993 lines
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993 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard;
import static com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardIconsSet.ICON_UNDEFINED;
import static com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants.CODE_OUTPUT_TEXT;
import static com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants.CODE_SHIFT;
import static com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants.CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL;
import static com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants.CODE_UNSPECIFIED;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.Typeface;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyDrawParams;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeySpecParser;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyStyle;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyVisualAttributes;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardIconsSet;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardParams;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardRow;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.MoreKeySpec;
import com.android.inputmethod.latin.R;
import com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants;
import com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.StringUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
* Class for describing the position and characteristics of a single key in the keyboard.
public class Key implements Comparable<Key> {
* The key code (unicode or custom code) that this key generates.
private final int mCode;
/** Label to display */
private final String mLabel;
/** Hint label to display on the key in conjunction with the label */
private final String mHintLabel;
/** Flags of the label */
private final int mLabelFlags;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_ALIGN_HINT_LABEL_TO_BOTTOM = 0x02;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_ALIGN_ICON_TO_BOTTOM = 0x04;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_ALIGN_LABEL_OFF_CENTER = 0x08;
// Font typeface specification.
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FONT_MASK = 0x30;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FONT_NORMAL = 0x10;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FONT_MONO_SPACE = 0x20;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FONT_DEFAULT = 0x30;
// Start of key text ratio enum values
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FOLLOW_KEY_TEXT_RATIO_MASK = 0x1C0;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FOLLOW_KEY_LARGE_LETTER_RATIO = 0x40;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FOLLOW_KEY_LETTER_RATIO = 0x80;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FOLLOW_KEY_LABEL_RATIO = 0xC0;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FOLLOW_KEY_HINT_LABEL_RATIO = 0x140;
// End of key text ratio mask enum values
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_HAS_POPUP_HINT = 0x200;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_HAS_SHIFTED_LETTER_HINT = 0x400;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_HAS_HINT_LABEL = 0x800;
// The bit to calculate the ratio of key label width against key width. If autoXScale bit is on
// and autoYScale bit is off, the key label may be shrunk only for X-direction.
// If both autoXScale and autoYScale bits are on, the key label text size may be auto scaled.
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_AUTO_X_SCALE = 0x4000;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_AUTO_Y_SCALE = 0x8000;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_PRESERVE_CASE = 0x10000;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_SHIFTED_LETTER_ACTIVATED = 0x20000;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FROM_CUSTOM_ACTION_LABEL = 0x40000;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_FOLLOW_FUNCTIONAL_TEXT_COLOR = 0x80000;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_KEEP_BACKGROUND_ASPECT_RATIO = 0x100000;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_DISABLE_HINT_LABEL = 0x40000000;
private static final int LABEL_FLAGS_DISABLE_ADDITIONAL_MORE_KEYS = 0x80000000;
/** Icon to display instead of a label. Icon takes precedence over a label */
private final int mIconId;
/** Width of the key, excluding the gap */
private final int mWidth;
/** Height of the key, excluding the gap */
private final int mHeight;
* The combined width in pixels of the horizontal gaps belonging to this key, both to the left
* and to the right. I.e., mWidth + mHorizontalGap = total width belonging to the key.
private final int mHorizontalGap;
* The combined height in pixels of the vertical gaps belonging to this key, both above and
* below. I.e., mHeight + mVerticalGap = total height belonging to the key.
private final int mVerticalGap;
/** X coordinate of the top-left corner of the key in the keyboard layout, excluding the gap. */
private final int mX;
/** Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the key in the keyboard layout, excluding the gap. */
private final int mY;
/** Hit bounding box of the key */
private final Rect mHitBox = new Rect();
/** More keys. It is guaranteed that this is null or an array of one or more elements */
private final MoreKeySpec[] mMoreKeys;
/** More keys column number and flags */
private final int mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags;
private static final int MORE_KEYS_COLUMN_NUMBER_MASK = 0x000000ff;
// If this flag is specified, more keys keyboard should have the specified number of columns.
