Without personalization:
Total words: 1134774, Success Num: 899230, Success Percentage: 79.243%
Bad Failures, with auto-correction (typed word == expected word, output word != expected word): 1871, Bad Failure Percentage: 0.165%
Failures, with auto-correction (F-C): 29084, F-C Percentage: 2.563%
Max Keystrokes: 6072959, Min Keystrokes: 4436090, Keystroke Saving Percentage:26.953%
Total words: 1134646, Success Num: 925194, Success Percentage: 81.540%
Bad Failures, with auto-correction (typed word == expected word, output word != expected word): 1316, Bad Failure Percentage: 0.116%
Failures, with auto-correction (F-C): 28288, F-C Percentage: 2.493%
Max Keystrokes: 6072831, Min Keystrokes: 3946188, Keystroke Saving Percentage:35.019%
Total words: 1134659, Success Num: 944746, Success Percentage: 83.263%
Bad Failures, with auto-correction (typed word == expected word, output word != expected word): 1258, Bad Failure Percentage: 0.111%
Failures, with auto-correction (F-C): 28016, F-C Percentage: 2.469%
Max Keystrokes: 6072844, Min Keystrokes: 3387333, Keystroke Saving Percentage:44.222%
Change-Id: I3af42ec37a11847c0429c28616e726f6a339247f