/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.test.ServiceTestCase; import android.text.InputType; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.View; import android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Keyboard; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardActionListener; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.spellcheck.AndroidSpellCheckerService; // for proximity info import com.android.inputmethod.latin.spellcheck.SpellCheckerProximityInfo; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; public class InputLogicTests extends ServiceTestCase { private static final String PREF_DEBUG_MODE = "debug_mode"; private LatinIME mLatinIME; private TextView mTextView; private InputConnection mInputConnection; private HashMap mProximity; public InputLogicTests() { super(LatinIME.class); mProximity = createProximity(); } private static HashMap createProximity() { final HashMap proximity = new HashMap(); final int[] testProximity = SpellCheckerProximityInfo.getProximityForScript( AndroidSpellCheckerService.SCRIPT_LATIN); final int ROW_SIZE = SpellCheckerProximityInfo.ROW_SIZE; final int NUL = SpellCheckerProximityInfo.NUL; for (int row = 0; row * ROW_SIZE < testProximity.length; ++row) { final int rowBase = row * ROW_SIZE; int column; for (column = 1; NUL != testProximity[rowBase + column]; ++column) { // Do nothing, just search for a NUL element } proximity.put(testProximity[row * ROW_SIZE], Arrays.copyOfRange(testProximity, rowBase, rowBase + column)); } return proximity; } // returns the previous setting value private boolean setDebugMode(final boolean mode) { final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mLatinIME); final boolean previousDebugSetting = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_DEBUG_MODE, false); final SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(PREF_DEBUG_MODE, true); editor.commit(); return previousDebugSetting; } @Override protected void setUp() { try { super.setUp(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mTextView = new TextView(getContext()); mTextView.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT); mTextView.setEnabled(true); setupService(); mLatinIME = getService(); final boolean previousDebugSetting = setDebugMode(true); mLatinIME.onCreate(); setDebugMode(previousDebugSetting); final EditorInfo ei = new EditorInfo(); ei.inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT; final InputConnection ic = mTextView.onCreateInputConnection(ei); ei.inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT; final LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); final ViewGroup vg = new FrameLayout(getContext()); final View inputView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.input_view, vg); mLatinIME.setInputView(inputView); mLatinIME.onBindInput(); mLatinIME.onCreateInputView(); mLatinIME.onStartInputView(ei, false); mLatinIME.onCreateInputMethodInterface().startInput(ic, ei); mInputConnection = ic; // Wait for the main dictionary to be loaded (we need it for auto-correction tests) int remainingAttempts = 10; while (remainingAttempts > 0 && !mLatinIME.mSuggest.hasMainDictionary()) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Don't do much } finally { --remainingAttempts; } } if (!mLatinIME.mSuggest.hasMainDictionary()) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't initialize the main dictionary"); } } // type(int) and type(String): helper methods to send a code point resp. a string to LatinIME. private void type(final int codePoint) { // onPressKey and onReleaseKey are explicitly deactivated here, but they do happen in the // code (although multitouch/slide input and other factors make the sequencing complicated). // They are supposed to be entirely deconnected from the input logic from LatinIME point of // view and only delegates to the parts of the code that care. So we don't include them here // to keep these tests as pinpoint as possible and avoid bringing it too many dependencies, // but keep them in mind if something breaks. Commenting them out as is should work. //mLatinIME.onPressKey(codePoint); int[] proximityKeys = mProximity.get(codePoint); if (null == proximityKeys) { proximityKeys = new int[] { codePoint }; } mLatinIME.onCodeInput(codePoint, proximityKeys, KeyboardActionListener.NOT_A_TOUCH_COORDINATE, KeyboardActionListener.NOT_A_TOUCH_COORDINATE); //mLatinIME.onReleaseKey(codePoint, false); } private void type(final String stringToType) { for (int i = 0; i < stringToType.length(); i = stringToType.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1)) { type(stringToType.codePointAt(i)); } } public void testTypeWord() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "abcd"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("type word", WORD_TO_TYPE, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testPickSuggestionThenBackspace() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "tgis"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD_TO_TYPE); type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE); assertEquals("press suggestion then backspace", WORD_TO_TYPE, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testDeleteSelection() { final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "some text delete me some text"; final int SELECTION_START = 10; final int SELECTION_END = 19; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "some text some text"; type(STRING_TO_TYPE); // There is no IMF to call onUpdateSelection for us so we must do it by hand. // Send once to simulate the cursor actually responding to the move caused by typing. // This is necessary because LatinIME is bookkeeping to avoid confusing a real cursor // move with a move triggered by LatinIME inputting stuff. mLatinIME.onUpdateSelection(0, 0, STRING_TO_TYPE.length(), STRING_TO_TYPE.length(), -1, -1); mInputConnection.setSelection(SELECTION_START, SELECTION_END); // And now we simulate the user actually selecting some text. mLatinIME.onUpdateSelection(0, 0, SELECTION_START, SELECTION_END, -1, -1); type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE); assertEquals("delete selection", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testAutoCorrect() { final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "tgis "; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this "; type(STRING_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("simple auto-correct", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testDoubleSpace() { final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "this "; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this. "; type(STRING_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("double space make a period", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testCancelDoubleSpace() { final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "this "; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this "; type(STRING_TO_TYPE); type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE); assertEquals("double space make a period", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testBackspaceAtStartAfterAutocorrect() { final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "tgis "; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this "; final int NEW_CURSOR_POSITION = 0; type(STRING_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.onUpdateSelection(0, 0, STRING_TO_TYPE.length(), STRING_TO_TYPE.length(), -1, -1); mInputConnection.setSelection(NEW_CURSOR_POSITION, NEW_CURSOR_POSITION); mLatinIME.onUpdateSelection(0, 0, NEW_CURSOR_POSITION, NEW_CURSOR_POSITION, -1, -1); type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE); assertEquals("auto correct then move cursor to start of line then backspace", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testAutoCorrectThenMoveCursorThenBackspace() { final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "and tgis "; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "andthis "; final int NEW_CURSOR_POSITION = STRING_TO_TYPE.indexOf('t'); type(STRING_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.onUpdateSelection(0, 0, STRING_TO_TYPE.length(), STRING_TO_TYPE.length(), -1, -1); mInputConnection.setSelection(NEW_CURSOR_POSITION, NEW_CURSOR_POSITION); mLatinIME.onUpdateSelection(0, 0, NEW_CURSOR_POSITION, NEW_CURSOR_POSITION, -1, -1); type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE); assertEquals("auto correct then move cursor then backspace", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testNoSpaceAfterManualPick() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = WORD_TO_TYPE; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("no space after manual pick", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManualPickThenType() { final String WORD1_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String WORD2_TO_TYPE = "is"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this is"; type(WORD1_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD1_TO_TYPE); type(WORD2_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("manual pick then type", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManualPickThenSeparator() { final String WORD1_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String WORD2_TO_TYPE = "!"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this!"; type(WORD1_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD1_TO_TYPE); type(WORD2_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("manual pick then separator", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testWordThenSpaceThenPunctuationFromStripTwice() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this "; final String PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP = "!"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this!! "; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP); assertEquals("type word then type space then punctuation from strip twice", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testWordThenSpaceThenPunctuationFromKeyboardTwice() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this !!"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this !!"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("manual pick then space then punctuation from keyboard twice", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManualPickThenPunctuationFromStripTwiceThenType() { final String WORD1_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String WORD2_TO_TYPE = "is"; final String PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP = "!"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this!! is"; type(WORD1_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD1_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP); type(WORD2_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("pick word then pick punctuation twice then type", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManualPickThenSpaceThenType() { final String WORD1_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String WORD2_TO_TYPE = " is"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this is"; type(WORD1_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD1_TO_TYPE); type(WORD2_TO_TYPE); assertEquals("manual pick then space then type", WORD1_TO_TYPE + WORD2_TO_TYPE, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testDeleteWholeComposingWord() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); for (int i = 0; i < WORD_TO_TYPE.length(); ++i) { type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE); } assertEquals("delete whole composing word", "", mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManuallyPickedWordThenColon() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String PUNCTUATION = ":"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this:"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD_TO_TYPE); type(PUNCTUATION); assertEquals("manually pick word then colon", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManuallyPickedWordThenOpenParen() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String PUNCTUATION = "("; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this ("; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD_TO_TYPE); type(PUNCTUATION); assertEquals("manually pick word then open paren", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManuallyPickedWordThenCloseParen() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String PUNCTUATION = ")"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this)"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD_TO_TYPE); type(PUNCTUATION); assertEquals("manually pick word then close paren", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManuallyPickedWordThenSmiley() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String SPECIAL_KEY = ":-)"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this :-)"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.onTextInput(SPECIAL_KEY); assertEquals("manually pick word then press the smiley key", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testManuallyPickedWordThenDotCom() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this"; final String SPECIAL_KEY = ".com"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this.com"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.onTextInput(SPECIAL_KEY); assertEquals("manually pick word then press the .com key", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } public void testTypeWordTypeDotThenPressDotCom() { final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this."; final String SPECIAL_KEY = ".com"; final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this.com"; type(WORD_TO_TYPE); mLatinIME.onTextInput(SPECIAL_KEY); assertEquals("type word type dot then press the .com key", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString()); } }