// Otherwise more keys keyboard should have less than or equal to the specified maximum number
// of columns.
private static final int MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_FIXED_COLUMN = 0x00000100;
// If this flag is specified, the order of more keys is determined by the order in the more
// keys' specification. Otherwise the order of more keys is automatically determined.
private static final int MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_FIXED_ORDER = 0x00000200;
private static final int MORE_KEYS_MODE_MAX_COLUMN_WITH_AUTO_ORDER = 0;
private static final int MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_HAS_LABELS = 0x40000000;
private static final int MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_NEEDS_DIVIDERS = 0x20000000;
private static final int MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_NO_PANEL_AUTO_MORE_KEY = 0x10000000;
// TODO: Rename these specifiers to !autoOrder! and !fixedOrder! respectively.
private static final String MORE_KEYS_AUTO_COLUMN_ORDER = "!autoColumnOrder!";
private static final String MORE_KEYS_FIXED_COLUMN_ORDER = "!fixedColumnOrder!";
private static final String MORE_KEYS_HAS_LABELS = "!hasLabels!";
private static final String MORE_KEYS_NEEDS_DIVIDERS = "!needsDividers!";
private static final String MORE_KEYS_NO_PANEL_AUTO_MORE_KEY = "!noPanelAutoMoreKey!";
/** Background type that represents different key background visual than normal one. */
private final int mBackgroundType;
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_EMPTY = 0;
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_NORMAL = 1;
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL = 2;
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_STICKY_OFF = 3;
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_STICKY_ON = 4;
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_ACTION = 5;
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_SPACEBAR = 6;
private final int mActionFlags;
private static final int ACTION_FLAGS_IS_REPEATABLE = 0x01;
private static final int ACTION_FLAGS_NO_KEY_PREVIEW = 0x02;
private static final int ACTION_FLAGS_ALT_CODE_WHILE_TYPING = 0x04;
private static final int ACTION_FLAGS_ENABLE_LONG_PRESS = 0x08;
private final KeyVisualAttributes mKeyVisualAttributes;
private final OptionalAttributes mOptionalAttributes;
private static final class OptionalAttributes {
/** Text to output when pressed. This can be multiple characters, like ".com" */
public final String mOutputText;
public final int mAltCode;
/** Icon for disabled state */
public final int mDisabledIconId;
/** The visual insets */
public final int mVisualInsetsLeft;
public final int mVisualInsetsRight;
private OptionalAttributes(final String outputText, final int altCode,
final int disabledIconId, final int visualInsetsLeft, final int visualInsetsRight) {
mOutputText = outputText;
mAltCode = altCode;
mDisabledIconId = disabledIconId;
mVisualInsetsLeft = visualInsetsLeft;
mVisualInsetsRight = visualInsetsRight;
public static OptionalAttributes newInstance(final String outputText, final int altCode,
final int disabledIconId, final int visualInsetsLeft, final int visualInsetsRight) {
if (outputText == null && altCode == CODE_UNSPECIFIED
&& disabledIconId == ICON_UNDEFINED && visualInsetsLeft == 0
&& visualInsetsRight == 0) {
return null;
return new OptionalAttributes(outputText, altCode, disabledIconId, visualInsetsLeft,
private final int mHashCode;
/** The current pressed state of this key */
private boolean mPressed;
/** Key is enabled and responds on press */
private boolean mEnabled = true;
* Constructor for a key on <code>MoreKeyKeyboard</code>, on <code>MoreSuggestions</code>,
* and in a <GridRows/>.
public Key(final String label, final int iconId, final int code, final String outputText,
final String hintLabel, final int labelFlags, final int backgroundType, final int x,
final int y, final int width, final int height, final int horizontalGap,
final int verticalGap) {
mWidth = width - horizontalGap;
mHeight = height - verticalGap;
mHorizontalGap = horizontalGap;
mVerticalGap = verticalGap;
mHintLabel = hintLabel;
mLabelFlags = labelFlags;
mBackgroundType = backgroundType;
// TODO: Pass keyActionFlags as an argument.
