/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import com.android.inputmethod.event.CombinerChain; import com.android.inputmethod.event.Event; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.CollectionUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.CoordinateUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; /** * A place to store the currently composing word with information such as adjacent key codes as well */ public final class WordComposer { private static final int MAX_WORD_LENGTH = Constants.DICTIONARY_MAX_WORD_LENGTH; private static final boolean DBG = LatinImeLogger.sDBG; public static final int CAPS_MODE_OFF = 0; // 1 is shift bit, 2 is caps bit, 4 is auto bit but this is just a convention as these bits // aren't used anywhere in the code public static final int CAPS_MODE_MANUAL_SHIFTED = 0x1; public static final int CAPS_MODE_MANUAL_SHIFT_LOCKED = 0x3; public static final int CAPS_MODE_AUTO_SHIFTED = 0x5; public static final int CAPS_MODE_AUTO_SHIFT_LOCKED = 0x7; private CombinerChain mCombinerChain; // An array of code points representing the characters typed so far. // The array is limited to MAX_WORD_LENGTH code points, but mTypedWord extends past that // and mCodePointSize can go past that. If mCodePointSize is greater than MAX_WORD_LENGTH, // this just does not contain the associated code points past MAX_WORD_LENGTH. private int[] mPrimaryKeyCodes; // The list of events that served to compose this string. private final ArrayList mEvents; private final InputPointers mInputPointers = new InputPointers(MAX_WORD_LENGTH); // This is the typed word, as a StringBuilder. This has the same contents as mPrimaryKeyCodes // but under a StringBuilder representation for ease of use, depending on what is more useful // at any given time. However this is not limited in size, while mPrimaryKeyCodes is limited // to MAX_WORD_LENGTH code points. private final StringBuilder mTypedWord; // The previous word (before the composing word). Used as context for suggestions. May be null // after resetting and before starting a new composing word, or when there is no context like // at the start of text for example. It can also be set to null externally when the user // enters a separator that does not let bigrams across, like a period or a comma. private String mPreviousWordForSuggestion; private String mAutoCorrection; private boolean mIsResumed; private boolean mIsBatchMode; // A memory of the last rejected batch mode suggestion, if any. This goes like this: the user // gestures a word, is displeased with the results and hits backspace, then gestures again. // At the very least we should avoid re-suggesting the same thing, and to do that we memorize // the rejected suggestion in this variable. // TODO: this should be done in a comprehensive way by the User History feature instead of // as an ad-hockery here. private String mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion; // Cache these values for performance private int mCapsCount; private int mDigitsCount; private int mCapitalizedMode; private int mTrailingSingleQuotesCount; // This is the number of code points entered so far. This is not limited to MAX_WORD_LENGTH. // In general, this contains the size of mPrimaryKeyCodes, except when this is greater than // MAX_WORD_LENGTH in which case mPrimaryKeyCodes only contain the first MAX_WORD_LENGTH // code points. private int mCodePointSize; private int mCursorPositionWithinWord; /** * Whether the user chose to capitalize the first char of the word. */ private boolean mIsFirstCharCapitalized; public WordComposer() { mCombinerChain = new CombinerChain(); mPrimaryKeyCodes = new int[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; mEvents = CollectionUtils.newArrayList(); mTypedWord = new StringBuilder(MAX_WORD_LENGTH); mAutoCorrection = null; mTrailingSingleQuotesCount = 0; mIsResumed = false; mIsBatchMode = false; mCursorPositionWithinWord = 0; mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion = null; mPreviousWordForSuggestion = null; refreshSize(); } public WordComposer(final WordComposer source) { mCombinerChain = source.mCombinerChain; mPrimaryKeyCodes = Arrays.copyOf(source.mPrimaryKeyCodes, source.mPrimaryKeyCodes.length); mEvents = new ArrayList(source.mEvents); mTypedWord = new StringBuilder(source.mTypedWord); mInputPointers.copy(source.mInputPointers); mCapsCount = source.mCapsCount; mDigitsCount = source.mDigitsCount; mIsFirstCharCapitalized = source.mIsFirstCharCapitalized; mCapitalizedMode = source.mCapitalizedMode; mTrailingSingleQuotesCount = source.mTrailingSingleQuotesCount; mIsResumed = source.mIsResumed; mIsBatchMode = source.mIsBatchMode; mCursorPositionWithinWord = source.mCursorPositionWithinWord; mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion = source.mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion; mPreviousWordForSuggestion = source.mPreviousWordForSuggestion; refreshSize(); } /** * Clear out the keys registered so far. */ public void reset() { mCombinerChain.reset(); mTypedWord.setLength(0); mEvents.clear(); mAutoCorrection = null; mCapsCount = 0; mDigitsCount = 0; mIsFirstCharCapitalized = false; mTrailingSingleQuotesCount = 0; mIsResumed = false; mIsBatchMode = false; mCursorPositionWithinWord = 0; mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion = null; mPreviousWordForSuggestion = null; refreshSize(); } private final void refreshSize() { mCodePointSize = mTypedWord.codePointCount(0, mTypedWord.length()); } /** * Number of keystrokes in the composing word. * @return the number of keystrokes */ public final int size() { return mCodePointSize; } public final boolean isComposingWord() { return size() > 0; } // TODO: make sure that the index should not exceed MAX_WORD_LENGTH public int getCodeAt(int index) { if (index >= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) { return -1; } return mPrimaryKeyCodes[index]; } public InputPointers getInputPointers() { return mInputPointers; } private static boolean isFirstCharCapitalized(final int index, final int codePoint, final boolean previous) { if (index == 0) return Character.isUpperCase(codePoint); return previous && !Character.isUpperCase(codePoint); } /** * Add a new event for a key stroke, with the pressed key's code point with the touch point * coordinates. */ public void add(final Event event) { final int primaryCode = event.mCodePoint; final int keyX = event.mX; final int keyY = event.mY; final int newIndex = size(); mCombinerChain.processEvent(mEvents, event); // TODO: remove mTypedWord and compute it dynamically when necessary. We also need to // make the views of the composing word a SpannableString. mTypedWord.replace(0, mTypedWord.length(), mCombinerChain.getComposingWordWithCombiningFeedback().toString()); mEvents.add(event); refreshSize(); mCursorPositionWithinWord = mCodePointSize; if (newIndex < MAX_WORD_LENGTH) { mPrimaryKeyCodes[newIndex] = primaryCode >= Constants.CODE_SPACE ? Character.toLowerCase(primaryCode) : primaryCode; // In the batch input mode, the {@code mInputPointers} holds batch input points and // shouldn't be overridden by the "typed key" coordinates // (See {@link #setBatchInputWord}). if (!mIsBatchMode) { // TODO: Set correct pointer id and time mInputPointers.addPointerAt(newIndex, keyX, keyY, 0, 0); } } mIsFirstCharCapitalized = isFirstCharCapitalized( newIndex, primaryCode, mIsFirstCharCapitalized); if (Character.isUpperCase(primaryCode)) mCapsCount++; if (Character.isDigit(primaryCode)) mDigitsCount++; if (Constants.CODE_SINGLE_QUOTE == primaryCode) { ++mTrailingSingleQuotesCount; } else { mTrailingSingleQuotesCount = 0; } mAutoCorrection = null; } public void setCursorPositionWithinWord(final int posWithinWord) { mCursorPositionWithinWord = posWithinWord; // TODO: compute where that puts us inside the events } public boolean isCursorFrontOrMiddleOfComposingWord() { if (DBG && mCursorPositionWithinWord > mCodePointSize) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong cursor position : " + mCursorPositionWithinWord + "in a word of size " + mCodePointSize); } return mCursorPositionWithinWord != mCodePointSize; } /** * When the cursor is moved by the user, we need to update its position. * If it falls inside the currently composing word, we don't reset the composition, and * only update the cursor position. * * @param expectedMoveAmount How many java chars to move the cursor. Negative values move * the cursor backward, positive values move the cursor forward. * @return true if the cursor is still inside the composing word, false otherwise. */ public boolean moveCursorByAndReturnIfInsideComposingWord(final int expectedMoveAmount) { // TODO: should uncommit the composing feedback mCombinerChain.reset(); int actualMoveAmountWithinWord = 0; int cursorPos = mCursorPositionWithinWord; final int[] codePoints; if (mCodePointSize >= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) { // If we have more than MAX_WORD_LENGTH characters, we don't have everything inside // mPrimaryKeyCodes. This should be