/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import android.content.Context; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Keyboard; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.ProximityInfo; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * This class loads a dictionary and provides a list of suggestions for a given sequence of * characters. This includes corrections and completions. */ public class Suggest { public static final String TAG = Suggest.class.getSimpleName(); // TODO: rename this to CORRECTION_OFF public static final int CORRECTION_NONE = 0; // TODO: rename this to CORRECTION_ON public static final int CORRECTION_FULL = 1; private static final boolean DBG = LatinImeLogger.sDBG; private Dictionary mMainDictionary; private ContactsBinaryDictionary mContactsDict; private WhitelistDictionary mWhiteListDictionary; private final ConcurrentHashMap mDictionaries = new ConcurrentHashMap(); public static final int MAX_SUGGESTIONS = 18; private float mAutoCorrectionThreshold; // Locale used for upper- and title-casing words final private Locale mLocale; private static final int MINIMUM_SAFETY_NET_CHAR_LENGTH = 4; public Suggest(final Context context, final Locale locale) { initAsynchronously(context, locale); mLocale = locale; } /* package for test */ Suggest(final Context context, final File dictionary, final long startOffset, final long length, final Locale locale) { final Dictionary mainDict = DictionaryFactory.createDictionaryForTest(context, dictionary, startOffset, length /* useFullEditDistance */, false, locale); mLocale = locale; mMainDictionary = mainDict; addOrReplaceDictionary(mDictionaries, Dictionary.TYPE_MAIN, mainDict); initWhitelistAndAutocorrectAndPool(context, locale); } private void initWhitelistAndAutocorrectAndPool(final Context context, final Locale locale) { mWhiteListDictionary = new WhitelistDictionary(context, locale); addOrReplaceDictionary(mDictionaries, Dictionary.TYPE_WHITELIST, mWhiteListDictionary); } private void initAsynchronously(final Context context, final Locale locale) { resetMainDict(context, locale); // TODO: read the whitelist and init the pool asynchronously too. // initPool should be done asynchronously now that the pool is thread-safe. initWhitelistAndAutocorrectAndPool(context, locale); } private static void addOrReplaceDictionary( final ConcurrentHashMap dictionaries, final String key, final Dictionary dict) { final Dictionary oldDict = (dict == null) ? dictionaries.remove(key) : dictionaries.put(key, dict); if (oldDict != null && dict != oldDict) { oldDict.close(); } } public void resetMainDict(final Context context, final Locale locale) { mMainDictionary = null; new Thread("InitializeBinaryDictionary") { @Override public void run() { final DictionaryCollection newMainDict = DictionaryFactory.createMainDictionaryFromManager(context, locale); addOrReplaceDictionary(mDictionaries, Dictionary.TYPE_MAIN, newMainDict); mMainDictionary = newMainDict; } }.start(); } // The main dictionary could have been loaded asynchronously. Don't cache the return value // of this method. public boolean hasMainDictionary() { return null != mMainDictionary && mMainDictionary.isInitialized(); } public Dictionary getMainDictionary() { return mMainDictionary; } public ContactsBinaryDictionary getContactsDictionary() { return mContactsDict; } public ConcurrentHashMap getUnigramDictionaries() { return mDictionaries; } /** * Sets an optional user dictionary resource to be loaded. The user dictionary is consulted * before the main dictionary, if set. This refers to the system-managed user dictionary. */ public void setUserDictionary(UserBinaryDictionary userDictionary) { addOrReplaceDictionary(mDictionaries, Dictionary.TYPE_USER, userDictionary); } /** * Sets an optional contacts dictionary resource to be loaded. It is also possible to remove * the contacts dictionary by passing null to this method. In this case no contacts dictionary * won't be used. */ public void setContactsDictionary(ContactsBinaryDictionary contactsDictionary) { mContactsDict = contactsDictionary; addOrReplaceDictionary(mDictionaries, Dictionary.TYPE_CONTACTS, contactsDictionary); } public void setUserHistoryDictionary(UserHistoryDictionary userHistoryDictionary) { addOrReplaceDictionary(mDictionaries, Dictionary.TYPE_USER_HISTORY, userHistoryDictionary); } public void setAutoCorrectionThreshold(float threshold) { mAutoCorrectionThreshold = threshold; } // TODO: cleanup dictionaries looking up and suggestions building with SuggestedWords.Builder public SuggestedWords getSuggestedWords( final WordComposer wordComposer, CharSequence prevWordForBigram, final ProximityInfo proximityInfo, final boolean isCorrectionEnabled, // TODO: remove isPrediction parameter. It effectively means the same thing // as wordComposer.size() <= 1 final boolean isPrediction) { LatinImeLogger.onStartSuggestion(prevWordForBigram); final