/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Paint.Align; import android.graphics.PorterDuff; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.Region; import android.graphics.Typeface; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Message; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.TextView; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.PreviewPlacerView; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.CollectionUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.Constants; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinImeLogger; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.R; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.StaticInnerHandlerWrapper; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.StringUtils; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.define.ProductionFlag; import com.android.inputmethod.research.ResearchLogger; import java.util.HashSet; /** * A view that renders a virtual {@link Keyboard}. * * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_backgroundDimAlpha * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyBackground * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyLetterRatio * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyLargeLetterRatio * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyLabelRatio * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyHintLetterRatio * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyShiftedLetterHintRatio * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyHintLabelRatio * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyLabelHorizontalPadding * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyHintLetterPadding * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyPopupHintLetterPadding * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyShiftedLetterHintPadding * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyTextStyle * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyPreviewLayout * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyPreviewTextRatio * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyPreviewOffset * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyPreviewHeight * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyTextColor * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyTextColorDisabled * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyHintLetterColor * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyHintLabelColor * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyShiftedLetterHintInactivatedColor * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyShiftedLetterHintActivatedColor * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_shadowColor * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_shadowRadius */ public class KeyboardView extends View implements PointerTracker.DrawingProxy { private static final String TAG = KeyboardView.class.getSimpleName(); // Miscellaneous constants private static final int[] LONG_PRESSABLE_STATE_SET = { android.R.attr.state_long_pressable }; // XML attributes protected final float mVerticalCorrection; protected final int mMoreKeysLayout; private final int mBackgroundDimAlpha; // HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS "...", character for popup hint. private static final String POPUP_HINT_CHAR = "\u2026"; // Margin between the label and the icon on a key that has both of them. // Specified by the fraction of the key width. // TODO: Use resource parameter for this value. private static final float LABEL_ICON_MARGIN = 0.05f; // The maximum key label width in the proportion to the key width. private static final float MAX_LABEL_RATIO = 0.90f; // Main keyboard private Keyboard mKeyboard; protected final KeyDrawParams mKeyDrawParams; // Key preview private final int mKeyPreviewLayoutId; protected final KeyPreviewDrawParams mKeyPreviewDrawParams; private boolean mShowKeyPreviewPopup = true; private int mDelayAfterPreview; private final PreviewPlacerView mPreviewPlacerView; // Drawing /** True if the entire keyboard needs to be dimmed. */ private boolean mNeedsToDimEntireKeyboard; /** True if all keys should be drawn */ private boolean mInvalidateAllKeys; /** The keys that should be drawn */ private final HashSet mInvalidatedKeys = CollectionUtils.newHashSet(); /** The working rectangle variable */ private final Rect mWorkingRect = new Rect(); /** The keyboard bitmap buffer for faster updates */ /** The clip region to draw keys */ private final Region mClipRegion = new Region(); private Bitmap mOffscreenBuffer; /** The canvas for the above mutable