Tom Ouyang ede2333640 Add method to get dictionary flags from DicTraverseSession
This is needed for the traversal algorithm to know which
digraphs (if any) are associated with the current dictionary.

Bug: 8493920

Change-Id: I6ae088b55e50c0c2c7066d045b304c5068e23390
2013-04-08 18:14:38 -07:00

988 lines
48 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstring>
#define LOG_TAG "LatinIME: unigram_dictionary.cpp"
#include "binary_format.h"
#include "char_utils.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "dictionary.h"
#include "digraph_utils.h"
#include "proximity_info.h"
#include "terminal_attributes.h"
#include "unigram_dictionary.h"
#include "words_priority_queue.h"
#include "words_priority_queue_pool.h"
namespace latinime {
// TODO: check the header
UnigramDictionary::UnigramDictionary(const uint8_t *const streamStart, const unsigned int dictFlags)
: DICT_ROOT(streamStart), ROOT_POS(0),
AKLOGI("UnigramDictionary - constructor");
UnigramDictionary::~UnigramDictionary() {
// TODO: This needs to take a const int* and not tinker with its contents
static void addWord(int *word, int length, int probability, WordsPriorityQueue *queue, int type) {
queue->push(probability, word, length, type);
// Return the replacement code point for a digraph, or 0 if none.
int UnigramDictionary::getDigraphReplacement(const int *codes, const int i, const int inputSize,
const DigraphUtils::digraph_t *const digraphs, const unsigned int digraphsSize) const {
// There can't be a digraph if we don't have at least 2 characters to examine
if (i + 2 > inputSize) return false;
// Search for the first char of some digraph
int lastDigraphIndex = -1;
const int thisChar = codes[i];
for (lastDigraphIndex = digraphsSize - 1; lastDigraphIndex >= 0; --lastDigraphIndex) {
if (thisChar == digraphs[lastDigraphIndex].first) break;
// No match: return early
if (lastDigraphIndex < 0) return 0;
// It's an interesting digraph if the second char matches too.
if (digraphs[lastDigraphIndex].second == codes[i + 1]) {
return digraphs[lastDigraphIndex].compositeGlyph;
} else {
return 0;
// Mostly the same arguments as the non-recursive version, except:
// codes is the original value. It points to the start of the work buffer, and gets passed as is.
// inputSize is the size of the user input (thus, it is the size of codesSrc).
// codesDest is the current point in the work buffer.
// codesSrc is the current point in the user-input, original, content-unmodified buffer.
// codesRemain is the remaining size in codesSrc.
void UnigramDictionary::getWordWithDigraphSuggestionsRec(ProximityInfo *proximityInfo,
const int *xcoordinates, const int *ycoordinates, const int *codesBuffer,
int *xCoordinatesBuffer, int *yCoordinatesBuffer,
const int codesBufferSize, const std::map<int, int> *bigramMap, const uint8_t *bigramFilter,
const bool useFullEditDistance, const int *codesSrc,
const int codesRemain, const int currentDepth, int *codesDest, Correction *correction,
WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool,
const DigraphUtils::digraph_t *const digraphs, const unsigned int digraphsSize) const {
ASSERT(sizeof(codesDest[0]) == sizeof(codesSrc[0]));
ASSERT(sizeof(xCoordinatesBuffer[0]) == sizeof(xcoordinates[0]));
ASSERT(sizeof(yCoordinatesBuffer[0]) == sizeof(ycoordinates[0]));
const int startIndex = static_cast<int>(codesDest - codesBuffer);
if (currentDepth < MAX_DIGRAPH_SEARCH_DEPTH) {
for (int i = 0; i < codesRemain; ++i) {
xCoordinatesBuffer[startIndex + i] = xcoordinates[codesBufferSize - codesRemain + i];
yCoordinatesBuffer[startIndex + i] = ycoordinates[codesBufferSize - codesRemain + i];
const int replacementCodePoint =
getDigraphReplacement(codesSrc, i, codesRemain, digraphs, digraphsSize);
if (0 != replacementCodePoint) {
// Found a digraph. We will try both spellings. eg. the word is "pruefen"
// Copy the word up to the first char of the digraph, including proximity chars,
// and overwrite the primary code with the replacement code point. Then, continue
// processing on the remaining part of the word, skipping the second char of the
// digraph.
// In our example, copy "pru", replace "u" with the version with the diaeresis and
// continue running on "fen".
// Make i the index of the second char of the digraph for simplicity. Forgetting
// to do that results in an infinite recursion so take care!
memcpy(codesDest, codesSrc, i * sizeof(codesDest[0]));
codesDest[i - 1] = replacementCodePoint;
getWordWithDigraphSuggestionsRec(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates,
codesBuffer, xCoordinatesBuffer, yCoordinatesBuffer, codesBufferSize,
bigramMap, bigramFilter, useFullEditDistance, codesSrc + i + 1,
codesRemain - i - 1, currentDepth + 1, codesDest + i, correction,
queuePool, digraphs, digraphsSize);
// Copy the second char of the digraph in place, then continue processing on
// the remaining part of the word.