mMoreKeys = null;
mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags = 0;
mLabel = label;
mOptionalAttributes = OptionalAttributes.newInstance(outputText, CODE_UNSPECIFIED,
ICON_UNDEFINED, 0 /* visualInsetsLeft */, 0 /* visualInsetsRight */);
mCode = code;
mEnabled = (code != CODE_UNSPECIFIED);
mIconId = iconId;
// Horizontal gap is divided equally to both sides of the key.
mX = x + mHorizontalGap / 2;
mY = y;
mHitBox.set(x, y, x + width + 1, y + height);
mKeyVisualAttributes = null;
mHashCode = computeHashCode(this);
* Create a key with the given top-left coordinate and extract its attributes from a key
* specification string, Key attribute array, key style, and etc.
* @param keySpec the key specification.
* @param keyAttr the Key XML attributes array.
* @param style the {@link KeyStyle} of this key.
* @param params the keyboard building parameters.
* @param row the row that this key belongs to. row's x-coordinate will be the right edge of
* this key.
public Key(final String keySpec, final TypedArray keyAttr, final KeyStyle style,
final KeyboardParams params, final KeyboardRow row) {
mHorizontalGap = isSpacer() ? 0 : params.mHorizontalGap;
mVerticalGap = params.mVerticalGap;
final float horizontalGapFloat = mHorizontalGap;
final int rowHeight = row.getRowHeight();
mHeight = rowHeight - mVerticalGap;
final float keyXPos = row.getKeyX(keyAttr);
final float keyWidth = row.getKeyWidth(keyAttr, keyXPos);
final int keyYPos = row.getKeyY();
// Horizontal gap is divided equally to both sides of the key.
mX = Math.round(keyXPos + horizontalGapFloat / 2);
mY = keyYPos;
mWidth = Math.round(keyWidth - horizontalGapFloat);
mHitBox.set(Math.round(keyXPos), keyYPos, Math.round(keyXPos + keyWidth) + 1,
keyYPos + rowHeight);
// Update row to have current x coordinate.
row.setXPos(keyXPos + keyWidth);
mBackgroundType = style.getInt(keyAttr,
R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_backgroundType, row.getDefaultBackgroundType());
final int baseWidth = params.mBaseWidth;
final int visualInsetsLeft = Math.round(keyAttr.getFraction(
R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_visualInsetsLeft, baseWidth, baseWidth, 0));
final int visualInsetsRight = Math.round(keyAttr.getFraction(
R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_visualInsetsRight, baseWidth, baseWidth, 0));
mLabelFlags = style.getFlags(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyLabelFlags)
| row.getDefaultKeyLabelFlags();
final boolean needsToUpcase = needsToUpcase(mLabelFlags, params.mId.mElementId);
final Locale localeForUpcasing = params.mId.getLocales()[0];
int actionFlags = style.getFlags(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyActionFlags);
String[] moreKeys = style.getStringArray(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_moreKeys);
// Get maximum column order number and set a relevant mode value.
| style.getInt(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_maxMoreKeysColumn,
int value;
if ((value = MoreKeySpec.getIntValue(moreKeys, MORE_KEYS_AUTO_COLUMN_ORDER, -1)) > 0) {
// Override with fixed column order number and set a relevant mode value.
if ((value = MoreKeySpec.getIntValue(moreKeys, MORE_KEYS_FIXED_COLUMN_ORDER, -1)) > 0) {
// Override with fixed column order number and set a relevant mode value.