keyboard bitmap */ private Canvas mOffscreenCanvas; private final Paint mPaint = new Paint(); private final Paint.FontMetrics mFontMetrics = new Paint.FontMetrics(); // This sparse array caches key label text height in pixel indexed by key label text size. private static final SparseArray sTextHeightCache = new SparseArray(); // This sparse array caches key label text width in pixel indexed by key label text size. private static final SparseArray sTextWidthCache = new SparseArray(); private static final char[] KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR = { 'M' }; private static final char[] KEY_NUMERIC_HINT_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR = { '8' }; private final DrawingHandler mDrawingHandler = new DrawingHandler(this); public static class DrawingHandler extends StaticInnerHandlerWrapper { private static final int MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW = 0; public DrawingHandler(KeyboardView outerInstance) { super(outerInstance); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { final KeyboardView keyboardView = getOuterInstance(); if (keyboardView == null) return; final PointerTracker tracker = (PointerTracker) msg.obj; switch (msg.what) { case MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW: tracker.getKeyPreviewText().setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); break; } } public void dismissKeyPreview(long delay, PointerTracker tracker) { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW, tracker), delay); } public void cancelDismissKeyPreview(PointerTracker tracker) { removeMessages(MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW, tracker); } public void cancelAllDismissKeyPreviews() { removeMessages(MSG_DISMISS_KEY_PREVIEW); } public void cancelAllMessages() { cancelAllDismissKeyPreviews(); } } protected static class KeyDrawParams { // XML attributes public final int mKeyTextColor; public final int mKeyTextInactivatedColor; public final Typeface mKeyTextStyle; public final float mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding; public final float mKeyHintLetterPadding; public final float mKeyPopupHintLetterPadding; public final float mKeyShiftedLetterHintPadding; public final int mShadowColor; public final float mShadowRadius; public final Drawable mKeyBackground; public final int mKeyHintLetterColor; public final int mKeyHintLabelColor; public final int mKeyShiftedLetterHintInactivatedColor; public final int mKeyShiftedLetterHintActivatedColor; /* package */ final float mKeyLetterRatio; private final float mKeyLargeLetterRatio; private final float mKeyLabelRatio; private final float mKeyLargeLabelRatio; private final float mKeyHintLetterRatio; private final float mKeyShiftedLetterHintRatio; private final float mKeyHintLabelRatio; private static final float UNDEFINED_RATIO = -1.0f; public final Rect mPadding = new Rect(); public int mKeyLetterSize; public int mKeyLargeLetterSize; public int mKeyLabelSize; public int mKeyLargeLabelSize; public int mKeyHintLetterSize; public int mKeyShiftedLetterHintSize; public int mKeyHintLabelSize; public int mAnimAlpha; public KeyDrawParams(TypedArray a) { mKeyBackground = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyBackground); if (a.hasValue(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLetterSize)) { mKeyLetterRatio = UNDEFINED_RATIO; mKeyLetterSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLetterSize, 0); } else { mKeyLetterRatio = getRatio(a, R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLetterRatio); } if (a.hasValue(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLabelSize)) { mKeyLabelRatio = UNDEFINED_RATIO; mKeyLabelSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLabelSize, 0); } else { mKeyLabelRatio = getRatio(a, R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLabelRatio); } mKeyLargeLabelRatio = getRatio(a, R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLargeLabelRatio); mKeyLargeLetterRatio = getRatio(a, R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLargeLetterRatio); mKeyHintLetterRatio = getRatio(a, R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyHintLetterRatio); mKeyShiftedLetterHintRatio = getRatio(a, R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyShiftedLetterHintRatio); mKeyHintLabelRatio = getRatio(a, R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyHintLabelRatio); mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding = a.getDimension( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLabelHorizontalPadding, 0); mKeyHintLetterPadding = a.getDimension( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyHintLetterPadding, 