// In our example, after "pru" in the buffer copy the "e", and continue on "fen"
memcpy(codesDest + i, codesSrc + i, sizeof(codesDest[0]));
getWordWithDigraphSuggestionsRec(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates,
codesBuffer, xCoordinatesBuffer, yCoordinatesBuffer, codesBufferSize,
bigramMap, bigramFilter, useFullEditDistance, codesSrc + i, codesRemain - i,
currentDepth + 1, codesDest + i, correction, queuePool, digraphs,
// If we come here, we hit the end of the word: let's check it against the dictionary.
// In our example, we'll come here once for "prufen" and then once for "pruefen".
// If the word contains several digraphs, we'll come it for the product of them.
// eg. if the word is "ueberpruefen" we'll test, in order, against
// "uberprufen", "uberpruefen", "ueberprufen", "ueberpruefen".
const unsigned int remainingBytes = sizeof(codesDest[0]) * codesRemain;
if (0 != remainingBytes) {
memcpy(codesDest, codesSrc, remainingBytes);
memcpy(&xCoordinatesBuffer[startIndex], &xcoordinates[codesBufferSize - codesRemain],
sizeof(xCoordinatesBuffer[0]) * codesRemain);
memcpy(&yCoordinatesBuffer[startIndex], &ycoordinates[codesBufferSize - codesRemain],
sizeof(yCoordinatesBuffer[0]) * codesRemain);
getWordSuggestions(proximityInfo, xCoordinatesBuffer, yCoordinatesBuffer, codesBuffer,
startIndex + codesRemain, bigramMap, bigramFilter, useFullEditDistance, correction,
// bigramMap contains the association <bigram address> -> <bigram probability>
// bigramFilter is a bloom filter for fast rejection: see functions setInFilter and isInFilter
// in bigram_dictionary.cpp
int UnigramDictionary::getSuggestions(ProximityInfo *proximityInfo, const int *xcoordinates,
const int *ycoordinates, const int *inputCodePoints, const int inputSize,
const std::map<int, int> *bigramMap, const uint8_t *bigramFilter,
const bool useFullEditDistance, int *outWords, int *frequencies, int *outputTypes) const {
WordsPriorityQueuePool queuePool(MAX_RESULTS, SUB_QUEUE_MAX_WORDS);
Correction masterCorrection;
const DigraphUtils::digraph_t *digraphs = 0;
const int digraphsSize =
DigraphUtils::getAllDigraphsForDictionaryAndReturnSize(DICT_FLAGS, &digraphs);
if (digraphsSize > 0)
{ // Incrementally tune the word and try all possibilities
int codesBuffer[sizeof(*inputCodePoints) * inputSize];
int xCoordinatesBuffer[inputSize];
int yCoordinatesBuffer[inputSize];
getWordWithDigraphSuggestionsRec(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, codesBuffer,
xCoordinatesBuffer, yCoordinatesBuffer, inputSize, bigramMap, bigramFilter,
useFullEditDistance, inputCodePoints, inputSize, 0, codesBuffer, &masterCorrection,
&queuePool, digraphs, digraphsSize);
} else { // Normal processing
getWordSuggestions(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, inputCodePoints, inputSize,
bigramMap, bigramFilter, useFullEditDistance, &masterCorrection, &queuePool);
float ns = queuePool.getMasterQueue()->getHighestNormalizedScore(
masterCorrection.getPrimaryInputWord(), inputSize, 0, 0, 0);
ns += 0;
AKLOGI("Max normalized score = %f", ns);
const int suggestedWordsCount =
inputSize, frequencies, outWords, outputTypes);
float ns = queuePool.getMasterQueue()->getHighestNormalizedScore(
masterCorrection.getPrimaryInputWord(), inputSize, 0, 0, 0);
ns += 0;
AKLOGI("Returning %d words", suggestedWordsCount);
/// Print the returned words
for (int j = 0; j < suggestedWordsCount; ++j) {
int *w = outWords + j * MAX_WORD_LENGTH;
for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH; i++) s[i] = w[i];
(void)s; // To suppress compiler warning
AKLOGI("%s %i", s, frequencies[j]);
return suggestedWordsCount;
void UnigramDictionary::getWordSuggestions(ProximityInfo *proximityInfo, const int *xcoordinates,
const int *ycoordinates, const int *inputCodePoints, const int inputSize,
const std::map<int, int> *bigramMap, const uint8_t *bigramFilter,
const bool useFullEditDistance, Correction *correction, WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool)
const {
getOneWordSuggestions(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, inputCodePoints, bigramMap,
bigramFilter, useFullEditDistance, inputSize, correction, queuePool);
// Note: This line is intentionally left blank
// Note: This line is intentionally left blank
bool hasAutoCorrectionCandidate = false;
WordsPriorityQueue *masterQueue = queuePool->getMasterQueue();
if (masterQueue->size() > 0) {
float nsForMaster = masterQueue->getHighestNormalizedScore(
correction->getPrimaryInputWord(), inputSize, 0, 0, 0);
