/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "LatinIME: correction_state.cpp" #include "correction_state.h" #include "proximity_info.h" namespace latinime { ////////////////////// // inline functions // ////////////////////// static const char QUOTE = '\''; inline bool CorrectionState::needsToSkipCurrentNode(const unsigned short c) { const unsigned short userTypedChar = mProximityInfo->getPrimaryCharAt(mInputIndex); // Skip the ' or other letter and continue deeper return (c == QUOTE && userTypedChar != QUOTE) || mSkipPos == mOutputIndex; } ///////////////////// // CorrectionState // ///////////////////// CorrectionState::CorrectionState(const int typedLetterMultiplier, const int fullWordMultiplier) : TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER(typedLetterMultiplier), FULL_WORD_MULTIPLIER(fullWordMultiplier) { } void CorrectionState::initCorrectionState(const ProximityInfo *pi, const int inputLength, const int maxDepth) { mProximityInfo = pi; mInputLength = inputLength; mMaxDepth = maxDepth; mMaxEditDistance = mInputLength < 5 ? 2 : mInputLength / 2; } void CorrectionState::setCorrectionParams(const int skipPos, const int excessivePos, const int transposedPos, const int spaceProximityPos, const int missingSpacePos) { mSkipPos = skipPos; mExcessivePos = excessivePos; mTransposedPos = transposedPos; mSpaceProximityPos = spaceProximityPos; mMissingSpacePos = missingSpacePos; } void CorrectionState::checkState() { if (DEBUG_DICT) { int inputCount = 0; if (mSkipPos >= 0) ++inputCount; if (mExcessivePos >= 0) ++inputCount; if (mTransposedPos >= 0) ++inputCount; // TODO: remove this assert assert(inputCount <= 1); } } int CorrectionState::getFreqForSplitTwoWords(const int firstFreq, const int secondFreq) { return CorrectionState::RankingAlgorithm::calcFreqForSplitTwoWords(firstFreq, secondFreq, this); } int CorrectionState::getFinalFreq(const int freq, unsigned short **word, int *wordLength) { const int outputIndex = mOutputIndex - 1; const int inputIndex = (mCurrentStateType == TRAVERSE_ALL_ON_TERMINAL || mCurrentStateType == TRAVERSE_ALL_NOT_ON_TERMINAL) ? mInputIndex : mInputIndex - 1; *wordLength = outputIndex + 1; if (mProximityInfo->sameAsTyped(mWord, outputIndex + 1) || outputIndex < MIN_SUGGEST_DEPTH) { return -1; } *word = mWord; const bool sameLength = (mExcessivePos == mInputLength - 1) ? (mInputLength == inputIndex + 2) : (mInputLength == inputIndex + 1); return CorrectionState::RankingAlgorithm::calculateFinalFreq( inputIndex, outputIndex, mMatchedCharCount, freq, sameLength, this); } void CorrectionState::initProcessState(const int matchCount, const int inputIndex, const int outputIndex, const bool traverseAllNodes, const int diffs) { mMatchedCharCount = matchCount; mInputIndex = inputIndex; mOutputIndex = outputIndex; mTraverseAllNodes = traverseAllNodes; mDiffs = diffs; } void CorrectionState::getProcessState(int *matchedCount, int *inputIndex, int *outputIndex, bool *traverseAllNodes, int *diffs) { *matchedCount = mMatchedCharCount; *inputIndex = mInputIndex; *outputIndex = mOutputIndex; *traverseAllNodes = mTraverseAllNodes; *diffs = mDiffs; } void CorrectionState::charMatched() { ++mMatchedCharCount; } // TODO: remove int CorrectionState::getOutputIndex() { return mOutputIndex; } // TODO: remove int CorrectionState::getInputIndex() { return mInputIndex; } // TODO: remove bool CorrectionState::needsToTraverseAll() { return mTraverseAllNodes; } void CorrectionState::incrementInputIndex() { ++mInputIndex; } void CorrectionState::incrementOutputIndex() { ++mOutputIndex; } void CorrectionState::startTraverseAll() { mTraverseAllNodes = true; } bool CorrectionState::needsToPrune() const { return (mOutputIndex - 1 >= (mTransposedPos >= 0 ? mInputLength - 1 : mMaxDepth) || mDiffs > mMaxEditDistance); } CorrectionState::CorrectionStateType CorrectionState::processCharAndCalcState( const int32_t c, const bool isTerminal) { mCurrentStateType = NOT_ON_TERMINAL; // This has to be done for each virtual char (this forwards the "inputIndex" which // is the index in the user-inputted chars, as read by proximity chars. if (mExcessivePos == mOutputIndex && mInputIndex < mInputLength - 1) { incrementInputIndex(); } if (mTraverseAllNodes || needsToSkipCurrentNode(c)) { mWord[mOutputIndex] = c; if (needsToTraverseAll() && isTerminal) { mCurrentStateType = TRAVERSE_ALL_ON_TERMINAL; } else { mCurrentStateType = TRAVERSE_ALL_NOT_ON_TERMINAL; } } else { int inputIndexForProximity = mInputIndex; if (mTransposedPos >= 0) { if (mInputIndex == mTransposedPos) { ++inputIndexForProximity; } if (mInputIndex == (mTransposedPos + 1)) { --inputIndexForProximity; } } int matchedProximityCharId = mProximityInfo->getMatchedProximityId( inputIndexForProximity, c, this); if (ProximityInfo::UNRELATED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) { mCurrentStateType = UNRELATED; return mCurrentStateType; } mWord[mOutputIndex] = c; // If inputIndex is greater than mInputLength, that means there is no // proximity chars. So, we don't need to check proximity. if (ProximityInfo::SAME_OR_ACCENTED_OR_CAPITALIZED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) { charMatched(); } if (ProximityInfo::NEAR_PROXIMITY_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) { incrementDiffs(); } const bool isSameAsUserTypedLength = mInputLength == getInputIndex() + 1 || (mExcessivePos == mInputLength - 1 && getInputIndex() == mInputLength - 2); if (isSameAsUserTypedLength && isTerminal) { mCurrentStateType = ON_TERMINAL; } // Start traversing all nodes after the index exceeds the user typed length if (isSameAsUserTypedLength) { startTraverseAll(); } // Finally, we are ready to go to the next character, the next "virtual node". // We should advance the input index. // We do this in this branch of the 'if traverseAllNodes' because we are still matching // characters to input; the other branch is not matching them but searching for // completions, this is why it does not have to do it. incrementInputIndex(); } // Also, the next char is one "virtual node" depth more than this char. incrementOutputIndex(); return mCurrentStateType; } CorrectionState::~CorrectionState() { } ///////////////////////// // static inline utils // ///////////////////////// static const int TWO_31ST_DIV_255 = S_INT_MAX / 255; static inline int capped255MultForFullMatchAccentsOrCapitalizationDifference(const int num) { return (num < TWO_31ST_DIV_255 ? 255 * num : S_INT_MAX); } static const int TWO_31ST_DIV_2 = S_INT_MAX / 2; inline static void multiplyIntCapped(const int multiplier, int *base) { const int temp = *base; if (temp != S_INT_MAX) { // Branch if multiplier == 2 for the optimization if (multiplier == 2) { *base = TWO_31ST_DIV_2 >= temp ? temp << 1 : S_INT_MAX; } else { const int tempRetval = temp * multiplier; *base = tempRetval >= temp ? tempRetval : S_INT_MAX; } } } inline static int powerIntCapped(const int base, const int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; if (base == 2) { return n < 31 ? 1 << n : S_INT_MAX; } else { int ret = base; for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) multiplyIntCapped(base, &ret); return ret; } } inline static void multiplyRate(const int rate, int *freq) { if (*freq != S_INT_MAX) { if (*freq > 1000000) { *freq /= 100; multiplyIntCapped(rate, freq); } else { multiplyIntCapped(rate, freq); *freq /= 100; } } } ////////////////////// // RankingAlgorithm // ////////////////////// int CorrectionState::RankingAlgorithm::calculateFinalFreq( const int inputIndex, const int outputIndex, const int matchCount, const int freq, const bool sameLength, const CorrectionState* correctionState) { const int skipPos = correctionState->getSkipPos(); const int excessivePos = correctionState->getExcessivePos(); const int transposedPos = correctionState->getTransposedPos(); const int inputLength = correctionState->mInputLength; const int typedLetterMultiplier = correctionState->TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER; const int fullWordMultiplier = correctionState->FULL_WORD_MULTIPLIER; const ProximityInfo *proximityInfo = correctionState->mProximityInfo; const int matchWeight = powerIntCapped(typedLetterMultiplier, matchCount); // TODO: Demote by edit distance int finalFreq = freq * matchWeight; if (skipPos >= 0) { if (inputLength >= 2) { const int demotionRate = WORDS_WITH_MISSING_CHARACTER_DEMOTION_RATE * (10 * inputLength - WORDS_WITH_MISSING_CHARACTER_DEMOTION_START_POS_10X) / (10 * inputLength - WORDS_WITH_MISSING_CHARACTER_DEMOTION_START_POS_10X + 10); if (DEBUG_DICT_FULL) { LOGI("Demotion rate for missing character is %d.", demotionRate); } multiplyRate(demotionRate, &finalFreq); } else { finalFreq = 0; } } if (transposedPos >= 0) multiplyRate( WORDS_WITH_TRANSPOSED_CHARACTERS_DEMOTION_RATE, &finalFreq); if (excessivePos >= 