/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard; import android.animation.AnimatorInflater; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Paint.Align; import android.graphics.Typeface; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype; import android.widget.TextView; import com.android.inputmethod.accessibility.AccessibilityUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.accessibility.AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy; import com.android.inputmethod.annotations.ExternallyReferenced; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.PointerTracker.DrawingProxy; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.PointerTracker.TimerProxy; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.GestureFloatingPreviewText; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.GestureTrailsPreview; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyDrawParams; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyPreviewDrawParams; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.PreviewPlacerView; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.SlidingKeyInputPreview; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.Constants; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinImeLogger; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.R; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.SuggestedWords; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.define.ProductionFlag; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.settings.DebugSettings; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.CollectionUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.CoordinateUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.StaticInnerHandlerWrapper; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.SubtypeLocaleUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.TypefaceUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.UsabilityStudyLogUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.ViewLayoutUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.research.ResearchLogger; import java.util.WeakHashMap; /** * A view that is responsible for detecting key presses and touch movements. * * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_autoCorrectionSpacebarLedEnabled * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_autoCorrectionSpacebarLedIcon * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_spacebarTextRatio * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_spacebarTextColor * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_spacebarTextShadowColor * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_languageOnSpacebarFinalAlpha * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_languageOnSpacebarFadeoutAnimator * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_altCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeoutAnimator * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_altCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeinAnimator * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_keyHysteresisDistance * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_touchNoiseThresholdTime * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_touchNoiseThresholdDistance * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_slidingKeyInputEnable * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_keyRepeatStartTimeout * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_keyRepeatInterval * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_longPressKeyTimeout * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_longPressShiftKeyTimeout * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_ignoreAltCodeKeyTimeout * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewLayout * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewOffset * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewHeight * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewLingerTimeout * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_moreKeysKeyboardLayout * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_backgroundDimAlpha * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_showMoreKeysKeyboardAtTouchPoint * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureFloatingPreviewTextLingerTimeout * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureStaticTimeThresholdAfterFastTyping * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureDetectFastMoveSpeedThreshold * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureDynamicThresholdDecayDuration * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureDynamicTimeThresholdFrom * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureDynamicTimeThresholdTo * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureDynamicDistanceThresholdFrom * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureDynamicDistanceThresholdTo * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureSamplingMinimumDistance * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureRecognitionMinimumTime * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_gestureRecognitionSpeedThreshold * @attr ref R.styleable#MainKeyboardView_suppressKeyPreviewAfterBatchInputDuration */ public final class MainKeyboardView extends KeyboardView implements PointerTracker.KeyEventHandler, PointerTracker.DrawingProxy, MoreKeysPanel.Controller { private static final String TAG = MainKeyboardView.class.getSimpleName(); /** Listener for {@link KeyboardActionListener}. */ private KeyboardActionListener mKeyboardActionListener; /* Space key and its icons */ private Key mSpaceKey; private Drawable mSpaceIcon; // Stuff to draw language name on spacebar. private final int mLanguageOnSpacebarFinalAlpha; private ObjectAnimator mLanguageOnSpacebarFadeoutAnimator; private boolean mNeedsToDisplayLanguage; private boolean mHasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes; private int mLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha = Constants.Color.ALPHA_OPAQUE; private final float mSpacebarTextRatio; private float mSpacebarTextSize; private final int mSpacebarTextColor; private final int mSpacebarTextShadowColor; // The minimum x-scale to fit the language name