0); mKeyPopupHintLetterPadding = a.getDimension( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPopupHintLetterPadding, 0); mKeyShiftedLetterHintPadding = a.getDimension( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyShiftedLetterHintPadding, 0); mKeyTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyTextColor, 0xFF000000); mKeyTextInactivatedColor = a.getColor( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyTextInactivatedColor, 0xFF000000); mKeyHintLetterColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyHintLetterColor, 0); mKeyHintLabelColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyHintLabelColor, 0); mKeyShiftedLetterHintInactivatedColor = a.getColor( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyShiftedLetterHintInactivatedColor, 0); mKeyShiftedLetterHintActivatedColor = a.getColor( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyShiftedLetterHintActivatedColor, 0); mKeyTextStyle = Typeface.defaultFromStyle( a.getInt(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyTextStyle, Typeface.NORMAL)); mShadowColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.KeyboardView_shadowColor, 0); mShadowRadius = a.getFloat(R.styleable.KeyboardView_shadowRadius, 0f); mKeyBackground.getPadding(mPadding); } public void updateKeyHeight(int keyHeight) { if (mKeyLetterRatio >= 0.0f) { mKeyLetterSize = (int)(keyHeight * mKeyLetterRatio); } if (mKeyLabelRatio >= 0.0f) { mKeyLabelSize = (int)(keyHeight * mKeyLabelRatio); } mKeyLargeLabelSize = (int)(keyHeight * mKeyLargeLabelRatio); mKeyLargeLetterSize = (int)(keyHeight * mKeyLargeLetterRatio); mKeyHintLetterSize = (int)(keyHeight * mKeyHintLetterRatio); mKeyShiftedLetterHintSize = (int)(keyHeight * mKeyShiftedLetterHintRatio); mKeyHintLabelSize = (int)(keyHeight * mKeyHintLabelRatio); } public void blendAlpha(Paint paint) { final int color = paint.getColor(); paint.setARGB((paint.getAlpha() * mAnimAlpha) / Constants.Color.ALPHA_OPAQUE, Color.red(color), Color.green(color), Color.blue(color)); } } /* package */ static class KeyPreviewDrawParams { // XML attributes. public final Drawable mPreviewBackground; public final Drawable mPreviewLeftBackground; public final Drawable mPreviewRightBackground; public final int mPreviewTextColor; public final int mPreviewOffset; public final int mPreviewHeight; public final Typeface mKeyTextStyle; public final int mLingerTimeout; private final float mPreviewTextRatio; private final float mKeyLetterRatio; // The graphical geometry of the key preview. // <-width-> // +-------+ ^ // | | | // |preview| height (visible) // | | | // + + ^ v // \ / |offset // +-\ /-+ v // | +-+ | // |parent | // | key| // +-------+ // The background of a {@link TextView} being used for a key preview may have invisible // paddings. To align the more keys keyboard panel's visible part with the visible part of // the background, we need to record the width and height of key preview that don't include // invisible paddings. public int mPreviewVisibleWidth; public int mPreviewVisibleHeight; // The key preview may have an arbitrary offset and its background that may have a bottom // padding. To align the more keys keyboard and the key preview we also need to record the // offset between the top edge of parent key and the bottom of the visible part of key // preview background. public int mPreviewVisibleOffset; public int mPreviewTextSize; public int mKeyLetterSize; public final int[] mCoordinates = new int[2]; private static final int PREVIEW_ALPHA = 240; public KeyPreviewDrawParams(TypedArray a, KeyDrawParams keyDrawParams) { mPreviewBackground = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewBackground); mPreviewLeftBackground = a.getDrawable( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewLeftBackground); mPreviewRightBackground = a.getDrawable( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewRightBackground); setAlpha(mPreviewBackground, PREVIEW_ALPHA); setAlpha(mPreviewLeftBackground, PREVIEW_ALPHA); setAlpha(mPreviewRightBackground, PREVIEW_ALPHA); mPreviewOffset = a.getDimensionPixelOffset( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewOffset, 0); mPreviewHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize( R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewHeight, 80); mPreviewTextRatio = getRatio(a, R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewTextRatio); mPreviewTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewTextColor, 0); mLingerTimeout = a.getInt(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewLingerTimeout, 0); mKeyLetterRatio = keyDrawParams.mKeyLetterRatio; mKeyTextStyle = keyDrawParams.mKeyTextStyle; } public void updateKeyHeight(int keyHeight) { if (mPreviewTextRatio >= 0.0f) { mPreviewTextSize = (int)(keyHeight * mPreviewTextRatio); } if (mKeyLetterRatio >= 0.0f) { mKeyLetterSize = (int)(keyHeight * mKeyLetterRatio); } } private static void setAlpha(Drawable drawable, int alpha) { if (drawable == null) return; drawable.setAlpha(alpha); } } public KeyboardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, R.attr.keyboardViewStyle); } public KeyboardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, R.styleable.KeyboardView, defStyle, R.style.KeyboardView); mKeyDrawParams = new KeyDrawParams(a); mKeyPreviewDrawParams = new KeyPreviewDrawParams(a, mKeyDrawParams); mDelayAfterPreview = mKeyPreviewDrawParams.mLingerTimeout; mKeyPreviewLayoutId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewLayout, 0); if (mKeyPreviewLayoutId == 0) { mShowKeyPreviewPopup = false; } mVerticalCorrection = a.getDimensionPixelOffset( R.styleable.KeyboardView_verticalCorrection, 0); mMoreKeysLayout = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.KeyboardView_moreKeysLayout, 0); mBackgroundDimAlpha = a.getInt(R.styleable.KeyboardView_backgroundDimAlpha, 0); a.recycle(); mPreviewPlacerView = new PreviewPlacerView(context, attrs); mPaint.setAntiAlias(true); } // Read fraction value in TypedArray as float. /* package */ static float getRatio(TypedArray a, int index) { return a.getFraction(index, 1000, 1000, 1) / 1000.0f; } /** * Attaches a keyboard to this view. The keyboard can be switched at any time and the * view will re-layout itself to accommodate the keyboard. * @see Keyboard * @see #getKeyboard() * @param keyboard the keyboard to display in this view */ public void setKeyboard(Keyboard keyboard) { mKeyboard = keyboard; LatinImeLogger.onSetKeyboard(keyboard); requestLayout(); invalidateAllKeys(); final int keyHeight = keyboard.mMostCommonKeyHeight - keyboard.mVerticalGap; mKeyDrawParams.updateKeyHeight(keyHeight); mKeyPreviewDrawParams.updateKeyHeight(keyHeight); } /** * Returns the current keyboard being displayed by this view. * @return the currently attached keyboard * @see #setKeyboard(Keyboard) */ public Keyboard getKeyboard() { return mKeyboard; } /** * Enables or disables the key feedback popup. This is a popup that shows a magnified * version of the depressed key. By default the preview is enabled. * @param previewEnabled whether or not to enable the key feedback preview * @param delay the delay after which the preview is dismissed * @see #isKeyPreviewPopupEnabled() */ public void setKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(boolean previewEnabled, int delay) { mShowKeyPreviewPopup = previewEnabled; mDelayAfterPreview = delay; } /** * Returns the enabled state of the key feedback preview * @return whether or not the key feedback preview is enabled * @see #setKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(boolean, int) */ public boolean isKeyPreviewPopupEnabled() { return mShowKeyPreviewPopup; } public void setGesturePreviewMode(boolean drawsGesturePreviewTrail, boolean drawsGestureFloatingPreviewText) { mPreviewPlacerView.setGesturePreviewMode( drawsGesturePreviewTrail, drawsGestureFloatingPreviewText); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { if (mKeyboard != null) { // The main keyboard expands to the display width. final int height = mKeyboard.mOccupiedHeight + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom(); setMeasuredDimension(widthMeasureSpec, height); } else { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); if (canvas.isHardwareAccelerated()) { onDrawKeyboard(canvas); return; } final boolean bufferNeedsUpdates = mInvalidateAllKeys || !mInvalidatedKeys.isEmpty(); if (bufferNeedsUpdates || mOffscreenBuffer == null) { if (maybeAllocateOffscreenBuffer()) { mInvalidateAllKeys = true; maybeCreateOffscreenCanvas(); } onDrawKeyboard(mOffscreenCanvas); } canvas.drawBitmap(mOffscreenBuffer, 0, 0, null); } private boolean maybeAllocateOffscreenBuffer() { final int width = getWidth(); final int height = getHeight(); if (width == 0 || height == 0) { return false; } if (mOffscreenBuffer != null && mOffscreenBuffer.getWidth() == width && mOffscreenBuffer.getHeight() == height) { return false; } freeOffscreenBuffer(); mOffscreenBuffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); return true; } private void freeOffscreenBuffer() { if (mOffscreenBuffer != null) { mOffscreenBuffer.recycle(); mOffscreenBuffer = null; } } private void maybeCreateOffscreenCanvas() { // TODO: Stop using the offscreen canvas even when