/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.os.Debug; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.preference.PreferenceActivity; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.InputType; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.PrintWriterPrinter; import android.util.Printer; import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import com.android.inputmethod.accessibility.AccessibilityUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.compat.CompatUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.compat.EditorInfoCompatUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.compat.InputConnectionCompatUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.compat.InputMethodManagerCompatWrapper; import com.android.inputmethod.compat.InputMethodServiceCompatWrapper; import com.android.inputmethod.compat.InputTypeCompatUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.compat.SuggestionSpanUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.compat.VibratorCompatWrapper; import com.android.inputmethod.deprecated.LanguageSwitcherProxy; import com.android.inputmethod.deprecated.VoiceProxy; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Key; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Keyboard; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardActionListener; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardId; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardSwitcher; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardView; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.LatinKeyboard; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.LatinKeyboardView; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Locale; /** * Input method implementation for Qwerty'ish keyboard. */ public class LatinIME extends InputMethodServiceCompatWrapper implements KeyboardActionListener, SuggestionsView.Listener { private static final String TAG = LatinIME.class.getSimpleName(); private static final boolean TRACE = false; private static boolean DEBUG; /** * The private IME option used to indicate that no microphone should be * shown for a given text field. For instance, this is specified by the * search dialog when the dialog is already showing a voice search button. * * @deprecated Use {@link LatinIME#IME_OPTION_NO_MICROPHONE} with package name prefixed. */ @SuppressWarnings("dep-ann") public static final String IME_OPTION_NO_MICROPHONE_COMPAT = "nm"; /** * The private IME option used to indicate that no microphone should be * shown for a given text field. For instance, this is specified by the * search dialog when the dialog is already showing a voice search button. */ public static final String IME_OPTION_NO_MICROPHONE = "noMicrophoneKey"; /** * The private IME option used to indicate that no settings key should be * shown for a given text field. */ public static final String IME_OPTION_NO_SETTINGS_KEY = "noSettingsKey"; /** * The private IME option used to indicate that the given text field needs * ASCII code points input. */ public static final String IME_OPTION_FORCE_ASCII = "forceAscii"; /** * The subtype extra value used to indicate that the subtype keyboard layout is capable for * typing ASCII characters. */ public static final String SUBTYPE_EXTRA_VALUE_ASCII_CAPABLE = "AsciiCapable"; /** * The subtype extra value used to indicate that the subtype keyboard layout supports touch * position correction. */ public static final String SUBTYPE_EXTRA_VALUE_SUPPORT_TOUCH_POSITION_CORRECTION = "SupportTouchPositionCorrection"; /** * The subtype extra value used to indicate that the subtype keyboard layout should be loaded * from the specified locale. */ public static final String SUBTYPE_EXTRA_VALUE_KEYBOARD_LOCALE = "KeyboardLocale"; private static final int EXTENDED_TOUCHABLE_REGION_HEIGHT = 100; // How many continuous deletes at which to start deleting at a higher speed. private static final int DELETE_ACCELERATE_AT = 20; // Key events coming any faster than this are long-presses. private static final int QUICK_PRESS = 200; private static final int PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK_DURATION = 800; /** * The name of the scheme used by the Package Manager to warn of a new package installation, * replacement or removal. */ private static final String SCHEME_PACKAGE = "package"; // TODO: migrate this to SettingsValues private int mSuggestionVisibility; private static final int SUGGESTION_VISIBILILTY_SHOW_VALUE = R.string.prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_value; private static final int SUGGESTION_VISIBILILTY_SHOW_ONLY_PORTRAIT_VALUE = R.string.prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_only_portrait_value; private static final int SUGGESTION_VISIBILILTY_HIDE_VALUE = R.string.prefs_suggestion_visibility_hide_value; private static final int[] SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_VALUE_ARRAY = new int[] { SUGGESTION_VISIBILILTY_SHOW_VALUE, SUGGESTION_VISIBILILTY_SHOW_ONLY_PORTRAIT_VALUE, SUGGESTION_VISIBILILTY_HIDE_VALUE }; // Magic space: a space that should disappear on space/apostrophe insertion, move after the // punctuation on punctuation insertion, and become a real space on alpha char insertion. // Weak space: a space that should be swapped only by suggestion strip punctuation. // Double space: the state where the user pressed space twice quickly, which LatinIME // resolved as period-space. Undoing this converts the period to a space. // Swap punctuation: the state where a (weak or magic) space and a punctuation from the // suggestion strip have just been swapped. Undoing this swaps them back. private static final int SPACE_STATE_NONE = 0; private static final int SPACE_STATE_DOUBLE = 1; private static final int SPACE_STATE_SWAP_PUNCTUATION = 2; private static final int SPACE_STATE_MAGIC = 3; private static final int SPACE_STATE_WEAK = 4; // Current space state of the input method. This can be any of the above constants. private int mSpaceState; private SettingsValues mSettingsValues; private View mExtractArea; private View mKeyPreviewBackingView; private View mSuggestionsContainer; private SuggestionsView mSuggestionsView; private Suggest mSuggest; private CompletionInfo[] mApplicationSpecifiedCompletions; private InputMethodManagerCompatWrapper mImm; private Resources mResources; private SharedPreferences mPrefs; private String mInputMethodId; private KeyboardSwitcher mKeyboardSwitcher; private SubtypeSwitcher mSubtypeSwitcher; private VoiceProxy mVoiceProxy; private UserDictionary mUserDictionary; private UserBigramDictionary mUserBigramDictionary; private UserUnigramDictionary mUserUnigramDictionary; private boolean mIsUserDictionaryAvailable; // TODO: Create an inner class to group options and pseudo-options to improve readability. // These variables are initialized according to the {@link EditorInfo#inputType}. private boolean mInsertSpaceOnPickSuggestionManually; private boolean mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect; private boolean mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn; private boolean mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn; private final StringBuilder mComposingStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private WordComposer mWordComposer = new WordComposer(); private CharSequence mBestWord; private boolean mHasUncommittedTypedChars; private int mCorrectionMode; private int mCommittedLength; // Keep track of the last selection range to decide if we need to show word alternatives private int mLastSelectionStart; private int mLastSelectionEnd; // Whether we are expecting an onUpdateSelection event to fire. If it does when we don't // "expect" it, it means the user actually moved the cursor. private boolean mExpectingUpdateSelection; private int mDeleteCount; private long mLastKeyTime; private AudioManager mAudioManager; private boolean mSilentModeOn; // System-wide current configuration private VibratorCompatWrapper mVibrator; // TODO: Move this flag to VoiceProxy private boolean mConfigurationChanging; // Member variables for remembering the current device orientation. private int mDisplayOrientation; // Object for reacting to adding/removing a dictionary pack. private BroadcastReceiver mDictionaryPackInstallReceiver = new DictionaryPackInstallBroadcastReceiver(this); // Keeps track of most recently inserted text (multi-character key) for reverting private CharSequence mEnteredText; private final ComposingStateManager mComposingStateManager = ComposingStateManager.getInstance(); public final UIHandler mHandler = new UIHandler(this); public static class UIHandler extends StaticInnerHandlerWrapper { private static final int MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS = 0; private static final int MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE = 1; private static final int MSG_VOICE_RESULTS = 2; private static final int MSG_FADEOUT_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR = 3; private static final int MSG_DISMISS_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR = 4; private static final int MSG_SPACE_TYPED = 5; private static final int MSG_SET_BIGRAM_PREDICTIONS = 6; private static final int MSG_PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK = 7; private int mDelayBeforeFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar; private int mDelayUpdateSuggestions; private int mDelayUpdateShiftState; private int mDurationOfFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar; private float mFinalFadeoutFactorOfLanguageOnSpacebar; private long mDoubleSpacesTurnIntoPeriodTimeout; public UIHandler(LatinIME outerInstance) { super(outerInstance); } public void onCreate() { final Resources res = getOuterInstance().getResources(); mDelayBeforeFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar = res.getInteger( R.integer.config_delay_before_fadeout_language_on_spacebar); mDelayUpdateSuggestions = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_delay_update_suggestions); mDelayUpdateShiftState = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_delay_update_shift_state); mDurationOfFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar = res.getInteger( R.integer.config_duration_of_fadeout_language_on_spacebar); mFinalFadeoutFactorOfLanguageOnSpacebar = res.getInteger( R.integer.config_final_fadeout_percentage_of_language_on_spacebar) / 100.0f; mDoubleSpacesTurnIntoPeriodTimeout = res.getInteger( R.integer.config_double_spaces_turn_into_period_timeout); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { final LatinIME latinIme = getOuterInstance(); final KeyboardSwitcher switcher = latinIme.mKeyboardSwitcher; final LatinKeyboardView inputView = switcher.getKeyboardView(); switch (msg.what) { case MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS: latinIme.updateSuggestions(); break; case MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE: switcher.updateShiftState(); break; case MSG_SET_BIGRAM_PREDICTIONS: latinIme.updateBigramPredictions(); break; case MSG_VOICE_RESULTS: latinIme.mVoiceProxy.handleVoiceResults(latinIme.preferCapitalization() || (switcher.isAlphabetMode() && switcher.isShiftedOrShiftLocked())); break; case MSG_FADEOUT_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR: if (inputView != null) { inputView.setSpacebarTextFadeFactor( (1.0f + mFinalFadeoutFactorOfLanguageOnSpacebar) / 2, (LatinKeyboard)msg.obj); } sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_DISMISS_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR, msg.obj), mDurationOfFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar); break; case MSG_DISMISS_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR: if (inputView != null) { inputView.setSpacebarTextFadeFactor(mFinalFadeoutFactorOfLanguageOnSpacebar, (LatinKeyboard)msg.obj); } break; } } public void postUpdateSuggestions() { removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS), mDelayUpdateSuggestions); } public void cancelUpdateSuggestions() { removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS); } public boolean hasPendingUpdateSuggestions() { return hasMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS); } public void postUpdateShiftKeyState() { removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE), mDelayUpdateShiftState); } public void cancelUpdateShiftState() { removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE); } public void postUpdateBigramPredictions() { removeMessages(MSG_SET_BIGRAM_PREDICTIONS); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_SET_BIGRAM_PREDICTIONS), mDelayUpdateSuggestions); } public void cancelUpdateBigramPredictions() { removeMessages(MSG_SET_BIGRAM_PREDICTIONS); } public void updateVoiceResults() { sendMessage(obtainMessage(MSG_VOICE_RESULTS)); } public void startDisplayLanguageOnSpacebar(boolean localeChanged) { final LatinIME latinIme = getOuterInstance(); removeMessages(MSG_FADEOUT_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR); removeMessages(MSG_DISMISS_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR); final LatinKeyboardView inputView = latinIme.mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (inputView != null) { final LatinKeyboard keyboard = latinIme.mKeyboardSwitcher.getLatinKeyboard(); // The language is always displayed when the delay is negative. final boolean needsToDisplayLanguage = localeChanged || mDelayBeforeFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar < 0; // The language is never displayed when the delay is zero. if (mDelayBeforeFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar != 0) { inputView.setSpacebarTextFadeFactor(needsToDisplayLanguage ? 1.0f : mFinalFadeoutFactorOfLanguageOnSpacebar, keyboard); } // The fadeout animation will start when the delay is positive. if (localeChanged && mDelayBeforeFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar > 0) { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_FADEOUT_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR, keyboard), mDelayBeforeFadeoutLanguageOnSpacebar); } } } public void startDoubleSpacesTimer() { removeMessages(MSG_SPACE_TYPED); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_SPACE_TYPED), mDoubleSpacesTurnIntoPeriodTimeout); } public void cancelDoubleSpacesTimer() { removeMessages(MSG_SPACE_TYPED); } public boolean isAcceptingDoubleSpaces() { return hasMessages(MSG_SPACE_TYPED); } // Working variables for the following methods. private boolean mIsOrientationChanging; private boolean mPendingSuccesiveImsCallback; private boolean mHasPendingStartInput; private boolean mHasPendingFinishInputView; private boolean mHasPendingFinishInput; private EditorInfo mAppliedEditorInfo; public void startOrientationChanging() { removeMessages(MSG_PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK); resetPendingImsCallback(); mIsOrientationChanging = true; final LatinIME latinIme = getOuterInstance(); if (latinIme.isInputViewShown()) { latinIme.mKeyboardSwitcher.saveKeyboardState(); } } private void resetPendingImsCallback() { mHasPendingFinishInputView = false; mHasPendingFinishInput = false; mHasPendingStartInput = false; } private void executePendingImsCallback(LatinIME latinIme, EditorInfo editorInfo, boolean restarting) { if (mHasPendingFinishInputView) latinIme.onFinishInputViewInternal(mHasPendingFinishInput); if (mHasPendingFinishInput) latinIme.onFinishInputInternal(); if (mHasPendingStartInput) latinIme.onStartInputInternal(editorInfo, restarting); resetPendingImsCallback(); } public void onStartInput(EditorInfo editorInfo, boolean restarting) { if (hasMessages(MSG_PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK)) { // Typically this is the second onStartInput after orientation changed. mHasPendingStartInput = true; } else { if (mIsOrientationChanging && restarting) { // This is the first onStartInput after orientation changed. mIsOrientationChanging = false; mPendingSuccesiveImsCallback = true; } final LatinIME latinIme = getOuterInstance(); executePendingImsCallback(latinIme, editorInfo, restarting); latinIme.onStartInputInternal(editorInfo, restarting); } } public void onStartInputView(EditorInfo editorInfo, boolean restarting) { if (hasMessages(MSG_PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK) && KeyboardId.equivalentEditorInfoForKeyboard(editorInfo, mAppliedEditorInfo)) { // Typically this is the second onStartInputView after orientation changed. resetPendingImsCallback(); } else { if (mPendingSuccesiveImsCallback) { // This is the first onStartInputView after orientation changed. mPendingSuccesiveImsCallback = false; resetPendingImsCallback(); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK), PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK_DURATION); } final LatinIME latinIme = getOuterInstance(); executePendingImsCallback(latinIme, editorInfo, restarting); latinIme.onStartInputViewInternal(editorInfo, restarting); mAppliedEditorInfo = editorInfo; } } public void onFinishInputView(boolean finishingInput) { if (hasMessages(MSG_PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK)) { // Typically this is the first onFinishInputView after orientation changed. mHasPendingFinishInputView = true; } else { final LatinIME latinIme = getOuterInstance(); latinIme.onFinishInputViewInternal(finishingInput); mAppliedEditorInfo = null; } } public void onFinishInput() { if (hasMessages(MSG_PENDING_IMS_CALLBACK)) { // Typically this is the first onFinishInput after orientation changed. mHasPendingFinishInput = true; } else { final LatinIME latinIme = getOuterInstance(); executePendingImsCallback(latinIme, null, false); latinIme.onFinishInputInternal(); } } } @Override public void onCreate() { final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); mPrefs = prefs; LatinImeLogger.init(this, prefs); LanguageSwitcherProxy.init(this, prefs); InputMethodManagerCompatWrapper.init(this); SubtypeSwitcher.init(this); KeyboardSwitcher.init(this, prefs); AccessibilityUtils.init(this, prefs); super.onCreate(); mImm = InputMethodManagerCompatWrapper.getInstance(); mInputMethodId = Utils.getInputMethodId(mImm, getPackageName()); mSubtypeSwitcher = SubtypeSwitcher.getInstance(); mKeyboardSwitcher = KeyboardSwitcher.getInstance(); mVibrator = VibratorCompatWrapper.getInstance(this); mHandler.onCreate(); DEBUG = LatinImeLogger.sDBG; final Resources res = getResources(); mResources = res; loadSettings(); Utils.GCUtils.getInstance().reset(); boolean tryGC = true; for (int i = 0; i < Utils.GCUtils.GC_TRY_LOOP_MAX && tryGC; ++i) { try { initSuggest(); tryGC = false; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { tryGC = Utils.GCUtils.getInstance().tryGCOrWait("InitSuggest", e); } } mDisplayOrientation = res.getConfiguration().orientation; // Register to receive ringer mode change and network state change. // Also receive installation and removal of a dictionary pack. final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION); filter.addAction(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter); mVoiceProxy = VoiceProxy.init(this, prefs, mHandler); final IntentFilter packageFilter = new IntentFilter(); packageFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED); packageFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED); packageFilter.addDataScheme(SCHEME_PACKAGE); registerReceiver(mDictionaryPackInstallReceiver, packageFilter); final IntentFilter newDictFilter = new IntentFilter(); newDictFilter.addAction( DictionaryPackInstallBroadcastReceiver.NEW_DICTIONARY_INTENT_ACTION); registerReceiver(mDictionaryPackInstallReceiver, newDictFilter); } // Has to be package-visible for unit tests /* package */ void loadSettings() { if (null == mPrefs) mPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); if (null == mSubtypeSwitcher) mSubtypeSwitcher = SubtypeSwitcher.getInstance(); mSettingsValues = new SettingsValues(mPrefs, this, mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocaleStr()); resetContactsDictionary(null == mSuggest ? null : mSuggest.getContactsDictionary()); } private void initSuggest() { final String localeStr = mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocaleStr(); final Locale keyboardLocale = LocaleUtils.constructLocaleFromString(localeStr); final Resources res = mResources; final Locale savedLocale = LocaleUtils.setSystemLocale(res, keyboardLocale); final ContactsDictionary oldContactsDictionary; if (mSuggest != null) { oldContactsDictionary = mSuggest.getContactsDictionary(); mSuggest.close(); } else { oldContactsDictionary = null; } int mainDicResId = Utils.getMainDictionaryResourceId(res); mSuggest = new Suggest(this, mainDicResId, keyboardLocale); if (mSettingsValues.mAutoCorrectEnabled) { mSuggest.setAutoCorrectionThreshold(mSettingsValues.mAutoCorrectionThreshold); } mUserDictionary = new UserDictionary(this, localeStr); mSuggest.setUserDictionary(mUserDictionary); mIsUserDictionaryAvailable = mUserDictionary.isEnabled(); resetContactsDictionary(oldContactsDictionary); mUserUnigramDictionary = new UserUnigramDictionary(this, this, localeStr, Suggest.DIC_USER_UNIGRAM); mSuggest.setUserUnigramDictionary(mUserUnigramDictionary); mUserBigramDictionary = new UserBigramDictionary(this, this, localeStr, Suggest.DIC_USER_BIGRAM); mSuggest.setUserBigramDictionary(mUserBigramDictionary); updateCorrectionMode(); LocaleUtils.setSystemLocale(res, savedLocale); } /** * Resets the contacts dictionary in mSuggest according to the user settings. * * This method takes an optional contacts dictionary to use. Since the contacts dictionary * does not depend on the locale, it can be reused across different instances of Suggest. * The dictionary will also be opened or closed as necessary depending on the settings. * * @param oldContactsDictionary an optional dictionary to use, or null */ private void resetContactsDictionary(final ContactsDictionary oldContactsDictionary) { final boolean shouldSetDictionary = (null != mSuggest && mSettingsValues.mUseContactsDict); final ContactsDictionary dictionaryToUse; if (!shouldSetDictionary) { // Make sure the dictionary is closed. If it is already closed, this is a no-op, // so it's safe to call it anyways. if (null != oldContactsDictionary) oldContactsDictionary.close(); dictionaryToUse = null; } else if (null != oldContactsDictionary) { // Make sure the old contacts dictionary is opened. If it is already open, this is a // no-op, so it's safe to call it anyways. oldContactsDictionary.reopen(this); dictionaryToUse = oldContactsDictionary; } else { dictionaryToUse = new ContactsDictionary(this, Suggest.DIC_CONTACTS); } if (null != mSuggest) { mSuggest.setContactsDictionary(dictionaryToUse); } } /* package private */ void resetSuggestMainDict() { final String localeStr = mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocaleStr(); final Locale keyboardLocale = LocaleUtils.constructLocaleFromString(localeStr); int mainDicResId = Utils.getMainDictionaryResourceId(mResources); mSuggest.resetMainDict(this, mainDicResId, keyboardLocale); } @Override public void onDestroy() { if (mSuggest != null) { mSuggest.close(); mSuggest = null; } unregisterReceiver(mReceiver); unregisterReceiver(mDictionaryPackInstallReceiver); mVoiceProxy.destroy(); LatinImeLogger.commit(); LatinImeLogger.onDestroy(); super.onDestroy(); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration conf) { mSubtypeSwitcher.onConfigurationChanged(conf); mComposingStateManager.onFinishComposingText(); // If orientation changed while predicting, commit the change if (mDisplayOrientation != conf.orientation) { mDisplayOrientation = conf.orientation; mHandler.startOrientationChanging(); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); commitTyped(ic); if (ic != null) ic.finishComposingText(); // For voice input if (isShowingOptionDialog()) mOptionsDialog.dismiss(); } mConfigurationChanging = true; super.onConfigurationChanged(conf); mVoiceProxy.onConfigurationChanged(conf); mConfigurationChanging = false; // This will work only when the subtype is not supported. LanguageSwitcherProxy.onConfigurationChanged(conf); } @Override public View onCreateInputView() { return mKeyboardSwitcher.onCreateInputView(); } @Override public void setInputView(View view) { super.setInputView(view); mExtractArea = getWindow().getWindow().getDecorView() .findViewById(android.R.id.extractArea); mKeyPreviewBackingView = view.findViewById(R.id.key_preview_backing); mSuggestionsContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.suggestions_container); mSuggestionsView = (SuggestionsView) view.findViewById(R.id.suggestions_view); if (mSuggestionsView != null) mSuggestionsView.setListener(this, view); if (LatinImeLogger.sVISUALDEBUG) { mKeyPreviewBackingView.setBackgroundColor(0x10FF0000); } } @Override public void setCandidatesView(View view) { // To ensure that CandidatesView will never be set. return; } @Override public void onStartInput(EditorInfo editorInfo, boolean restarting) { mHandler.onStartInput(editorInfo, restarting); } @Override public void onStartInputView(EditorInfo editorInfo, boolean restarting) { mHandler.onStartInputView(editorInfo, restarting); } @Override public void onFinishInputView(boolean finishingInput) { mHandler.onFinishInputView(finishingInput); } @Override public void onFinishInput() { mHandler.onFinishInput(); } private void onStartInputInternal(EditorInfo editorInfo, boolean restarting) { super.onStartInput(editorInfo, restarting); } private void onStartInputViewInternal(EditorInfo editorInfo, boolean restarting) { super.onStartInputView(editorInfo, restarting); final KeyboardSwitcher switcher = mKeyboardSwitcher; LatinKeyboardView inputView = switcher.getKeyboardView(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onStartInputView: editorInfo:" + ((editorInfo == null) ? "none" : String.format("inputType=0x%08x imeOptions=0x%08x", editorInfo.inputType, editorInfo.imeOptions))); } // In landscape mode, this method gets called without the input view being created. if (inputView == null) { return; } // Forward this event to the accessibility utilities, if enabled. final AccessibilityUtils accessUtils = AccessibilityUtils.getInstance(); if (accessUtils.isTouchExplorationEnabled()) { accessUtils.onStartInputViewInternal(editorInfo, restarting); } mSubtypeSwitcher.updateParametersOnStartInputView(); TextEntryState.reset(); // Most such things we decide below in initializeInputAttributesAndGetMode, but we need to // know now whether this is a password text field, because we need to know now whether we // want to enable the voice button. final VoiceProxy voiceIme = mVoiceProxy; final int inputType = (editorInfo != null) ? editorInfo.inputType : 0; voiceIme.resetVoiceStates(InputTypeCompatUtils.isPasswordInputType(inputType) || InputTypeCompatUtils.isVisiblePasswordInputType(inputType)); // The EditorInfo might have a flag that affects fullscreen mode. // Note: This call should be done by InputMethodService? updateFullscreenMode(); initializeInputAttributes(editorInfo); inputView.closing(); mEnteredText = null; mComposingStringBuilder.setLength(0); mHasUncommittedTypedChars = false; mDeleteCount = 0; mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_NONE; loadSettings(); updateCorrectionMode(); updateSuggestionVisibility(mPrefs, mResources); if (mSuggest != null && mSettingsValues.mAutoCorrectEnabled) { mSuggest.setAutoCorrectionThreshold(mSettingsValues.mAutoCorrectionThreshold); } mVoiceProxy.loadSettings(editorInfo, mPrefs); // This will work only when the subtype is not supported. LanguageSwitcherProxy.loadSettings(); if (mSubtypeSwitcher.isKeyboardMode()) { switcher.loadKeyboard(editorInfo, mSettingsValues); } if (mSuggestionsView != null) mSuggestionsView.clear(); setSuggestionStripShownInternal( isSuggestionsStripVisible(), /* needsInputViewShown */ false); // Delay updating suggestions because keyboard input view may not be shown at this point. mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); mHandler.cancelDoubleSpacesTimer(); inputView.setKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(mSettingsValues.mKeyPreviewPopupOn, mSettingsValues.mKeyPreviewPopupDismissDelay); inputView.setProximityCorrectionEnabled(true); voiceIme.onStartInputView(inputView.getWindowToken()); if (TRACE) Debug.startMethodTracing("/data/trace/latinime"); } private void initializeInputAttributes(EditorInfo editorInfo) { if (editorInfo == null) return; final int inputType = editorInfo.inputType; if (inputType == InputType.TYPE_NULL) { // TODO: We should honor TYPE_NULL specification. Log.i(TAG, "InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified"); } final int inputClass = inputType & InputType.TYPE_MASK_CLASS; final int variation = inputType & InputType.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION; if (inputClass == 0) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("Unexpected input class: inputType=0x%08x imeOptions=0x%08x", inputType, editorInfo.imeOptions)); } mInsertSpaceOnPickSuggestionManually = false; mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect = false; mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn = false; mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn = false; mApplicationSpecifiedCompletions = null; if (inputClass == InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) { mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn = true; // Make sure that passwords are not displayed in {@link SuggestionsView}. if (InputTypeCompatUtils.isPasswordInputType(inputType) || InputTypeCompatUtils.isVisiblePasswordInputType(inputType)) { mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn = false; } if (InputTypeCompatUtils.isEmailVariation(variation) || variation == InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PERSON_NAME) { // The point in turning this off is that we don't want to insert a space after // a name when filling a form: we can't delete trailing spaces when changing fields mInsertSpaceOnPickSuggestionManually = false; } else { mInsertSpaceOnPickSuggestionManually = true; } if (InputTypeCompatUtils.isEmailVariation(variation)) { mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn = false; } else if (variation == InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI) { mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn = false; } else if (variation == InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_FILTER) { mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn = false; } else if (variation == InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT) { // If it's a browser edit field and auto correct is not ON explicitly, then // disable auto correction, but keep suggestions on. if ((inputType & InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT) == 0) { mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect = true; } } // If NO_SUGGESTIONS is set, don't do prediction. if ((inputType & InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS) != 0) { mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn = false; mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect = true; } // If it's not multiline and the autoCorrect flag is not set, then don't correct if ((inputType & InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT) == 0 && (inputType & InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE) == 0) { mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect = true; } if ((inputType & InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE) != 0) { mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn = false; mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn = isFullscreenMode(); } } } @Override public void onWindowHidden() { super.onWindowHidden(); KeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (inputView != null) inputView.closing(); } private void onFinishInputInternal() { super.onFinishInput(); LatinImeLogger.commit(); mVoiceProxy.flushVoiceInputLogs(mConfigurationChanging); KeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (inputView != null) inputView.closing(); if (mUserUnigramDictionary != null) mUserUnigramDictionary.flushPendingWrites(); if (mUserBigramDictionary != null) mUserBigramDictionary.flushPendingWrites(); } private void onFinishInputViewInternal(boolean finishingInput) { super.onFinishInputView(finishingInput); mKeyboardSwitcher.onFinishInputView(); KeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (inputView != null) inputView.cancelAllMessages(); // Remove pending messages related to update suggestions mHandler.cancelUpdateSuggestions(); } @Override public void onUpdateExtractedText(int token, ExtractedText text) { super.onUpdateExtractedText(token, text); mVoiceProxy.showPunctuationHintIfNecessary(); } @Override public void onUpdateSelection(int oldSelStart, int oldSelEnd, int newSelStart, int newSelEnd, int candidatesStart, int candidatesEnd) { super.onUpdateSelection(oldSelStart, oldSelEnd, newSelStart, newSelEnd, candidatesStart, candidatesEnd); if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: oss=" + oldSelStart + ", ose=" + oldSelEnd + ", lss=" + mLastSelectionStart + ", lse=" + mLastSelectionEnd + ", nss=" + newSelStart + ", nse=" + newSelEnd + ", cs=" + candidatesStart + ", ce=" + candidatesEnd); } mVoiceProxy.setCursorAndSelection(newSelEnd, newSelStart); // If the current selection in the text view changes, we should // clear whatever candidate text we have. final boolean selectionChanged = (newSelStart != candidatesEnd || newSelEnd != candidatesEnd) && mLastSelectionStart != newSelStart; final boolean candidatesCleared = candidatesStart == -1 && candidatesEnd == -1; if (!mExpectingUpdateSelection) { if (SPACE_STATE_WEAK == mSpaceState) { // Test for no WEAK_SPACE action because there is a race condition that may end up // in coming here on