on spacebar. private static final float MINIMUM_XSCALE_OF_LANGUAGE_NAME = 0.8f; // Stuff to draw auto correction LED on spacebar. private boolean mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedOn; private final boolean mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedEnabled; private final Drawable mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedIcon; private static final int SPACE_LED_LENGTH_PERCENT = 80; // Stuff to draw altCodeWhileTyping keys. private ObjectAnimator mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeoutAnimator; private ObjectAnimator mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeinAnimator; private int mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingAnimAlpha = Constants.Color.ALPHA_OPAQUE; // Preview placer view private final PreviewPlacerView mPreviewPlacerView; private final int[] mOriginCoords = CoordinateUtils.newInstance(); private final GestureFloatingPreviewText mGestureFloatingPreviewText; private final GestureTrailsPreview mGestureTrailsPreview; private final SlidingKeyInputPreview mSlidingKeyInputPreview; // Key preview private static final int PREVIEW_ALPHA = 240; private final int mKeyPreviewLayoutId; private final int mKeyPreviewOffset; private final int mKeyPreviewHeight; private final SparseArray mKeyPreviewTexts = CollectionUtils.newSparseArray(); private final KeyPreviewDrawParams mKeyPreviewDrawParams = new KeyPreviewDrawParams(); private boolean mShowKeyPreviewPopup = true; private int mKeyPreviewLingerTimeout; // More keys keyboard private final Paint mBackgroundDimAlphaPaint = new Paint(); private boolean mNeedsToDimEntireKeyboard; private final View mMoreKeysKeyboardContainer; private final WeakHashMap mMoreKeysKeyboardCache = CollectionUtils.newWeakHashMap(); private final boolean mConfigShowMoreKeysKeyboardAtTouchedPoint; // More keys panel (used by both more keys keyboard and more suggestions view) // TODO: Consider extending to support multiple more keys panels private MoreKeysPanel mMoreKeysPanel; // Gesture floating preview text // TODO: Make this parameter customizable by user via settings. private int mGestureFloatingPreviewTextLingerTimeout; private KeyDetector mKeyDetector; private final boolean mHasDistinctMultitouch; private int mOldPointerCount = 1; private Key mOldKey; private final KeyTimerHandler mKeyTimerHandler; private static final class KeyTimerHandler extends StaticInnerHandlerWrapper implements TimerProxy { private static final int MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED = 0; private static final int MSG_REPEAT_KEY = 1; private static final int MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY = 2; private static final int MSG_DOUBLE_TAP_SHIFT_KEY = 3; private static final int MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT = 4; private final int mIgnoreAltCodeKeyTimeout; private final int mGestureRecognitionUpdateTime; public KeyTimerHandler(final MainKeyboardView outerInstance, final TypedArray mainKeyboardViewAttr) { super(outerInstance); mIgnoreAltCodeKeyTimeout = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getInt( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_ignoreAltCodeKeyTimeout, 0); mGestureRecognitionUpdateTime = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getInt( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_gestureRecognitionUpdateTime, 0); } @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) { final MainKeyboardView keyboardView = getOuterInstance(); if (keyboardView == null) { return; } final PointerTracker tracker = (PointerTracker) msg.obj; switch (msg.what) { case MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED: startWhileTypingFadeinAnimation(keyboardView); break; case MSG_REPEAT_KEY: tracker.onKeyRepeat(msg.arg1); break; case MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY: keyboardView.onLongPress(tracker); break; case MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT: tracker.updateBatchInputByTimer(SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); startUpdateBatchInputTimer(tracker); break; } } @Override public void startKeyRepeatTimer(final PointerTracker tracker, final int delay) { final Key key = tracker.getKey(); if (key == null || delay == 0) { return; } sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_REPEAT_KEY, key.mCode, 0, tracker), delay); } public void cancelKeyRepeatTimer() { removeMessages(MSG_REPEAT_KEY); } // TODO: Suppress layout changes in key repeat mode public boolean isInKeyRepeat() { return hasMessages(MSG_REPEAT_KEY); } @Override public void startLongPressTimer(final PointerTracker tracker, final int delay) { cancelLongPressTimer(); if (delay <= 0) return; sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY, tracker), delay); } @Override public void cancelLongPressTimer() { removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY); } private static void cancelAndStartAnimators(final ObjectAnimator animatorToCancel, final ObjectAnimator animatorToStart) { if (animatorToCancel == null || animatorToStart == null) { // TODO: Stop using null as a no-operation animator. return; } float startFraction = 0.0f; if (animatorToCancel.isStarted()) { animatorToCancel.cancel(); startFraction = 1.0f - animatorToCancel.getAnimatedFraction(); } final long startTime = (long)(animatorToStart.getDuration() * startFraction); animatorToStart.start(); animatorToStart.setCurrentPlayTime(startTime); } private static void startWhileTypingFadeinAnimation(final MainKeyboardView keyboardView) { cancelAndStartAnimators(keyboardView.mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeoutAnimator, keyboardView.mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeinAnimator); } private static void startWhileTypingFadeoutAnimation(final MainKeyboardView keyboardView) { cancelAndStartAnimators(keyboardView.mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeinAnimator, keyboardView.mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeoutAnimator); } @Override public void startTypingStateTimer(final Key typedKey) { if (typedKey.isModifier() || typedKey.altCodeWhileTyping()) { return; } final boolean isTyping = isTypingState(); removeMessages(MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED); final