/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.StringUtils; import java.util.Locale; /** * The status of the current recapitalize process. */ public class RecapitalizeStatus { public static final int NOT_A_RECAPITALIZE_MODE = -1; public static final int CAPS_MODE_ORIGINAL_MIXED_CASE = 0; public static final int CAPS_MODE_ALL_LOWER = 1; public static final int CAPS_MODE_FIRST_WORD_UPPER = 2; public static final int CAPS_MODE_ALL_UPPER = 3; // When adding a new mode, don't forget to update the CAPS_MODE_LAST constant. public static final int CAPS_MODE_LAST = CAPS_MODE_ALL_UPPER; private static final int[] ROTATION_STYLE = { CAPS_MODE_ORIGINAL_MIXED_CASE, CAPS_MODE_ALL_LOWER, CAPS_MODE_FIRST_WORD_UPPER, CAPS_MODE_ALL_UPPER }; private static final int getStringMode(final String string, final String separators) { if (StringUtils.isIdenticalAfterUpcase(string)) { return CAPS_MODE_ALL_UPPER; } else if (StringUtils.isIdenticalAfterDowncase(string)) { return CAPS_MODE_ALL_LOWER; } else if (StringUtils.isIdenticalAfterCapitalizeEachWord(string, separators)) { return CAPS_MODE_FIRST_WORD_UPPER; } else { return CAPS_MODE_ORIGINAL_MIXED_CASE; } } /** * We store the location of the cursor and the string that was there before the recapitalize * action was done, and the location of the cursor and the string that was there after. */ private int mCursorStartBefore; private String mStringBefore; private int mCursorStartAfter; private int mCursorEndAfter; private int mRotationStyleCurrentIndex; private boolean mSkipOriginalMixedCaseMode; private Locale mLocale; private String mSeparators; private String mStringAfter; private boolean mIsActive; public RecapitalizeStatus() { // By default, initialize with dummy values that won't match any real recapitalize. initialize(-1, -1, "", Locale.getDefault(), ""); deactivate(); } public void initialize(final int cursorStart, final int cursorEnd, final String string, final Locale locale, final String separators) { mCursorStartBefore = cursorStart; mStringBefore = string; mCursorStartAfter = cursorStart; mCursorEndAfter = cursorEnd; mStringAfter = string; final int initialMode = getStringMode(mStringBefore, separators); mLocale = locale; mSeparators = separators; if (CAPS_MODE_ORIGINAL_MIXED_CASE == initialMode) { mRotationStyleCurrentIndex = 0; mSkipOriginalMixedCaseMode = false; } else { // Find the current mode in the array. int currentMode; for (currentMode = ROTATION_STYLE.length - 1; currentMode > 0; --currentMode) { if (ROTATION_STYLE[currentMode] == initialMode) { break; } } mRotationStyleCurrentIndex = currentMode; mSkipOriginalMixedCaseMode = true; } mIsActive = true; } public void deactivate() { mIsActive = false; } public boolean isActive() { return mIsActive; } public boolean isSetAt(final int cursorStart, final int cursorEnd) { return cursorStart == mCursorStartAfter && cursorEnd == mCursorEndAfter; } /** * Rotate through the different possible capitalization modes. */ public void rotate() { final String oldResult = mStringAfter; int count = 0; // Protection against infinite loop. do { mRotationStyleCurrentIndex = (mRotationStyleCurrentIndex + 1) % ROTATION_STYLE.length; if (CAPS_MODE_ORIGINAL_MIXED_CASE == ROTATION_STYLE[mRotationStyleCurrentIndex] && mSkipOriginalMixedCaseMode) { mRotationStyleCurrentIndex = (mRotationStyleCurrentIndex + 1) % ROTATION_STYLE.length; } ++count; switch (ROTATION_STYLE[mRotationStyleCurrentIndex]) { case CAPS_MODE_ORIGINAL_MIXED_CASE: mStringAfter = mStringBefore; break; case CAPS_MODE_ALL_LOWER: mStringAfter = mStringBefore.toLowerCase(mLocale); break; case CAPS_MODE_FIRST_WORD_UPPER: mStringAfter = StringUtils.capitalizeEachWord(mStringBefore, mSeparators, mLocale); break; case CAPS_MODE_ALL_UPPER: mStringAfter = mStringBefore.toUpperCase(mLocale); break; default: mStringAfter = mStringBefore; } } while (mStringAfter.equals(oldResult) && count < ROTATION_STYLE.length + 1); mCursorEndAfter = mCursorStartAfter + mStringAfter.length(); } /** * Remove leading/trailing whitespace from the considered string. */ public void trim() { final int len = mStringBefore.length(); int nonWhitespaceStart = 0; for (; nonWhitespaceStart < len; nonWhitespaceStart = mStringBefore.offsetByCodePoints(nonWhitespaceStart, 1)) { final int codePoint = mStringBefore.codePointAt(nonWhitespaceStart); if (!Character.isWhitespace(codePoint)) break; } int nonWhitespaceEnd = len; for (; nonWhitespaceEnd > 0; nonWhitespaceEnd = mStringBefore.offsetByCodePoints(nonWhitespaceEnd, -1)) { final int codePoint = mStringBefore.codePointBefore(nonWhitespaceEnd); if (!Character.isWhitespace(codePoint)) break; } // If nonWhitespaceStart >= nonWhitespaceEnd, that means the selection contained only // whitespace, so we leave it as is. if ((0 != nonWhitespaceStart || len != nonWhitespaceEnd) && nonWhitespaceStart < nonWhitespaceEnd) { mCursorEndAfter = mCursorStartBefore + nonWhitespaceEnd; mCursorStartBefore = mCursorStartAfter = mCursorStartBefore + nonWhitespaceStart; mStringAfter = mStringBefore = mStringBefore.substring(nonWhitespaceStart, nonWhitespaceEnd); } } public String getRecapitalizedString() { return mStringAfter; } public int getNewCursorStart() { return mCursorStartAfter; } public int getNewCursorEnd() { return mCursorEndAfter; } public int getCurrentMode() { return ROTATION_STYLE[mRotationStyleCurrentIndex]; } }