Tadashi G. Takaoka 4a4b6d42a7 Add BatchInputArbiter
Move the logic that determines how to handle gesture typing from
PointerTracker to BatchInputArbiter class.

This change must be checked in together with Ia7db8f4fb7.

Change-Id: I5e9f786de58d8a3cb0407ae562af707710ec37fb
2013-12-26 14:09:57 +09:00

270 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public final class Constants {
public static final class Color {
* The alpha value for fully opaque.
public final static int ALPHA_OPAQUE = 255;
public static final class ImeOption {
* The private IME option used to indicate that no microphone should be shown for a given
* text field. For instance, this is specified by the search dialog when the dialog is
* already showing a voice search button.
* @deprecated Use {@link ImeOption#NO_MICROPHONE} with package name prefixed.
public static final String NO_MICROPHONE_COMPAT = "nm";
* The private IME option used to indicate that no microphone should be shown for a given
* text field. For instance, this is specified by the search dialog when the dialog is
* already showing a voice search button.
public static final String NO_MICROPHONE = "noMicrophoneKey";
* The private IME option used to indicate that no settings key should be shown for a given
* text field.
public static final String NO_SETTINGS_KEY = "noSettingsKey";
* The private IME option used to indicate that the given text field needs ASCII code points
* input.
* @deprecated Use EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_FORCE_ASCII.
public static final String FORCE_ASCII = "forceAscii";
private ImeOption() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
public static final class Subtype {
* The subtype mode used to indicate that the subtype is a keyboard.
public static final String KEYBOARD_MODE = "keyboard";
public static final class ExtraValue {
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that this subtype is capable of
* entering ASCII characters.
public static final String ASCII_CAPABLE = "AsciiCapable";
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that this subtype is enabled
* when the default subtype is not marked as ascii capable.
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that this subtype is capable of
* entering emoji characters.
public static final String EMOJI_CAPABLE = "EmojiCapable";
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that this subtype requires a network
* connection to work.
public static final String REQ_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY = "requireNetworkConnectivity";
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that the display name of this subtype
* contains a "%s" for printf-like replacement and it should be replaced by
* this extra value.
* This extra value is supported on JellyBean and later.
* The subtype extra value used to indicate this subtype keyboard layout set name.
* This extra value is private to LatinIME.
public static final String KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_SET = "KeyboardLayoutSet";
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that this subtype is an additional subtype
* that the user defined. This extra value is private to LatinIME.
public static final String IS_ADDITIONAL_SUBTYPE = "isAdditionalSubtype";
private ExtraValue() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
private Subtype() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
public static final class TextUtils {
* Capitalization mode for {@link android.text.TextUtils#getCapsMode}: don't capitalize
* characters. This value may be used with
* {@link android.text.TextUtils#CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS},
* {@link android.text.TextUtils#CAP_MODE_WORDS}, and
* {@link android.text.TextUtils#CAP_MODE_SENTENCES}.
// TODO: Straighten this out. It's bizarre to have to use android.text.TextUtils.CAP_MODE_*
// except for OFF that is in Constants.TextUtils.
public static final int CAP_MODE_OFF = 0;
private TextUtils() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
public static final int NOT_A_CODE = -1;
public static final int NOT_A_CURSOR_POSITION = -1;
public static final int NOT_A_COORDINATE = -1;
public static final int SUGGESTION_STRIP_COORDINATE = -2;
public static final int SPELL_CHECKER_COORDINATE = -3;
public static final int EXTERNAL_KEYBOARD_COORDINATE = -4;
// A hint on how many characters to cache from the TextView. A good value of this is given by