MainKeyboardView keyboardView = getOuterInstance(); // When user hits the space or the enter key, just cancel the while-typing timer. final int typedCode = typedKey.mCode; if (typedCode == Constants.CODE_SPACE || typedCode == Constants.CODE_ENTER) { if (isTyping) { startWhileTypingFadeinAnimation(keyboardView); } return; } sendMessageDelayed( obtainMessage(MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED), mIgnoreAltCodeKeyTimeout); if (isTyping) { return; } startWhileTypingFadeoutAnimation(keyboardView); } @Override public boolean isTypingState() { return hasMessages(MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED); } @Override public void startDoubleTapShiftKeyTimer() { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_DOUBLE_TAP_SHIFT_KEY), ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout()); } @Override public void cancelDoubleTapShiftKeyTimer() { removeMessages(MSG_DOUBLE_TAP_SHIFT_KEY); } @Override public boolean isInDoubleTapShiftKeyTimeout() { return hasMessages(MSG_DOUBLE_TAP_SHIFT_KEY); } @Override public void cancelKeyTimers() { cancelKeyRepeatTimer(); cancelLongPressTimer(); } @Override public void startUpdateBatchInputTimer(final PointerTracker tracker) { if (mGestureRecognitionUpdateTime <= 0) { return; } removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT, tracker); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT, tracker), mGestureRecognitionUpdateTime); } @Override public void cancelUpdateBatchInputTimer(final PointerTracker tracker) { removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT, tracker); } @Override public void cancelAllUpdateBatchInputTimers() { removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT); } public void cancelAllMessages() { cancelKeyTimers(); cancelAllUpdateBatchInputTimers(); } } private final DrawingHandler mDrawingHandler = new DrawingHandler(this); public static class DrawingHandler extends StaticInnerHandlerWrapper { private static final int MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW = 0; private static final int MSG_DISMISS_GESTURE_FLOATING_PREVIEW_TEXT = 1; public DrawingHandler(final MainKeyboardView outerInstance) { super(outerInstance); } @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) { final MainKeyboardView mainKeyboardView = getOuterInstance(); if (mainKeyboardView == null) return; final PointerTracker tracker = (PointerTracker) msg.obj; switch (msg.what) { case MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW: final TextView previewText = mainKeyboardView.mKeyPreviewTexts.get( tracker.mPointerId); if (previewText != null) { previewText.setVisibility(INVISIBLE); } break; case MSG_DISMISS_GESTURE_FLOATING_PREVIEW_TEXT: mainKeyboardView.showGestureFloatingPreviewText(SuggestedWords.EMPTY); break; } } public void dismissKeyPreview(final long delay, final PointerTracker tracker) { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW, tracker), delay); } public void cancelDismissKeyPreview(final PointerTracker tracker) { removeMessages(MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW, tracker); } private void cancelAllDismissKeyPreviews() { removeMessages(MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW); } public void dismissGestureFloatingPreviewText(final long delay) { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_DISMISS_GESTURE_FLOATING_PREVIEW_TEXT), delay); } public void cancelAllMessages() { cancelAllDismissKeyPreviews(); } } public MainKeyboardView(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, R.attr.mainKeyboardViewStyle); } public MainKeyboardView(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs, final int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); final boolean forceNonDistinctMultitouch = prefs.getBoolean( DebugSettings.PREF_FORCE_NON_DISTINCT_MULTITOUCH, false); final boolean hasDistinctMultitouch = context.getPackageManager() .hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN_MULTITOUCH_DISTINCT); mHasDistinctMultitouch = hasDistinctMultitouch && !forceNonDistinctMultitouch; PointerTracker.init(getResources()); mPreviewPlacerView = new PreviewPlacerView(context, attrs); final TypedArray mainKeyboardViewAttr = context.obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, R.styleable.MainKeyboardView, defStyle, R.style.MainKeyboardView); final int backgroundDimAlpha = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getInt( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_backgroundDimAlpha, 0); mBackgroundDimAlphaPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); mBackgroundDimAlphaPaint.setAlpha(backgroundDimAlpha); mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedEnabled = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getBoolean( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_autoCorrectionSpacebarLedEnabled, false); mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedIcon = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getDrawable( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_autoCorrectionSpacebarLedIcon); mSpacebarTextRatio = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getFraction( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_spacebarTextRatio, 1, 1, 1.0f); mSpacebarTextColor = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getColor( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_spacebarTextColor, 0); mSpacebarTextShadowColor = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getColor( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_spacebarTextShadowColor, 0); mLanguageOnSpacebarFinalAlpha = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getInt( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_languageOnSpacebarFinalAlpha, Constants.Color.ALPHA_OPAQUE); final int languageOnSpacebarFadeoutAnimatorResId = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getResourceId( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_languageOnSpacebarFadeoutAnimator, 0); final int altCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeoutAnimatorResId = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getResourceId( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_altCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeoutAnimator, 