hasAutoCorrectionCandidate = (nsForMaster > START_TWO_WORDS_CORRECTION_THRESHOLD);
// Multiple word suggestions
getSplitMultipleWordsSuggestions(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, inputCodePoints,
useFullEditDistance, inputSize, correction, queuePool,
// Note: This line is intentionally left blank
for (int i = 0; i < SUB_QUEUE_MAX_COUNT; ++i) {
WordsPriorityQueue *queue = queuePool->getSubQueue(FIRST_WORD_INDEX, i);
if (queue->size() > 0) {
WordsPriorityQueue::SuggestedWord *sw = queue->top();
const int score = sw->mScore;
const int *word = sw->mWord;
const int wordLength = sw->mWordLength;
float ns = Correction::RankingAlgorithm::calcNormalizedScore(
correction->getPrimaryInputWord(), i, word, wordLength, score);
ns += 0;
AKLOGI("--- TOP SUB WORDS for %d --- %d %f [%d]", i, score, ns,
DUMP_WORD(correction->getPrimaryInputWord(), i);
DUMP_WORD(word, wordLength);
void UnigramDictionary::initSuggestions(ProximityInfo *proximityInfo, const int *xCoordinates,
const int *yCoordinates, const int *codes, const int inputSize,
Correction *correction) const {
DUMP_WORD(codes, inputSize);
correction->initInputParams(proximityInfo, codes, inputSize, xCoordinates, yCoordinates);
const int maxDepth = min(inputSize * MAX_DEPTH_MULTIPLIER, MAX_WORD_LENGTH);
correction->initCorrection(proximityInfo, inputSize, maxDepth);
void UnigramDictionary::getOneWordSuggestions(ProximityInfo *proximityInfo,
const int *xcoordinates, const int *ycoordinates, const int *codes,
const std::map<int, int> *bigramMap, const uint8_t *bigramFilter,
const bool useFullEditDistance, const int inputSize,
Correction *correction, WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool) const {
initSuggestions(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, codes, inputSize, correction);
getSuggestionCandidates(useFullEditDistance, inputSize, bigramMap, bigramFilter, correction,
queuePool, true /* doAutoCompletion */, DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS, FIRST_WORD_INDEX);
void UnigramDictionary::getSuggestionCandidates(const bool useFullEditDistance,
const int inputSize, const std::map<int, int> *bigramMap, const uint8_t *bigramFilter,
Correction *correction, WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool,
const bool doAutoCompletion, const int maxErrors, const int currentWordIndex) const {
uint8_t totalTraverseCount = correction->pushAndGetTotalTraverseCount();
AKLOGI("Traverse count %d", totalTraverseCount);
AKLOGI("Abort traversing %d", totalTraverseCount);
// TODO: Remove setCorrectionParams
correction->setCorrectionParams(0, 0, 0,
-1 /* spaceProximityPos */, -1 /* missingSpacePos */, useFullEditDistance,
doAutoCompletion, maxErrors);
int rootPosition = ROOT_POS;
// Get the number of children of root, then increment the position
int childCount = BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &rootPosition);
int outputIndex = 0;
correction->initCorrectionState(rootPosition, childCount, (inputSize <= 0));
// Depth first search
while (outputIndex >= 0) {
if (correction->initProcessState(outputIndex)) {
int siblingPos = correction->getTreeSiblingPos(outputIndex);
int firstChildPos;
const bool needsToTraverseChildrenNodes = processCurrentNode(siblingPos,
bigramMap, bigramFilter, correction, &childCount, &firstChildPos, &siblingPos,
queuePool, currentWordIndex);
// Update next sibling pos
correction->setTreeSiblingPos(outputIndex, siblingPos);
if (needsToTraverseChildrenNodes) {
// Goes to child node
outputIndex = correction->goDownTree(outputIndex, childCount, firstChildPos);
} else {
// Goes to parent sibling node
outputIndex = correction->getTreeParentIndex(outputIndex);
void UnigramDictionary::onTerminal(const int probability,
const TerminalAttributes &terminalAttributes, Correction *correction,
WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool, const bool addToMasterQueue,
const int currentWordIndex) const {
const int inputIndex = correction->getInputIndex();
const bool addToSubQueue = inputIndex < SUB_QUEUE_MAX_COUNT;
int wordLength;
int *wordPointer;
if ((currentWordIndex == FIRST_WORD_INDEX) && addToMasterQueue) {
WordsPriorityQueue *masterQueue = queuePool->getMasterQueue();
const int finalProbability =
correction->getFinalProbability(probability, &wordPointer, &wordLength);
if (0 != finalProbability && !terminalAttributes.isBlacklistedOrNotAWord()) {
// If the probability is 0, we don't want to add this word. However we still
// want to add its shortcuts (including a possible whitelist entry) if any.