in software rendering if (mOffscreenCanvas != null) { mOffscreenCanvas.setBitmap(mOffscreenBuffer); } else { mOffscreenCanvas = new Canvas(mOffscreenBuffer); } } private void onDrawKeyboard(final Canvas canvas) { if (mKeyboard == null) return; final int width = getWidth(); final int height = getHeight(); final Paint paint = mPaint; final KeyDrawParams params = mKeyDrawParams; // Calculate clip region and set. final boolean drawAllKeys = mInvalidateAllKeys || mInvalidatedKeys.isEmpty(); final boolean isHardwareAccelerated = canvas.isHardwareAccelerated(); // TODO: Confirm if it's really required to draw all keys when hardware acceleration is on. if (drawAllKeys || isHardwareAccelerated) { mClipRegion.set(0, 0, width, height); } else { mClipRegion.setEmpty(); for (final Key key : mInvalidatedKeys) { if (mKeyboard.hasKey(key)) { final int x = key.mX + getPaddingLeft(); final int y = key.mY + getPaddingTop(); mWorkingRect.set(x, y, x + key.mWidth, y + key.mHeight); mClipRegion.union(mWorkingRect); } } } if (!isHardwareAccelerated) { canvas.clipRegion(mClipRegion, Region.Op.REPLACE); // Draw keyboard background. canvas.drawColor(Color.BLACK, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); final Drawable background = getBackground(); if (background != null) { background.draw(canvas); } } // TODO: Confirm if it's really required to draw all keys when hardware acceleration is on. if (drawAllKeys || isHardwareAccelerated) { // Draw all keys. for (final Key key : mKeyboard.mKeys) { onDrawKey(key, canvas, paint, params); } } else { // Draw invalidated keys. for (final Key key : mInvalidatedKeys) { if (mKeyboard.hasKey(key)) { onDrawKey(key, canvas, paint, params); } } } // Overlay a dark rectangle to dim. if (mNeedsToDimEntireKeyboard) { paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); paint.setAlpha(mBackgroundDimAlpha); // Note: clipRegion() above is in effect if it was called. canvas.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, paint); } // ResearchLogging indicator. // TODO: Reimplement using a keyboard background image specific to the ResearchLogger, // and remove this call. if (ProductionFlag.IS_EXPERIMENTAL) { ResearchLogger.getInstance().paintIndicator(this, paint, canvas, width, height); } mInvalidatedKeys.clear(); mInvalidateAllKeys = false; } public void dimEntireKeyboard(boolean dimmed) { final boolean needsRedrawing = mNeedsToDimEntireKeyboard != dimmed; mNeedsToDimEntireKeyboard = dimmed; if (needsRedrawing) { invalidateAllKeys(); } } private void onDrawKey(Key key, Canvas canvas, Paint paint, KeyDrawParams params) { final int keyDrawX = key.mX + key.mVisualInsetsLeft + getPaddingLeft(); final int keyDrawY = key.mY + getPaddingTop(); canvas.translate(keyDrawX, keyDrawY); params.mAnimAlpha = Constants.Color.ALPHA_OPAQUE; if (!key.isSpacer()) { onDrawKeyBackground(key, canvas, params); } onDrawKeyTopVisuals(key, canvas, paint, params); canvas.translate(-keyDrawX, -keyDrawY); } // Draw key background. protected void onDrawKeyBackground(Key key, Canvas canvas, KeyDrawParams params) { final int bgWidth = key.mWidth - key.mVisualInsetsLeft - key.mVisualInsetsRight + params.mPadding.left + params.mPadding.right; final int bgHeight = key.mHeight + params.mPadding.top + params.mPadding.bottom; final int bgX = -params.mPadding.left; final int bgY = -params.mPadding.top; final int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState(); final Drawable background = params.mKeyBackground; background.setState(drawableState); final Rect bounds = background.getBounds(); if (bgWidth != bounds.right || bgHeight != bounds.bottom) { background.setBounds(0, 0, bgWidth, bgHeight); } canvas.translate(bgX, bgY); background.draw(canvas); if (LatinImeLogger.sVISUALDEBUG) { drawRectangle(canvas, 0, 0, bgWidth, bgHeight, 0x80c00000, new Paint()); } canvas.translate(-bgX, -bgY); } // Draw key top visuals. protected void onDrawKeyTopVisuals(Key key, Canvas canvas, Paint paint, KeyDrawParams params) { final int keyWidth = key.mWidth - key.mVisualInsetsLeft - key.mVisualInsetsRight; final int keyHeight = key.mHeight; final float centerX = keyWidth * 0.5f; final float centerY = keyHeight * 0.5f; if (LatinImeLogger.sVISUALDEBUG) { drawRectangle(canvas, 0, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight, 0x800000c0, new Paint()); } // Draw key label. final Drawable icon = key.getIcon(mKeyboard.mIconsSet, params.mAnimAlpha); float positionX = centerX; if (key.mLabel != null) { final String label = key.mLabel; // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use smaller font. paint.setTypeface(key.selectTypeface(params.mKeyTextStyle)); final