0); final int altCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeinAnimatorResId = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getResourceId( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_altCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeinAnimator, 0); final float keyHysteresisDistance = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getDimension( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyHysteresisDistance, 0.0f); final float keyHysteresisDistanceForSlidingModifier = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getDimension( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyHysteresisDistanceForSlidingModifier, 0.0f); mKeyDetector = new KeyDetector( keyHysteresisDistance, keyHysteresisDistanceForSlidingModifier); mKeyTimerHandler = new KeyTimerHandler(this, mainKeyboardViewAttr); mKeyPreviewOffset = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getDimensionPixelOffset( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewOffset, 0); mKeyPreviewHeight = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getDimensionPixelSize( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewHeight, 0); mKeyPreviewLingerTimeout = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getInt( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewLingerTimeout, 0); mKeyPreviewLayoutId = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getResourceId( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewLayout, 0); if (mKeyPreviewLayoutId == 0) { mShowKeyPreviewPopup = false; } final int moreKeysKeyboardLayoutId = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getResourceId( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_moreKeysKeyboardLayout, 0); mConfigShowMoreKeysKeyboardAtTouchedPoint = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getBoolean( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_showMoreKeysKeyboardAtTouchedPoint, false); mGestureFloatingPreviewTextLingerTimeout = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getInt( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_gestureFloatingPreviewTextLingerTimeout, 0); PointerTracker.setParameters(mainKeyboardViewAttr); mGestureFloatingPreviewText = new GestureFloatingPreviewText( mPreviewPlacerView, mainKeyboardViewAttr); mPreviewPlacerView.addPreview(mGestureFloatingPreviewText); mGestureTrailsPreview = new GestureTrailsPreview( mPreviewPlacerView, mainKeyboardViewAttr); mPreviewPlacerView.addPreview(mGestureTrailsPreview); mSlidingKeyInputPreview = new SlidingKeyInputPreview( mPreviewPlacerView, mainKeyboardViewAttr); mPreviewPlacerView.addPreview(mSlidingKeyInputPreview); mainKeyboardViewAttr.recycle(); mMoreKeysKeyboardContainer = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()) .inflate(moreKeysKeyboardLayoutId, null); mLanguageOnSpacebarFadeoutAnimator = loadObjectAnimator( languageOnSpacebarFadeoutAnimatorResId, this); mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeoutAnimator = loadObjectAnimator( altCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeoutAnimatorResId, this); mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeinAnimator = loadObjectAnimator( altCodeKeyWhileTypingFadeinAnimatorResId, this); mKeyboardActionListener = KeyboardActionListener.EMPTY_LISTENER; } private ObjectAnimator loadObjectAnimator(final int resId, final Object target) { if (resId == 0) { // TODO: Stop returning null. return null; } final ObjectAnimator animator = (ObjectAnimator)AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator( getContext(), resId); if (animator != null) { animator.setTarget(target); } return animator; } @ExternallyReferenced public int getLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha() { return mLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha; } @ExternallyReferenced public void setLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha(final int alpha) { mLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha = alpha; invalidateKey(mSpaceKey); } @ExternallyReferenced public int getAltCodeKeyWhileTypingAnimAlpha() { return mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingAnimAlpha; } @ExternallyReferenced public void setAltCodeKeyWhileTypingAnimAlpha(final int alpha) { if (mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingAnimAlpha == alpha) { return; } // Update the visual of alt-code-key-while-typing. mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingAnimAlpha = alpha; final Keyboard keyboard = getKeyboard(); if (keyboard == null) { return; } for (final Key key : keyboard.mAltCodeKeysWhileTyping) { invalidateKey(key); } } public void setKeyboardActionListener(final KeyboardActionListener listener) { mKeyboardActionListener = listener; PointerTracker.setKeyboardActionListener(listener); } /** * Returns the {@link KeyboardActionListener} object. * @return the listener attached to this keyboard */ @Override public KeyboardActionListener getKeyboardActionListener() { return mKeyboardActionListener; } @Override public KeyDetector getKeyDetector() { return mKeyDetector; } @Override public DrawingProxy getDrawingProxy() { return this; } @Override public TimerProxy getTimerProxy() { return mKeyTimerHandler; } /** * Attaches a keyboard to this view. The keyboard can be switched at any time and the * view will re-layout itself to accommodate the keyboard. * @see Keyboard * @see #getKeyboard() * @param keyboard the keyboard to display in this view */ @Override public void setKeyboard(final Keyboard keyboard) { // Remove any pending messages, except dismissing preview and key repeat. mKeyTimerHandler.cancelLongPressTimer(); super.setKeyboard(keyboard); mKeyDetector.setKeyboard( keyboard, -getPaddingLeft(), -getPaddingTop() + getVerticalCorrection()); PointerTracker.setKeyDetector(mKeyDetector); mMoreKeysKeyboardCache.clear(); mSpaceKey = keyboard.getKey(Constants.CODE_SPACE); mSpaceIcon = (mSpaceKey != null) ? mSpaceKey.getIcon(keyboard.mIconsSet, Constants.Color.ALPHA_OPAQUE) : null; final int keyHeight = keyboard.mMostCommonKeyHeight - keyboard.mVerticalGap; mSpacebarTextSize = keyHeight * mSpacebarTextRatio; if (ProductionFlag.USES_DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_DIAGNOSTICS) { ResearchLogger.mainKeyboardView_setKeyboard(keyboard); } // This