// Furthermore, if this is not a word (shortcut only for example) or a blacklisted
// entry then we never want to suggest this.
addWord(wordPointer, wordLength, finalProbability, masterQueue,
const int shortcutProbability = finalProbability > 0 ? finalProbability - 1 : 0;
// Please note that the shortcut candidates will be added to the master queue only.
TerminalAttributes::ShortcutIterator iterator = terminalAttributes.getShortcutIterator();
while (iterator.hasNextShortcutTarget()) {
// TODO: addWord only supports weak ordering, meaning we have no means
// to control the order of the shortcuts relative to one another or to the word.
// We need to either modulate the probability of each shortcut according
// to its own shortcut probability or to make the queue
// so that the insert order is protected inside the queue for words
// with the same score. For the moment we use -1 to make sure the shortcut will
// never be in front of the word.
int shortcutTarget[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
int shortcutFrequency;
const int shortcutTargetStringLength = iterator.getNextShortcutTarget(
MAX_WORD_LENGTH, shortcutTarget, &shortcutFrequency);
int shortcutScore;
int kind;
if (shortcutFrequency == BinaryFormat::WHITELIST_SHORTCUT_PROBABILITY
&& correction->sameAsTyped()) {
shortcutScore = S_INT_MAX;
kind = Dictionary::KIND_WHITELIST;
} else {
shortcutScore = shortcutProbability;
kind = Dictionary::KIND_CORRECTION;
addWord(shortcutTarget, shortcutTargetStringLength, shortcutScore,
masterQueue, kind);
// We only allow two words + other error correction for words with SUB_QUEUE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH
// or more length.
if (inputIndex >= SUB_QUEUE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH && addToSubQueue) {
WordsPriorityQueue *subQueue;
subQueue = queuePool->getSubQueue(currentWordIndex, inputIndex);
if (!subQueue) {
const int finalProbability = correction->getFinalProbabilityForSubQueue(
probability, &wordPointer, &wordLength, inputIndex);
addWord(wordPointer, wordLength, finalProbability, subQueue, Dictionary::KIND_CORRECTION);
int UnigramDictionary::getSubStringSuggestion(
ProximityInfo *proximityInfo, const int *xcoordinates, const int *ycoordinates,
const int *codes, const bool useFullEditDistance, Correction *correction,
WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool, const int inputSize,
const bool hasAutoCorrectionCandidate, const int currentWordIndex,
const int inputWordStartPos, const int inputWordLength,
const int outputWordStartPos, const bool isSpaceProximity, int *freqArray,
int *wordLengthArray, int *outputWord, int *outputWordLength) const {
// safety net for multiple word suggestion //
// TODO: Remove this safety net //
int smallWordCount = 0;
int singleLetterWordCount = 0;
if (inputWordLength == 1) {
if (inputWordLength <= 2) {
// small word == single letter or 2-letter word
for (int i = 0; i < currentWordIndex; ++i) {
const int length = wordLengthArray[i];
if (length == 1) {
// Safety net to avoid suggesting sequential single letter words
if (i < (currentWordIndex - 1)) {
if (wordLengthArray[i + 1] == 1) {
} else if (inputWordLength == 1) {
if (length <= 2) {
// Safety net to avoid suggesting multiple words with many (4 or more, for now) small words
if (singleLetterWordCount >= 3 || smallWordCount >= 4) {
// TODO: Remove the safety net above //
int *tempOutputWord = 0;
int nextWordLength = 0;
// TODO: Optimize init suggestion
initSuggestions(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, codes,
inputSize, correction);
int word[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
int freq = getMostProbableWordLike(
inputWordStartPos, inputWordLength, correction, word);
if (freq > 0) {
nextWordLength = inputWordLength;
tempOutputWord = word;
} else if (!hasAutoCorrectionCandidate) {
if (inputWordStartPos > 0) {
const int offset = inputWordStartPos;
initSuggestions(proximityInfo, &xcoordinates[offset], &ycoordinates[offset],
codes + offset, inputWordLength, correction);
// TODO: pass the bigram list for substring suggestion
getSuggestionCandidates(useFullEditDistance, inputWordLength,
0 /* bigramMap */, 0 /* bigramFilter */, correction, queuePool,
false /* doAutoCompletion */, MAX_ERRORS_FOR_TWO_WORDS, currentWordIndex);
AKLOGI("Dump word candidates(%d) %d", currentWordIndex, inputWordLength);
for (int i = 0; i < SUB_QUEUE_MAX_COUNT; ++i) {
queuePool->getSubQueue(currentWordIndex, i)->dumpTopWord();
WordsPriorityQueue *queue = queuePool->getSubQueue(currentWordIndex, inputWordLength);
// TODO: Return the correct value depending on doAutoCompletion
if (!queue || queue->size() <= 0) {
int score = 0;
const float ns = queue->getHighestNormalizedScore(
correction->getPrimaryInputWord(), inputWordLength,
&tempOutputWord, &score, &nextWordLength);
AKLOGI("NS(%d) = %f, Score = %d", currentWordIndex, ns, score);
// Two words correction won't be done if the score of the first word doesn't exceed the
// threshold.
