/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.view.View; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.R; public final class KeyPreviewDrawParams { // XML attributes of {@link MainKeyboardView}. public final int mLayoutId; public final int mPreviewOffset; public final int mPreviewHeight; private int mShowUpDuration; private int mDismissDuration; private float mShowUpStartScale; private float mDismissEndScale; private int mLingerTimeout; private boolean mShowPopup = true; // The graphical geometry of the key preview. // <-width-> // +-------+ ^ // | | | // |preview| height (visible) // | | | // + + ^ v // \ / |offset // +-\ /-+ v // | +-+ | // |parent | // | key| // +-------+ // The background of a {@link TextView} being used for a key preview may have invisible // paddings. To align the more keys keyboard panel's visible part with the visible part of // the background, we need to record the width and height of key preview that don't include // invisible paddings. private int mVisibleWidth; private int mVisibleHeight; // The key preview may have an arbitrary offset and its background that may have a bottom // padding. To align the more keys keyboard and the key preview we also need to record the // offset between the top edge of parent key and the bottom of the visible part of key // preview background. private int mVisibleOffset; public KeyPreviewDrawParams(final TypedArray mainKeyboardViewAttr) { mPreviewOffset = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getDimensionPixelOffset( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewOffset, 0); mPreviewHeight = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getDimensionPixelSize( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewHeight, 0); mLingerTimeout = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getInt( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewLingerTimeout, 0); mLayoutId = mainKeyboardViewAttr.getResourceId( R.styleable.MainKeyboardView_keyPreviewLayout, 0); if (mLayoutId == 0) { mShowPopup = false; } } public void setVisibleOffset(final int previewVisibleOffset) { mVisibleOffset = previewVisibleOffset; } public int getVisibleOffset() { return mVisibleOffset; } public void setGeometry(final View previewTextView) { final int previewWidth = previewTextView.getMeasuredWidth(); final int previewHeight = mPreviewHeight; // The width and height of visible part of the key preview background. The content marker // of the background 9-patch have to cover the visible part of the background. mVisibleWidth = previewWidth - previewTextView.getPaddingLeft() - previewTextView.getPaddingRight(); mVisibleHeight = previewHeight - previewTextView.getPaddingTop() - previewTextView.getPaddingBottom(); // The distance between the top edge of the parent key and the bottom of the visible part // of the key preview background. setVisibleOffset(mPreviewOffset - previewTextView.getPaddingBottom()); } public int getVisibleWidth() { return mVisibleWidth; } public int getVisibleHeight() { return mVisibleHeight; } public void setPopupEnabled(final boolean enabled, final int lingerTimeout) { mShowPopup = enabled; mLingerTimeout = lingerTimeout; } public boolean isPopupEnabled() { return mShowPopup; } public int getLingerTimeout() { return mLingerTimeout; } public void setAnimationParams(final float showUpStartScale, final int showUpDuration, final float dismissEndScale, final int dismissDuration) { mShowUpStartScale = showUpStartScale; mShowUpDuration = showUpDuration; mDismissEndScale = dismissEndScale; mDismissDuration = dismissDuration; } public float getShowUpStartScale() { return mShowUpStartScale; } public int getShowUpDuration() { return mShowUpDuration; } public float getDismissEndScale() { return mDismissEndScale; } public int getDismissDuration() { return mDismissDuration; } }