"Feminine ordinal indicator" "Micro sign" "Masculine ordinal indicator" "Sharp S" "A, grave" "A, acute" "A, circumflex" "A, tilde" "A, diaeresis" "A, ring above" "A, E, ligature" "C, cedilla" "E, grave" "E, acute" "E, circumflex" "E, diaeresis" "I, grave" "I, acute" "I, circumflex" "I, diaeresis" "Eth" "N, tilde" "O, grave" "O, acute" "O, circumflex" "O, tilde" "O, diaeresis" "O, stroke" "U, grave" "U, acute" "U, circumflex" "U, diaeresis" "Y, acute" "Thorn" "Y, diaeresis" "A, macron" "A, breve" "A, ogonek" "C, acute" "C, circumflex" "C, dot above" "C, caron" "D, caron" "D, stroke" "E, macron" "E, breve" "E, dot above" "E, ogonek" "E, caron" "G, circumflex" "G, breve" "G, dot above" "G, cedilla" "H, circumflex" "H, stroke" "I, tilde" "I, macron" "I, breve" "I, ogonek" "Dotless I" "I, J, ligature" "J, circumflex" "K, cedilla" "Kra" "L, acute" "L, cedilla" "L, caron" "L, middle dot" "L, stroke" "N, acute" "N, cedilla" "N, caron" "N, preceded by apostrophe" "Eng" "O, macron" "O, breve" "O, double acute" "O, E, ligature" "R, acute" "R, cedilla" "R, caron" "S, acute" "S, circumflex" "S, cedilla" "S, caron" "T, cedilla" "T, caron" "T, stroke" "U, tilde" "U, macron" "U, breve" "U, ring above" "U, double acute" "U, ogonek" "W, circumflex" "Y, circumflex" "Z, acute" "Z, dot above" "Z, caron" "Long S" "O, horn" "U, horn" "S, comma below" "T, comma below" "Schwa" "A, dot below" "A, hook above" "A, circumflex and acute" "A, circumflex and grave" "A, circumflex and hook above" "A, circumflex and tilde" "A, circumflex and dot below" "A, breve and acute" "A, breve and grave" "A, breve and hook above" "A, breve and tilde" "A, breve and dot below" "E, dot below" "E, hook above" "E, tilde" "E, circumflex and acute" "E, circumflex and grave" "E, circumflex and hook above" "E, circumflex and tilde" "E, circumflex and dot below" "I, hook above" "I, dot below" "O, dot below" "O, hook above" "O, circumflex and acute" "O, circumflex and grave" "O, circumflex and hook above" "O, circumflex and tilde" "O, circumflex and dot below" "O, horn and acute" "O, horn and grave" "O, horn and hook above" "O, horn and tilde" "O, horn and dot below" "U, dot below" "U, hook above" "U, horn and acute" "U, horn and grave" "U, horn and hook above" "U, horn and tilde" "U, horn and dot below" "Y, grave" "Y, dot below" "Y, hook above" "Y, tilde" "Inverted exclamation mark" "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark" "Middle dot" "Superscript one" "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark" "Inverted question mark" "Left single quotation mark" "Right single quotation mark" "Single low-9 quotation mark" "Left double quotation mark" "Right double quotation mark" "Dagger" "Double dagger" "Per mille sign" "Prime" "Double prime" "Single left-pointing angle quotation mark" "Single right-pointing angle quotation mark" "Superscript four" "Superscript latin small letter n" "Peso sign" "Care of" "Rightwards arrow" "Downwards arrow" "Empty set" "Increment" "Less than or equal to" "Greater than or equal to" "Black star"