always needs to be set since the accessibility state can // potentially change without the keyboard being set again. AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy.getInstance().setKeyboard(); } /** * Enables or disables the key feedback popup. This is a popup that shows a magnified * version of the depressed key. By default the preview is enabled. * @param previewEnabled whether or not to enable the key feedback preview * @param delay the delay after which the preview is dismissed * @see #isKeyPreviewPopupEnabled() */ public void setKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(final boolean previewEnabled, final int delay) { mShowKeyPreviewPopup = previewEnabled; mKeyPreviewLingerTimeout = delay; } private void locatePreviewPlacerView() { if (mPreviewPlacerView.getParent() != null) { return; } final int width = getWidth(); final int height = getHeight(); if (width == 0 || height == 0) { // In transient state. return; } getLocationInWindow(mOriginCoords); final DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); if (CoordinateUtils.y(mOriginCoords) < dm.heightPixels / 4) { // In transient state. return; } final View rootView = getRootView(); if (rootView == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot find root view"); return; } final ViewGroup windowContentView = (ViewGroup)rootView.findViewById(android.R.id.content); // Note: It'd be very weird if we get null by android.R.id.content. if (windowContentView == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot find android.R.id.content view to add PreviewPlacerView"); } else { windowContentView.addView(mPreviewPlacerView); mPreviewPlacerView.setKeyboardViewGeometry(mOriginCoords, width, height); } } /** * Returns the enabled state of the key feedback preview * @return whether or not the key feedback preview is enabled * @see #setKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(boolean, int) */ public boolean isKeyPreviewPopupEnabled() { return mShowKeyPreviewPopup; } private void addKeyPreview(final TextView keyPreview) { locatePreviewPlacerView(); mPreviewPlacerView.addView( keyPreview, ViewLayoutUtils.newLayoutParam(mPreviewPlacerView, 0, 0)); } private TextView getKeyPreviewText(final int pointerId) { TextView previewText = mKeyPreviewTexts.get(pointerId); if (previewText != null) { return previewText; } final Context context = getContext(); if (mKeyPreviewLayoutId != 0) { previewText = (TextView)LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(mKeyPreviewLayoutId, null); } else { previewText = new TextView(context); } mKeyPreviewTexts.put(pointerId, previewText); return previewText; } private void dismissAllKeyPreviews() { final int pointerCount = mKeyPreviewTexts.size(); for (int id = 0; id < pointerCount; id++) { final TextView previewText = mKeyPreviewTexts.get(id); if (previewText != null) { previewText.setVisibility(INVISIBLE); } } PointerTracker.setReleasedKeyGraphicsToAllKeys(); } // Background state set private static final int[][][] KEY_PREVIEW_BACKGROUND_STATE_TABLE = { { // STATE_MIDDLE EMPTY_STATE_SET, { R.attr.state_has_morekeys } }, { // STATE_LEFT { R.attr.state_left_edge }, { R.attr.state_left_edge, R.attr.state_has_morekeys } }, { // STATE_RIGHT { R.attr.state_right_edge }, { R.attr.state_right_edge, R.attr.state_has_morekeys } } }; private static final int STATE_MIDDLE = 0; private static final int STATE_LEFT = 1; private static final int STATE_RIGHT = 2; private static final int STATE_NORMAL = 0; private static final int STATE_HAS_MOREKEYS = 1; @Override public void showKeyPreview(final PointerTracker tracker) { final KeyPreviewDrawParams previewParams = mKeyPreviewDrawParams; final Keyboard keyboard = getKeyboard(); if (!mShowKeyPreviewPopup) { previewParams.mPreviewVisibleOffset = -keyboard.mVerticalGap; return; } final TextView previewText = getKeyPreviewText(tracker.mPointerId); // If the key preview has no parent view yet, add it to the ViewGroup which can place // key preview absolutely in SoftInputWindow. if (previewText.getParent() == null) { addKeyPreview(previewText); } mDrawingHandler.cancelDismissKeyPreview(tracker); final Key key = tracker.getKey(); // If key is invalid or IME is already closed, we must not show key preview. // Trying to show key preview while root window is closed causes // WindowManager.BadTokenException. if (key == null) { return; } final KeyDrawParams drawParams = mKeyDrawParams; previewText.setTextColor(drawParams.mPreviewTextColor); final Drawable background = previewText.getBackground(); final String label = key.getPreviewLabel(); // What we show as preview should match what we show on a key top in onDraw(). if (label != null) { // TODO Should take care of temporaryShiftLabel here. previewText.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, null); previewText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, key.selectPreviewTextSize(drawParams)); previewText.setTypeface(key.selectPreviewTypeface(drawParams)); previewText.setText(label); } else { previewText.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, key.getPreviewIcon(keyboard.mIconsSet)); previewText.setText(null); } previewText.measure( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); final int keyDrawWidth = key.getDrawWidth(); final int previewWidth = previewText.getMeasuredWidth(); final int previewHeight = mKeyPreviewHeight; // The width and height of visible part of the key preview background. The content marker // of the background 9-patch have to cover the visible part of the background. previewParams.mPreviewVisibleWidth = previewWidth - previewText.getPaddingLeft() - previewText.getPaddingRight(); previewParams.mPreviewVisibleHeight = previewHeight - previewText.getPaddingTop() - previewText.getPaddingBottom(); // The distance between the top edge of the parent key and the bottom of the visible part // of the key preview background. previewParams.mPreviewVisibleOffset = mKeyPreviewOffset - previewText.getPaddingBottom(); getLocationInWindow(mOriginCoords); // The key preview is horizontally aligned with the center of the visible part of the // parent key. If it doesn't fit in this {@link KeyboardView}, it is moved inward to fit and // the left/right background is used if such background is specified. final int statePosition; int previewX = key.getDrawX() - (previewWidth - keyDrawWidth) / 2 + CoordinateUtils.x(mOriginCoords); if (previewX < 0) { previewX = 0; statePosition = STATE_LEFT; } else if (previewX > getWidth() - previewWidth) { previewX = getWidth() - previewWidth; statePosition = STATE_RIGHT; } else { statePosition = STATE_MIDDLE; } // The key preview is placed vertically above the top edge of the parent key with an // arbitrary offset. final int previewY = key.mY - previewHeight + mKeyPreviewOffset + CoordinateUtils.y(mOriginCoords); if (background != null) { final int hasMoreKeys = (key.mMoreKeys != null) ? STATE_HAS_MOREKEYS : STATE_NORMAL; background.setState(KEY_PREVIEW_BACKGROUND_STATE_TABLE[statePosition][hasMoreKeys]); background.setAlpha(PREVIEW_ALPHA); } ViewLayoutUtils.placeViewAt( previewText, previewX, previewY, previewWidth, previewHeight); previewText.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } @Override public void dismissKeyPreview(final PointerTracker tracker) { mDrawingHandler.dismissKeyPreview(mKeyPreviewLingerTimeout, tracker); } public void setSlidingKeyInputPreviewEnabled(final boolean enabled) { mSlidingKeyInputPreview.setPreviewEnabled(enabled); } @Override public void showSlidingKeyInputPreview(final PointerTracker tracker) { locatePreviewPlacerView(); mSlidingKeyInputPreview.setPreviewPosition(tracker); } @Override public void dismissSlidingKeyInputPreview() { mSlidingKeyInputPreview.dismissSlidingKeyInputPreview(); } public void setGesturePreviewMode(final boolean drawsGestureTrail, final boolean drawsGestureFloatingPreviewText) { mGestureFloatingPreviewText.setPreviewEnabled(drawsGestureFloatingPreviewText); mGestureTrailsPreview.setPreviewEnabled(drawsGestureTrail); } public void showGestureFloatingPreviewText(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords) { locatePreviewPlacerView(); mGestureFloatingPreviewText.setSuggetedWords(suggestedWords); } public void dismissGestureFloatingPreviewText() { locatePreviewPlacerView(); mDrawingHandler.dismissGestureFloatingPreviewText(mGestureFloatingPreviewTextLingerTimeout); } @Override public void showGestureTrail(final PointerTracker tracker, final boolean showsFloatingPreviewText) { locatePreviewPlacerView(); if (showsFloatingPreviewText) { mGestureFloatingPreviewText.setPreviewPosition(tracker); } mGestureTrailsPreview.setPreviewPosition(tracker); } // Note that this method is called from a non-UI thread. public void setMainDictionaryAvailability(final boolean mainDictionaryAvailable) { PointerTracker.setMainDictionaryAvailability(mainDictionaryAvailable); } public void setGestureHandlingEnabledByUser(final boolean gestureHandlingEnabledByUser) { PointerTracker.setGestureHandlingEnabledByUser(gestureHandlingEnabledByUser); } @Override protected void onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow(); // Notify the ResearchLogger (development only diagnostics) that the keyboard view has // been attached. This is needed to properly show the splash screen, which requires that // the window token of the KeyboardView be non-null. if (ProductionFlag.USES_DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_DIAGNOSTICS) { ResearchLogger.getInstance().mainKeyboardView_onAttachedToWindow(this); } } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); mPreviewPlacerView.removeAllViews(); // Notify the ResearchLogger (development only diagnostics) that the keyboard view has // been detached. This is needed to invalidate the reference of {@link MainKeyboardView} // to null. if (ProductionFlag.USES_DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_DIAGNOSTICS) { ResearchLogger.getInstance().mainKeyboardView_onDetachedFromWindow(); } } private MoreKeysPanel onCreateMoreKeysPanel(final Key key, final Context context) { if (key.mMoreKeys == null) { return null; } Keyboard moreKeysKeyboard = mMoreKeysKeyboardCache.get(key); if (moreKeysKeyboard == null) { moreKeysKeyboard = new MoreKeysKeyboard.Builder( context, key, this, mKeyPreviewDrawParams).build(); mMoreKeysKeyboardCache.put(key, moreKeysKeyboard); } final View container = mMoreKeysKeyboardContainer; final MoreKeysKeyboardView moreKeysKeyboardView = (MoreKeysKeyboardView)container.findViewById(R.id.more_keys_keyboard_view); moreKeysKeyboardView.setKeyboard(moreKeysKeyboard); container.measure(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); return moreKeysKeyboardView; } /** * Called when a key is long pressed. * @param tracker the pointer tracker which pressed the parent key */ private void onLongPress(final PointerTracker tracker) { if (isShowingMoreKeysPanel()) { return; } final Key key = tracker.getKey(); if (key == null) { return; } if (ProductionFlag.USES_DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_DIAGNOSTICS) { ResearchLogger.mainKeyboardView_onLongPress(); } final KeyboardActionListener listener = mKeyboardActionListener; if (key.hasNoPanelAutoMoreKey()) { final int moreKeyCode = key.mMoreKeys[0].mCode; tracker.onLongPressed(); listener.onPressKey(moreKeyCode, false /* isRepeatKey */, true /* isSinglePointer */); listener.onCodeInput(moreKeyCode, Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE, Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE); listener.onReleaseKey(moreKeyCode, false /* withSliding */); return; } final int code = key.mCode; if (code == Constants.CODE_SPACE || code == Constants.CODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH) { // Long pressing the space key invokes IME switcher dialog. if (listener.onCustomRequest(Constants.CUSTOM_CODE_SHOW_INPUT_METHOD_PICKER)) { tracker.onLongPressed(); listener.onReleaseKey(code, false /* withSliding */); return; } } openMoreKeysPanel(key, tracker); } private void openMoreKeysPanel(final Key key, final PointerTracker tracker) { final MoreKeysPanel moreKeysPanel = onCreateMoreKeysPanel(key, getContext()); if (moreKeysPanel == null) { return; } final int[] lastCoords = CoordinateUtils.newInstance(); tracker.getLastCoordinates(lastCoords); final boolean keyPreviewEnabled = isKeyPreviewPopupEnabled() && !key.noKeyPreview(); // The more keys keyboard is usually horizontally aligned with the center of the