<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- /* ** ** Copyright 2014, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ --> <merge xmlns:latin="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/com.android.inputmethod.latin" > <switch> <case latin:keyboardLayoutSetElement="alphabetManualShifted|alphabetShiftLocked|alphabetShiftLockShifted" > <!-- U+101A: "ယ" MYANMAR LETTER YA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ယ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+1039: "္" MYANMAR SIGN VIRAMA --> <Key latin:keySpec="္" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+1004/U+103A/U+1039: "င်္င" MYANMAR LETTER NGA/MYANMAR SIGN ASAT/MYANMAR SIGN VIRAMA --> <Key latin:keySpec="င်္" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal|followKeyLetterRatio" /> <!-- U+103E: "ှ" MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL HA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ှ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+102E: "ီ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN II --> <Key latin:keySpec="ီ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+1030: "ူ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN UU --> <Key latin:keySpec="ူ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+102B: "ါ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN TALL AA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ါ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+1032: "ဲ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AI --> <Key latin:keySpec="ဲ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+1036: "ံ" MYANMAR SIGN ANUSVARA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ံ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+101F: "ဟ" MYANMAR LETTER HA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ဟ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> </case> <default> <!-- U+1031: "ေ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN E --> <Key latin:keySpec="ေ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+103B: "ျ" MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL YA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ျ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+103C: "ြ" MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL RA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ြ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+103D: "ွ" MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL WA U+103E: "ှ" MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL HA U+103D/U+103E: "ွှ" MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL WA/MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL HA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ွ" latin:moreKeys="ှ,ွှ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+102D: "ိ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN I U+102E: "ီ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN II --> <Key latin:keySpec="ိ" latin:moreKeys="ီ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+102F: "ု" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN U U+1030: "ူ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN UU --> <Key latin:keySpec="ု" latin:moreKeys="ူ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+102C: "ာ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AA --> <Key latin:keySpec="ာ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+103A: "်" MYANMAR SIGN ASAT U+1032: "ဲ" MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AI --> <Key latin:keySpec="်" latin:moreKeys="ဲ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+1037: "့" MYANMAR SIGN DOT BELOW U+1036: "ံ" MYANMAR SIGN ANUSVARA --> <Key latin:keySpec="့" latin:moreKeys="ံ" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> <!-- U+1038: "း" MYANMAR SIGN VISARGA --> <Key latin:keySpec="း" latin:keyLabelFlags="fontNormal" /> </default> </switch> </merge>