|| nextWordLength < SUB_QUEUE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH) {
AKLOGI("Freq(%d): %d, length: %d, input length: %d, input start: %d (%d)",
currentWordIndex, freq, nextWordLength, inputWordLength, inputWordStartPos,
(currentWordIndex > 0) ? wordLengthArray[0] : 0);
if (freq <= 0 || nextWordLength <= 0
|| MAX_WORD_LENGTH <= (outputWordStartPos + nextWordLength)) {
for (int i = 0; i < nextWordLength; ++i) {
outputWord[outputWordStartPos + i] = tempOutputWord[i];
// Put output values
freqArray[currentWordIndex] = freq;
// TODO: put output length instead of input length
wordLengthArray[currentWordIndex] = inputWordLength;
const int tempOutputWordLength = outputWordStartPos + nextWordLength;
if (outputWordLength) {
*outputWordLength = tempOutputWordLength;
if ((inputWordStartPos + inputWordLength) < inputSize) {
if (outputWordStartPos + nextWordLength >= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) {
outputWord[tempOutputWordLength] = KEYCODE_SPACE;
if (outputWordLength) {
} else if (currentWordIndex >= 1) {
// TODO: Handle 3 or more words
const int pairFreq = correction->getFreqForSplitMultipleWords(
freqArray, wordLengthArray, currentWordIndex + 1, isSpaceProximity, outputWord);
DUMP_WORD(outputWord, tempOutputWordLength);
for (int i = 0; i < currentWordIndex + 1; ++i) {
AKLOGI("Split %d,%d words: freq = %d, length = %d", i, currentWordIndex + 1,
freqArray[i], wordLengthArray[i]);
AKLOGI("Split two words: freq = %d, length = %d, %d, isSpace ? %d", pairFreq,
inputSize, tempOutputWordLength, isSpaceProximity);
addWord(outputWord, tempOutputWordLength, pairFreq, queuePool->getMasterQueue(),
void UnigramDictionary::getMultiWordsSuggestionRec(ProximityInfo *proximityInfo,
const int *xcoordinates, const int *ycoordinates, const int *codes,
const bool useFullEditDistance, const int inputSize, Correction *correction,
WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool, const bool hasAutoCorrectionCandidate,
const int startInputPos, const int startWordIndex, const int outputWordLength,
int *freqArray, int *wordLengthArray, int *outputWord) const {
if (startWordIndex >= (MULTIPLE_WORDS_SUGGESTION_MAX_WORDS - 1)) {
// Return if the last word index
if (startWordIndex >= 1
&& (hasAutoCorrectionCandidate
// Do not suggest 3+ words if already has auto correction candidate
for (int i = startInputPos + 1; i < inputSize; ++i) {
AKLOGI("Multi words(%d), start in %d sep %d start out %d",
startWordIndex, startInputPos, i, outputWordLength);
DUMP_WORD(outputWord, outputWordLength);
int tempOutputWordLength = 0;
// Current word
int inputWordStartPos = startInputPos;
int inputWordLength = i - startInputPos;
const int suggestionFlag = getSubStringSuggestion(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates,
codes, useFullEditDistance, correction, queuePool, inputSize,
hasAutoCorrectionCandidate, startWordIndex, inputWordStartPos, inputWordLength,
outputWordLength, true /* not used */, freqArray, wordLengthArray, outputWord,
if (suggestionFlag == FLAG_MULTIPLE_SUGGEST_ABORT) {
// TODO: break here
} else if (suggestionFlag == FLAG_MULTIPLE_SUGGEST_SKIP) {
AKLOGI("Do missing space correction");
// Next word
// Missing space
inputWordStartPos = i;
inputWordLength = inputSize - i;
if (getSubStringSuggestion(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, codes,
useFullEditDistance, correction, queuePool, inputSize, hasAutoCorrectionCandidate,
startWordIndex + 1, inputWordStartPos, inputWordLength, tempOutputWordLength,
false /* missing space */, freqArray, wordLengthArray, outputWord, 0)
getMultiWordsSuggestionRec(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, codes,
useFullEditDistance, inputSize, correction, queuePool,
hasAutoCorrectionCandidate, inputWordStartPos, startWordIndex + 1,
tempOutputWordLength, freqArray, wordLengthArray, outputWord);
// Mistyped space
if (inputWordLength <= 0) {
const int x = xcoordinates[inputWordStartPos - 1];
const int y = ycoordinates[inputWordStartPos - 1];
if (!proximityInfo->hasSpaceProximity(x, y)) {
AKLOGI("Do mistyped space correction");
getSubStringSuggestion(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, codes,
useFullEditDistance, correction, queuePool, inputSize, hasAutoCorrectionCandidate,
startWordIndex + 1, inputWordStartPos, inputWordLength, tempOutputWordLength,