if (MoreKeySpec.getBooleanValue(moreKeys, MORE_KEYS_HAS_LABELS)) {
moreKeysColumnAndFlags |= MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_HAS_LABELS;
if (MoreKeySpec.getBooleanValue(moreKeys, MORE_KEYS_NEEDS_DIVIDERS)) {
if (MoreKeySpec.getBooleanValue(moreKeys, MORE_KEYS_NO_PANEL_AUTO_MORE_KEY)) {
mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags = moreKeysColumnAndFlags;
final String[] additionalMoreKeys;
additionalMoreKeys = null;
} else {
additionalMoreKeys = style.getStringArray(keyAttr,
moreKeys = MoreKeySpec.insertAdditionalMoreKeys(moreKeys, additionalMoreKeys);
if (moreKeys != null) {
mMoreKeys = new MoreKeySpec[moreKeys.length];
for (int i = 0; i < moreKeys.length; i++) {
mMoreKeys[i] = new MoreKeySpec(moreKeys[i], needsToUpcase, localeForUpcasing);
} else {
mMoreKeys = null;
mActionFlags = actionFlags;
mIconId = KeySpecParser.getIconId(keySpec);
final int disabledIconId = KeySpecParser.getIconId(style.getString(keyAttr,
final int code = KeySpecParser.getCode(keySpec);
mLabel = params.mId.mCustomActionLabel;
} else if (code >= Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) {
// This is a workaround to have a key that has a supplementary code point in its label.
// Because we can put a string in resource neither as a XML entity of a supplementary
// code point nor as a surrogate pair.
mLabel = new StringBuilder().appendCodePoint(code).toString();
} else {
mLabel = StringUtils.toUpperCaseOfStringForLocale(
KeySpecParser.getLabel(keySpec), needsToUpcase, localeForUpcasing);
if ((mLabelFlags & LABEL_FLAGS_DISABLE_HINT_LABEL) != 0) {
mHintLabel = null;
} else {
mHintLabel = StringUtils.toUpperCaseOfStringForLocale(style.getString(keyAttr,
R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyHintLabel), needsToUpcase, localeForUpcasing);
String outputText = StringUtils.toUpperCaseOfStringForLocale(
KeySpecParser.getOutputText(keySpec), needsToUpcase, localeForUpcasing);
// Choose the first letter of the label as primary code if not specified.
if (code == CODE_UNSPECIFIED && TextUtils.isEmpty(outputText)
&& !TextUtils.isEmpty(mLabel)) {
if (StringUtils.codePointCount(mLabel) == 1) {
// Use the first letter of the hint label if shiftedLetterActivated flag is
// specified.
if (hasShiftedLetterHint() && isShiftedLetterActivated()) {
mCode = mHintLabel.codePointAt(0);
} else {
mCode = mLabel.codePointAt(0);
} else {
// In some locale and case, the character might be represented by multiple code
// points, such as upper case Eszett of German alphabet.
outputText = mLabel;
} else if (code == CODE_UNSPECIFIED && outputText != null) {
if (StringUtils.codePointCount(outputText) == 1) {
mCode = outputText.codePointAt(0);
outputText = null;
} else {
} else {
mCode = StringUtils.toUpperCaseOfCodeForLocale(code, needsToUpcase, localeForUpcasing);
final int altCodeInAttr = KeySpecParser.parseCode(
style.getString(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_altCode), CODE_UNSPECIFIED);
final int altCode = StringUtils.toUpperCaseOfCodeForLocale(
altCodeInAttr, needsToUpcase, localeForUpcasing);
mOptionalAttributes = OptionalAttributes.newInstance(outputText, altCode,
disabledIconId, visualInsetsLeft, visualInsetsRight);
mKeyVisualAttributes = KeyVisualAttributes.newInstance(keyAttr);
mHashCode = computeHashCode(this);
* Copy constructor for DynamicGridKeyboard.GridKey.
* @param key the original key.
protected Key(final Key key) {
this(key, key.mMoreKeys);
private Key(final Key key, final MoreKeySpec[] moreKeys) {
// Final attributes.
mCode = key.mCode;
mLabel = key.mLabel;
mHintLabel = key.mHintLabel;
mLabelFlags = key.mLabelFlags;
mIconId = key.mIconId;
mWidth = key.mWidth;
mHeight = key.mHeight;
mHorizontalGap = key.mHorizontalGap;
mVerticalGap = key.mVerticalGap;
mX = key.mX;
mY = key.mY;
mMoreKeys = moreKeys;
mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags = key.mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags;
mBackgroundType = key.mBackgroundType;
mActionFlags = key.mActionFlags;
mKeyVisualAttributes = key.mKeyVisualAttributes;
mOptionalAttributes = key.mOptionalAttributes;
mHashCode = key.mHashCode;
// Key state.
