/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Main class/method for DictionaryMaker. */ public class DictionaryMaker { static class Arguments { private final static String OPTION_VERSION_2 = "-2"; private final static String OPTION_INPUT_SOURCE = "-s"; private final static String OPTION_INPUT_BIGRAM_XML = "-b"; private final static String OPTION_INPUT_SHORTCUT_XML = "-c"; private final static String OPTION_OUTPUT_BINARY = "-d"; private final static String OPTION_OUTPUT_BINARY_FORMAT_VERSION_1 = "-d1"; private final static String OPTION_OUTPUT_XML = "-x"; private final static String OPTION_HELP = "-h"; public final String mInputBinary; public final String mInputUnigramXml; public final String mInputShortcutXml; public final String mInputBigramXml; public final String mOutputBinary; public final String mOutputBinaryFormat1; public final String mOutputXml; private void checkIntegrity() throws IOException { checkHasExactlyOneInput(); checkHasAtLeastOneOutput(); checkNotSameFile(mInputBinary, mOutputBinary); checkNotSameFile(mInputBinary, mOutputBinaryFormat1); checkNotSameFile(mInputBinary, mOutputXml); checkNotSameFile(mInputUnigramXml, mOutputBinary); checkNotSameFile(mInputUnigramXml, mOutputBinaryFormat1); checkNotSameFile(mInputUnigramXml, mOutputXml); checkNotSameFile(mInputShortcutXml, mOutputBinary); checkNotSameFile(mInputShortcutXml, mOutputBinaryFormat1); checkNotSameFile(mInputShortcutXml, mOutputXml); checkNotSameFile(mInputBigramXml, mOutputBinary); checkNotSameFile(mInputBigramXml, mOutputBinaryFormat1); checkNotSameFile(mInputBigramXml, mOutputXml); checkNotSameFile(mOutputBinary, mOutputBinaryFormat1); checkNotSameFile(mOutputBinary, mOutputXml); checkNotSameFile(mOutputBinaryFormat1, mOutputXml); } private void checkHasExactlyOneInput() { if (null == mInputUnigramXml && null == mInputBinary) { throw new RuntimeException("No input file specified"); } else if (null != mInputUnigramXml && null != mInputBinary) { throw new RuntimeException("Both input XML and binary specified"); } else if (null != mInputBinary && null != mInputBigramXml) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot specify a binary input and a separate bigram " + "file"); } } private void checkHasAtLeastOneOutput() { if (null == mOutputBinary && null == mOutputBinaryFormat1 && null == mOutputXml) { throw new RuntimeException("No output specified"); } } /** * Utility method that throws an exception if path1 and path2 point to the same file. */ private static void checkNotSameFile(final String path1, final String path2) throws IOException { if (null == path1 || null == path2) return; if (new File(path1).getCanonicalPath().equals(new File(path2).getCanonicalPath())) { throw new RuntimeException(path1 + " and " + path2 + " are the same file: " + " refusing to process."); } } private void displayHelp() { MakedictLog.i("Usage: makedict " + "[-s [-b ] [-c ] " + "| -s ] [-d ] " + "[-d1 ] [-x ] [-2]\n" + "\n" + " Converts a source dictionary file to one or several outputs.\n" + " Source can be an XML file, with an optional XML bigrams file, or a\n" + " binary dictionary file.\n" + " Binary version 1 (Ice Cream Sandwich), 2 (Jelly Bean) and XML outputs\n" + " are supported. All three can be output at the same time, but the same\n" + " output format cannot be specified several times. The behavior is\n" + " unspecified if the same file is specified for input and output, or for\n" + " several outputs."); } public Arguments(String[] argsArray) throws IOException { final LinkedList args = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(argsArray)); if (args.isEmpty()) { displayHelp(); } String inputBinary = null; String inputUnigramXml = null; String inputShortcutXml = null; String inputBigramXml = null; String outputBinary = null; String outputBinaryFormat1 = null; String outputXml = null; while (!args.isEmpty()) { final String arg = args.get(0); args.remove(0); if (arg.charAt(0) == '-') { if (OPTION_VERSION_2.equals(arg)) { // Do nothing, this is the default } else if (OPTION_HELP.equals(arg)) { displayHelp(); } else { // All these options need an argument if (args.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Option " + arg + " is unknown or " + "requires an argument"); } String filename = args.get(0); args.remove(0); if (OPTION_INPUT_SOURCE.equals(arg)) { if (BinaryDictInputOutput.isBinaryDictionary(filename)) { inputBinary = filename; } else { inputUnigramXml = filename; } } else if (OPTION_INPUT_SHORTCUT_XML.equals(arg)) { inputShortcutXml = filename; } else if (OPTION_INPUT_BIGRAM_XML.equals(arg)) { inputBigramXml = filename; } else if (OPTION_OUTPUT_BINARY.equals(arg)) { outputBinary = filename; } else if (OPTION_OUTPUT_BINARY_FORMAT_VERSION_1.equals(arg)) { outputBinaryFormat1 = filename; } else if (OPTION_OUTPUT_XML.equals(arg)) { outputXml = filename; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown option : " + arg); } } } else { if (null == inputBinary && null == inputUnigramXml) { if (BinaryDictInputOutput.isBinaryDictionary(arg)) { inputBinary = arg; } else { inputUnigramXml = arg; } } else if (null == outputBinary) { outputBinary = arg; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Several