rare enough that we can afford to just compute // the array on the fly when this happens. codePoints = StringUtils.toCodePointArray(mTypedWord.toString()); } else { codePoints = mPrimaryKeyCodes; } if (expectedMoveAmount >= 0) { // Moving the cursor forward for the expected amount or until the end of the word has // been reached, whichever comes first. while (actualMoveAmountWithinWord < expectedMoveAmount && cursorPos < mCodePointSize) { actualMoveAmountWithinWord += Character.charCount(codePoints[cursorPos]); ++cursorPos; } } else { // Moving the cursor backward for the expected amount or until the start of the word // has been reached, whichever comes first. while (actualMoveAmountWithinWord > expectedMoveAmount && cursorPos > 0) { --cursorPos; actualMoveAmountWithinWord -= Character.charCount(codePoints[cursorPos]); } } // If the actual and expected amounts differ, we crossed the start or the end of the word // so the result would not be inside the composing word. if (actualMoveAmountWithinWord != expectedMoveAmount) return false; mCursorPositionWithinWord = cursorPos; return true; } public void setBatchInputPointers(final InputPointers batchPointers) { mInputPointers.set(batchPointers); mIsBatchMode = true; } public void setBatchInputWord(final String word) { reset(); mIsBatchMode = true; final int length = word.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i = Character.offsetByCodePoints(word, i, 1)) { final int codePoint = Character.codePointAt(word, i); // We don't want to override the batch input points that are held in mInputPointers // (See {@link #add(int,int,int)}). add(Event.createEventForCodePointFromUnknownSource(codePoint)); } } /** * Set the currently composing word to the one passed as an argument. * This will register NOT_A_COORDINATE for X and Ys, and use the passed keyboard for proximity. * @param codePoints the code points to set as the composing word. * @param coordinates the x, y coordinates of the key in the CoordinateUtils format * @param previousWord the previous word, to use as context for suggestions. Can be null if * the context is nil (typically, at start of text). */ public void setComposingWord(final int[] codePoints, final int[] coordinates, final CharSequence previousWord) { reset(); final int length = codePoints.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { add(Event.createEventForCodePointFromAlreadyTypedText(codePoints[i], CoordinateUtils.xFromArray(coordinates, i), CoordinateUtils.yFromArray(coordinates, i))); } mIsResumed = true; mPreviousWordForSuggestion = null == previousWord ? null : previousWord.toString(); } /** * Delete the last composing unit as a result of hitting backspace. */ public void deleteLast(final Event event) { mCombinerChain.processEvent(mEvents, event); mTypedWord.replace(0, mTypedWord.length(), mCombinerChain.getComposingWordWithCombiningFeedback().toString()); mEvents.add(event); refreshSize(); // We may have deleted the last one. if (0 == size()) { mIsFirstCharCapitalized = false; } if (mTrailingSingleQuotesCount > 0) { --mTrailingSingleQuotesCount; } else { int i = mTypedWord.length(); while (i > 0) { i = mTypedWord.offsetByCodePoints(i, -1); if (Constants.CODE_SINGLE_QUOTE != mTypedWord.codePointAt(i)) break; ++mTrailingSingleQuotesCount; } } mCursorPositionWithinWord = mCodePointSize; mAutoCorrection = null; } /** * Returns the word as it was typed, without any correction applied. * @return the word that was typed so far. Never returns null. */ public String getTypedWord() { return mTypedWord.toString(); } public String getPreviousWordForSuggestion() { return mPreviousWordForSuggestion; } /** * Whether or not the user typed a capital letter as the first letter in the word * @return capitalization preference */ public boolean isFirstCharCapitalized() { return mIsFirstCharCapitalized; } public int trailingSingleQuotesCount() { return mTrailingSingleQuotesCount; } /** * Whether or not all of the user typed chars are upper case * @return true if all user typed chars are upper case, false otherwise */ public boolean isAllUpperCase() { if (size() <= 1) { return mCapitalizedMode == CAPS_MODE_AUTO_SHIFT_LOCKED || mCapitalizedMode == CAPS_MODE_MANUAL_SHIFT_LOCKED; } else { return mCapsCount == size(); } } public boolean wasShiftedNoLock() { return mCapitalizedMode == CAPS_MODE_AUTO_SHIFTED || mCapitalizedMode == CAPS_MODE_MANUAL_SHIFTED; } /** * Returns true if more than one character is upper case, otherwise returns false. */ public boolean isMostlyCaps() { return