/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry; import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest; import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.R; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; @SmallTest @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class MoreKeySpecSplitTests { private static final Locale TEST_LOCALE = Locale.ENGLISH; private final KeyboardTextsSet mTextsSet = new KeyboardTextsSet(); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { final Context targetContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(); final Resources targetRes = targetContext.getResources(); final String targetPackageName = targetRes.getResourcePackageName( R.string.english_ime_name); mTextsSet.setLocale(TEST_LOCALE, targetRes, targetPackageName); } static void assertArrayEquals(final String message, final T[] expected, final T[] actual) { if (expected == actual) { return; } if (expected == null || actual == null) { assertEquals(message, Arrays.toString(expected), Arrays.toString(actual)); return; } if (expected.length != actual.length) { assertEquals(message + " [length]", Arrays.toString(expected), Arrays.toString(actual)); return; } for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { final T e = expected[i]; final T a = actual[i]; if (e == a) { continue; } assertEquals(message + " [" + i + "]", e, a); } } private void assertTextArray(final String message, final String value, final String ... expectedArray) { final String resolvedActual = mTextsSet.resolveTextReference(value); final String[] actual = MoreKeySpec.splitKeySpecs(resolvedActual); final String[] expected = (expectedArray.length == 0) ? null : expectedArray; assertArrayEquals(message, expected, actual); } private void assertError(final String message, final String value, final String ... expected) { try { assertTextArray(message, value, expected); fail(message); } catch (Exception pcpe) { // success. } } // \U001d11e: MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF private static final String PAIR1 = "\ud834\udd1e"; // \U001d122: MUSICAL SYMBOL F CLEF private static final String PAIR2 = "\ud834\udd22"; // \U002f8a6: CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F8A6; variant character of \u6148. private static final String PAIR3 = "\ud87e\udca6"; private static final String SURROGATE1 = PAIR1 + PAIR2; private static final String SURROGATE2 = PAIR1 + PAIR2 + PAIR3; @Test public void testSplitZero() { assertTextArray("Empty string", ""); assertTextArray("Empty entry", ","); assertTextArray("Empty entry at beginning", ",a", "a"); assertTextArray("Empty entry at end", "a,", "a"); assertTextArray("Empty entry at middle", "a,,b", "a", "b"); assertTextArray("Empty entries with escape", ",a,b\\,c,,d,", "a", "b\\,c", "d"); } @Test public void testSplitSingle() { assertTextArray("Single char", "a", "a"); assertTextArray("Surrogate pair", PAIR1, PAIR1); assertTextArray("Single escape", "\\", "\\"); assertTextArray("Space", " ", " "); assertTextArray("Single label", "abc", "abc"); assertTextArray("Single surrogate pairs label", SURROGATE2, SURROGATE2); assertTextArray("Spaces", " ", " "); assertTextArray("Spaces in label", "a b c", "a b c"); assertTextArray("Spaces at beginning of label", " abc", " abc"); assertTextArray("Spaces at end of label", "abc ", "abc "); assertTextArray("Label surrounded by spaces", " abc ", " abc "); assertTextArray("Surrogate pair surrounded by space", " " + PAIR1 + " ", " " + PAIR1 + " "); assertTextArray("Surrogate pair within characters", "ab" + PAIR2 + "cd", "ab" + PAIR2 + "cd"); assertTextArray("Surrogate pairs within characters", "ab" + SURROGATE1 + "cd", "ab" + SURROGATE1 + "cd"); assertTextArray("Incomplete resource reference 1", "text", "text"); assertTextArray("Incomplete resource reference 2", "!text", "!text"); assertTextArray("Incomplete RESOURCE REFERENCE 2", "!TEXT", "!TEXT"); assertTextArray("Incomplete resource reference 3", "text/", "text/"); assertTextArray("Incomplete resource reference 4", "!" + SURROGATE2, "!" + SURROGATE2); } @Test public void testSplitSingleEscaped() { assertTextArray("Escaped char", "\\a", "\\a"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate pair", "\\" + PAIR1, "\\" + PAIR1); assertTextArray("Escaped comma", "\\,", "\\,"); assertTextArray("Escaped comma escape", "a\\,\\", "a\\,\\"); assertTextArray("Escaped escape", "\\\\", "\\\\"); assertTextArray("Escaped label", "a\\bc", "a\\bc"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate", "a\\" + PAIR1 + "c", "a\\" + PAIR1 + "c"); assertTextArray("Escaped label at beginning", "\\abc", "\\abc"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate at beginning", "\\" + SURROGATE2, "\\" + SURROGATE2); assertTextArray("Escaped label at end", "abc\\", "abc\\"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate at end", SURROGATE2 + "\\", SURROGATE2 + "\\"); assertTextArray("Escaped label with comma", "a\\,c", "a\\,c"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate with comma", PAIR1 + "\\," + PAIR2, PAIR1 + "\\," + PAIR2); assertTextArray("Escaped label with comma at beginning", "\\,bc", "\\,bc"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate with comma at beginning", "\\," + SURROGATE1, "\\," + SURROGATE1); assertTextArray("Escaped label with comma at end", "ab\\,", "ab\\,"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate with comma at end", SURROGATE2 + "\\,", SURROGATE2 + "\\,"); assertTextArray("Escaped label with successive", "\\,\\\\bc", "\\,\\\\bc"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate with successive", "\\,\\\\" + SURROGATE1, "\\,\\\\" + SURROGATE1); assertTextArray("Escaped label with escape", "a\\\\c", "a\\\\c"); assertTextArray("Escaped surrogate with escape", PAIR1 + "\\\\" + PAIR2, PAIR1 + "\\\\" + PAIR2); assertTextArray("Escaped !text", "\\!text", "\\!text"); assertTextArray("Escaped !text/", "\\!text/", "\\!text/"); assertTextArray("Escaped !TEXT/", "\\!TEXT/", "\\!TEXT/"); assertTextArray("Escaped !text/name", "\\!text/empty_string", "\\!text/empty_string"); assertTextArray("Escaped !TEXT/NAME", "\\!TEXT/EMPTY_STRING", "\\!TEXT/EMPTY_STRING"); } @Test public void testSplitMulti() { assertTextArray("Multiple chars", "a,b,c", "a", "b", "c"); assertTextArray("Multiple chars", "a,b,\\c", "a", "b", "\\c"); assertTextArray("Multiple chars and escape at beginning and end", "\\a,b,\\c\\", "\\a", "b", "\\c\\"); assertTextArray("Multiple surrogates", PAIR1 + "," + PAIR2 + "," + PAIR3, PAIR1, PAIR2, PAIR3); assertTextArray("Multiple chars surrounded by spaces", " a , b , c ", " a ", " b ", " c "); assertTextArray("Multiple labels", "abc,def,ghi", "abc", "def", "ghi"); assertTextArray("Multiple surrogated", SURROGATE1 + "," + SURROGATE2, SURROGATE1, SURROGATE2); assertTextArray("Multiple labels surrounded by spaces", " abc , def , ghi ", " abc ", " def ", " ghi "); } @Test public void testSplitMultiEscaped() { assertTextArray("Multiple chars with