/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import java.util.Arrays; @SmallTest public class ResizableIntArrayTests extends AndroidTestCase { private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 48; public void testNewInstance() { final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); final int[] array = src.getPrimitiveArray(); assertEquals("new instance length", 0, src.getLength()); assertNotNull("new instance array", array); assertEquals("new instance array length", DEFAULT_CAPACITY, array.length); } public void testAdd() { final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); final int[] array = src.getPrimitiveArray(); int[] array2 = null, array3 = null; final int limit = DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 2 + 10; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { src.add(i); assertEquals("length after add " + i, i + 1, src.getLength()); if (i == DEFAULT_CAPACITY) { array2 = src.getPrimitiveArray(); } if (i == DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 2) { array3 = src.getPrimitiveArray(); } if (i < DEFAULT_CAPACITY) { assertSame("array after add " + i, array, src.getPrimitiveArray()); } else if (i < DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 2) { assertSame("array after add " + i, array2, src.getPrimitiveArray()); } else if (i < DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 3) { assertSame("array after add " + i, array3, src.getPrimitiveArray()); } } for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { assertEquals("value at " + i, i, src.get(i)); } } public void testAddAt() { final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); final int limit = DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 10, step = DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 2; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i += step) { src.add(i, i); assertEquals("length after add at " + i, i + 1, src.getLength()); } for (int i = 0; i < limit; i += step) { assertEquals("value at " + i, i, src.get(i)); } } public void testGet() { final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); try { final int value = src.get(0); fail("get(0) shouldn't succeed"); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // success } try { final int value = src.get(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); fail("get(DEFAULT_CAPACITY) shouldn't succeed"); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // success } final int index = DEFAULT_CAPACITY / 2; src.add(index, 100); assertEquals("legth after add at " + index, index + 1, src.getLength()); assertEquals("value after add at " + index, 100, src.get(index)); assertEquals("value after add at 0", 0, src.get(0)); try { final int value = src.get(src.getLength()); fail("get(length) shouldn't succeed"); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // success } } public void testReset() { final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); final int[] array = src.getPrimitiveArray(); for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++) { src.add(i); assertEquals("length after add " + i, i + 1, src.getLength()); } final int smallerLength = DEFAULT_CAPACITY / 2; src.reset(smallerLength); final int[] array2 = src.getPrimitiveArray(); assertEquals("length after reset", 0, src.getLength()); assertNotSame("array after reset", array, array2); int[] array3 = null; for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++) { src.add(i); assertEquals("length after add " + i, i + 1, src.getLength()); if (i == smallerLength) { array3 = src.getPrimitiveArray(); } if (i < smallerLength) { assertSame("array after add " + i, array2, src.getPrimitiveArray()); } else if (i < smallerLength * 2) { assertSame("array after add " + i, array3, src.getPrimitiveArray()); } } } public void testSetLength() { final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); final int[] array = src.getPrimitiveArray(); for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++) { src.add(i); assertEquals("length after add " + i, i + 1, src.getLength()); } final int largerLength = DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 2; src.setLength(largerLength); final int[] array2 = src.getPrimitiveArray(); assertEquals("length after larger setLength", largerLength, src.getLength()); assertNotSame("array after larger setLength", array, array2); assertEquals("array length after larger setLength", largerLength, array2.length); for (int i = 0; i < largerLength; i++) { final int v = src.get(i); if (i < DEFAULT_CAPACITY) { assertEquals("value at " + i, i, v); } else { assertEquals("value at " + i, 0, v); } } final int smallerLength = DEFAULT_CAPACITY / 2; src.setLength(smallerLength); final int[] array3 = src.getPrimitiveArray(); assertEquals("length after smaller setLength", smallerLength, src.getLength()); assertSame("array after smaller setLength", array2, array3); assertEquals("array length after smaller setLength", largerLength, array3.length); for (int i = 0; i < smallerLength; i++) { assertEquals("value at " + i, i, src.get(i)); } } public void testSet() { final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); final int limit = DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 2 + 10; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { src.add(i); } final ResizableIntArray dst = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); dst.set(src); assertEquals("length after set", dst.getLength(), src.getLength()); assertSame("array after set", dst.getPrimitiveArray(), src.getPrimitiveArray()); } public void testCopy() { final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++) { src.add(i); } final ResizableIntArray dst = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); final int[] array = dst.getPrimitiveArray(); dst.copy(src); assertEquals("length after copy", dst.getLength(), src.getLength()); assertSame("array after copy", array, dst.getPrimitiveArray()); assertNotSame("array after copy", dst.getPrimitiveArray(), src.getPrimitiveArray()); assertIntArrayEquals("values after copy", dst.