boolean isFirstCharCapitalized = !isPrediction && wordComposer.isFirstCharCapitalized(); final boolean isAllUpperCase = !isPrediction && wordComposer.isAllUpperCase(); final int trailingSingleQuotesCount = wordComposer.trailingSingleQuotesCount(); final BoundedTreeSet suggestionsSet = new BoundedTreeSet(sSuggestedWordInfoComparator, MAX_SUGGESTIONS); final String typedWord = wordComposer.getTypedWord(); final String consideredWord = trailingSingleQuotesCount > 0 ? typedWord.substring(0, typedWord.length() - trailingSingleQuotesCount) : typedWord; LatinImeLogger.onAddSuggestedWord(typedWord, Dictionary.TYPE_USER_TYPED); if (wordComposer.size() <= 1 && isCorrectionEnabled) { // At first character typed, search only the bigrams if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(prevWordForBigram)) { final CharSequence lowerPrevWord; if (StringUtils.hasUpperCase(prevWordForBigram)) { // TODO: Must pay attention to locale when changing case. lowerPrevWord = prevWordForBigram.toString().toLowerCase(); } else { lowerPrevWord = null; } for (final String key : mDictionaries.keySet()) { final Dictionary dictionary = mDictionaries.get(key); suggestionsSet.addAll(dictionary.getBigrams(wordComposer, prevWordForBigram)); if (null != lowerPrevWord) { suggestionsSet.addAll(dictionary.getBigrams(wordComposer, lowerPrevWord)); } } } } else if (wordComposer.size() > 1) { final WordComposer wordComposerForLookup; if (trailingSingleQuotesCount > 0) { wordComposerForLookup = new WordComposer(wordComposer); for (int i = trailingSingleQuotesCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { wordComposerForLookup.deleteLast(); } } else { wordComposerForLookup = wordComposer; } // At second character typed, search the unigrams (scores being affected by bigrams) for (final String key : mDictionaries.keySet()) { // Skip UserUnigramDictionary and WhitelistDictionary to lookup if (key.equals(Dictionary.TYPE_USER_HISTORY) || key.equals(Dictionary.TYPE_WHITELIST)) continue; final Dictionary dictionary = mDictionaries.get(key); suggestionsSet.addAll(dictionary.getWords( wordComposerForLookup, prevWordForBigram, proximityInfo)); } } // TODO: Change this scheme - a boolean is not enough. A whitelisted word may be "valid" // but still autocorrected from - in the case the whitelist only capitalizes the word. // The whitelist should be case-insensitive, so it's not possible to be consistent with // a boolean flag. Right now this is handled with a slight hack in // WhitelistDictionary#shouldForciblyAutoCorrectFrom. final boolean allowsToBeAutoCorrected = AutoCorrection.isWhitelistedOrNotAWord( mDictionaries, consideredWord, wordComposer.isFirstCharCapitalized()) // If we don't have a main dictionary, we never want to auto-correct. The reason for this // is, the user may have a contact whose name happens to match a valid word in their // language, and it will unexpectedly auto-correct. For example, if the user types in // English with no dictionary and has a "Will" in their contact list, "will" would // always auto-correct to "Will" which is unwanted. Hence, no main dict => no auto-correct. && hasMainDictionary(); final CharSequence whitelistedWord = mWhiteListDictionary.getWhitelistedWord(consideredWord); final boolean hasAutoCorrection; if (!isCorrectionEnabled || wordComposer.isMostlyCaps() || wordComposer.isResumed()) { hasAutoCorrection = false; } else if (null != whitelistedWord) { hasAutoCorrection = true; } else if (!AutoCorrection.isWhitelistedOrNotAWord(mDictionaries, consideredWord, wordComposer.isFirstCharCapitalized())) { hasAutoCorrection = true; } else if (suggestionsSet.isEmpty()) { hasAutoCorrection = false; } else if (AutoCorrection.suggestionExceedsAutoCorrectionThreshold(suggestionsSet.first(), consideredWord, mAutoCorrectionThreshold)) { hasAutoCorrection = !shouldBlockAutoCorrectionBySafetyNet(typedWord, suggestionsSet.first().mWord); } else { hasAutoCorrection = false; } if (whitelistedWord != null) { suggestionsSet.add(new SuggestedWordInfo(whitelistedWord, SuggestedWordInfo.MAX_SCORE, SuggestedWordInfo.KIND_WHITELIST, Dictionary.TYPE_WHITELIST)); } final ArrayList suggestionsContainer = new ArrayList(suggestionsSet); final int suggestionsCount = suggestionsContainer.size(); if (isFirstCharCapitalized || isAllUpperCase || 0 != trailingSingleQuotesCount) { for (int i = 0; i < suggestionsCount; ++i) { final SuggestedWordInfo wordInfo = suggestionsContainer.get(i); final SuggestedWordInfo transformedWordInfo = getTransformedSuggestedWordInfo( wordInfo, mLocale, isAllUpperCase, isFirstCharCapitalized, trailingSingleQuotesCount); suggestionsContainer.set(i, transformedWordInfo); } } for (int i = 0; i < suggestionsCount; ++i) { final SuggestedWordInfo wordInfo = suggestionsContainer.get(i); LatinImeLogger.onAddSuggestedWord(wordInfo.mWord.toString(), wordInfo.mSourceDict); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(typedWord)) { suggestionsContainer.add(0, new