parent key. // If showMoreKeysKeyboardAtTouchedPoint is true and the key preview is disabled, the more // keys keyboard is placed at the touch point of the parent key. final int pointX = (mConfigShowMoreKeysKeyboardAtTouchedPoint && !keyPreviewEnabled) ? CoordinateUtils.x(lastCoords) : key.mX + key.mWidth / 2; // The more keys keyboard is usually vertically aligned with the top edge of the parent key // (plus vertical gap). If the key preview is enabled, the more keys keyboard is vertically // aligned with the bottom edge of the visible part of the key preview. // {@code mPreviewVisibleOffset} has been set appropriately in // {@link KeyboardView#showKeyPreview(PointerTracker)}. final int pointY = key.mY + mKeyPreviewDrawParams.mPreviewVisibleOffset; moreKeysPanel.showMoreKeysPanel(this, this, pointX, pointY, mKeyboardActionListener); final int translatedX = moreKeysPanel.translateX(CoordinateUtils.x(lastCoords)); final int translatedY = moreKeysPanel.translateY(CoordinateUtils.y(lastCoords)); tracker.onShowMoreKeysPanel(translatedX, translatedY, moreKeysPanel); } public boolean isInSlidingKeyInput() { if (isShowingMoreKeysPanel()) { return true; } return PointerTracker.isAnyInSlidingKeyInput(); } @Override public void onShowMoreKeysPanel(final MoreKeysPanel panel) { locatePreviewPlacerView(); // TODO: Remove this check if (panel.isShowingInParent()) { panel.dismissMoreKeysPanel(); } mPreviewPlacerView.addView(panel.getContainerView()); mMoreKeysPanel = panel; dimEntireKeyboard(true /* dimmed */); } public boolean isShowingMoreKeysPanel() { return mMoreKeysPanel != null && mMoreKeysPanel.isShowingInParent(); } @Override public void onCancelMoreKeysPanel(final MoreKeysPanel panel) { PointerTracker.dismissAllMoreKeysPanels(); } @Override public void onDismissMoreKeysPanel(final MoreKeysPanel panel) { dimEntireKeyboard(false /* dimmed */); if (isShowingMoreKeysPanel()) { mPreviewPlacerView.removeView(mMoreKeysPanel.getContainerView()); mMoreKeysPanel = null; } } @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (AccessibilityUtils.getInstance().isTouchExplorationEnabled()) { return AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy.getInstance().dispatchTouchEvent(event); } return super.dispatchTouchEvent(event); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(final MotionEvent me) { if (getKeyboard() == null) { return false; } // TODO: Add multi-touch to single-touch event converter for non-distinct multi-touch // device. return processMotionEvent(me); } public boolean processMotionEvent(final MotionEvent me) { final boolean nonDistinctMultitouch = !mHasDistinctMultitouch; final int action = me.getActionMasked(); final int pointerCount = me.getPointerCount(); final int oldPointerCount = mOldPointerCount; mOldPointerCount = pointerCount; // TODO: cleanup this code into a multi-touch to single-touch event converter class? // If the device does not have distinct multi-touch support panel, ignore all multi-touch // events except a transition from/to single-touch. if (nonDistinctMultitouch && pointerCount > 1 && oldPointerCount > 1) { return true; } final long eventTime = me.getEventTime(); final int index = me.getActionIndex(); final int id = me.getPointerId(index); final int x = (int)me.getX(index); final int y = (int)me.getY(index); // TODO: This might be moved to the tracker.processMotionEvent() call below. if (LatinImeLogger.sUsabilityStudy) { UsabilityStudyLogUtils.writeMotionEvent(me); } // TODO: This should be moved to the tracker.processMotionEvent() call below. // Currently the same "move" event is being logged twice. if (ProductionFlag.USES_DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_DIAGNOSTICS) { ResearchLogger.mainKeyboardView_processMotionEvent( me, action, eventTime, index, id, x, y); } if (mKeyTimerHandler.isInKeyRepeat()) { final PointerTracker tracker = PointerTracker.getPointerTracker(id, this); // Key repeating timer will be canceled if 2 or more keys are in action, and current // event (UP or DOWN) is non-modifier key. if (pointerCount > 1 && !tracker.isModifier()) { mKeyTimerHandler.cancelKeyRepeatTimer(); } // Up event will pass through. } // TODO: cleanup this code into a multi-touch to single-touch event converter class? // Translate mutli-touch event to single-touch events on the device that has no distinct // multi-touch panel. if (nonDistinctMultitouch) { // Use only main (id=0) pointer tracker. final PointerTracker tracker = PointerTracker.getPointerTracker(0, this); if (pointerCount == 1 && oldPointerCount == 2) { // Multi-touch to single touch transition. // Send a down event for the latest pointer if the key is different from the // previous key. final Key newKey = tracker.getKeyOn(x, y); if (mOldKey != newKey) { tracker.onDownEvent(x, y, eventTime, this); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { tracker.onUpEvent(x, y, eventTime); } } } else if (pointerCount == 2 && oldPointerCount == 1) { // Single-touch to multi-touch transition. // Send an up event for the last pointer. final int[] lastCoords = CoordinateUtils.newInstance(); mOldKey = tracker.getKeyOn( CoordinateUtils.x(lastCoords), CoordinateUtils.y(lastCoords)); tracker.onUpEvent( CoordinateUtils.x(lastCoords), CoordinateUtils.y(lastCoords), eventTime); } else if (pointerCount == 1 && oldPointerCount == 1) { tracker.processMotionEvent(action, x, y, eventTime, this); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Unknown touch panel behavior: pointer count is " + pointerCount + " (old " + oldPointerCount + ")"); } return true; } if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { final int pointerId = me.getPointerId(i); final PointerTracker tracker = PointerTracker.getPointerTracker( pointerId, this); final int px = (int)me.getX(i); final int py = (int)me.getY(i); tracker.onMoveEvent(px, py, eventTime, me); } } else { final PointerTracker tracker = PointerTracker.getPointerTracker(id, this); tracker.processMotionEvent(action, x, y, eventTime, this); } return true; } public void cancelAllOngoingEvents() { mKeyTimerHandler.cancelAllMessages(); mDrawingHandler.cancelAllMessages(); dismissAllKeyPreviews(); dismissGestureFloatingPreviewText(); dismissSlidingKeyInputPreview(); PointerTracker.dismissAllMoreKeysPanels(); PointerTracker.cancelAllPointerTrackers(); } public