mPressed = key.mPressed;
mEnabled = key.mEnabled;
public static Key removeRedundantMoreKeys(final Key key,
final MoreKeySpec.LettersOnBaseLayout lettersOnBaseLayout) {
final MoreKeySpec[] moreKeys = key.getMoreKeys();
final MoreKeySpec[] filteredMoreKeys = MoreKeySpec.removeRedundantMoreKeys(
moreKeys, lettersOnBaseLayout);
return (filteredMoreKeys == moreKeys) ? key : new Key(key, filteredMoreKeys);
private static boolean needsToUpcase(final int labelFlags, final int keyboardElementId) {
if ((labelFlags & LABEL_FLAGS_PRESERVE_CASE) != 0) return false;
switch (keyboardElementId) {
return true;
return false;
private static int computeHashCode(final Key key) {
return Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] {
// Key can be distinguishable without the following members.
// key.mOptionalAttributes.mAltCode,
// key.mOptionalAttributes.mDisabledIconId,
// key.mOptionalAttributes.mPreviewIconId,
// key.mHorizontalGap,
// key.mVerticalGap,
// key.mOptionalAttributes.mVisualInsetLeft,
// key.mOptionalAttributes.mVisualInsetRight,
// key.mMaxMoreKeysColumn,
private boolean equalsInternal(final Key o) {
if (this == o) return true;
return o.mX == mX
&& o.mY == mY
&& o.mWidth == mWidth
&& o.mHeight == mHeight
&& o.mCode == mCode
&& TextUtils.equals(o.mLabel, mLabel)
&& TextUtils.equals(o.mHintLabel, mHintLabel)
&& o.mIconId == mIconId
&& o.mBackgroundType == mBackgroundType
&& Arrays.equals(o.mMoreKeys, mMoreKeys)
&& TextUtils.equals(o.getOutputText(), getOutputText())
&& o.mActionFlags == mActionFlags
&& o.mLabelFlags == mLabelFlags;
public int compareTo(Key o) {
if (equalsInternal(o)) return 0;
if (mHashCode > o.mHashCode) return 1;
return -1;
public int hashCode() {
return mHashCode;
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
return o instanceof Key && equalsInternal((Key)o);
public String toString() {
return toShortString() + " " + getX() + "," + getY() + " " + getWidth() + "x" + getHeight();
public String toShortString() {
final int code = getCode();
if (code == Constants.CODE_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
return getOutputText();
return Constants.printableCode(code);
public String toLongString() {
final int iconId = getIconId();
final String topVisual = (iconId == KeyboardIconsSet.ICON_UNDEFINED)
? KeyboardIconsSet.PREFIX_ICON + KeyboardIconsSet.getIconName(iconId) : getLabel();
final String hintLabel = getHintLabel();
final String visual = (hintLabel == null) ? topVisual : topVisual + "^" + hintLabel;
return toString() + " " + visual + "/" + backgroundName(mBackgroundType);
private static String backgroundName(final int backgroundType) {
switch (backgroundType) {
case BACKGROUND_TYPE_EMPTY: return "empty";
case BACKGROUND_TYPE_NORMAL: return "normal";
case BACKGROUND_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL: return "functional";
case BACKGROUND_TYPE_STICKY_OFF: return "stickyOff";
case BACKGROUND_TYPE_STICKY_ON: return "stickyOn";
case BACKGROUND_TYPE_ACTION: return "action";
case BACKGROUND_TYPE_SPACEBAR: return "spacebar";
default: return null;
public int getCode() {
return mCode;
public String getLabel() {
return mLabel;
public String getHintLabel() {
return mHintLabel;
public MoreKeySpec[] getMoreKeys() {
return mMoreKeys;
public void markAsLeftEdge(final KeyboardParams params) {
mHitBox.left = params.mLeftPadding;
public void markAsRightEdge(final KeyboardParams params) {
mHitBox.right = params.mOccupiedWidth - params.mRightPadding;
public void markAsTopEdge(final KeyboardParams params) {
mHitBox.top = params.mTopPadding;
public void markAsBottomEdge(final KeyboardParams params) {
