/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; // TODO: This class is not thread-safe. public class InputPointers { private final int mDefaultCapacity; private final ResizableIntArray mXCoordinates; private final ResizableIntArray mYCoordinates; private final ResizableIntArray mPointerIds; private final ResizableIntArray mTimes; public InputPointers(int defaultCapacity) { mDefaultCapacity = defaultCapacity; mXCoordinates = new ResizableIntArray(defaultCapacity); mYCoordinates = new ResizableIntArray(defaultCapacity); mPointerIds = new ResizableIntArray(defaultCapacity); mTimes = new ResizableIntArray(defaultCapacity); } public void addPointer(int index, int x, int y, int pointerId, int time) { mXCoordinates.add(index, x); mYCoordinates.add(index, y); mPointerIds.add(index, pointerId); mTimes.add(index, time); } public void addPointer(int x, int y, int pointerId, int time) { mXCoordinates.add(x); mYCoordinates.add(y); mPointerIds.add(pointerId); mTimes.add(time); } public void set(InputPointers ip) { mXCoordinates.set(ip.mXCoordinates); mYCoordinates.set(ip.mYCoordinates); mPointerIds.set(ip.mPointerIds); mTimes.set(ip.mTimes); } public void copy(InputPointers ip) { mXCoordinates.copy(ip.mXCoordinates); mYCoordinates.copy(ip.mYCoordinates); mPointerIds.copy(ip.mPointerIds); mTimes.copy(ip.mTimes); } /** * Append the pointers in the specified {@link InputPointers} to the end of this. * @param src the source {@link InputPointers} to read the data from. * @param startPos the starting index of the pointers in {@code src}. * @param length the number of pointers to be appended. */ public void append(InputPointers src, int startPos, int length) { if (length == 0) { return; } mXCoordinates.append(src.mXCoordinates, startPos, length); mYCoordinates.append(src.mYCoordinates, startPos, length); mPointerIds.append(src.mPointerIds, startPos, length); mTimes.append(src.mTimes, startPos, length); } /** * Append the times, x-coordinates and y-coordinates in the specified {@link ResizableIntArray} * to the end of this. * @param pointerId the pointer id of the source. * @param times the source {@link ResizableIntArray} to read the event times from. * @param xCoordinates the source {@link ResizableIntArray} to read the x-coordinates from. * @param yCoordinates the source {@link ResizableIntArray} to read the y-coordinates from. * @param startPos the starting index of the data in {@code times} and etc. * @param length the number of data to be appended. */ public void append(int pointerId, ResizableIntArray times, ResizableIntArray xCoordinates, ResizableIntArray yCoordinates, int startPos, int length) { if (length == 0) { return; } mXCoordinates.append(xCoordinates, startPos, length); mYCoordinates.append(yCoordinates, startPos, length); mPointerIds.fill(pointerId, startPos, length); mTimes.append(times, startPos, length); } public void reset() { final int defaultCapacity = mDefaultCapacity; mXCoordinates.reset(defaultCapacity); mYCoordinates.reset(defaultCapacity); mPointerIds.reset(defaultCapacity); mTimes.reset(defaultCapacity); } public int getPointerSize() { return mXCoordinates.getLength(); } public int[] getXCoordinates() { return mXCoordinates.getPrimitiveArray(); } public int[] getYCoordinates() { return mYCoordinates.getPrimitiveArray(); } public int[] getPointerIds() { return mPointerIds.getPrimitiveArray(); } public int[] getTimes() { return mTimes.getPrimitiveArray(); } }