output binary files specified"); } } } mInputBinary = inputBinary; mInputUnigramXml = inputUnigramXml; mInputShortcutXml = inputShortcutXml; mInputBigramXml = inputBigramXml; mOutputBinary = outputBinary; mOutputBinaryFormat1 = outputBinaryFormat1; mOutputXml = outputXml; checkIntegrity(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, UnsupportedFormatException { final Arguments parsedArgs = new Arguments(args); FusionDictionary dictionary = readInputFromParsedArgs(parsedArgs); writeOutputToParsedArgs(parsedArgs, dictionary); } /** * Invoke the right input method according to args. * * @param args the parsed command line arguments. * @return the read dictionary. */ private static FusionDictionary readInputFromParsedArgs(final Arguments args) throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, FileNotFoundException { if (null != args.mInputBinary) { return readBinaryFile(args.mInputBinary); } else if (null != args.mInputUnigramXml) { return readXmlFile(args.mInputUnigramXml, args.mInputShortcutXml, args.mInputBigramXml); } else { throw new RuntimeException("No input file specified"); } } /** * Read a dictionary from the name of a binary file. * * @param binaryFilename the name of the file in the binary dictionary format. * @return the read dictionary. * @throws FileNotFoundException if the file can't be found * @throws IOException if the input file can't be read * @throws UnsupportedFormatException if the binary file is not in the expected format */ private static FusionDictionary readBinaryFile(final String binaryFilename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, UnsupportedFormatException { final RandomAccessFile inputFile = new RandomAccessFile(binaryFilename, "r"); return BinaryDictInputOutput.readDictionaryBinary(inputFile, null); } /** * Read a dictionary from a unigram XML file, and optionally a bigram XML file. * * @param unigramXmlFilename the name of the unigram XML file. May not be null. * @param shortcutXmlFilename the name of the shortcut XML file, or null if there is none. * @param bigramXmlFilename the name of the bigram XML file. Pass null if there are no bigrams. * @return the read dictionary. * @throws FileNotFoundException if one of the files can't be found * @throws SAXException if one or more of the XML files is not well-formed * @throws IOException if one the input files can't be read * @throws ParserConfigurationException if the system can't create a SAX parser */ private static FusionDictionary readXmlFile(final String unigramXmlFilename, final String shortcutXmlFilename, final String bigramXmlFilename) throws FileNotFoundException, SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { final FileInputStream unigrams = new FileInputStream(new File(unigramXmlFilename)); final FileInputStream shortcuts = null == shortcutXmlFilename ? null : new FileInputStream(new File(shortcutXmlFilename)); final FileInputStream bigrams = null == bigramXmlFilename ? null : new FileInputStream(new File(bigramXmlFilename)); return XmlDictInputOutput.readDictionaryXml(unigrams, shortcuts, bigrams); } /** * Invoke the right output method according to args. * * This will write the passed dictionary to the file(s) passed in the command line arguments. * @param args the parsed arguments. * @param dict the file to output. * @throws FileNotFoundException if one of the output files can't be created. * @throws IOException if one of the output files can't be written to. */ private static void writeOutputToParsedArgs(final Arguments args, final FusionDictionary dict) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, UnsupportedFormatException, IllegalArgumentException { if (null != args.mOutputBinary) { writeBinaryDictionary(args.mOutputBinary, dict, 2); } if (null != args.mOutputBinaryFormat1) { writeBinaryDictionary(args.mOutputBinaryFormat1, dict, 1); } if (null != args.mOutputXml) { writeXmlDictionary(args.mOutputXml, dict); } } /** * Write the dictionary in binary format to the specified filename. * * @param outputFilename the name of the file to write to. * @param dict the dictionary to write. * @param version the binary format version to use. * @throws FileNotFoundException if the output file can't be created. * @throws IOException if the output file can't be written to. */ private static void writeBinaryDictionary(final String outputFilename, final FusionDictionary dict, final int version) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, UnsupportedFormatException { final File outputFile = new File(outputFilename); BinaryDictInputOutput.writeDictionaryBinary(new FileOutputStream(outputFilename), dict, version); } /** * Write the dictionary in XML format to the specified filename. * * @param outputFilename the name of the file to write to. * @param dict the dictionary to write. * @throws FileNotFoundException if the output file can't be created. * @throws IOException if the output file can't be written to. */ private static void writeXmlDictionary(final String outputFilename, final FusionDictionary dict) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { XmlDictInputOutput.writeDictionaryXml(new FileWriter(outputFilename), dict); } }