// how many characters we need to be able to almost always find the caps mode.
public static final int EDITOR_CONTENTS_CACHE_SIZE = 1024;
// Must be equal to MAX_WORD_LENGTH in native/jni/src/defines.h
public static final int DICTIONARY_MAX_WORD_LENGTH = 48;
// Key events coming any faster than this are long-presses.
public static final int LONG_PRESS_MILLISECONDS = 200;
// TODO: Set this value appropriately.
public static final int GET_SUGGESTED_WORDS_TIMEOUT = 200;
// How many continuous deletes at which to start deleting at a higher speed.
public static final int DELETE_ACCELERATE_AT = 20;
public static boolean isValidCoordinate(final int coordinate) {
return coordinate >= 0;
* Custom request code used in
* {@link}.
// The code to show input method picker.
public static final int CUSTOM_CODE_SHOW_INPUT_METHOD_PICKER = 1;
* Some common keys code. Must be positive.
public static final int CODE_ENTER = '\n';
public static final int CODE_TAB = '\t';
public static final int CODE_SPACE = ' ';
public static final int CODE_PERIOD = '.';
public static final int CODE_ARMENIAN_PERIOD = 0x0589;
public static final int CODE_DASH = '-';
public static final int CODE_SINGLE_QUOTE = '\'';
public static final int CODE_DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';
public static final int CODE_QUESTION_MARK = '?';
public static final int CODE_EXCLAMATION_MARK = '!';
public static final int CODE_SLASH = '/';
public static final int CODE_COMMERCIAL_AT = '@';
public static final int CODE_PLUS = '+';
public static final int CODE_PERCENT = '%';
public static final int CODE_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS = ')';
public static final int CODE_CLOSING_SQUARE_BRACKET = ']';
public static final int CODE_CLOSING_CURLY_BRACKET = '}';
public static final int CODE_CLOSING_ANGLE_BRACKET = '>';
* Special keys code. Must be negative.
* These should be aligned with {@link KeyboardCodesSet#ID_TO_NAME},
* {@link KeyboardCodesSet#DEFAULT}, and {@link KeyboardCodesSet#RTL}.
public static final int CODE_SHIFT = -1;
public static final int CODE_CAPSLOCK = -2;
public static final int CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL = -3;
public static final int CODE_OUTPUT_TEXT = -4;
public static final int CODE_DELETE = -5;
public static final int CODE_SETTINGS = -6;
public static final int CODE_SHORTCUT = -7;
public static final int CODE_ACTION_NEXT = -8;
public static final int CODE_ACTION_PREVIOUS = -9;
public static final int CODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH = -10;
public static final int CODE_EMOJI = -11;
public static final int CODE_SHIFT_ENTER = -12;
// Code value representing the code is not specified.
public static final int CODE_UNSPECIFIED = -13;
public static boolean isLetterCode(final int code) {
return code >= CODE_SPACE;
public static String printableCode(final int code) {
switch (code) {
case CODE_SHIFT: return "shift";
case CODE_CAPSLOCK: return "capslock";
case CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL: return "symbol";
case CODE_OUTPUT_TEXT: return "text";
case CODE_DELETE: return "delete";
case CODE_SETTINGS: return "settings";
case CODE_SHORTCUT: return "shortcut";
case CODE_ACTION_NEXT: return "actionNext";
case CODE_ACTION_PREVIOUS: return "actionPrevious";
case CODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH: return "languageSwitch";
case CODE_EMOJI: return "emoji";
case CODE_SHIFT_ENTER: return "shiftEnter";
case CODE_UNSPECIFIED: return "unspec";
case CODE_TAB: return "tab";
case CODE_ENTER: return "enter";
if (code < CODE_SPACE) return String.format("'\\u%02x'", code);
if (code < 0x100) return String.format("'%c'", code);
return String.format("'\\u%04x'", code);
public static final int MAX_INT_BIT_COUNT = 32;
* Screen metrics (a.k.a. Device form factor) constants of
* {@link R.integer#config_screen_metrics}.
public static final int SCREEN_METRICS_SMALL_PHONE = 0;
public static final int SCREEN_METRICS_LARGE_PHONE = 1;
public static final int SCREEN_METRICS_LARGE_TABLET = 2;
public static final int SCREEN_METRICS_SMALL_TABLET = 3;
* Default capacity of gesture points container.
* This constant is used by {@link BatchInputArbiter} and etc. to preallocate regions that
* contain gesture event points.
public static final int DEFAULT_GESTURE_POINTS_CAPACITY = 128;
private Constants() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.