Tadashi G. Takaoka 7545ec8df0 Fix no smiley popup mini keyboard
Change-Id: I0e010c6f0c06fd59b7aef75fc142a4ce0089e740
2010-12-03 13:36:17 +09:00

332 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Xml;
* Class for describing the position and characteristics of a single key in the keyboard.
public class Key {
* All the key codes (unicode or custom code) that this key could generate, zero'th
* being the most important.
public int[] mCodes;
/** The unicode that this key generates in manual temporary upper case mode. */
public int mManualTemporaryUpperCaseCode;
/** Label to display */
public CharSequence mLabel;
/** Option of the label */
public int mLabelOption;
/** Icon to display instead of a label. Icon takes precedence over a label */
public Drawable mIcon;
/** Hint icon to display on the key in conjunction with the label */
public Drawable mHintIcon;
/** Preview version of the icon, for the preview popup */
* The hint icon to display on the key when keyboard is in manual temporary upper case
* mode.
public Drawable mManualTemporaryUpperCaseHintIcon;
public Drawable mPreviewIcon;
/** Width of the key, not including the gap */
public int mWidth;
/** Height of the key, not including the gap */
public int mHeight;
/** The horizontal gap before this key */
public int mGap;
/** Whether this key is sticky, i.e., a toggle key */
public boolean mSticky;
/** X coordinate of the key in the keyboard layout */
public int mX;
/** Y coordinate of the key in the keyboard layout */
public int mY;
/** The current pressed state of this key */
public boolean mPressed;
/** If this is a sticky key, is it on? */
public boolean mOn;
/** Text to output when pressed. This can be multiple characters, like ".com" */
public CharSequence mOutputText;
/** Popup characters */
public CharSequence mPopupCharacters;
* Flags that specify the anchoring to edges of the keyboard for detecting touch events
* that are just out of the boundary of the key. This is a bit mask of
* {@link Keyboard#EDGE_LEFT}, {@link Keyboard#EDGE_RIGHT},
* {@link Keyboard#EDGE_TOP} and {@link Keyboard#EDGE_BOTTOM}.
public int mEdgeFlags;
/** Whether this is a modifier key, such as Shift or Alt */
public boolean mModifier;
/** The Keyboard that this key belongs to */
protected final Keyboard mKeyboard;
* If this key pops up a mini keyboard, this is the resource id for the XML layout for that
* keyboard.
public int mPopupResId;
/** Whether this key repeats itself when held down */
public boolean mRepeatable;
private final static int[] KEY_STATE_NORMAL_ON = {
private final static int[] KEY_STATE_PRESSED_ON = {
private final static int[] KEY_STATE_NORMAL_OFF = {
private final static int[] KEY_STATE_PRESSED_OFF = {
private final static int[] KEY_STATE_NORMAL = {
private final static int[] KEY_STATE_PRESSED = {
// functional normal state (with properties)
private static final int[] KEY_STATE_FUNCTIONAL_NORMAL = {
// functional pressed state (with properties)
private static final int[] KEY_STATE_FUNCTIONAL_PRESSED = {
/** Create an empty key with no attributes. */
public Key(Row parent) {
mKeyboard = parent.mParent;
mHeight = parent.mDefaultHeight;
mGap = parent.mDefaultHorizontalGap;
mWidth = parent.mDefaultWidth - mGap;
mEdgeFlags = parent.mRowEdgeFlags;
/** Create a key with the given top-left coordinate and extract its attributes from
* the XML parser.
* @param res resources associated with the caller's context
* @param parent the row that this key belongs to. The row must already be attached to
* a {@link Keyboard}.
* @param x the x coordinate of the top-left
* @param y the y coordinate of the top-left
* @param parser the XML parser containing the attributes for this key
public Key(Resources res, Row parent, int x, int y, XmlResourceParser parser,
KeyStyles keyStyles) {
TypedArray a = res.obtainAttributes(Xml.asAttributeSet(parser),
mHeight = KeyboardParser.getDimensionOrFraction(a,
mKeyboard.mDisplayHeight, parent.mDefaultHeight);
mGap = KeyboardParser.getDimensionOrFraction(a,
mKeyboard.mDisplayWidth, parent.mDefaultHorizontalGap);
mWidth = KeyboardParser.getDimensionOrFraction(a,
mKeyboard.mDisplayWidth, parent.mDefaultWidth) - mGap;
a = res.obtainAttributes(Xml.asAttributeSet(parser), R.styleable.Keyboard_Key);
final KeyStyle style;
if (a.hasValue(R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyStyle)) {
String styleName = a.getString(R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyStyle);
style = keyStyles.getKeyStyle(styleName);
if (style == null)
throw new ParseException("Unknown key style: " + styleName, parser);
} else {
style = keyStyles.getEmptyKeyStyle();
// Horizontal gap is divided equally to both sides of the key.