true /* mistyped space */, freqArray, wordLengthArray, outputWord, 0);
void UnigramDictionary::getSplitMultipleWordsSuggestions(ProximityInfo *proximityInfo,
const int *xcoordinates, const int *ycoordinates, const int *codes,
const bool useFullEditDistance, const int inputSize,
Correction *correction, WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool,
const bool hasAutoCorrectionCandidate) const {
if (inputSize >= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) return;
AKLOGI("--- Suggest multiple words");
// Allocating fixed length array on stack
int outputWord[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
const int outputWordLength = 0;
const int startInputPos = 0;
const int startWordIndex = 0;
getMultiWordsSuggestionRec(proximityInfo, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, codes,
useFullEditDistance, inputSize, correction, queuePool, hasAutoCorrectionCandidate,
startInputPos, startWordIndex, outputWordLength, freqArray, wordLengthArray,
// Wrapper for getMostProbableWordLikeInner, which matches it to the previous
// interface.
int UnigramDictionary::getMostProbableWordLike(const int startInputIndex, const int inputSize,
Correction *correction, int *word) const {
int inWord[inputSize];
for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) {
inWord[i] = correction->getPrimaryCodePointAt(startInputIndex + i);
return getMostProbableWordLikeInner(inWord, inputSize, word);
// This function will take the position of a character array within a CharGroup,
// and check it actually like-matches the word in inWord starting at startInputIndex,
// that is, it matches it with case and accents squashed.
// The function returns true if there was a full match, false otherwise.
// The function will copy on-the-fly the characters in the CharGroup to outNewWord.
// It will also place the end position of the array in outPos; in outInputIndex,
// it will place the index of the first char AFTER the match if there was a match,
// and the initial position if there was not. It makes sense because if there was
// a match we want to continue searching, but if there was not, we want to go to
// the next CharGroup.
// In and out parameters may point to the same location. This function takes care
// not to use any input parameters after it wrote into its outputs.
static inline bool testCharGroupForContinuedLikeness(const uint8_t flags,
const uint8_t *const root, const int startPos, const int *const inWord,
const int startInputIndex, const int inputSize, int *outNewWord, int *outInputIndex,
int *outPos) {
const bool hasMultipleChars = (0 != (BinaryFormat::FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS & flags));
int pos = startPos;
int codePoint = BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
int baseChar = toBaseLowerCase(codePoint);
const int wChar = toBaseLowerCase(inWord[startInputIndex]);
if (baseChar != wChar) {
*outPos = hasMultipleChars ? BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(root, pos) : pos;
*outInputIndex = startInputIndex;
return false;
int inputIndex = startInputIndex;
outNewWord[inputIndex] = codePoint;
if (hasMultipleChars) {
codePoint = BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
while (NOT_A_CODE_POINT != codePoint) {
baseChar = toBaseLowerCase(codePoint);
if (inputIndex + 1 >= inputSize || toBaseLowerCase(inWord[++inputIndex]) != baseChar) {
*outPos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(root, pos);
*outInputIndex = startInputIndex;
return false;
outNewWord[inputIndex] = codePoint;
codePoint = BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
*outInputIndex = inputIndex + 1;
*outPos = pos;
return true;
// This function is invoked when a word like the word searched for is found.
// It will compare the probability to the max probability, and if greater, will
// copy the word into the output buffer. In output value maxFreq, it will
// write the new maximum probability if it changed.
static inline void onTerminalWordLike(const int freq, int *newWord, const int length, int *outWord,
int *maxFreq) {
if (freq > *maxFreq) {
for (int q = 0; q < length; ++q) {
outWord[q] = newWord[q];
outWord[length] = 0;
*maxFreq = freq;
// Will find the highest probability of the words like the one passed as an argument,
// that is, everything that only differs by case/accents.
