/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import android.content.Context; import android.text.AutoText; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * This class loads a dictionary and provides a list of suggestions for a given sequence of * characters. This includes corrections and completions. * @hide pending API Council Approval */ public class Suggest implements Dictionary.WordCallback { public static final int CORRECTION_NONE = 0; public static final int CORRECTION_BASIC = 1; public static final int CORRECTION_FULL = 2; private Dictionary mMainDict; private Dictionary mUserDictionary; private Dictionary mAutoDictionary; private Dictionary mContactsDictionary; private int mPrefMaxSuggestions = 12; private int[] mPriorities = new int[mPrefMaxSuggestions]; private ArrayList mSuggestions = new ArrayList(); private boolean mIncludeTypedWordIfValid; private ArrayList mStringPool = new ArrayList(); private Context mContext; private boolean mHaveCorrection; private CharSequence mOriginalWord; private String mLowerOriginalWord; private int mCorrectionMode = CORRECTION_BASIC; public Suggest(Context context, int dictionaryResId) { mContext = context; mMainDict = new BinaryDictionary(context, dictionaryResId); for (int i = 0; i < mPrefMaxSuggestions; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); mStringPool.add(sb); } } public int getCorrectionMode() { return mCorrectionMode; } public void setCorrectionMode(int mode) { mCorrectionMode = mode; } /** * Sets an optional user dictionary resource to be loaded. The user dictionary is consulted * before the main dictionary, if set. */ public void setUserDictionary(Dictionary userDictionary) { mUserDictionary = userDictionary; } /** * Sets an optional contacts dictionary resource to be loaded. */ public void setContactsDictionary(Dictionary userDictionary) { mContactsDictionary = userDictionary; } public void setAutoDictionary(Dictionary autoDictionary) { mAutoDictionary = autoDictionary; } /** * Number of suggestions to generate from the input key sequence. This has * to be a number between 1 and 100 (inclusive). * @param maxSuggestions * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number is out of range */ public void setMaxSuggestions(int maxSuggestions) { if (maxSuggestions < 1 || maxSuggestions > 100) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxSuggestions must be between 1 and 100"); } mPrefMaxSuggestions = maxSuggestions; mPriorities = new int[mPrefMaxSuggestions]; collectGarbage(); while (mStringPool.size() < mPrefMaxSuggestions) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); mStringPool.add(sb); } } private boolean haveSufficientCommonality(String original, CharSequence suggestion) { final int originalLength = original.length(); final int suggestionLength = suggestion.length(); final int minLength = Math.min(originalLength, suggestionLength); if (minLength <= 2) return true; int matching = 0; int lessMatching = 0; // Count matches if we skip one character int i; for (i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { final char origChar = ExpandableDictionary.toLowerCase(original.charAt(i)); if (origChar == ExpandableDictionary.toLowerCase(suggestion.charAt(i))) { matching++; lessMatching++; } else if (i + 1 < suggestionLength && origChar == ExpandableDictionary.toLowerCase(suggestion.charAt(i + 1))) { lessMatching++; } } matching = Math.max(matching, lessMatching); if (minLength <= 4) { return matching >= 2; } else { return matching > minLength / 2; } } /** * Returns a list of words that match the list of character codes passed in. * This list will be overwritten the next time this function is called. * @param a view for retrieving the context for AutoText * @param codes the list of codes. Each list item contains an array of character codes * in order of probability where the character at index 0 in the array has the highest * probability. * @return list of suggestions. */ public List getSuggestions(View view, WordComposer wordComposer, boolean includeTypedWordIfValid) { mHaveCorrection = false; collectGarbage(); Arrays.fill(mPriorities, 0); mIncludeTypedWordIfValid = includeTypedWordIfValid; // Save a lowercase version of the original word mOriginalWord = wordComposer.getTypedWord(); if (mOriginalWord != null) { mOriginalWord = mOriginalWord.toString(); mLowerOriginalWord = mOriginalWord.toString().toLowerCase(); } else { mLowerOriginalWord = ""; } // Search the dictionary only if there are at least 2 characters if (wordComposer.size() > 1) { if (mUserDictionary != null || mContactsDictionary != null) { if (mUserDictionary != null) { mUserDictionary.getWords(wordComposer, this); } if (mContactsDictionary != null) { mContactsDictionary.getWords(wordComposer, this); } if (mSuggestions.size() > 0 && isValidWord(mOriginalWord)) { mHaveCorrection = true; } } mMainDict.getWords(wordComposer, this); if (mCorrectionMode == CORRECTION_FULL && mSuggestions.size() > 0) { mHaveCorrection = true; } } if (mOriginalWord != null) { mSuggestions.add(0, mOriginalWord.toString()); } // Check if the first suggestion has a minimum number of characters in common if (mCorrectionMode == CORRECTION_FULL && mSuggestions.size() > 1) { if (!haveSufficientCommonality(mLowerOriginalWord, mSuggestions.get(1))) { mHaveCorrection = false; } } int i = 0; int max = 6; // Don't autotext the suggestions from the dictionaries if (mCorrectionMode == CORRECTION_BASIC) max = 1; while (i < mSuggestions.size() && i < max) { String suggestedWord = mSuggestions.get(i).toString().toLowerCase(); CharSequence autoText = AutoText.get(suggestedWord, 0, suggestedWord.length(), view); // Is there an AutoText correction? boolean canAdd = autoText != null; // Is that correction already the current prediction (or original word)? canAdd &= !TextUtils.equals(autoText, mSuggestions.get(i)); // Is that correction already the next predicted word? if (canAdd && i + 1 < mSuggestions.size() && mCorrectionMode != CORRECTION_BASIC) { canAdd &= !TextUtils.equals(autoText, mSuggestions.get(i + 1)); } if (canAdd) { mHaveCorrection = true; mSuggestions.add(i + 1, autoText); i++; } i++; } removeDupes(); return mSuggestions; } private void removeDupes() { final ArrayList suggestions = mSuggestions; if (suggestions.size() < 2) return; int i = 1; // Don't cache suggestions.size(), since we may be removing items while (i < suggestions.size()) { final CharSequence cur = suggestions.get(i); // Compare each candidate with each previous candidate for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { CharSequence previous = suggestions.get(j); if (TextUtils.equals(cur, previous)) { removeFromSuggestions(i); i--; break; } } i++; } } private void removeFromSuggestions(int index) { CharSequence garbage = mSuggestions.remove(index); if (garbage != null && garbage instanceof StringBuilder) { mStringPool.add(garbage); } } public boolean hasMinimalCorrection() { return mHaveCorrection; } private boolean compareCaseInsensitive(final String mLowerOriginalWord, final char[] word, final int offset, final int length) { final int originalLength = mLowerOriginalWord.length(); if (originalLength == length && Character.isUpperCase(word[offset])) { for (int i = 0; i < originalLength; i++) { if (mLowerOriginalWord.charAt(i) != Character.toLowerCase(word[offset+i])) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } public boolean addWord(final char[] word, final int offset, final int length, final int freq) { int pos = 0; final int[] priorities = mPriorities; final int prefMaxSuggestions = mPrefMaxSuggestions; // Check if it's the same word, only caps are different if (compareCaseInsensitive(mLowerOriginalWord, word, offset, length)) { pos = 0; } else { // Check the last one's priority and bail if (priorities[prefMaxSuggestions - 1] >= freq) return true; while (pos < prefMaxSuggestions) { if (priorities[pos] < freq || (priorities[pos] == freq && length < mSuggestions .get(pos).length())) { break; } pos++; } } if (pos >= prefMaxSuggestions) { return true; } System.arraycopy(priorities, pos, priorities, pos + 1, prefMaxSuggestions - pos - 1); priorities[pos] = freq; int poolSize = mStringPool.size(); StringBuilder sb = poolSize > 0 ? (StringBuilder) mStringPool.remove(poolSize - 1) : new StringBuilder(32); sb.setLength(0); sb.append(word, offset, length); mSuggestions.add(pos, sb); if (mSuggestions.size() > prefMaxSuggestions) { CharSequence garbage = mSuggestions.remove(prefMaxSuggestions); if (garbage instanceof StringBuilder) { mStringPool.add(garbage); } } return true; } public boolean isValidWord(final CharSequence word) { if (word == null || word.length() == 0) { return false; } return (mCorrectionMode == CORRECTION_FULL && mMainDict.isValidWord(word)) || (mCorrectionMode > CORRECTION_NONE && ((mUserDictionary != null && mUserDictionary.isValidWord(word))) || (mAutoDictionary != null && mAutoDictionary.isValidWord(word)) || (mContactsDictionary != null && mContactsDictionary.isValidWord(word))); } private void collectGarbage() { int poolSize = mStringPool.size(); int garbageSize = mSuggestions.size(); while (poolSize < mPrefMaxSuggestions && garbageSize > 0) { CharSequence garbage = mSuggestions.get(garbageSize - 1); if (garbage != null && garbage instanceof StringBuilder) { mStringPool.add(garbage); poolSize++; } garbageSize--; } if (poolSize == mPrefMaxSuggestions + 1) { Log.w("Suggest", "String pool got too big: " + poolSize); } mSuggestions.clear(); } }