This change introduces shiftedIcon attribute for Key which specifies icon to draw the shift key while the key is in shifted state. This change also intriduces new configurable dimension value key_label_horizontal_alignment_padding which represents horizontal padding for left or right alignment of key label. Bug: 3216592 Bug: 3201839 Change-Id: I3aa7392227ce573c404517678e6340a8d1fcb328
238 lines
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238 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.android.inputmethod.latin;
import com.android.inputmethod.latin.BaseKeyboardParser.ParseException;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class KeyStyles {
private static final String TAG = "KeyStyles";
private final HashMap<String, DeclaredKeyStyle> mStyles =
new HashMap<String, DeclaredKeyStyle>();
private static final KeyStyle EMPTY_KEY_STYLE = new EmptyKeyStyle();
public interface KeyStyle {
public int[] getIntArray(TypedArray a, int index);
public Drawable getDrawable(TypedArray a, int index);
public CharSequence getText(TypedArray a, int index);
public int getResourceId(TypedArray a, int index, int defaultValue);
public int getInt(TypedArray a, int index, int defaultValue);
public int getFlag(TypedArray a, int index, int defaultValue);
public boolean getBoolean(TypedArray a, int index, boolean defaultValue);
public static class EmptyKeyStyle implements KeyStyle {
private EmptyKeyStyle() {
public int[] getIntArray(TypedArray a, int index) {
return parseIntArray(a, index);
public Drawable getDrawable(TypedArray a, int index) {
return a.getDrawable(index);
public CharSequence getText(TypedArray a, int index) {
return a.getText(index);
public int getResourceId(TypedArray a, int index, int defaultValue) {
return a.getResourceId(index, defaultValue);
public int getInt(TypedArray a, int index, int defaultValue) {
return a.getInt(index, defaultValue);
public int getFlag(TypedArray a, int index, int defaultValue) {
return a.getInt(index, defaultValue);
public boolean getBoolean(TypedArray a, int index, boolean defaultValue) {
return a.getBoolean(index, defaultValue);
protected static int[] parseIntArray(TypedArray a, int index) {
TypedValue v = new TypedValue();
a.getValue(index, v);
if (v.type == TypedValue.TYPE_INT_DEC || v.type == TypedValue.TYPE_INT_HEX) {
return new int[] { v.data };
} else if (v.type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
return parseCSV(v.string.toString());
} else {
return null;
private static int[] parseCSV(String value) {
int count = 0;
int lastIndex = 0;
if (value.length() > 0) {
while ((lastIndex = value.indexOf(",", lastIndex + 1)) > 0) {
int[] values = new int[count];
count = 0;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
try {
values[count++] = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Log.w(TAG, "Error parsing integer CSV " + value);
return values;
public static class DeclaredKeyStyle extends EmptyKeyStyle {
private final HashMap<Integer, Object> mAttributes = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
public int[] getIntArray(TypedArray a, int index) {
return a.hasValue(index)
? super.getIntArray(a, index) : (int[])mAttributes.get(index);
public Drawable getDrawable(TypedArray a, int index) {
return a.hasValue(index)
? super.getDrawable(a, index) : (Drawable)mAttributes.get(index);
public CharSequence getText(TypedArray a, int index) {
return a.hasValue(index)
? super.getText(a, index) : (CharSequence)mAttributes.get(index);
public int getResourceId(TypedArray a, int index, int defaultValue) {
final Integer value = (Integer)mAttributes.get(index);
return super.getResourceId(a, index, (value != null) ? value : defaultValue);
public int getFlag(TypedArray a, int index, int defaultValue) {
final Integer value = (Integer)mAttributes.get(index);
return super.getFlag(a, index, defaultValue) | (value != null ? value : 0);
public boolean getBoolean(TypedArray a, int index, boolean defaultValue) {
final Boolean value = (Boolean)mAttributes.get(index);
return super.getBoolean(a, index, (value != null) ? value : defaultValue);
private DeclaredKeyStyle() {
private void parseKeyStyleAttributes(TypedArray a) {
// TODO: Currently not all Key attributes can be declared as style.
readIntArray(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_codes);
readText(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_keyLabel);
readFlag(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_keyLabelOption);
readText(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_keyOutputText);
readDrawable(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_keyIcon);
readDrawable(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_iconPreview);
readDrawable(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_keyHintIcon);
readDrawable(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_shiftedIcon);
readResourceId(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_popupKeyboard);
readBoolean(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_isModifier);
readBoolean(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_isSticky);
readBoolean(a, R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_Key_isRepeatable);
private void readDrawable(TypedArray a, int index) {
if (a.hasValue(index))
mAttributes.put(index, a.getDrawable(index));
private void readText(TypedArray a, int index) {
if (a.hasValue(index))
mAttributes.put(index, a.getText(index));
private void readResourceId(TypedArray a, int index) {
if (a.hasValue(index))
mAttributes.put(index, a.getResourceId(index, 0));
private void readFlag(TypedArray a, int index) {
final Integer value = (Integer)mAttributes.get(index);
if (a.hasValue(index))
mAttributes.put(index, a.getInt(index, 0) | (value != null ? value : 0));
private void readBoolean(TypedArray a, int index) {
if (a.hasValue(index))
mAttributes.put(index, a.getBoolean(index, false));
private void readIntArray(TypedArray a, int index) {
if (a.hasValue(index)) {
final int[] value = parseIntArray(a, index);
if (value != null)
mAttributes.put(index, value);
private void addParent(DeclaredKeyStyle parentStyle) {
public void parseKeyStyleAttributes(TypedArray a, TypedArray keyAttrs,
XmlResourceParser parser) {
String styleName = a.getString(R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_KeyStyle_styleName);
if (mStyles.containsKey(styleName))
throw new ParseException("duplicate key style declared: " + styleName, parser);
final DeclaredKeyStyle style = new DeclaredKeyStyle();
if (a.hasValue(R.styleable.BaseKeyboard_KeyStyle_parentStyle)) {
String parentStyle = a.getString(
final DeclaredKeyStyle parent = mStyles.get(parentStyle);
if (parent == null)
throw new ParseException("Unknown parentStyle " + parent, parser);
mStyles.put(styleName, style);
public KeyStyle getKeyStyle(String styleName) {
return mStyles.get(styleName);
public KeyStyle getEmptyKeyStyle() {