int UnigramDictionary::getMostProbableWordLikeInner(const int *const inWord, const int inputSize,
int *outWord) const {
int newWord[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
int depth = 0;
int maxFreq = -1;
const uint8_t *const root = DICT_ROOT;
int stackChildCount[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
int stackInputIndex[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
int stackSiblingPos[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
int startPos = 0;
stackChildCount[0] = BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(root, &startPos);
stackInputIndex[0] = 0;
stackSiblingPos[0] = startPos;
while (depth >= 0) {
const int charGroupCount = stackChildCount[depth];
int pos = stackSiblingPos[depth];
for (int charGroupIndex = charGroupCount - 1; charGroupIndex >= 0; --charGroupIndex) {
int inputIndex = stackInputIndex[depth];
const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
// Test whether all chars in this group match with the word we are searching for. If so,
// we want to traverse its children (or if the inputSize match, evaluate its
// probability). Note that this function will output the position regardless, but will
// only write into inputIndex if there is a match.
const bool isAlike = testCharGroupForContinuedLikeness(flags, root, pos, inWord,
inputIndex, inputSize, newWord, &inputIndex, &pos);
if (isAlike && (!(BinaryFormat::FLAG_IS_NOT_A_WORD & flags))
&& (BinaryFormat::FLAG_IS_TERMINAL & flags) && (inputIndex == inputSize)) {
const int probability =
BinaryFormat::readProbabilityWithoutMovingPointer(root, pos);
onTerminalWordLike(probability, newWord, inputIndex, outWord, &maxFreq);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipProbability(flags, pos);
const int siblingPos = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(root, flags, pos);
const int childrenNodePos = BinaryFormat::readChildrenPosition(root, flags, pos);
// If we had a match and the word has children, we want to traverse them. We don't have
// to traverse words longer than the one we are searching for, since they will not match
// anyway, so don't traverse unless inputIndex < inputSize.
if (isAlike && (-1 != childrenNodePos) && (inputIndex < inputSize)) {
// Save position for this depth, to get back to this once children are done
stackChildCount[depth] = charGroupIndex;
stackSiblingPos[depth] = siblingPos;
// Prepare stack values for next depth
int childrenPos = childrenNodePos;
stackChildCount[depth] =
BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(root, &childrenPos);
stackSiblingPos[depth] = childrenPos;
stackInputIndex[depth] = inputIndex;
pos = childrenPos;
// Go to the next depth level.
} else {
// No match, or no children, or word too long to ever match: go the next sibling.
pos = siblingPos;
return maxFreq;
int UnigramDictionary::getProbability(const int *const inWord, const int length) const {
const uint8_t *const root = DICT_ROOT;
int pos = BinaryFormat::getTerminalPosition(root, inWord, length,
false /* forceLowerCaseSearch */);
if (NOT_VALID_WORD == pos) {
const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
if (flags & (BinaryFormat::FLAG_IS_BLACKLISTED | BinaryFormat::FLAG_IS_NOT_A_WORD)) {
// If this is not a word, or if it's a blacklisted entry, it should behave as
// having no probability outside of the suggestion process (where it should be used
// for shortcuts).
const bool hasMultipleChars = (0 != (BinaryFormat::FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS & flags));
if (hasMultipleChars) {
pos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(root, pos);
} else {
BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos);
const int unigramProbability = BinaryFormat::readProbabilityWithoutMovingPointer(root, pos);
return unigramProbability;
// TODO: remove this function.
int UnigramDictionary::getBigramPosition(int pos, int *word, int offset, int length) const {
return -1;
// ProcessCurrentNode returns a boolean telling whether to traverse children nodes or not.
// If the return value is false, then the caller should read in the output "nextSiblingPosition"
// to find out the address of the next sibling node and pass it to a new call of processCurrentNode.
// It is worthy to note that when false is returned, the output values other than
// nextSiblingPosition are undefined.
// If the return value is true, then the caller must proceed to traverse the children of this
// node. processCurrentNode will output the information about the children: their count in
// newCount, their position in newChildrenPosition, the traverseAllNodes flag in
// newTraverseAllNodes, the match weight into newMatchRate, the input index into newInputIndex, the
// diffs into newDiffs, the sibling position in nextSiblingPosition, and the output index into
// newOutputIndex. Please also note the following caveat: processCurrentNode does not know when
// there aren't any more nodes at this level, it merely returns the address of the first byte after
// the current node in nextSiblingPosition. Thus, the caller must keep count of the nodes at any
// given level, as output into newCount when traversing this level's parent.
bool UnigramDictionary::processCurrentNode(const int initialPos,
const std::map<int, int> *bigramMap, const uint8_t *bigramFilter, Correction *correction,
int *newCount, int *newChildrenPosition, int *nextSiblingPosition,
WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool, const int currentWordIndex) const {
int pos = initialPos;
// Flags contain the following information:
// - Address type (MASK_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE) on two bits:
// - FLAG_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE_{ONE,TWO,THREE}_BYTES means there are children and their address
// is on the specified number of bytes.
// - FLAG_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOADDRESS means there are no children, and therefore no address.
// - FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS: whether this node has multiple char or not.