this.mX = x + mGap / 2;
this.mY = y;
mCodes = style.getIntArray(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_codes);
mPreviewIcon = style.getDrawable(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_iconPreview);
mPopupCharacters = style.getText(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_popupCharacters);
mPopupResId = style.getResourceId(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_popupKeyboard, 0);
mRepeatable = style.getBoolean(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_isRepeatable, false);
mModifier = style.getBoolean(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_isModifier, false);
mSticky = style.getBoolean(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_isSticky, false);
mEdgeFlags = style.getFlag(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyEdgeFlags, 0);
mEdgeFlags |= parent.mRowEdgeFlags;
mIcon = style.getDrawable(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyIcon);
mHintIcon = style.getDrawable(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyHintIcon);
mManualTemporaryUpperCaseHintIcon = style.getDrawable(a,
mLabel = style.getText(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyLabel);
mLabelOption = style.getFlag(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyLabelOption, 0);
mManualTemporaryUpperCaseCode = style.getInt(a,
R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_manualTemporaryUpperCaseCode, 0);
mOutputText = style.getText(a, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyOutputText);
final Drawable shiftedIcon = style.getDrawable(a,
if (shiftedIcon != null)
mKeyboard.getShiftedIcons().put(this, shiftedIcon);
if (mCodes == null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mLabel)) {
mCodes = new int[] { mLabel.charAt(0) };
* Informs the key that it has been pressed, in case it needs to change its appearance or
* state.
* @see #onReleased(boolean)
public void onPressed() {
mPressed = !mPressed;
* Changes the pressed state of the key. If it is a sticky key, it will also change the
* toggled state of the key if the finger was release inside.
* @param inside whether the finger was released inside the key
* @see #onPressed()
public void onReleased(boolean inside) {
mPressed = !mPressed;
if (mSticky && !mKeyboard.isShiftLockEnabled(this))
mOn = !mOn;
public boolean isInside(int x, int y) {
return mKeyboard.isInside(this, x, y);
* Detects if a point falls on this key.
* @param x the x-coordinate of the point
* @param y the y-coordinate of the point
* @return whether or not the point falls on the key. If the key is attached to an edge, it will
* assume that all points between the key and the edge are considered to be on the key.
public boolean isOnKey(int x, int y) {
final int flags = mEdgeFlags;
final boolean leftEdge = (flags & Keyboard.EDGE_LEFT) != 0;
final boolean rightEdge = (flags & Keyboard.EDGE_RIGHT) != 0;
final boolean topEdge = (flags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) != 0;
final boolean bottomEdge = (flags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) != 0;
final int left = this.mX;
final int right = left + this.mWidth;
final int top = this.mY;
final int bottom = top + this.mHeight;
return (x >= left || leftEdge) && (x < right || rightEdge)
&& (y >= top || topEdge) && (y < bottom || bottomEdge);
* Returns the square of the distance to the nearest edge of the key and the given point.
* @param x the x-coordinate of the point
* @param y the y-coordinate of the point
* @return the square of the distance of the point from the nearest edge of the key
public int squaredDistanceToEdge(int x, int y) {
final int left = this.mX;
final int right = left + this.mWidth;
final int top = this.mY;
final int bottom = top + this.mHeight;
final int edgeX = x < left ? left : (x > right ? right : x);
final int edgeY = y < top ? top : (y > bottom ? bottom : y);
final int dx = x - edgeX;
final int dy = y - edgeY;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
// sticky is used for shift key. If a key is not sticky and is modifier,
// the key will be treated as functional.
private boolean isFunctionalKey() {
return !mSticky && mModifier;
* Returns the drawable state for the key, based on the current state and type of the key.
* @return the drawable state of the key.
* @see[])
public int[] getCurrentDrawableState() {
if (isFunctionalKey()) {
if (mPressed) {
} else {
int[] states = KEY_STATE_NORMAL;
if (mOn) {
if (mPressed) {
} else {
} else {
if (mSticky) {
if (mPressed) {
} else {
} else {
if (mPressed) {
return states;