0) { multiplyRate(WORDS_WITH_EXCESSIVE_CHARACTER_DEMOTION_RATE, &finalFreq); if (!proximityInfo->existsAdjacentProximityChars(inputIndex)) { // If an excessive character is not adjacent to the left char or the right char, // we will demote this word. multiplyRate(WORDS_WITH_EXCESSIVE_CHARACTER_OUT_OF_PROXIMITY_DEMOTION_RATE, &finalFreq); } } int lengthFreq = typedLetterMultiplier; multiplyIntCapped(powerIntCapped(typedLetterMultiplier, outputIndex), &lengthFreq); if ((outputIndex + 1) == matchCount) { // Full exact match if (outputIndex > 1) { if (DEBUG_DICT) { LOGI("Found full matched word."); } multiplyRate(FULL_MATCHED_WORDS_PROMOTION_RATE, &finalFreq); } if (sameLength && transposedPos < 0 && skipPos < 0 && excessivePos < 0) { finalFreq = capped255MultForFullMatchAccentsOrCapitalizationDifference(finalFreq); } } else if (sameLength && transposedPos < 0 && skipPos < 0 && excessivePos < 0 && outputIndex > 0) { // A word with proximity corrections if (DEBUG_DICT) { LOGI("Found one proximity correction."); } multiplyIntCapped(typedLetterMultiplier, &finalFreq); multiplyRate(WORDS_WITH_PROXIMITY_CHARACTER_DEMOTION_RATE, &finalFreq); } if (DEBUG_DICT) { LOGI("calc: %d, %d", outputIndex, sameLength); } if (sameLength) multiplyIntCapped(fullWordMultiplier, &finalFreq); return finalFreq; } int CorrectionState::RankingAlgorithm::calcFreqForSplitTwoWords( const int firstFreq, const int secondFreq, const CorrectionState* correctionState) { const int spaceProximityPos = correctionState->mSpaceProximityPos; const int missingSpacePos = correctionState->mMissingSpacePos; if (DEBUG_DICT) { int inputCount = 0; if (spaceProximityPos >= 0) ++inputCount; if (missingSpacePos >= 0) ++inputCount; assert(inputCount <= 1); } const bool isSpaceProximity = spaceProximityPos >= 0; const int inputLength = correctionState->mInputLength; const int firstWordLength = isSpaceProximity ? spaceProximityPos : missingSpacePos; const int secondWordLength = isSpaceProximity ? (inputLength - spaceProximityPos - 1) : (inputLength - missingSpacePos); const int typedLetterMultiplier = correctionState->TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER; if (firstWordLength == 0 || secondWordLength == 0) { return 0; } const int firstDemotionRate = 100 - 100 / (firstWordLength + 1); int tempFirstFreq = firstFreq; multiplyRate(firstDemotionRate, &tempFirstFreq); const int secondDemotionRate = 100 - 100 / (secondWordLength + 1); int tempSecondFreq = secondFreq; multiplyRate(secondDemotionRate, &tempSecondFreq); const int totalLength = firstWordLength + secondWordLength; // Promote pairFreq with multiplying by 2, because the word length is the same as the typed // length. int totalFreq = tempFirstFreq + tempSecondFreq; // This is a workaround to try offsetting the not-enough-demotion which will be done in // calcNormalizedScore in Utils.java. // In calcNormalizedScore the score will be demoted by (1 - 1 / length) // but we demoted only (1 - 1 / (length + 1)) so we will additionally adjust freq by // (1 - 1 / length) / (1 - 1 / (length + 1)) = (1 - 1 / (length * length)) const int normalizedScoreNotEnoughDemotionAdjustment = 100 - 100 / (totalLength * totalLength); multiplyRate(normalizedScoreNotEnoughDemotionAdjustment, &totalFreq); // At this moment, totalFreq is calculated by the following formula: // (firstFreq * (1 - 1 / (firstWordLength + 1)) + secondFreq * (1 - 1 / (secondWordLength + 1))) // * (1 - 1 / totalLength) / (1 - 1 / (totalLength + 1)) multiplyIntCapped(powerIntCapped(typedLetterMultiplier, totalLength), &totalFreq); // This is another workaround to offset the demotion which will be done in // calcNormalizedScore in Utils.java. // In calcNormalizedScore the score will be demoted by (1 - 1 / length) so we have to promote // the same amount because we already have adjusted the synthetic freq of this "missing or // mistyped space" suggestion candidate above in this method. const int normalizedScoreDemotionRateOffset = (100 + 100 / totalLength); multiplyRate(normalizedScoreDemotionRateOffset, &totalFreq); if (isSpaceProximity) { // A word pair with one space proximity correction if (DEBUG_DICT) { LOGI("Found a word pair with space proximity correction."); } multiplyIntCapped(typedLetterMultiplier, &totalFreq); multiplyRate(WORDS_WITH_PROXIMITY_CHARACTER_DEMOTION_RATE, &totalFreq); } multiplyRate(WORDS_WITH_MISSING_SPACE_CHARACTER_DEMOTION_RATE, &totalFreq); return totalFreq; } } // namespace latinime