comma", "a,\\,,c", "a", "\\,", "c"); assertTextArray("Multiple chars with comma surrounded by spaces", " a , \\, , c ", " a ", " \\, ", " c "); assertTextArray("Multiple labels with escape", "\\abc,d\\ef,gh\\i", "\\abc", "d\\ef", "gh\\i"); assertTextArray("Multiple labels with escape surrounded by spaces", " \\abc , d\\ef , gh\\i ", " \\abc ", " d\\ef ", " gh\\i "); assertTextArray("Multiple labels with comma and escape", "ab\\\\,d\\\\\\,,g\\,i", "ab\\\\", "d\\\\\\,", "g\\,i"); assertTextArray("Multiple labels with comma and escape surrounded by spaces", " ab\\\\ , d\\\\\\, , g\\,i ", " ab\\\\ ", " d\\\\\\, ", " g\\,i "); assertTextArray("Multiple escaped !text", "\\!,\\!text/empty_string", "\\!", "\\!text/empty_string"); assertTextArray("Multiple escaped !TEXT", "\\!,\\!TEXT/EMPTY_STRING", "\\!", "\\!TEXT/EMPTY_STRING"); } @Test public void testSplitTextReferenceError() { assertError("Incomplete text name", "!text/", "!text/"); assertError("Non existing text", "!text/non_existing"); } @Test public void testSplitEmptyTextReference() { // Note that morekeys_q of English locale is empty. assertTextArray("Empty string", "!text/morekeys_q"); } @Test public void testLabelReferece() { assertTextArray("Label time am", "!text/keylabel_time_am", "AM"); assertTextArray("More keys for am pm", "!text/morekeys_am_pm", "!fixedColumnOrder!2", "!hasLabels!", "AM", "PM"); assertTextArray("Settings as more key", "!text/keyspec_settings", "!icon/settings_key|!code/key_settings"); } @Test public void testUselessUpperCaseSpecifier() { assertTextArray("EMPTY STRING", "!TEXT/EMPTY_STRING", "!TEXT/EMPTY_STRING"); assertTextArray("SINGLE CHAR", "!TEXT/SINGLE_CHAR", "!TEXT/SINGLE_CHAR"); assertTextArray("Escape and SINGLE CHAR", "\\\\!TEXT/SINGLE_CHAR", "\\\\!TEXT/SINGLE_CHAR"); assertTextArray("MULTIPLE CHARS", "!TEXT/MULTIPLE_CHARS", "!TEXT/MULTIPLE_CHARS"); assertTextArray("Literals and RESOURCES", "1,!TEXT/MULTIPLE_CHARS,z", "1", "!TEXT/MULTIPLE_CHARS", "z"); assertTextArray("Multiple single RESOURCE chars and LABELS 2", "!TEXT/SINGLE_CHAR,!TEXT/SINGLE_LABEL,!TEXT/ESCAPED_COMMA_ESCAPE", "!TEXT/SINGLE_CHAR", "!TEXT/SINGLE_LABEL", "!TEXT/ESCAPED_COMMA_ESCAPE"); assertTextArray("INDIRECT", "!TEXT/INDIRECT_STRING", "!TEXT/INDIRECT_STRING"); assertTextArray("INDIRECT with literal", "1,!TEXT/INDIRECT_STRING_WITH_LITERAL,2", "1", "!TEXT/INDIRECT_STRING_WITH_LITERAL", "2"); assertTextArray("INDIRECT2", "!TEXT/INDIRECT2_STRING", "!TEXT/INDIRECT2_STRING"); assertTextArray("UPPER INDIRECT", "!TEXT/upper_INDIRECT_STRING", "!TEXT/upper_INDIRECT_STRING"); assertTextArray("Upper INDIRECT with literal", "1,!TEXT/upper_INDIRECT_STRING_WITH_LITERAL,2", "1", "!TEXT/upper_INDIRECT_STRING_WITH_LITERAL", "2"); assertTextArray("Upper INDIRECT2", "!TEXT/upper_INDIRECT2_STRING", "!TEXT/upper_INDIRECT2_STRING"); assertTextArray("INFINITE INDIRECTION", "1,!TEXT/INFINITE_INDIRECTION,2", "1", "!TEXT/INFINITE_INDIRECTION", "2"); assertTextArray("Upper INFINITE INDIRECTION", "1,!TEXT/UPPER_INFINITE_INDIRECTION,2", "1", "!TEXT/UPPER_INFINITE_INDIRECTION", "2"); assertTextArray("LABEL TIME AM", "!TEXT/LABEL_TIME_AM", "!TEXT/LABEL_TIME_AM"); assertTextArray("MORE KEYS FOR AM OM", "!TEXT/MORE_KEYS_FOR_AM_PM", "!TEXT/MORE_KEYS_FOR_AM_PM"); assertTextArray("SETTINGS AS MORE KEY", "!TEXT/SETTINGS_AS_MORE_KEY", "!TEXT/SETTINGS_AS_MORE_KEY"); assertTextArray("INDIRECT NAVIGATE ACTIONS AS MORE KEY", "!TEXT/INDIRECT_NAVIGATE_ACTIONS_AS_MORE_KEY", "!TEXT/INDIRECT_NAVIGATE_ACTIONS_AS_MORE_KEY"); } }