mHitBox.bottom = params.mOccupiedHeight + params.mBottomPadding;
public final boolean isSpacer() {
return this instanceof Spacer;
public final boolean isActionKey() {
return mBackgroundType == BACKGROUND_TYPE_ACTION;
public final boolean isShift() {
return mCode == CODE_SHIFT;
public final boolean isModifier() {
return mCode == CODE_SHIFT || mCode == CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL;
public final boolean isRepeatable() {
return (mActionFlags & ACTION_FLAGS_IS_REPEATABLE) != 0;
public final boolean noKeyPreview() {
return (mActionFlags & ACTION_FLAGS_NO_KEY_PREVIEW) != 0;
public final boolean altCodeWhileTyping() {
return (mActionFlags & ACTION_FLAGS_ALT_CODE_WHILE_TYPING) != 0;
public final boolean isLongPressEnabled() {
// We need not start long press timer on the key which has activated shifted letter.
return (mActionFlags & ACTION_FLAGS_ENABLE_LONG_PRESS) != 0
public KeyVisualAttributes getVisualAttributes() {
return mKeyVisualAttributes;
public final Typeface selectTypeface(final KeyDrawParams params) {
switch (mLabelFlags & LABEL_FLAGS_FONT_MASK) {
return Typeface.DEFAULT;
return Typeface.MONOSPACE;
// The type-face is specified by keyTypeface attribute.
return params.mTypeface;
public final int selectTextSize(final KeyDrawParams params) {
return params.mLetterSize;
return params.mLargeLetterSize;
return params.mLabelSize;
return params.mHintLabelSize;
default: // No follow key ratio flag specified.
return StringUtils.codePointCount(mLabel) == 1 ? params.mLetterSize : params.mLabelSize;
public final int selectTextColor(final KeyDrawParams params) {
return params.mFunctionalTextColor;
return isShiftedLetterActivated() ? params.mTextInactivatedColor : params.mTextColor;
public final int selectHintTextSize(final KeyDrawParams params) {
if (hasHintLabel()) {
return params.mHintLabelSize;
if (hasShiftedLetterHint()) {
return params.mShiftedLetterHintSize;
return params.mHintLetterSize;
public final int selectHintTextColor(final KeyDrawParams params) {
if (hasHintLabel()) {
return params.mHintLabelColor;
if (hasShiftedLetterHint()) {
return isShiftedLetterActivated() ? params.mShiftedLetterHintActivatedColor
: params.mShiftedLetterHintInactivatedColor;
return params.mHintLetterColor;
public final int selectMoreKeyTextSize(final KeyDrawParams params) {
return hasLabelsInMoreKeys() ? params.mLabelSize : params.mLetterSize;
public final String getPreviewLabel() {
return isShiftedLetterActivated() ? mHintLabel : mLabel;
private boolean previewHasLetterSize() {
|| StringUtils.codePointCount(getPreviewLabel()) == 1;
public final int selectPreviewTextSize(final KeyDrawParams params) {
if (previewHasLetterSize()) {
return params.mPreviewTextSize;
return params.mLetterSize;
public Typeface selectPreviewTypeface(final KeyDrawParams params) {
if (previewHasLetterSize()) {
return selectTypeface(params);
return Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD;
public final boolean isAlignHintLabelToBottom(final int defaultFlags) {
return ((mLabelFlags | defaultFlags) & LABEL_FLAGS_ALIGN_HINT_LABEL_TO_BOTTOM) != 0;
public final boolean isAlignIconToBottom() {
return (mLabelFlags & LABEL_FLAGS_ALIGN_ICON_TO_BOTTOM) != 0;
public final boolean isAlignLabelOffCenter() {
return (mLabelFlags & LABEL_FLAGS_ALIGN_LABEL_OFF_CENTER) != 0;
public final boolean hasPopupHint() {
return (mLabelFlags & LABEL_FLAGS_HAS_POPUP_HINT) != 0;
public final boolean hasShiftedLetterHint() {
&& !TextUtils.isEmpty(mHintLabel);
public final boolean hasHintLabel() {
return (mLabelFlags & LABEL_FLAGS_HAS_HINT_LABEL) != 0;
