
if (null == connection) return null;
CharSequence prev = connection.getTextBeforeCursor(LOOKBACK_CHARACTER_NUM, 0);
return getPreviousWord(prev, sentenceSeperators);
// Get the word before the whitespace preceding the non-whitespace preceding the cursor.
// Also, it won't return words that end in a separator.
// Example :
// "abc def|" -> abc
// "abc def |" -> abc
// "abc def. |" -> abc
// "abc def . |" -> def
// "abc|" -> null
// "abc |" -> null
// "abc. def|" -> null
public static CharSequence getPreviousWord(CharSequence prev, String sentenceSeperators) {
if (prev == null) return null;
String[] w = spaceRegex.split(prev);
// If we can't find two words, or we found an empty word, return null.
if (w.length < 2 || w[w.length - 2].length() <= 0) return null;
// If ends in a separator, return null
char lastChar = w[w.length - 2].charAt(w[w.length - 2].length() - 1);
if (sentenceSeperators.contains(String.valueOf(lastChar))) return null;
return w[w.length - 2];
public static CharSequence getThisWord(InputConnection connection, String sentenceSeperators) {
if (null == connection) return null;
final CharSequence prev = connection.getTextBeforeCursor(LOOKBACK_CHARACTER_NUM, 0);
return getThisWord(prev, sentenceSeperators);
// Get the word immediately before the cursor, even if there is whitespace between it and
// the cursor - but not if there is punctuation.
// Example :
// "abc def|" -> def
// "abc def |" -> def
// "abc def. |" -> null
// "abc def . |" -> null
public static CharSequence getThisWord(CharSequence prev, String sentenceSeperators) {
if (prev == null) return null;
String[] w = spaceRegex.split(prev);
// No word : return null
if (w.length < 1 || w[w.length - 1].length() <= 0) return null;
// If ends in a separator, return null
char lastChar = w[w.length - 1].charAt(w[w.length - 1].length() - 1);
if (sentenceSeperators.contains(String.valueOf(lastChar))) return null;
return w[w.length - 1];
public static class SelectedWord {
public final int mStart;
public final int mEnd;
public final CharSequence mWord;
public SelectedWord(int start, int end, CharSequence word) {
mStart = start;
mEnd = end;
mWord = word;
* Takes a character sequence with a single character and checks if the character occurs
* in a list of word separators or is empty.
* @param singleChar A CharSequence with null, zero or one character
* @param wordSeparators A String containing the word separators
* @return true if the character is at a word boundary, false otherwise
private static boolean isWordBoundary(CharSequence singleChar, String wordSeparators) {
return TextUtils.isEmpty(singleChar) || wordSeparators.contains(singleChar);
* Checks if the cursor is inside a word or the current selection is a whole word.
* @param ic the InputConnection for accessing the text field
* @param selStart the start position of the selection within the text field
* @param selEnd the end position of the selection within the text field. This could be
* the same as selStart, if there's no selection.
* @param wordSeparators the word separator characters for the current language
* @return an object containing the text and coordinates of the selected/touching word,
* null if the selection/cursor is not marking a whole word.
public static SelectedWord getWordAtCursorOrSelection(final InputConnection ic,
int selStart, int selEnd, String wordSeparators) {
if (selStart == selEnd) {
// There is just a cursor, so get the word at the cursor
// getWordRangeAtCursor returns null if the connection is null
EditingUtils.Range range = getWordRangeAtCursor(ic, wordSeparators);
if (range != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(range.mWord)) {
return new SelectedWord(selStart - range.mCharsBefore, selEnd + range.mCharsAfter,
} else {
if (null == ic) return null;
// Is the previous character empty or a word separator? If not, return null.
CharSequence charsBefore = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0);
if (!isWordBoundary(charsBefore, wordSeparators)) {
return null;
// Is the next character empty or a word separator? If not, return null.
CharSequence charsAfter = ic.getTextAfterCursor(1, 0);
if (!isWordBoundary(charsAfter, wordSeparators)) {
return null;
// Extract the selection alone
CharSequence touching = InputConnectionCompatUtils.getSelectedText(
ic, selStart, selEnd);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(touching)) return null;
// Is any part of the selection a separator? If so, return null.
final int length = touching.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (wordSeparators.contains(touching.subSequence(i, i + 1))) {
return null;
// Prepare the selected word
return new SelectedWord(selStart, selEnd, touching);
return null;