a normal key press. We set this to NONE because after // a cursor move, we don't want the suggestion strip to swap the space with the // newly inserted punctuation. mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_NONE; } if (((mComposingStringBuilder.length() > 0 && mHasUncommittedTypedChars) || mVoiceProxy.isVoiceInputHighlighted()) && (selectionChanged || candidatesCleared)) { mComposingStringBuilder.setLength(0); mHasUncommittedTypedChars = false; TextEntryState.reset(); updateSuggestions(); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { ic.finishComposingText(); } mComposingStateManager.onFinishComposingText(); mVoiceProxy.setVoiceInputHighlighted(false); } else if (!mHasUncommittedTypedChars) { TextEntryState.reset(); updateSuggestions(); } } mExpectingUpdateSelection = false; mHandler.postUpdateShiftKeyState(); // TODO: Decide to call restartSuggestionsOnWordBeforeCursorIfAtEndOfWord() or not // here. It would probably be too expensive to call directly here but we may want to post a // message to delay it. The point would be to unify behavior between backspace to the // end of a word and manually put the pointer at the end of the word. // Make a note of the cursor position mLastSelectionStart = newSelStart; mLastSelectionEnd = newSelEnd; } /** * This is called when the user has clicked on the extracted text view, * when running in fullscreen mode. The default implementation hides * the suggestions view when this happens, but only if the extracted text * editor has a vertical scroll bar because its text doesn't fit. * Here we override the behavior due to the possibility that a re-correction could * cause the suggestions strip to disappear and re-appear. */ @Override public void onExtractedTextClicked() { if (isSuggestionsRequested()) return; super.onExtractedTextClicked(); } /** * This is called when the user has performed a cursor movement in the * extracted text view, when it is running in fullscreen mode. The default * implementation hides the suggestions view when a vertical movement * happens, but only if the extracted text editor has a vertical scroll bar * because its text doesn't fit. * Here we override the behavior due to the possibility that a re-correction could * cause the suggestions strip to disappear and re-appear. */ @Override public void onExtractedCursorMovement(int dx, int dy) { if (isSuggestionsRequested()) return; super.onExtractedCursorMovement(dx, dy); } @Override public void hideWindow() { LatinImeLogger.commit(); mKeyboardSwitcher.onHideWindow(); if (TRACE) Debug.stopMethodTracing(); if (mOptionsDialog != null && mOptionsDialog.isShowing()) { mOptionsDialog.dismiss(); mOptionsDialog = null; } mVoiceProxy.hideVoiceWindow(mConfigurationChanging); super.hideWindow(); } @Override public void onDisplayCompletions(CompletionInfo[] applicationSpecifiedCompletions) { if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "Received completions:"); if (applicationSpecifiedCompletions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < applicationSpecifiedCompletions.length; i++) { Log.i(TAG, " #" + i + ": " + applicationSpecifiedCompletions[i]); } } } if (mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn) { mApplicationSpecifiedCompletions = applicationSpecifiedCompletions; if (applicationSpecifiedCompletions == null) { clearSuggestions(); return; } SuggestedWords.Builder builder = new SuggestedWords.Builder() .setApplicationSpecifiedCompletions(applicationSpecifiedCompletions) .setTypedWordValid(false) .setHasMinimalSuggestion(false); // When in fullscreen mode, show completions generated by the application setSuggestions(builder.build()); mBestWord = null; setSuggestionStripShown(true); } } private void setSuggestionStripShownInternal(boolean shown, boolean needsInputViewShown) { // TODO: Modify this if we support suggestions with hard keyboard if (onEvaluateInputViewShown() && mSuggestionsContainer != null) { final boolean shouldShowSuggestions = shown && (needsInputViewShown ? mKeyboardSwitcher.isInputViewShown() : true); if (isFullscreenMode()) { mSuggestionsContainer.setVisibility( shouldShowSuggestions ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } else { mSuggestionsContainer.setVisibility( shouldShowSuggestions ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); } } } private void setSuggestionStripShown(boolean shown) { setSuggestionStripShownInternal(shown, /* needsInputViewShown */true); } @Override public void onComputeInsets(InputMethodService.Insets outInsets) { super.onComputeInsets(outInsets); final KeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (inputView == null || mSuggestionsContainer == null) return; // In fullscreen mode, the height of the extract area managed by InputMethodService should // be considered. // See {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onComputeInsets}. final int extractHeight = isFullscreenMode() ? mExtractArea.getHeight() : 0; final int backingHeight = (mKeyPreviewBackingView.getVisibility() == View.GONE) ? 0 : mKeyPreviewBackingView.getHeight(); final int suggestionsHeight = (mSuggestionsContainer.getVisibility() == View.GONE) ? 0 : mSuggestionsContainer.getHeight(); final int extraHeight = extractHeight + backingHeight + suggestionsHeight; int touchY = extraHeight; // Need to set touchable region only if input view is being shown if (mKeyboardSwitcher.isInputViewShown()) { if (mSuggestionsContainer.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { touchY -= suggestionsHeight; } final int touchWidth = inputView.getWidth(); final int touchHeight = inputView.getHeight() + extraHeight // Extend touchable region below the keyboard. + EXTENDED_TOUCHABLE_REGION_HEIGHT; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Touchable region: y=" + touchY + " width=" + touchWidth + " height=" + touchHeight); } setTouchableRegionCompat(outInsets, 0, touchY, touchWidth, touchHeight); } outInsets.contentTopInsets = touchY; outInsets.visibleTopInsets = touchY; } @Override public boolean onEvaluateFullscreenMode() { return super.onEvaluateFullscreenMode() && mResources.getBoolean(R.bool.config_use_fullscreen_mode); } @Override public void updateFullscreenMode() { super.updateFullscreenMode(); if (mKeyPreviewBackingView == null) return; // In fullscreen mode, no need to have extra space to show the key preview. // If not, we should have extra space above the keyboard to show the key preview. mKeyPreviewBackingView.setVisibility(isFullscreenMode() ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { if (mSuggestionsView != null && mSuggestionsView.handleBack()) { return true; } final LatinKeyboardView keyboardView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (keyboardView != null && keyboardView.handleBack()) { return true; } } break; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: // Enable shift key and DPAD to do selections if (mKeyboardSwitcher.isInputViewShown() && mKeyboardSwitcher.isShiftedOrShiftLocked()) { KeyEvent newEvent = new KeyEvent(event.getDownTime(), event.getEventTime(), event.getAction(), event.getKeyCode(), event.getRepeatCount(), event.getDeviceId(), event.getScanCode(), KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON | KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) ic.sendKeyEvent(newEvent); return true; } break; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } public void commitTyped(final InputConnection ic) { if (!mHasUncommittedTypedChars) return; mHasUncommittedTypedChars = false; if (mComposingStringBuilder.length() > 0) { if (ic != null) { ic.commitText(mComposingStringBuilder, 1); } mCommittedLength = mComposingStringBuilder.length(); TextEntryState.acceptedTyped(mComposingStringBuilder); addToUserUnigramAndBigramDictionaries(mComposingStringBuilder, UserUnigramDictionary.FREQUENCY_FOR_TYPED); } updateSuggestions(); } public boolean getCurrentAutoCapsState() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); if (mSettingsValues.mAutoCap && ic != null && ei != null && ei.inputType != InputType.TYPE_NULL) { return ic.getCursorCapsMode(ei.inputType) != 0; } return false; } // "ic" may be null private void swapSwapperAndSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(final InputConnection ic) { if (null == ic) return; CharSequence lastTwo = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(2, 0); // It is guaranteed lastTwo.charAt(1) is a swapper - else this method is not called. if (lastTwo != null && lastTwo.length() == 2 && lastTwo.charAt(0) == Keyboard.CODE_SPACE) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(2, 0); ic.commitText(lastTwo.charAt(1) + " ", 1); mKeyboardSwitcher.updateShiftState(); } } private boolean maybeDoubleSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(final InputConnection ic) { if (mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_NONE) return false; if (ic == null) return false; final CharSequence lastThree = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(3, 0); if (lastThree != null && lastThree.length() == 3 && Utils.canBeFollowedByPeriod(lastThree.charAt(0)) && lastThree.charAt(1) == Keyboard.CODE_SPACE && lastThree.charAt(2) == Keyboard.CODE_SPACE && mHandler.isAcceptingDoubleSpaces()) { mHandler.cancelDoubleSpacesTimer(); ic.deleteSurroundingText(2, 0); ic.commitText(". ", 1); mKeyboardSwitcher.updateShiftState(); return true; } return false; } // "ic" must not be null private static void maybeRemovePreviousPeriod(final InputConnection ic, CharSequence text) { // When the text's first character is '.', remove the previous period // if there is one. final CharSequence lastOne = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); if (lastOne != null && lastOne.length() == 1 && lastOne.charAt(0) == Keyboard.CODE_PERIOD && text.charAt(0) == Keyboard.CODE_PERIOD) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } } // "ic" may be null private static void removeTrailingSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(final InputConnection ic) { if (ic == null) return; final CharSequence lastOne = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); if (lastOne != null && lastOne.length() == 1 && lastOne.charAt(0) == Keyboard.CODE_SPACE) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } } @Override public boolean addWordToDictionary(String word) { mUserDictionary.addWord(word, 128); // Suggestion strip should be updated after the operation of adding word to the // user dictionary mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); return true; } private static boolean isAlphabet(int code) { return Character.isLetter(code); } private void onSettingsKeyPressed() { if (isShowingOptionDialog()) return; if (InputMethodServiceCompatWrapper.CAN_HANDLE_ON_CURRENT_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_CHANGED) { showSubtypeSelectorAndSettings(); } else if (Utils.hasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes(mImm, false /* exclude aux subtypes */)) { showOptionsMenu(); } else { launchSettings(); } } // Virtual codes representing custom requests. These are used in onCustomRequest() below. public static final int CODE_SHOW_INPUT_METHOD_PICKER = 1; public static final int CODE_HAPTIC_AND_AUDIO_FEEDBACK = 2; @Override public boolean onCustomRequest(int requestCode) { if (isShowingOptionDialog()) return false; switch (requestCode) { case CODE_SHOW_INPUT_METHOD_PICKER: if (Utils.hasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes(mImm, true /* include aux subtypes */)) { mImm.showInputMethodPicker(); return true; } return false; case CODE_HAPTIC_AND_AUDIO_FEEDBACK: hapticAndAudioFeedback(Keyboard.CODE_UNSPECIFIED); return true; } return false; } private boolean isShowingOptionDialog() { return mOptionsDialog != null && mOptionsDialog.isShowing(); } private void insertPunctuationFromSuggestionStrip(final InputConnection ic, final int code) { final CharSequence beforeText = ic != null ? ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0) : null; final int toLeft = TextUtils.isEmpty(beforeText) ? 0 : beforeText.charAt(0); final boolean shouldRegisterSwapPunctuation; // If we have a space left of the cursor and it's a weak or a magic space, then we should // swap it, and override the space state with SPACESTATE_SWAP_PUNCTUATION. // To swap it, we fool handleSeparator to think the previous space state was a // magic space. if (Keyboard.CODE_SPACE == toLeft && mSpaceState == SPACE_STATE_WEAK) { mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_MAGIC; shouldRegisterSwapPunctuation = true; } else { shouldRegisterSwapPunctuation = false; } onCodeInput(code, new int[] { code }, KeyboardActionListener.NOT_A_TOUCH_COORDINATE, KeyboardActionListener.NOT_A_TOUCH_COORDINATE); if (shouldRegisterSwapPunctuation) { mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_SWAP_PUNCTUATION; } } // Implementation of {@link KeyboardActionListener}. @Override public void onCodeInput(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, int x, int y) { final long when = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (primaryCode != Keyboard.CODE_DELETE || when > mLastKeyTime + QUICK_PRESS) { mDeleteCount = 0; } mLastKeyTime = when; final KeyboardSwitcher switcher = mKeyboardSwitcher; final boolean distinctMultiTouch = switcher.hasDistinctMultitouch(); // The space state depends only on the last character pressed and its own previous // state. Here, we revert the space state to neutral if the key is actually modifying // the input contents (any non-shift key), which is what we should do for // all inputs that do not result in a special state. Each character handling is then // free to override the state as they see fit. final int spaceState = mSpaceState; // TODO: Consolidate the double space timer, mLastKeyTime, and the space state. if (primaryCode != Keyboard.CODE_SPACE) { mHandler.cancelDoubleSpacesTimer(); } switch (primaryCode) { case Keyboard.CODE_DELETE: mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_NONE; handleBackspace(spaceState); mDeleteCount++; mExpectingUpdateSelection = true; LatinImeLogger.logOnDelete(); break; case Keyboard.CODE_SHIFT: // Shift key is handled in onPress() when device has distinct multi-touch panel. if (!distinctMultiTouch) { switcher.toggleShift(); } break; case Keyboard.CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL: // Symbol key is handled in onPress() when device has distinct multi-touch panel. if (!distinctMultiTouch) { switcher.toggleAlphabetAndSymbols(); } break; case Keyboard.CODE_CANCEL: if (!isShowingOptionDialog()) { handleClose(); } break; case Keyboard.CODE_SETTINGS: onSettingsKeyPressed(); break; case Keyboard.CODE_CAPSLOCK: switcher.toggleCapsLock(); hapticAndAudioFeedback(primaryCode); break; case Keyboard.CODE_SHORTCUT: mSubtypeSwitcher.switchToShortcutIME(); break; case Keyboard.CODE_TAB: handleTab(); // There are two cases for tab. Either we send a "next" event, that may change the // focus but will never move the cursor. Or, we send a real tab keycode, which some // applications may accept or ignore, and we don't know whether this will move the // cursor or not. So actually, we don't really know. // So to go with the safer option, we'd rather behave as if the user moved the // cursor when they didn't than the opposite. We also expect that most applications // will actually use tab only for focus movement. // To sum it up: do not update mExpectingUpdateSelection here. break; default: mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_NONE; if (mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(primaryCode)) { handleSeparator(primaryCode, x, y, spaceState); } else { handleCharacter(primaryCode, keyCodes, x, y, spaceState); } mExpectingUpdateSelection = true; break; } switcher.onCodeInput(primaryCode); // Reset after any single keystroke mEnteredText = null; } @Override public void onTextInput(CharSequence text) { mVoiceProxy.commitVoiceInput(); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; ic.beginBatchEdit(); commitTyped(ic); maybeRemovePreviousPeriod(ic, text); ic.commitText(text, 1); ic.endBatchEdit(); mKeyboardSwitcher.updateShiftState(); mKeyboardSwitcher.onCodeInput(Keyboard.CODE_DUMMY); mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_NONE; mEnteredText = text; } @Override public void onCancelInput() { // User released a finger outside any key mKeyboardSwitcher.onCancelInput(); } private void handleBackspace(final int spaceState) { if (mVoiceProxy.logAndRevertVoiceInput()) return; final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; ic.beginBatchEdit(); mVoiceProxy.handleBackspace(); final boolean deleteChar = !mHasUncommittedTypedChars; if (mHasUncommittedTypedChars) { final int length = mComposingStringBuilder.length(); if (length > 0) { mComposingStringBuilder.delete(length - 1, length); mWordComposer.deleteLast(); final CharSequence textWithUnderline = mComposingStateManager.isAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn() ? SuggestionSpanUtils.getTextWithAutoCorrectionIndicatorUnderline( this, mComposingStringBuilder) : mComposingStringBuilder; ic.setComposingText(textWithUnderline, 1); if (mComposingStringBuilder.length() == 0) { mHasUncommittedTypedChars = false; } if (1 == length) { // 1 == length means we are about to erase the last character of the word, // so we can show bigrams. mHandler.postUpdateBigramPredictions(); } else { // length > 1, so we still have letters to deduce a suggestion from. mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); } } else { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } } mHandler.postUpdateShiftKeyState(); // TODO: Merge space state with TextEntryState TextEntryState.backspace(); if (TextEntryState.isUndoCommit()) { revertLastWord(ic); ic.endBatchEdit(); return; } if (SPACE_STATE_DOUBLE == spaceState) { if (revertDoubleSpace(ic)) { ic.endBatchEdit(); // No need to reset mSpaceState, it has already be done (that's why we // receive it as a parameter) return; } } else if (SPACE_STATE_SWAP_PUNCTUATION == spaceState) { if (revertSwapPunctuation(ic)) { ic.endBatchEdit(); // Likewise return; } } if (mEnteredText != null && sameAsTextBeforeCursor(ic, mEnteredText)) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(mEnteredText.length(), 0); } else if (deleteChar) { if (mSuggestionsView != null && mSuggestionsView.dismissAddToDictionaryHint()) { // Go back to the suggestion mode if the user canceled the // "Touch again to save". // NOTE: In gerenal, we don't revert the word when backspacing // from a manual suggestion pick. We deliberately chose a // different behavior only in the case of picking the first // suggestion (typed word). It's intentional to have made this // inconsistent with backspacing after selecting other suggestions. revertLastWord(ic); } else { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); if (mDeleteCount > DELETE_ACCELERATE_AT) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } restartSuggestionsOnWordBeforeCursorIfAtEndOfWord(ic); } } ic.endBatchEdit(); } private void handleTab() { final int imeOptions = getCurrentInputEditorInfo().imeOptions; if (!EditorInfoCompatUtils.hasFlagNavigateNext(imeOptions) && !EditorInfoCompatUtils.hasFlagNavigatePrevious(imeOptions)) { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB); return; } final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; // True if keyboard is in either chording shift or manual temporary upper case mode. final boolean isManualTemporaryUpperCase = mKeyboardSwitcher.isManualTemporaryUpperCase(); if (EditorInfoCompatUtils.hasFlagNavigateNext(imeOptions) && !isManualTemporaryUpperCase) { EditorInfoCompatUtils.performEditorActionNext(ic); } else if (EditorInfoCompatUtils.hasFlagNavigatePrevious(imeOptions) && isManualTemporaryUpperCase) { EditorInfoCompatUtils.performEditorActionPrevious(ic); } } private void handleCharacter(final int primaryCode, final int[] keyCodes, final int x, final int y, final int spaceState) { mVoiceProxy.handleCharacter(); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) ic.beginBatchEdit(); if (SPACE_STATE_MAGIC == spaceState && mSettingsValues.isMagicSpaceStripper(primaryCode)) { removeTrailingSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(ic); } int code = primaryCode; if ((isAlphabet(code) || mSettingsValues.isSymbolExcludedFromWordSeparators(code)) && isSuggestionsRequested() && !isCursorTouchingWord()) { if (!mHasUncommittedTypedChars) { // Reset entirely the composing state anyway, then start composing a new word unless // the character is a single quote. mHasUncommittedTypedChars = (Keyboard.CODE_SINGLE_QUOTE != code); mComposingStringBuilder.setLength(0); mWordComposer.reset(); clearSuggestions(); mComposingStateManager.onFinishComposingText(); } } final KeyboardSwitcher switcher = mKeyboardSwitcher; if (switcher.isShiftedOrShiftLocked()) { if (keyCodes == null || keyCodes[0] < Character.MIN_CODE_POINT || keyCodes[0] > Character.MAX_CODE_POINT) { if (null != ic) ic.endBatchEdit(); return; } code = keyCodes[0]; if (switcher.isAlphabetMode() && Character.isLowerCase(code)) { // In some locales, such as Turkish, Character.toUpperCase() may return a wrong // character because it doesn't take care of locale. final String upperCaseString = new String(new int[] {code}, 0, 1) .toUpperCase(mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocale()); if (upperCaseString.codePointCount(0, upperCaseString.length()) == 1) { code = upperCaseString.codePointAt(0); } else { // Some keys, such as [eszett], have upper case as multi-characters. onTextInput(upperCaseString); if (null != ic) ic.endBatchEdit(); return; } } } if (mHasUncommittedTypedChars) { mComposingStringBuilder.append((char) code); mWordComposer.add(code, keyCodes, x, y); if (ic != null) { // If it's the first letter, make note of auto-caps state if (mWordComposer.size() == 1) { mWordComposer.setAutoCapitalized(getCurrentAutoCapsState()); mComposingStateManager.onStartComposingText(); } final CharSequence textWithUnderline = mComposingStateManager.isAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn() ? SuggestionSpanUtils.getTextWithAutoCorrectionIndicatorUnderline( this, mComposingStringBuilder) : mComposingStringBuilder; ic.setComposingText(textWithUnderline, 1); } mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); } else { sendKeyChar((char)code); } if (SPACE_STATE_MAGIC == spaceState && mSettingsValues.isMagicSpaceSwapper(primaryCode)) { if (null != ic) swapSwapperAndSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(ic); } switcher.updateShiftState(); TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) code, mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(code), x, y); if (null != ic) ic.endBatchEdit(); } private void handleSeparator(final int primaryCode, final int x, final int y, final int spaceState) { mVoiceProxy.handleSeparator(); mComposingStateManager.onFinishComposingText(); // Should dismiss the "Touch again to save" message when handling separator if (mSuggestionsView != null && mSuggestionsView.dismissAddToDictionaryHint()) { mHandler.cancelUpdateBigramPredictions(); mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); } boolean pickedDefault = false; // Handle separator final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); } if (mHasUncommittedTypedChars) { // In certain languages where single quote is a separator, it's better // not to auto correct, but accept the typed word. For instance, // in Italian dov' should not be expanded to dove' because the elision // requires the last vowel to be removed. final boolean shouldAutoCorrect = mSettingsValues.mAutoCorrectEnabled && !mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect; if (shouldAutoCorrect && primaryCode != Keyboard.CODE_SINGLE_QUOTE) { pickedDefault = pickDefaultSuggestion(primaryCode); } else { commitTyped(ic); } } final boolean swapMagicSpace; if (Keyboard.CODE_ENTER == primaryCode && (SPACE_STATE_MAGIC == spaceState || SPACE_STATE_SWAP_PUNCTUATION == spaceState)) { removeTrailingSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(ic); swapMagicSpace = false; } else if (SPACE_STATE_MAGIC == spaceState) { if (mSettingsValues.isMagicSpaceSwapper(primaryCode)) { swapMagicSpace = true; } else { swapMagicSpace = false; if (mSettingsValues.isMagicSpaceStripper(primaryCode)) { removeTrailingSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(ic); } } } else { swapMagicSpace = false; } sendKeyChar((char)primaryCode); if (Keyboard.CODE_SPACE == primaryCode) { if (isSuggestionsRequested()) { if (maybeDoubleSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(ic)) { mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_DOUBLE; } else if (!isShowingPunctuationList()) { mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_WEAK; } } mHandler.startDoubleSpacesTimer(); if (!isCursorTouchingWord()) { mHandler.cancelUpdateSuggestions(); mHandler.postUpdateBigramPredictions(); } } else { if (swapMagicSpace) { swapSwapperAndSpaceWhileInBatchEdit(ic); mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_MAGIC; } // Set punctuation right away. onUpdateSelection will fire but tests whether it is // already displayed or not, so it's okay. setPunctuationSuggestions(); } TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) primaryCode, true, x, y); if (pickedDefault) { CharSequence typedWord = mWordComposer.getTypedWord(); TextEntryState.backToAcceptedDefault(typedWord); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(typedWord) && !typedWord.equals(mBestWord)) { InputConnectionCompatUtils.commitCorrection( ic, mLastSelectionEnd - typedWord.length(), typedWord, mBestWord); } } mKeyboardSwitcher.updateShiftState(); if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } } private void handleClose() { commitTyped(getCurrentInputConnection()); mVoiceProxy.handleClose(); requestHideSelf(0); LatinKeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (inputView != null) inputView.closing(); } public boolean isSuggestionsRequested() { return mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn && (mCorrectionMode > 0 || isShowingSuggestionsStrip()); } public boolean isShowingPunctuationList() { if (mSuggestionsView == null) return false; return mSettingsValues.mSuggestPuncList == mSuggestionsView.getSuggestions(); } public boolean isShowingSuggestionsStrip() { return (mSuggestionVisibility == SUGGESTION_VISIBILILTY_SHOW_VALUE) || (mSuggestionVisibility == SUGGESTION_VISIBILILTY_SHOW_ONLY_PORTRAIT_VALUE && mDisplayOrientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); } public boolean isSuggestionsStripVisible() { if (mSuggestionsView == null) return false; if (mSuggestionsView.isShowingAddToDictionaryHint()) return true; if (!isShowingSuggestionsStrip()) return false; if (mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn) return true; return isSuggestionsRequested(); } public void switchToKeyboardView() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Switch to keyboard view."); } View v = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (v != null) { // Confirms that the keyboard view doesn't have parent view. ViewParent p = v.getParent(); if (p != null && p instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) p).removeView(v); } setInputView(v); } setSuggestionStripShown(isSuggestionsStripVisible()); updateInputViewShown(); mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); } public void clearSuggestions() { setSuggestions(SuggestedWords.EMPTY); } public void setSuggestions(SuggestedWords words) { if (mSuggestionsView != null) { mSuggestionsView.setSuggestions(words); mKeyboardSwitcher.onAutoCorrectionStateChanged( words.hasWordAboveAutoCorrectionScoreThreshold()); } // Put a blue underline to a word in TextView which will be auto-corrected. final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { final boolean oldAutoCorrectionIndicator = mComposingStateManager.isAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn(); final boolean newAutoCorrectionIndicator = Utils.willAutoCorrect(words); if (oldAutoCorrectionIndicator != newAutoCorrectionIndicator) { if (LatinImeLogger.sDBG) { Log.d(TAG, "Flip the indicator. " + oldAutoCorrectionIndicator + " -> " + newAutoCorrectionIndicator); } final CharSequence textWithUnderline = newAutoCorrectionIndicator ? SuggestionSpanUtils.getTextWithAutoCorrectionIndicatorUnderline( this, mComposingStringBuilder) : mComposingStringBuilder; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(textWithUnderline)) { ic.setComposingText(textWithUnderline, 1); } mComposingStateManager.setAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn(newAutoCorrectionIndicator); } } } public void updateSuggestions() { // Check if we have a suggestion engine attached. if ((mSuggest == null || !isSuggestionsRequested()) && !mVoiceProxy.isVoiceInputHighlighted()) { return; } mHandler.cancelUpdateSuggestions(); mHandler.cancelUpdateBigramPredictions(); if (!mHasUncommittedTypedChars) { setPunctuationSuggestions(); return; } final WordComposer wordComposer = mWordComposer; // TODO: May need a better way of retrieving previous word final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); final CharSequence prevWord; if (null == ic) { prevWord = null; } else { prevWord = EditingUtils.getPreviousWord(ic, mSettingsValues.mWordSeparators); } // getSuggestedWordBuilder handles gracefully a null value of prevWord final SuggestedWords.Builder builder = mSuggest.getSuggestedWordBuilder(wordComposer, prevWord, mKeyboardSwitcher.getLatinKeyboard().getProximityInfo(), mCorrectionMode); boolean autoCorrectionAvailable = !mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect && mSuggest.hasAutoCorrection(); final CharSequence typedWord = wordComposer.getTypedWord(); // Here, we want to promote a whitelisted word if exists. // TODO: Change this scheme - a boolean is not enough. A whitelisted word may be "valid" // but still autocorrected from - in the case the whitelist only capitalizes the word. // The whitelist should be case-insensitive, so it's not possible to be consistent with // a boolean flag. Right now this is handled with a slight hack in // WhitelistDictionary#shouldForciblyAutoCorrectFrom. final int quotesCount = wordComposer.trailingSingleQuotesCount(); final boolean allowsToBeAutoCorrected = AutoCorrection.allowsToBeAutoCorrected( mSuggest.getUnigramDictionaries(), // If the typed string ends with a single quote, for dictionary lookup purposes // we behave as if the single quote was not here. Here, we are looking up the // typed string in the dictionary (to avoid autocorrecting from an existing // word, so for consistency this lookup should be made WITHOUT the trailing // single quote. quotesCount > 0 ? typedWord.subSequence(0, typedWord.length() - quotesCount) : typedWord, preferCapitalization()); if (mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL || mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL_BIGRAM) { autoCorrectionAvailable |= (!allowsToBeAutoCorrected); } // Don't auto-correct words with multiple capital letter autoCorrectionAvailable &= !wordComposer.isMostlyCaps(); // Basically, we update the suggestion strip only when suggestion count > 1. However, // there is an exception: We update the suggestion strip whenever typed word's length // is 1 or typed word is found in dictionary, regardless of suggestion count. Actually, // in most cases, suggestion count is 1 when typed word's length is 1, but we do always // need to clear the previous state when the user starts typing a word (i.e. typed word's // length == 1). if (typedWord != null) { if (builder.size() > 1 || typedWord.length() == 1 || (!allowsToBeAutoCorrected) || mSuggestionsView.isShowingAddToDictionaryHint()) { builder.setTypedWordValid(!allowsToBeAutoCorrected).setHasMinimalSuggestion( autoCorrectionAvailable); } else { SuggestedWords previousSuggestions = mSuggestionsView.getSuggestions(); if (previousSuggestions == mSettingsValues.mSuggestPuncList) { if (builder.size() == 0) { return; } previousSuggestions = SuggestedWords.EMPTY; } builder.addTypedWordAndPreviousSuggestions(typedWord, previousSuggestions); } } showSuggestions(builder.build(), typedWord); } public void showSuggestions(SuggestedWords suggestedWords, CharSequence typedWord) { final boolean shouldBlockAutoCorrectionBySafetyNet = Utils.shouldBlockAutoCorrectionBySafetyNet(suggestedWords, mSuggest); if (shouldBlockAutoCorrectionBySafetyNet) { suggestedWords.setShouldBlockAutoCorrection(); } setSuggestions(suggestedWords); if (suggestedWords.size() > 0) { if (shouldBlockAutoCorrectionBySafetyNet) { mBestWord = typedWord; } else if (suggestedWords.hasAutoCorrectionWord()) { mBestWord = suggestedWords.getWord(1); } else { mBestWord = typedWord; } } else { mBestWord = null; } setSuggestionStripShown(isSuggestionsStripVisible()); } private boolean pickDefaultSuggestion(int separatorCode) { // Complete any pending suggestions query first if (mHandler.hasPendingUpdateSuggestions()) { mHandler.cancelUpdateSuggestions(); updateSuggestions(); } if (mBestWord != null && mBestWord.length() > 0) { TextEntryState.acceptedDefault(mWordComposer.getTypedWord(), mBestWord, separatorCode); mExpectingUpdateSelection = true; commitBestWord(mBestWord); // Add the word to the user unigram dictionary if it's not a known word addToUserUnigramAndBigramDictionaries(mBestWord, UserUnigramDictionary.FREQUENCY_FOR_TYPED); return true; } return false; } @Override public void pickSuggestionManually(int index, CharSequence suggestion) { mComposingStateManager.onFinishComposingText(); SuggestedWords suggestions = mSuggestionsView.getSuggestions(); mVoiceProxy.flushAndLogAllTextModificationCounters(index, suggestion, mSettingsValues.mWordSeparators); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); } if (mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn && mApplicationSpecifiedCompletions != null && index >= 0 && index < mApplicationSpecifiedCompletions.length) { if (ic != null) { final CompletionInfo completionInfo = mApplicationSpecifiedCompletions[index]; ic.commitCompletion(completionInfo); } mCommittedLength = suggestion.length(); if (mSuggestionsView != null) { mSuggestionsView.clear(); } mKeyboardSwitcher.updateShiftState(); if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } return; } // If this is a punctuation, apply it through the normal key press if (suggestion.length() == 1 && (mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(suggestion.charAt(0)) || mSettingsValues.isSuggestedPunctuation(suggestion.charAt(0)))) { // Word separators are suggested before the user inputs something. // So, LatinImeLogger logs "" as a user's input. LatinImeLogger.logOnManualSuggestion( "", suggestion.toString(), index, suggestions.mWords); // Find out whether the previous character is a space. If it is, as a special case // for punctuation entered through the suggestion strip, it should be swapped // if it was a magic or a weak space. This is meant to help in case the user // pressed space on purpose of displaying the suggestion strip punctuation. final int rawPrimaryCode = suggestion.charAt(0); // Maybe apply the "bidi mirrored" conversions for parentheses final LatinKeyboard keyboard = mKeyboardSwitcher.getLatinKeyboard(); final boolean isRtl = keyboard != null && keyboard.mIsRtlKeyboard; final int primaryCode = Key.getRtlParenthesisCode(rawPrimaryCode, isRtl); insertPunctuationFromSuggestionStrip(ic, primaryCode); // TODO: the following endBatchEdit seems useless, check if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } return; } if (!mHasUncommittedTypedChars) { // If we are not composing a word, then it was a suggestion inferred from // context - no user input. We should reset the word composer. mWordComposer.reset(); } mExpectingUpdateSelection = true; commitBestWord(suggestion); // Add the word to the auto dictionary if it's not a known word if (index == 0) { addToUserUnigramAndBigramDictionaries(suggestion, UserUnigramDictionary.FREQUENCY_FOR_PICKED); } else { addToOnlyBigramDictionary(suggestion, 1); } LatinImeLogger.logOnManualSuggestion(mComposingStringBuilder.toString(), suggestion.toString(), index, suggestions.mWords); TextEntryState.acceptedSuggestion(mComposingStringBuilder.toString(), suggestion); // Follow it with a space if (mInsertSpaceOnPickSuggestionManually) { sendMagicSpace(); } // We should show the "Touch again to save" hint if the user pressed the first entry // AND either: // - There is no dictionary (we know that because we tried to load it => null != mSuggest // AND mSuggest.hasMainDictionary() is false) // - There is a dictionary and the word is not in it // Please note that if mSuggest is null, it means that everything is off: suggestion // and correction, so we shouldn't try to show the hint // We used to look at mCorrectionMode here, but showing the hint should have nothing // to do with the autocorrection setting. final boolean showingAddToDictionaryHint = index == 0 && mSuggest != null // If there is no dictionary the hint should be shown. && (!mSuggest.hasMainDictionary() // If "suggestion" is not in the dictionary, the hint should be shown. || !AutoCorrection.isValidWord( mSuggest.getUnigramDictionaries(), suggestion, true)); // Fool the state watcher so that a subsequent backspace will not do a revert, unless // we just did a correction, in which case we need to stay in // TextEntryState.State.PICKED_SUGGESTION state. TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) Keyboard.CODE_SPACE, true, WordComposer.NOT_A_COORDINATE, WordComposer.NOT_A_COORDINATE); if (!showingAddToDictionaryHint) { // If we're not showing the "Touch again to save", then show corrections again. // In case the cursor position doesn't change, make sure we show the suggestions again. updateBigramPredictions(); // Updating the predictions right away may be slow and feel unresponsive on slower // terminals. On the other hand if we just postUpdateBigramPredictions() it will // take a noticeable delay to update them which may feel uneasy. } if (showingAddToDictionaryHint) { if (mIsUserDictionaryAvailable) { mSuggestionsView.showAddToDictionaryHint( suggestion, mSettingsValues.mHintToSaveText); } else { mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); } } if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } } /** * Commits the chosen word to the text field and saves it for later retrieval. */ private void commitBestWord(CharSequence bestWord) { final KeyboardSwitcher switcher = mKeyboardSwitcher; if (!switcher.isKeyboardAvailable()) return; final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { mVoiceProxy.rememberReplacedWord(bestWord, mSettingsValues.mWordSeparators); if (mSettingsValues.mEnableSuggestionSpanInsertion) { final SuggestedWords suggestedWords = mSuggestionsView.getSuggestions(); ic.commitText(SuggestionSpanUtils.getTextWithSuggestionSpan( this, bestWord, suggestedWords), 1); } else { ic.commitText(bestWord, 1); } } mHasUncommittedTypedChars = false; mCommittedLength = bestWord.length(); } private static final WordComposer sEmptyWordComposer = new WordComposer(); public void updateBigramPredictions() { if (mSuggest == null || !isSuggestionsRequested()) return; if (!mSettingsValues.mBigramPredictionEnabled) { setPunctuationSuggestions(); return; } final CharSequence prevWord = EditingUtils.getThisWord(getCurrentInputConnection(), mSettingsValues.mWordSeparators); SuggestedWords.Builder builder = mSuggest.getSuggestedWordBuilder(sEmptyWordComposer, prevWord, mKeyboardSwitcher.getLatinKeyboard().getProximityInfo(), mCorrectionMode); if (builder.size() > 0) { // Explicitly supply an empty typed word (the no-second-arg version of // showSuggestions will retrieve the word near the cursor, we don't want that here) showSuggestions(builder.build(), ""); } else { if (!isShowingPunctuationList()) setPunctuationSuggestions(); } } public void setPunctuationSuggestions() { setSuggestions(mSettingsValues.mSuggestPuncList); setSuggestionStripShown(isSuggestionsStripVisible()); } private void addToUserUnigramAndBigramDictionaries(CharSequence suggestion, int frequencyDelta) { checkAddToDictionary(suggestion, frequencyDelta, false); } private void addToOnlyBigramDictionary(CharSequence suggestion, int frequencyDelta) { checkAddToDictionary(suggestion, frequencyDelta, true); } /** * Adds to the UserBigramDictionary and/or UserUnigramDictionary * @param selectedANotTypedWord true if it should be added to bigram dictionary if possible */ private void checkAddToDictionary(CharSequence suggestion, int frequencyDelta, boolean selectedANotTypedWord) { if (suggestion == null || suggestion.length() < 1) return; // Only auto-add to dictionary if auto-correct is ON. Otherwise we'll be // adding words in situations where the user or application really didn't // want corrections enabled or learned. if (!(mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL || mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL_BIGRAM)) { return; } if (null != mSuggest && null != mUserUnigramDictionary) { final boolean selectedATypedWordAndItsInUserUnigramDic = !selectedANotTypedWord && mUserUnigramDictionary.isValidWord(suggestion); final boolean isValidWord = AutoCorrection.isValidWord( mSuggest.getUnigramDictionaries(), suggestion, true); final boolean needsToAddToUserUnigramDictionary = selectedATypedWordAndItsInUserUnigramDic || !isValidWord; if (needsToAddToUserUnigramDictionary) { mUserUnigramDictionary.addWord(suggestion.toString(), frequencyDelta); } } if (mUserBigramDictionary != null) { // We don't want to register as bigrams words separated by a separator. // For example "I will, and you too" : we don't want the pair ("will" "and") to be // a bigram. final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (null != ic) { final CharSequence prevWord = EditingUtils.getPreviousWord(ic, mSettingsValues.mWordSeparators); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(prevWord)) { mUserBigramDictionary.addBigrams(prevWord.toString(), suggestion.toString()); } } } } public boolean isCursorTouchingWord() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return false; CharSequence toLeft = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); CharSequence toRight = ic.getTextAfterCursor(1, 0); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(toLeft) && !mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(toLeft.charAt(0)) && !mSettingsValues.isSuggestedPunctuation(toLeft.charAt(0))) { return true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(toRight) && !mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(toRight.charAt(0)) && !mSettingsValues.isSuggestedPunctuation(toRight.charAt(0))) { return true; } return false; } // "ic" must not be null private static boolean sameAsTextBeforeCursor(final InputConnection ic, CharSequence text) { CharSequence beforeText = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(text.length(), 0); return TextUtils.equals(text, beforeText); } // "ic" must not be null /** * Check if the cursor is actually at the end of a word. If so, restart suggestions on this * word, else do nothing. */ private void restartSuggestionsOnWordBeforeCursorIfAtEndOfWord( final InputConnection ic) { // Bail out if the cursor is not at the end of a word (cursor must be preceded by // non-whitespace, non-separator, non-start-of-text) // Example ("|" is the cursor here) : "|a" " |a" " | " all get rejected here. final CharSequence textBeforeCursor = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(textBeforeCursor) || mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(textBeforeCursor.charAt(0))) return; // Bail out if the cursor is in the middle of a word (cursor must be followed by whitespace, // separator or end of line/text) // Example: "test|" "te|st" get rejected here final CharSequence textAfterCursor = ic.getTextAfterCursor(1, 0); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(textAfterCursor) && !mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(textAfterCursor.charAt(0))) return; // Bail out if word before cursor is 0-length or a single non letter (like an apostrophe) // Example: " '|" gets rejected here but "I'|" and "I|" are okay final CharSequence word = EditingUtils.getWordAtCursor(ic, mSettingsValues.mWordSeparators); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(word)) return; if (word.length() == 1 && !Character.isLetter(word.charAt(0))) return; // Okay, we are at the end of a word. Restart suggestions. restartSuggestionsOnWordBeforeCursor(ic, word); } // "ic" must not be null private void restartSuggestionsOnWordBeforeCursor(final InputConnection ic, final CharSequence word) { mWordComposer.setComposingWord(word, mKeyboardSwitcher.getLatinKeyboard()); mComposingStringBuilder.setLength(0); mComposingStringBuilder.append(word); // mBestWord will be set appropriately by updateSuggestions() called by the handler mBestWord = null; mHasUncommittedTypedChars = true; mComposingStateManager.onStartComposingText(); TextEntryState.restartSuggestionsOnWordBeforeCursor(); ic.deleteSurroundingText(word.length(), 0); ic.setComposingText(word, 1); mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); } // "ic" must not be null private void revertLastWord(final InputConnection ic) { if (mHasUncommittedTypedChars || mComposingStringBuilder.length() <= 0) { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); return; } final CharSequence separator = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); final CharSequence textToTheLeft = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(mCommittedLength, 0); ic.deleteSurroundingText(mCommittedLength, 0); // Re-insert "separator" only when the deleted character was word separator and the // composing text wasn't equal to the auto-corrected text which can be found before // the cursor. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(separator) && mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(separator.charAt(0)) && !TextUtils.equals(mComposingStringBuilder, textToTheLeft)) { ic.commitText(mComposingStringBuilder, 1); TextEntryState.acceptedTyped(mComposingStringBuilder); ic.commitText(separator, 1); TextEntryState.typedCharacter(separator.charAt(0), true, WordComposer.NOT_A_COORDINATE, WordComposer.NOT_A_COORDINATE); // Clear composing text mComposingStringBuilder.setLength(0); } else { // Note: this relies on the last word still being held in the WordComposer // Note: in the interest of code simplicity, we may want to just call // restartSuggestionsOnWordBeforeCursorIfAtEndOfWord instead, but retrieving // the old WordComposer allows to reuse the actual typed coordinates. mHasUncommittedTypedChars = true; ic.setComposingText(mComposingStringBuilder, 1); TextEntryState.backspace(); } mHandler.cancelUpdateBigramPredictions(); mHandler.postUpdateSuggestions(); } // "ic" must not be null private boolean revertDoubleSpace(final InputConnection ic) { mHandler.cancelDoubleSpacesTimer(); // Here we test whether we indeed have a period and a space before us. This should not // be needed, but it's there just in case something went wrong. final CharSequence textBeforeCursor = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(2, 0); if (!". ".equals(textBeforeCursor)) return false; ic.beginBatchEdit(); ic.deleteSurroundingText(2, 0); ic.commitText(" ", 1); ic.endBatchEdit(); return true; } private static boolean revertSwapPunctuation(final InputConnection ic) { // Here we test whether we indeed have a space and something else before us. This should not // be needed, but it's there just in case something went wrong. final CharSequence textBeforeCursor = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(2, 0); // NOTE: This does not work with surrogate pairs. Hopefully when the keyboard is able to // enter surrogate pairs this code will have been removed. if (Keyboard.CODE_SPACE != textBeforeCursor.charAt(1)) return false; ic.beginBatchEdit(); ic.deleteSurroundingText(2, 0); ic.commitText(" " + textBeforeCursor.subSequence(0, 1), 1); ic.endBatchEdit(); return true; } public boolean isWordSeparator(int code) { return mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(code); } private void sendMagicSpace() { sendKeyChar((char)Keyboard.CODE_SPACE); mSpaceState = SPACE_STATE_MAGIC; mKeyboardSwitcher.updateShiftState(); } public boolean preferCapitalization() { return mWordComposer.isFirstCharCapitalized(); } // Notify that language or mode have been changed and toggleLanguage will update KeyboardID // according to new language or mode. public void onRefreshKeyboard() { if (!CAN_HANDLE_ON_CURRENT_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_CHANGED) { // Before Honeycomb, Voice IME is in LatinIME and it changes the current input view, // so that we need to re-create the keyboard input view here. setInputView(mKeyboardSwitcher.onCreateInputView()); } // When the device locale is changed in SetupWizard etc., this method may get called via // onConfigurationChanged before SoftInputWindow is shown. if (mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView() != null) { // Reload keyboard because the current language has been changed. mKeyboardSwitcher.loadKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), mSettingsValues); } initSuggest(); loadSettings(); } private void hapticAndAudioFeedback(int primaryCode) { vibrate(); playKeyClick(primaryCode); } @Override public void onPress(int primaryCode, boolean withSliding) { final KeyboardSwitcher switcher = mKeyboardSwitcher; if (switcher.isVibrateAndSoundFeedbackRequired()) { hapticAndAudioFeedback(primaryCode); } final boolean distinctMultiTouch = switcher.hasDistinctMultitouch(); if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == Keyboard.CODE_SHIFT) { switcher.onPressShift(withSliding); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == Keyboard.CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL) { switcher.onPressSymbol(); } else { switcher.onOtherKeyPressed(); } } @Override public void onRelease(int primaryCode, boolean withSliding) { KeyboardSwitcher switcher = mKeyboardSwitcher; // Reset any drag flags in the keyboard final boolean distinctMultiTouch = switcher.hasDistinctMultitouch(); if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == Keyboard.CODE_SHIFT) { switcher.onReleaseShift(withSliding); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == Keyboard.CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL) { switcher.onReleaseSymbol(); } } // receive ringer mode change and network state change. private BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { final String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION)) { updateRingerMode(); } else if (action.equals(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) { mSubtypeSwitcher.onNetworkStateChanged(intent); } } }; // update flags for silent mode private void updateRingerMode() { if (mAudioManager == null) { mAudioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); if (mAudioManager == null) return; } mSilentModeOn = (mAudioManager.getRingerMode() != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL); } private void playKeyClick(int primaryCode) { // if mAudioManager is null, we don't have the ringer state yet // mAudioManager will be set by updateRingerMode if (mAudioManager == null) { if (mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView() != null) { updateRingerMode(); } } if (isSoundOn()) { final int sound; switch (primaryCode) { case Keyboard.CODE_DELETE: sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_DELETE; break; case Keyboard.CODE_ENTER: sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_RETURN; break; case Keyboard.CODE_SPACE: sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_SPACEBAR; break; default: sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_STANDARD; break; } mAudioManager.playSoundEffect(sound, mSettingsValues.mFxVolume); } } public void vibrate() { if (!mSettingsValues.mVibrateOn) { return; } if (mSettingsValues.mKeypressVibrationDuration < 0) { // Go ahead with the system default LatinKeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardView(); if (inputView != null) { inputView.performHapticFeedback( HapticFeedbackConstants.KEYBOARD_TAP, HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_GLOBAL_SETTING); } } else if (mVibrator != null) { mVibrator.vibrate(mSettingsValues.mKeypressVibrationDuration); } } public WordComposer getCurrentWord() { return mWordComposer; } boolean isSoundOn() { return mSettingsValues.mSoundOn && !mSilentModeOn; } private void updateCorrectionMode() { // TODO: cleanup messy flags final boolean shouldAutoCorrect = mSettingsValues.mAutoCorrectEnabled && !mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect; mCorrectionMode = shouldAutoCorrect ? Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL : Suggest.CORRECTION_NONE; mCorrectionMode = (mSettingsValues.mBigramSuggestionEnabled && shouldAutoCorrect) ? Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL_BIGRAM : mCorrectionMode; } private void updateSuggestionVisibility(final SharedPreferences prefs, final Resources res) { final String suggestionVisiblityStr = mSettingsValues.mShowSuggestionsSetting; for (int visibility : SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_VALUE_ARRAY) { if (suggestionVisiblityStr.equals(res.getString(visibility))) { mSuggestionVisibility = visibility; break; } } } protected void launchSettings() { launchSettingsClass(Settings.class); } public void launchDebugSettings() { launchSettingsClass(DebugSettings.class); } protected void launchSettingsClass(Class settingsClass) { handleClose(); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(LatinIME.this, settingsClass); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); } private void showSubtypeSelectorAndSettings() { final CharSequence title = getString(R.string.english_ime_input_options); final CharSequence[] items = new CharSequence[] { // TODO: Should use new string "Select active input modes". getString(R.string.language_selection_title), getString(R.string.english_ime_settings), }; final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int position) { di.dismiss(); switch (position) { case 0: Intent intent = CompatUtils.getInputLanguageSelectionIntent( mInputMethodId, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); startActivity(intent); break; case 1: launchSettings(); break; } } }; final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setItems(items, listener) .setTitle(title); showOptionDialogInternal(builder.create()); } private void showOptionsMenu() { final CharSequence title = getString(R.string.english_ime_input_options); final CharSequence[] items = new CharSequence[] { getString(R.string.selectInputMethod), getString(R.string.english_ime_settings), }; final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int position) { di.dismiss(); switch (position) { case 0: mImm.showInputMethodPicker(); break; case 1: launchSettings(); break; } } }; final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setItems(items, listener) .setTitle(title); showOptionDialogInternal(builder.create()); } @Override protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter fout, String[] args) { super.dump(fd, fout, args); final Printer p = new PrintWriterPrinter(fout); p.println("LatinIME state :"); final Keyboard keyboard = mKeyboardSwitcher.getLatinKeyboard(); final int keyboardMode = keyboard != null ? keyboard.mId.mMode : -1; p.println(" Keyboard mode = " + keyboardMode); p.println(" mComposingStringBuilder=" + mComposingStringBuilder.toString()); p.println(" mIsSuggestionsRequested=" + mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn); p.println(" mCorrectionMode=" + mCorrectionMode); p.println(" mHasUncommittedTypedChars=" + mHasUncommittedTypedChars); p.println(" mAutoCorrectEnabled=" + mSettingsValues.mAutoCorrectEnabled); p.println(" mInsertSpaceOnPickSuggestionManually=" + mInsertSpaceOnPickSuggestionManually); p.println(" mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn=" + mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn); p.println(" TextEntryState.state=" + TextEntryState.getState()); p.println(" mSoundOn=" + mSettingsValues.mSoundOn); p.println(" mVibrateOn=" + mSettingsValues.mVibrateOn); p.println(" mKeyPreviewPopupOn=" + mSettingsValues.mKeyPreviewPopupOn); } }