SuggestedWordInfo(typedWord, SuggestedWordInfo.MAX_SCORE, SuggestedWordInfo.KIND_TYPED, Dictionary.TYPE_USER_TYPED)); } SuggestedWordInfo.removeDups(suggestionsContainer); final ArrayList suggestionsList; if (DBG && !suggestionsContainer.isEmpty()) { suggestionsList = getSuggestionsInfoListWithDebugInfo(typedWord, suggestionsContainer); } else { suggestionsList = suggestionsContainer; } return new SuggestedWords(suggestionsList, // TODO: this first argument is lying. If this is a whitelisted word which is an // actual word, it says typedWordValid = false, which looks wrong. We should either // rename the attribute or change the value. !isPrediction && !allowsToBeAutoCorrected /* typedWordValid */, !isPrediction && hasAutoCorrection && allowsToBeAutoCorrected, /* willAutoCorrect */ false /* isPunctuationSuggestions */, false /* isObsoleteSuggestions */, isPrediction); } private static ArrayList getSuggestionsInfoListWithDebugInfo( final String typedWord, final ArrayList suggestions) { final SuggestedWordInfo typedWordInfo = suggestions.get(0); typedWordInfo.setDebugString("+"); final int suggestionsSize = suggestions.size(); final ArrayList suggestionsList = new ArrayList(suggestionsSize); suggestionsList.add(typedWordInfo); // Note: i here is the index in mScores[], but the index in mSuggestions is one more // than i because we added the typed word to mSuggestions without touching mScores. for (int i = 0; i < suggestionsSize - 1; ++i) { final SuggestedWordInfo cur = suggestions.get(i + 1); final float normalizedScore = BinaryDictionary.calcNormalizedScore( typedWord, cur.toString(), cur.mScore); final String scoreInfoString; if (normalizedScore > 0) { scoreInfoString = String.format("%d (%4.2f)", cur.mScore, normalizedScore); } else { scoreInfoString = Integer.toString(cur.mScore); } cur.setDebugString(scoreInfoString); suggestionsList.add(cur); } return suggestionsList; } private static class SuggestedWordInfoComparator implements Comparator { // This comparator ranks the word info with the higher frequency first. That's because // that's the order we want our elements in. @Override public int compare(final SuggestedWordInfo o1, final SuggestedWordInfo o2) { if (o1.mScore > o2.mScore) return -1; if (o1.mScore < o2.mScore) return 1; if (o1.mCodePointCount < o2.mCodePointCount) return -1; if (o1.mCodePointCount > o2.mCodePointCount) return 1; return o1.mWord.toString().compareTo(o2.mWord.toString()); } } private static final SuggestedWordInfoComparator sSuggestedWordInfoComparator = new SuggestedWordInfoComparator(); private static SuggestedWordInfo getTransformedSuggestedWordInfo( final SuggestedWordInfo wordInfo, final Locale locale, final boolean isAllUpperCase, final boolean isFirstCharCapitalized, final int trailingSingleQuotesCount) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(wordInfo.mWord.length()); if (isAllUpperCase) { sb.append(wordInfo.mWord.toString().toUpperCase(locale)); } else if (isFirstCharCapitalized) { sb.append(StringUtils.toTitleCase(wordInfo.mWord.toString(), locale)); } else { sb.append(wordInfo.mWord); } for (int i = trailingSingleQuotesCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { sb.appendCodePoint(Keyboard.CODE_SINGLE_QUOTE); } return new SuggestedWordInfo(sb, wordInfo.mScore, wordInfo.mKind, wordInfo.mSourceDict); } public void close() { final HashSet dictionaries = new HashSet(); dictionaries.addAll(mDictionaries.values()); for (final Dictionary dictionary : dictionaries) { dictionary.close(); } mMainDictionary = null; } // TODO: Resolve the inconsistencies between the native auto correction algorithms and // this safety net public static boolean shouldBlockAutoCorrectionBySafetyNet(final String typedWord, final CharSequence suggestion) { // Safety net for auto correction. // Actually if we hit this safety net, it's a bug. // If user selected aggressive auto correction mode, there is no need to use the safety // net. // If the length of typed word is less than MINIMUM_SAFETY_NET_CHAR_LENGTH, // we should not use net because relatively edit distance can be big. final int typedWordLength = typedWord.length(); if (typedWordLength < Suggest.MINIMUM_SAFETY_NET_CHAR_LENGTH) { return false; } final int maxEditDistanceOfNativeDictionary = (typedWordLength < 5 ? 2 : typedWordLength / 2) + 1; final int distance = BinaryDictionary.editDistance(typedWord, suggestion.toString()); if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "Autocorrected edit distance = " + distance + ", " + maxEditDistanceOfNativeDictionary); } if (distance > maxEditDistanceOfNativeDictionary) { if (DBG) { Log.e(TAG, "Safety net: before = " + typedWord + ", after = " + suggestion); Log.e(TAG, "(Error) The edit distance of this correction exceeds limit. " + "Turning off auto-correction."); } return true; } else { return false; } } }