int labelSize = key.selectTextSize(params.mKeyLetterSize, params.mKeyLargeLetterSize, params.mKeyLabelSize, params.mKeyLargeLabelSize, params.mKeyHintLabelSize); paint.setTextSize(labelSize); final float labelCharHeight = getCharHeight(KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR, paint); final float labelCharWidth = getCharWidth(KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR, paint); // Vertical label text alignment. final float baseline = centerY + labelCharHeight / 2; // Horizontal label text alignment float labelWidth = 0; if (key.isAlignLeft()) { positionX = (int)params.mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding; paint.setTextAlign(Align.LEFT); } else if (key.isAlignRight()) { positionX = keyWidth - (int)params.mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding; paint.setTextAlign(Align.RIGHT); } else if (key.isAlignLeftOfCenter()) { // TODO: Parameterise this? positionX = centerX - labelCharWidth * 7 / 4; paint.setTextAlign(Align.LEFT); } else if (key.hasLabelWithIconLeft() && icon != null) { labelWidth = getLabelWidth(label, paint) + icon.getIntrinsicWidth() + LABEL_ICON_MARGIN * keyWidth; positionX = centerX + labelWidth / 2; paint.setTextAlign(Align.RIGHT); } else if (key.hasLabelWithIconRight() && icon != null) { labelWidth = getLabelWidth(label, paint) + icon.getIntrinsicWidth() + LABEL_ICON_MARGIN * keyWidth; positionX = centerX - labelWidth / 2; paint.setTextAlign(Align.LEFT); } else { positionX = centerX; paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); } if (key.needsXScale()) { paint.setTextScaleX( Math.min(1.0f, (keyWidth * MAX_LABEL_RATIO) / getLabelWidth(label, paint))); } paint.setColor(key.isShiftedLetterActivated() ? params.mKeyTextInactivatedColor : params.mKeyTextColor); if (key.isEnabled()) { // Set a drop shadow for the text paint.setShadowLayer(params.mShadowRadius, 0, 0, params.mShadowColor); } else { // Make label invisible paint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } params.blendAlpha(paint); canvas.drawText(label, 0, label.length(), positionX, baseline, paint); // Turn off drop shadow and reset x-scale. paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0); paint.setTextScaleX(1.0f); if (icon != null) { final int iconWidth = icon.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int iconHeight = icon.getIntrinsicHeight(); final int iconY = (keyHeight - iconHeight) / 2; if (key.hasLabelWithIconLeft()) { final int iconX = (int)(centerX - labelWidth / 2); drawIcon(canvas, icon, iconX, iconY, iconWidth, iconHeight); } else if (key.hasLabelWithIconRight()) { final int iconX = (int)(centerX + labelWidth / 2 - iconWidth); drawIcon(canvas, icon, iconX, iconY, iconWidth, iconHeight); } } if (LatinImeLogger.sVISUALDEBUG) { final Paint line = new Paint(); drawHorizontalLine(canvas, baseline, keyWidth, 0xc0008000, line); drawVerticalLine(canvas, positionX, keyHeight, 0xc0800080, line); } } // Draw hint label. if (key.mHintLabel != null) { final String hint = key.mHintLabel; final int hintColor; final int hintSize; if (key.hasHintLabel()) { hintColor = params.mKeyHintLabelColor; hintSize = params.mKeyHintLabelSize; paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); } else if (key.hasShiftedLetterHint()) { hintColor = key.isShiftedLetterActivated() ? params.mKeyShiftedLetterHintActivatedColor : params.mKeyShiftedLetterHintInactivatedColor; hintSize = params.mKeyShiftedLetterHintSize; } else { // key.hasHintLetter() hintColor = params.mKeyHintLetterColor; hintSize = params.mKeyHintLetterSize; } paint.setColor(hintColor); params.blendAlpha(paint); paint.setTextSize(hintSize); final float hintX, hintY; if (key.hasHintLabel()) { // The hint label is placed just right of the key label. Used mainly on // "phone number" layout. // TODO: Generalize the following calculations. hintX = positionX + getCharWidth(KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR, paint) * 2; hintY = centerY + getCharHeight(KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR, paint) / 2; paint.setTextAlign(Align.LEFT); } else if (key.hasShiftedLetterHint()) { // The hint label is placed at top-right corner of the key. Used mainly on tablet. hintX = keyWidth - params.mKeyShiftedLetterHintPadding - getCharWidth(KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR, paint) / 2; paint.getFontMetrics(mFontMetrics); hintY = -mFontMetrics.top; paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); } else { // key.hasHintLetter() // The hint letter is placed at top-right corner of the key. Used mainly on phone. hintX = keyWidth - params.mKeyHintLetterPadding - getCharWidth(KEY_NUMERIC_HINT_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR, paint) / 2; hintY = -paint.ascent(); paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); } canvas.drawText(hint, 0, hint.length(), hintX, hintY, paint); if (LatinImeLogger.sVISUALDEBUG) { final Paint line = new Paint(); drawHorizontalLine(canvas, (int)hintY, keyWidth, 0xc0808000, line); drawVerticalLine(canvas, (int)hintX, keyHeight, 0xc0808000, line); } } // Draw key icon. if (key.mLabel == null && icon != null) { final int iconWidth = icon.