public final boolean needsAutoXScale() {
return (mLabelFlags & LABEL_FLAGS_AUTO_X_SCALE) != 0;
public final boolean needsAutoScale() {
public final boolean needsToKeepBackgroundAspectRatio(final int defaultFlags) {
return ((mLabelFlags | defaultFlags) & LABEL_FLAGS_KEEP_BACKGROUND_ASPECT_RATIO) != 0;
public final boolean hasCustomActionLabel() {
private final boolean isShiftedLetterActivated() {
&& !TextUtils.isEmpty(mHintLabel);
public final int getMoreKeysColumnNumber() {
return mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags & MORE_KEYS_COLUMN_NUMBER_MASK;
public final boolean isMoreKeysFixedColumn() {
return (mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags & MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_FIXED_COLUMN) != 0;
public final boolean isMoreKeysFixedOrder() {
return (mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags & MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_FIXED_ORDER) != 0;
public final boolean hasLabelsInMoreKeys() {
return (mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags & MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_HAS_LABELS) != 0;
public final int getMoreKeyLabelFlags() {
final int labelSizeFlag = hasLabelsInMoreKeys()
return labelSizeFlag | LABEL_FLAGS_AUTO_X_SCALE;
public final boolean needsDividersInMoreKeys() {
return (mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags & MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_NEEDS_DIVIDERS) != 0;
public final boolean hasNoPanelAutoMoreKey() {
return (mMoreKeysColumnAndFlags & MORE_KEYS_FLAGS_NO_PANEL_AUTO_MORE_KEY) != 0;
public final String getOutputText() {
final OptionalAttributes attrs = mOptionalAttributes;
return (attrs != null) ? attrs.mOutputText : null;
public final int getAltCode() {
final OptionalAttributes attrs = mOptionalAttributes;
return (attrs != null) ? attrs.mAltCode : CODE_UNSPECIFIED;
public int getIconId() {
return mIconId;
public Drawable getIcon(final KeyboardIconsSet iconSet, final int alpha) {
final OptionalAttributes attrs = mOptionalAttributes;
final int disabledIconId = (attrs != null) ? attrs.mDisabledIconId : ICON_UNDEFINED;
final int iconId = mEnabled ? getIconId() : disabledIconId;
final Drawable icon = iconSet.getIconDrawable(iconId);
if (icon != null) {
return icon;
public Drawable getPreviewIcon(final KeyboardIconsSet iconSet) {
return iconSet.getIconDrawable(getIconId());
* Gets the width of the key in pixels, excluding the gap.
* @return The width of the key in pixels, excluding the gap.
public int getWidth() {
return mWidth;
* Gets the height of the key in pixels, excluding the gap.
* @return The height of the key in pixels, excluding the gap.
public int getHeight() {
return mHeight;
* The combined width in pixels of the horizontal gaps belonging to this key, both above and
* below. I.e., getWidth() + getHorizontalGap() = total width belonging to the key.
* @return Horizontal gap belonging to this key.
public int getHorizontalGap() {
return mHorizontalGap;
* The combined height in pixels of the vertical gaps belonging to this key, both above and
* below. I.e., getHeight() + getVerticalGap() = total height belonging to the key.
* @return Vertical gap belonging to this key.
public int getVerticalGap() {
return mVerticalGap;
* Gets the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the key in pixels, excluding the gap.
* @return The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the key in pixels, excluding the gap.
public int getX() {
return mX;
* Gets the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the key in pixels, excluding the gap.