// - FLAG_IS_TERMINAL: whether this node is a terminal or not (it may still have children)
// - FLAG_HAS_BIGRAMS: whether this node has bigrams or not
const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos);
const bool hasMultipleChars = (0 != (BinaryFormat::FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS & flags));
const bool isTerminalNode = (0 != (BinaryFormat::FLAG_IS_TERMINAL & flags));
bool needsToInvokeOnTerminal = false;
// This gets only ONE character from the stream. Next there will be:
// if FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE CHARS: the other characters of the same node
// else if FLAG_IS_TERMINAL: the probability
// else if MASK_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE is not NONE: the children address
// Note that you can't have a node that both is not a terminal and has no children.
int c = BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos);
// We are going to loop through each character and make it look like it's a different
// node each time. To do that, we will process characters in this node in order until
// we find the character terminator. This is signalled by getCodePoint* returning
// As a special case, if there is only one character in this node, we must not read the
// next bytes so we will simulate the NOT_A_CODE_POINT return by testing the flags.
// This way, each loop run will look like a "virtual node".
do {
// We prefetch the next char. If 'c' is the last char of this node, we will have
// NOT_A_CODE_POINT in the next char. From this we can decide whether this virtual node
// should behave as a terminal or not and whether we have children.
const int nextc = hasMultipleChars
? BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos) : NOT_A_CODE_POINT;
const bool isLastChar = (NOT_A_CODE_POINT == nextc);
// If there are more chars in this nodes, then this virtual node is not a terminal.
// If we are on the last char, this virtual node is a terminal if this node is.
const bool isTerminal = isLastChar && isTerminalNode;
Correction::CorrectionType stateType = correction->processCharAndCalcState(
c, isTerminal);
if (stateType == Correction::TRAVERSE_ALL_ON_TERMINAL
|| stateType == Correction::ON_TERMINAL) {
needsToInvokeOnTerminal = true;
} else if (stateType == Correction::UNRELATED || correction->needsToPrune()) {
// We found that this is an unrelated character, so we should give up traversing
// this node and its children entirely.
// However we may not be on the last virtual node yet so we skip the remaining
// characters in this node, the probability if it's there, read the next sibling
// position to output it, then return false.
// We don't have to output other values because we return false, as in
// "don't traverse children".
if (!isLastChar) {
pos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(DICT_ROOT, pos);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipProbability(flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition =
BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
return false;
// Prepare for the next character. Promote the prefetched char to current char - the loop
// will take care of prefetching the next. If we finally found our last char, nextc will
// contain NOT_A_CODE_POINT.
c = nextc;
} while (NOT_A_CODE_POINT != c);
if (isTerminalNode) {
// The probability should be here, because we come here only if this is actually
// a terminal node, and we are on its last char.
const int unigramProbability =
BinaryFormat::readProbabilityWithoutMovingPointer(DICT_ROOT, pos);
const int childrenAddressPos = BinaryFormat::skipProbability(flags, pos);
const int attributesPos = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosition(flags, childrenAddressPos);
TerminalAttributes terminalAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, attributesPos);
// bigramMap contains the bigram frequencies indexed by addresses for fast lookup.
// bigramFilter is a bloom filter of said frequencies for even faster rejection.
const int probability = BinaryFormat::getProbability(initialPos, bigramMap, bigramFilter,
onTerminal(probability, terminalAttributes, correction, queuePool, needsToInvokeOnTerminal,
// If there are more chars in this node, then this virtual node has children.
// If we are on the last char, this virtual node has children if this node has.
const bool hasChildren = BinaryFormat::hasChildrenInFlags(flags);
// This character matched the typed character (enough to traverse the node at least)
// so we just evaluated it. Now we should evaluate this virtual node's children - that
// is, if it has any. If it has no children, we're done here - so we skip the end of
// the node, output the siblings position, and return false "don't traverse children".
// Note that !hasChildren implies isLastChar, so we know we don't have to skip any
// remaining char in this group for there can't be any.
if (!hasChildren) {
pos = BinaryFormat::skipProbability(flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition =
BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
return false;
// Optimization: Prune out words that are too long compared to how much was typed.
if (correction->needsToPrune()) {
pos = BinaryFormat::skipProbability(flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition =
BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
AKLOGI("Traversing was pruned.");
return false;
// Now we finished processing this node, and we want to traverse children. If there are no
// children, we can't come here.
// If this node was a terminal it still has the probability under the pointer (it may have been
// read, but not skipped - see readProbabilityWithoutMovingPointer).
// Next come the children position, then possibly attributes (attributes are bigrams only for
// now, maybe something related to shortcuts in the future).
// Once this is read, we still need to output the number of nodes in the immediate children of
// this node, so we read and output it before returning true, as in "please traverse children".
pos = BinaryFormat::skipProbability(flags, pos);
int childrenPos = BinaryFormat::readChildrenPosition(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
*newCount = BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &childrenPos);
*newChildrenPosition = childrenPos;
return true;
} // namespace latinime