mCapsCount > 1; } /** * Returns true if we have digits in the composing word. */ public boolean hasDigits() { return mDigitsCount > 0; } /** * Saves the caps mode and the previous word at the start of composing. * * WordComposer needs to know about the caps mode for several reasons. The first is, we need * to know after the fact what the reason was, to register the correct form into the user * history dictionary: if the word was automatically capitalized, we should insert it in * all-lower case but if it's a manual pressing of shift, then it should be inserted as is. * Also, batch input needs to know about the current caps mode to display correctly * capitalized suggestions. * @param mode the mode at the time of start * @param previousWord the previous word as context for suggestions. May be null if none. */ public void setCapitalizedModeAndPreviousWordAtStartComposingTime(final int mode, final CharSequence previousWord) { mCapitalizedMode = mode; mPreviousWordForSuggestion = null == previousWord ? null : previousWord.toString(); } /** * Returns whether the word was automatically capitalized. * @return whether the word was automatically capitalized */ public boolean wasAutoCapitalized() { return mCapitalizedMode == CAPS_MODE_AUTO_SHIFT_LOCKED || mCapitalizedMode == CAPS_MODE_AUTO_SHIFTED; } /** * Sets the auto-correction for this word. */ public void setAutoCorrection(final String correction) { mAutoCorrection = correction; } /** * @return the auto-correction for this word, or null if none. */ public String getAutoCorrectionOrNull() { return mAutoCorrection; } /** * @return whether we started composing this word by resuming suggestion on an existing string */ public boolean isResumed() { return mIsResumed; } // `type' should be one of the LastComposedWord.COMMIT_TYPE_* constants above. // committedWord should contain suggestion spans if applicable. public LastComposedWord commitWord(final int type, final CharSequence committedWord, final String separatorString, final String prevWord) { // Note: currently, we come here whenever we commit a word. If it's a MANUAL_PICK // or a DECIDED_WORD we may cancel the commit later; otherwise, we should deactivate // the last composed word to ensure this does not happen. final int[] primaryKeyCodes = mPrimaryKeyCodes; mPrimaryKeyCodes = new int[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; final LastComposedWord lastComposedWord = new LastComposedWord(primaryKeyCodes, mEvents, mInputPointers, mTypedWord.toString(), committedWord, separatorString, prevWord, mCapitalizedMode); mInputPointers.reset(); if (type != LastComposedWord.COMMIT_TYPE_DECIDED_WORD && type != LastComposedWord.COMMIT_TYPE_MANUAL_PICK) { lastComposedWord.deactivate(); } mCapsCount = 0; mDigitsCount = 0; mIsBatchMode = false; mPreviousWordForSuggestion = committedWord.toString(); mTypedWord.setLength(0); mCombinerChain.reset(); mEvents.clear(); mCodePointSize = 0; mTrailingSingleQuotesCount = 0; mIsFirstCharCapitalized = false; mCapitalizedMode = CAPS_MODE_OFF; refreshSize(); mAutoCorrection = null; mCursorPositionWithinWord = 0; mIsResumed = false; mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion = null; return lastComposedWord; } // Call this when the recorded previous word should be discarded. This is typically called // when the user inputs a separator that's not whitespace (including the case of the // double-space-to-period feature). public void discardPreviousWordForSuggestion() { mPreviousWordForSuggestion = null; } public void resumeSuggestionOnLastComposedWord(final LastComposedWord lastComposedWord, final String previousWord) { mPrimaryKeyCodes = lastComposedWord.mPrimaryKeyCodes; mEvents.clear(); Collections.copy(mEvents, lastComposedWord.mEvents); mInputPointers.set(lastComposedWord.mInputPointers); mTypedWord.setLength(0); mCombinerChain.reset(); mTypedWord.append(lastComposedWord.mTypedWord); refreshSize(); mCapitalizedMode = lastComposedWord.mCapitalizedMode; mAutoCorrection = null; // This will be filled by the next call to updateSuggestion. mCursorPositionWithinWord = mCodePointSize; mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion = null; mIsResumed = true; mPreviousWordForSuggestion = previousWord; } public boolean isBatchMode() { return mIsBatchMode; } public void setRejectedBatchModeSuggestion(final String rejectedSuggestion) { mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion = rejectedSuggestion; } public String getRejectedBatchModeSuggestion() { return mRejectedBatchModeSuggestion; } }