* @return The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the key in pixels, excluding the gap.
public int getY() {
return mY;
public final int getDrawX() {
final int x = getX();
final OptionalAttributes attrs = mOptionalAttributes;
return (attrs == null) ? x : x + attrs.mVisualInsetsLeft;
public final int getDrawWidth() {
final OptionalAttributes attrs = mOptionalAttributes;
return (attrs == null) ? mWidth
: mWidth - attrs.mVisualInsetsLeft - attrs.mVisualInsetsRight;
* Informs the key that it has been pressed, in case it needs to change its appearance or
* state.
* @see #onReleased()
public void onPressed() {
mPressed = true;
* Informs the key that it has been released, in case it needs to change its appearance or
* state.
* @see #onPressed()
public void onReleased() {
mPressed = false;
public final boolean isEnabled() {
return mEnabled;
public void setEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
mEnabled = enabled;
public Rect getHitBox() {
return mHitBox;
* Detects if a point falls on this key.
* @param x the x-coordinate of the point
* @param y the y-coordinate of the point
* @return whether or not the point falls on the key. If the key is attached to an edge, it
* will assume that all points between the key and the edge are considered to be on the key.
* @see #markAsLeftEdge(KeyboardParams) etc.
public boolean isOnKey(final int x, final int y) {
return mHitBox.contains(x, y);
* Returns the square of the distance to the nearest edge of the key and the given point.
* @param x the x-coordinate of the point
* @param y the y-coordinate of the point
* @return the square of the distance of the point from the nearest edge of the key
public int squaredDistanceToEdge(final int x, final int y) {
final int left = getX();
final int right = left + mWidth;
final int top = getY();
final int bottom = top + mHeight;
final int edgeX = x < left ? left : (x > right ? right : x);
final int edgeY = y < top ? top : (y > bottom ? bottom : y);
final int dx = x - edgeX;
final int dy = y - edgeY;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
static class KeyBackgroundState {
private final int[] mReleasedState;
private final int[] mPressedState;
private KeyBackgroundState(final int ... attrs) {
mReleasedState = attrs;
mPressedState = Arrays.copyOf(attrs, attrs.length + 1);
mPressedState[attrs.length] = android.R.attr.state_pressed;
public int[] getState(final boolean pressed) {
return pressed ? mPressedState : mReleasedState;
public static final KeyBackgroundState[] STATES = {
new KeyBackgroundState(android.R.attr.state_empty),
new KeyBackgroundState(),
new KeyBackgroundState(),
new KeyBackgroundState(android.R.attr.state_checkable),
new KeyBackgroundState(android.R.attr.state_checkable, android.R.attr.state_checked),
new KeyBackgroundState(android.R.attr.state_active),
new KeyBackgroundState(),
* Returns the background drawable for the key, based on the current state and type of the key.
* @return the background drawable of the key.
* @see android.graphics.drawable.StateListDrawable#setState(int[])
public final Drawable selectBackgroundDrawable(final Drawable keyBackground,
final Drawable functionalKeyBackground, final Drawable spacebarBackground) {
final Drawable background;
if (mBackgroundType == BACKGROUND_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL) {
background = functionalKeyBackground;
} else if (mBackgroundType == BACKGROUND_TYPE_SPACEBAR) {
background = spacebarBackground;
} else {
background = keyBackground;
final int[] state = KeyBackgroundState.STATES[mBackgroundType].getState(mPressed);
return background;
public static class Spacer extends Key {
public Spacer(final TypedArray keyAttr, final KeyStyle keyStyle,
final KeyboardParams params, final KeyboardRow row) {
super(null /* keySpec */, keyAttr, keyStyle, params, row);
* This constructor is being used only for divider in more keys keyboard.
protected Spacer(final KeyboardParams params, final int x, final int y, final int width,
final int height) {
super(null /* label */, ICON_UNDEFINED, CODE_UNSPECIFIED, null /* outputText */,
null /* hintLabel */, 0 /* labelFlags */, BACKGROUND_TYPE_EMPTY, x, y, width,
height, params.mHorizontalGap, params.mVerticalGap);