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, src.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dst.getLength()); final int smallerLength = DEFAULT_CAPACITY / 2; dst.reset(smallerLength); final int[] array2 = dst.getPrimitiveArray(); dst.copy(src); final int[] array3 = dst.getPrimitiveArray(); assertEquals("length after copy to smaller", dst.getLength(), src.getLength()); assertNotSame("array after copy to smaller", array2, array3); assertNotSame("array after copy to smaller", array3, src.getPrimitiveArray()); assertIntArrayEquals("values after copy to smaller", dst.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, src.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dst.getLength()); } public void testAppend() { final int srcLen = DEFAULT_CAPACITY; final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(srcLen); for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) { src.add(i); } final ResizableIntArray dst = new ResizableIntArray(DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 2); final int[] array = dst.getPrimitiveArray(); final int dstLen = DEFAULT_CAPACITY / 2; for (int i = 0; i < dstLen; i++) { final int value = -i - 1; dst.add(value); } final ResizableIntArray dstCopy = new ResizableIntArray(dst.getLength()); dstCopy.copy(dst); dst.append(src, 0, 0); assertEquals("length after append zero", dstLen, dst.getLength()); assertSame("array after append zero", array, dst.getPrimitiveArray()); assertIntArrayEquals("values after append zero", dstCopy.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dst.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dstLen); dst.append(src, 0, srcLen); assertEquals("length after append", dstLen + srcLen, dst.getLength()); assertSame("array after append", array, dst.getPrimitiveArray()); assertTrue("primitive length after append", dst.getPrimitiveArray().length >= dstLen + srcLen); assertIntArrayEquals("original values after append", dstCopy.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dst.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dstLen); assertIntArrayEquals("appended values after append", src.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dst.getPrimitiveArray(), dstLen, srcLen); dst.append(src, 0, srcLen); assertEquals("length after 2nd append", dstLen + srcLen * 2, dst.getLength()); assertNotSame("array after 2nd append", array, dst.getPrimitiveArray()); assertTrue("primitive length after 2nd append", dst.getPrimitiveArray().length >= dstLen + srcLen * 2); assertIntArrayEquals("original values after 2nd append", dstCopy.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dst.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dstLen); assertIntArrayEquals("appended values after 2nd append", src.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dst.getPrimitiveArray(), dstLen, srcLen); assertIntArrayEquals("appended values after 2nd append", src.getPrimitiveArray(), 0, dst.getPrimitiveArray(), dstLen + srcLen, srcLen); } public void testFill() { final int srcLen = DEFAULT_CAPACITY; final ResizableIntArray src = new ResizableIntArray(srcLen); for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) { src.add(i); } final int[] array = src.getPrimitiveArray(); final int startPos = srcLen / 3; final int length = srcLen / 3; final int endPos = startPos + length; assertTrue(startPos >= 1); final int value = 123; try { src.fill(value, -1, length); fail("fill from -1 shouldn't succeed"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // success } try { src.fill(value, startPos, -1); fail("fill negative length shouldn't succeed"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // success } src.fill(value, startPos, length); assertEquals("length after fill", srcLen, src.getLength()); assertSame("array after fill", array, src.getPrimitiveArray()); for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) { final int v = src.get(i); if (i >= startPos && i < endPos) { assertEquals("new values after fill at " + i, value, v); } else { assertEquals("unmodified values after fill at " + i, i, v); } } final int length2 = srcLen * 2 - startPos; final int largeEnd = startPos + length2; assertTrue(largeEnd > srcLen); final int value2 = 456; src.fill(value2, startPos, length2); assertEquals("length after large fill", largeEnd, src.getLength()); assertNotSame("array after large fill", array, src.getPrimitiveArray()); for (int i = 0; i < largeEnd; i++) { final int v = src.get(i); if (i >= startPos && i < largeEnd) { assertEquals("new values after large fill at " + i, value2, v); } else { assertEquals("unmodified values after large fill at " + i, i, v); } } final int startPos2 = largeEnd + length2; final int endPos2 = startPos2 + length2; final int value3 = 789; src.fill(value3, startPos2, length2); assertEquals("length after disjoint fill", endPos2, src.getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < endPos2; i++) { final int v = src.get(i); if (i >= startPos2 && i < endPos2) { assertEquals("new values after disjoint fill at " + i, value3, v); } else if (i >= startPos && i < largeEnd) { assertEquals("unmodified values after disjoint fill at " + i, value2, v); } else if (i < startPos) { assertEquals("unmodified values after disjoint fill at " + i, i, v); } else { assertEquals("gap values after disjoint fill at " + i, 0, v); } } } private static void assertIntArrayEquals(final String message, final int[] expecteds, final int expectedPos, final int[] actuals, final int actualPos, final int length) { if (expecteds == actuals) { return; } if (expecteds == null || actuals == null) { assertEquals(message, Arrays.toString(expecteds), Arrays.toString(actuals)); return; } if (expecteds.length < expectedPos + length || actuals.length < actualPos + length) { fail(message + ": insufficient length: expecteds=" + Arrays.toString(expecteds) + " actuals=" + Arrays.toString(actuals)); return; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { assertEquals(message + " [" + i + "]", expecteds[i + expectedPos], actuals[i + actualPos]); } } }