/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Key; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.PointerTracker; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.PointerTracker.TimerProxy; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.TimerHandler.Callbacks; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.Constants; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.LeakGuardHandlerWrapper; // TODO: Separate this class into KeyTimerHandler and BatchInputTimerHandler or so. public final class TimerHandler extends LeakGuardHandlerWrapper implements TimerProxy { public interface Callbacks { public void startWhileTypingFadeinAnimation(); public void startWhileTypingFadeoutAnimation(); public void onLongPress(PointerTracker tracker); } private static final int MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED = 0; private static final int MSG_REPEAT_KEY = 1; private static final int MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY = 2; private static final int MSG_DOUBLE_TAP_SHIFT_KEY = 3; private static final int MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT = 4; private final int mIgnoreAltCodeKeyTimeout; private final int mGestureRecognitionUpdateTime; public TimerHandler(final Callbacks ownerInstance, final int ignoreAltCodeKeyTimeout, final int gestureRecognitionUpdateTime) { super(ownerInstance); mIgnoreAltCodeKeyTimeout = ignoreAltCodeKeyTimeout; mGestureRecognitionUpdateTime = gestureRecognitionUpdateTime; } @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) { final Callbacks callbacks = getOwnerInstance(); if (callbacks == null) { return; } final PointerTracker tracker = (PointerTracker) msg.obj; switch (msg.what) { case MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED: callbacks.startWhileTypingFadeinAnimation(); break; case MSG_REPEAT_KEY: tracker.onKeyRepeat(msg.arg1 /* code */, msg.arg2 /* repeatCount */); break; case MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY: cancelLongPressTimers(); callbacks.onLongPress(tracker); break; case MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT: tracker.updateBatchInputByTimer(SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); startUpdateBatchInputTimer(tracker); break; } } @Override public void startKeyRepeatTimerOf(final PointerTracker tracker, final int repeatCount, final int delay) { final Key key = tracker.getKey(); if (key == null || delay == 0) { return; } sendMessageDelayed( obtainMessage(MSG_REPEAT_KEY, key.getCode(), repeatCount, tracker), delay); } private void cancelKeyRepeatTimerOf(final PointerTracker tracker) { removeMessages(MSG_REPEAT_KEY, tracker); } public void cancelKeyRepeatTimers() { removeMessages(MSG_REPEAT_KEY); } // TODO: Suppress layout changes in key repeat mode public boolean isInKeyRepeat() { return hasMessages(MSG_REPEAT_KEY); } @Override public void startLongPressTimerOf(final PointerTracker tracker, final int delay) { if (delay <= 0) { return; } sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY, tracker), delay); } @Override public void cancelLongPressTimerOf(final PointerTracker tracker) { removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY, tracker); } private void cancelLongPressTimers() { removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY); } @Override public void startTypingStateTimer(final Key typedKey) { if (typedKey.isModifier() || typedKey.altCodeWhileTyping()) { return; } final boolean isTyping = isTypingState(); removeMessages(MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED); final Callbacks callbacks = getOwnerInstance(); if (callbacks == null) { return; } // When user hits the space or the enter key, just cancel the while-typing timer. final int typedCode = typedKey.getCode(); if (typedCode == Constants.CODE_SPACE || typedCode == Constants.CODE_ENTER) { if (isTyping) { callbacks.startWhileTypingFadeinAnimation(); } return; } sendMessageDelayed( obtainMessage(MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED), mIgnoreAltCodeKeyTimeout); if (isTyping) { return; } callbacks.startWhileTypingFadeoutAnimation(); } @Override public boolean isTypingState() { return hasMessages(MSG_TYPING_STATE_EXPIRED); } @Override public void startDoubleTapShiftKeyTimer() { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_DOUBLE_TAP_SHIFT_KEY), ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout()); } @Override public void cancelDoubleTapShiftKeyTimer() { removeMessages(MSG_DOUBLE_TAP_SHIFT_KEY); } @Override public boolean isInDoubleTapShiftKeyTimeout() { return hasMessages(MSG_DOUBLE_TAP_SHIFT_KEY); } @Override public void cancelKeyTimersOf(final PointerTracker tracker) { cancelKeyRepeatTimerOf(tracker); cancelLongPressTimerOf(tracker); } public void cancelAllKeyTimers() { cancelKeyRepeatTimers(); cancelLongPressTimers(); } @Override public void startUpdateBatchInputTimer(final PointerTracker tracker) { if (mGestureRecognitionUpdateTime <= 0) { return; } removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT, tracker); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT, tracker), mGestureRecognitionUpdateTime); } @Override public void cancelUpdateBatchInputTimer(final PointerTracker tracker) { removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT, tracker); } @Override public void cancelAllUpdateBatchInputTimers() { removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_BATCH_INPUT); } public void cancelAllMessages() { cancelAllKeyTimers(); cancelAllUpdateBatchInputTimers(); } }