void closing() { cancelAllOngoingEvents(); mMoreKeysKeyboardCache.clear(); } /** * Receives hover events from the input framework. * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return {@code true} if the event was handled by the view, {@code false} * otherwise */ @Override public boolean dispatchHoverEvent(final MotionEvent event) { if (AccessibilityUtils.getInstance().isTouchExplorationEnabled()) { final PointerTracker tracker = PointerTracker.getPointerTracker(0, this); return AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy.getInstance().dispatchHoverEvent(event, tracker); } // Reflection doesn't support calling superclass methods. return false; } public void updateShortcutKey(final boolean available) { final Keyboard keyboard = getKeyboard(); if (keyboard == null) { return; } final Key shortcutKey = keyboard.getKey(Constants.CODE_SHORTCUT); if (shortcutKey == null) { return; } shortcutKey.setEnabled(available); invalidateKey(shortcutKey); } public void startDisplayLanguageOnSpacebar(final boolean subtypeChanged, final boolean needsToDisplayLanguage, final boolean hasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes) { mNeedsToDisplayLanguage = needsToDisplayLanguage; mHasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes = hasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes; final ObjectAnimator animator = mLanguageOnSpacebarFadeoutAnimator; if (animator == null) { mNeedsToDisplayLanguage = false; } else { if (subtypeChanged && needsToDisplayLanguage) { setLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha(Constants.Color.ALPHA_OPAQUE); if (animator.isStarted()) { animator.cancel(); } animator.start(); } else { if (!animator.isStarted()) { mLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha = mLanguageOnSpacebarFinalAlpha; } } } invalidateKey(mSpaceKey); } public void updateAutoCorrectionState(final boolean isAutoCorrection) { if (!mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedEnabled) { return; } mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedOn = isAutoCorrection; invalidateKey(mSpaceKey); } private void dimEntireKeyboard(final boolean dimmed) { final boolean needsRedrawing = mNeedsToDimEntireKeyboard != dimmed; mNeedsToDimEntireKeyboard = dimmed; if (needsRedrawing) { invalidateAllKeys(); } } @Override protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); // Overlay a dark rectangle to dim. if (mNeedsToDimEntireKeyboard) { canvas.drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, getWidth(), getHeight(), mBackgroundDimAlphaPaint); } } @Override protected void onDrawKeyTopVisuals(final Key key, final Canvas canvas, final Paint paint, final KeyDrawParams params) { if (key.altCodeWhileTyping() && key.isEnabled()) { params.mAnimAlpha = mAltCodeKeyWhileTypingAnimAlpha; } if (key.mCode == Constants.CODE_SPACE) { drawSpacebar(key, canvas, paint); // Whether space key needs to show the "..." popup hint for special purposes if (key.isLongPressEnabled() && mHasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes) { drawKeyPopupHint(key, canvas, paint, params); } } else if (key.mCode == Constants.CODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH) { super.onDrawKeyTopVisuals(key, canvas, paint, params); drawKeyPopupHint(key, canvas, paint, params); } else { super.onDrawKeyTopVisuals(key, canvas, paint, params); } } private static boolean fitsTextIntoWidth(final int width, final String text, final Paint paint) { paint.setTextScaleX(1.0f); final float textWidth = TypefaceUtils.getLabelWidth(text, paint); if (textWidth < width) { return true; } final float scaleX = width / textWidth; if (scaleX < MINIMUM_XSCALE_OF_LANGUAGE_NAME) { return false; } paint.setTextScaleX(scaleX); return TypefaceUtils.getLabelWidth(text, paint) < width; } // Layout language name on spacebar. private static String layoutLanguageOnSpacebar(final Paint paint, final InputMethodSubtype subtype, final int width) { // Choose appropriate language name to fit into the width. final String fullText = SubtypeLocaleUtils.getFullDisplayName(subtype); if (fitsTextIntoWidth(width, fullText, paint)) { return fullText; } final String middleText = SubtypeLocaleUtils.getMiddleDisplayName(subtype); if (fitsTextIntoWidth(width, middleText, paint)) { return middleText; } final String shortText = SubtypeLocaleUtils.getShortDisplayName(subtype); if (fitsTextIntoWidth(width, shortText, paint)) { return shortText; } return ""; } private void drawSpacebar(final Key key, final Canvas canvas, final Paint paint) { final int width = key.mWidth; final int height = key.mHeight; // If input language are explicitly selected. if (mNeedsToDisplayLanguage) { paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); paint.setTextSize(mSpacebarTextSize); final InputMethodSubtype subtype = getKeyboard().mId.mSubtype; final String language = layoutLanguageOnSpacebar(paint, subtype, width); // Draw language text with shadow final float descent = paint.descent(); final float textHeight = -paint.ascent() + descent; final float baseline = height / 2 + textHeight / 2; paint.setColor(mSpacebarTextShadowColor); paint.setAlpha(mLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha); canvas.drawText(language, width / 2, baseline - descent - 1, paint); paint.setColor(mSpacebarTextColor); paint.setAlpha(mLanguageOnSpacebarAnimAlpha); canvas.drawText(language, width / 2, baseline - descent, paint); } // Draw the spacebar icon at the bottom if (mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedOn) { final int iconWidth = width * SPACE_LED_LENGTH_PERCENT / 100; final int iconHeight = mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedIcon.getIntrinsicHeight(); int x = (width - iconWidth) / 2; int y = height - iconHeight; drawIcon(canvas, mAutoCorrectionSpacebarLedIcon, x, y, iconWidth, iconHeight); } else if (mSpaceIcon != null) { final int iconWidth = mSpaceIcon.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int iconHeight = mSpaceIcon.getIntrinsicHeight(); int x = (width - iconWidth) / 2; int y = height - iconHeight; drawIcon(canvas, mSpaceIcon, x, y, iconWidth, iconHeight); } } public void deallocateMemory() { mGestureTrailsPreview.deallocateMemory(); } }