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int iconHeight = icon.getIntrinsicHeight(); final int iconX, alignX; final int iconY = (keyHeight - iconHeight) / 2; if (key.isAlignLeft()) { iconX = (int)params.mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding; alignX = iconX; } else if (key.isAlignRight()) { iconX = keyWidth - (int)params.mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding - iconWidth; alignX = iconX + iconWidth; } else { // Align center iconX = (keyWidth - iconWidth) / 2; alignX = iconX + iconWidth / 2; } drawIcon(canvas, icon, iconX, iconY, iconWidth, iconHeight); if (LatinImeLogger.sVISUALDEBUG) { final Paint line = new Paint(); drawVerticalLine(canvas, alignX, keyHeight, 0xc0800080, line); drawRectangle(canvas, iconX, iconY, iconWidth, iconHeight, 0x80c00000, line); } } if (key.hasPopupHint() && key.mMoreKeys != null && key.mMoreKeys.length > 0) { drawKeyPopupHint(key, canvas, paint, params); } } // Draw popup hint "..." at the bottom right corner of the key. protected void drawKeyPopupHint(Key key, Canvas canvas, Paint paint, KeyDrawParams params) { final int keyWidth = key.mWidth - key.mVisualInsetsLeft - key.mVisualInsetsRight; final int keyHeight = key.mHeight; paint.setTypeface(params.mKeyTextStyle); paint.setTextSize(params.mKeyHintLetterSize); paint.setColor(params.mKeyHintLabelColor); paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); final float hintX = keyWidth - params.mKeyHintLetterPadding - getCharWidth(KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR, paint) / 2; final float hintY = keyHeight - params.mKeyPopupHintLetterPadding; canvas.drawText(POPUP_HINT_CHAR, hintX, hintY, paint); if (LatinImeLogger.sVISUALDEBUG) { final Paint line = new Paint(); drawHorizontalLine(canvas, (int)hintY, keyWidth, 0xc0808000, line); drawVerticalLine(canvas, (int)hintX, keyHeight, 0xc0808000, line); } } private static int getCharGeometryCacheKey(char referenceChar, Paint paint) { final int labelSize = (int)paint.getTextSize(); final Typeface face = paint.getTypeface(); final int codePointOffset = referenceChar << 15; if (face == Typeface.DEFAULT) { return codePointOffset + labelSize; } else if (face == Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD) { return codePointOffset + labelSize + 0x1000; } else if (face == Typeface.MONOSPACE) { return codePointOffset + labelSize + 0x2000; } else { return codePointOffset + labelSize; } } // Working variable for the following methods. private final Rect mTextBounds = new Rect(); private float getCharHeight(char[] referenceChar, Paint paint) { final int key = getCharGeometryCacheKey(referenceChar[0], paint); final Float cachedValue = sTextHeightCache.get(key); if (cachedValue != null) return cachedValue; paint.getTextBounds(referenceChar, 0, 1, mTextBounds); final float height = mTextBounds.height(); sTextHeightCache.put(key, height); return height; } private float getCharWidth(char[] referenceChar, Paint paint) { final int key = getCharGeometryCacheKey(referenceChar[0], paint); final Float cachedValue = sTextWidthCache.get(key); if (cachedValue != null) return cachedValue; paint.getTextBounds(referenceChar, 0, 1, mTextBounds); final float width = mTextBounds.width(); sTextWidthCache.put(key, width); return width; } public float getLabelWidth(String label, Paint paint) { paint.getTextBounds(label.toString(), 0, label.length(), mTextBounds); return mTextBounds.width(); } protected static void drawIcon(Canvas canvas, Drawable icon, int x, int y, int width, int height) { canvas.translate(x, y); icon.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); icon.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(-x, -y); } private static void drawHorizontalLine(Canvas canvas, float y, float w, int color, Paint paint) { paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth(1.0f); paint.setColor(color); canvas.drawLine(0, y, w, y, paint); } private static void drawVerticalLine(Canvas canvas, float x, float h, int color, Paint paint) { paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth(1.0f); paint.setColor(color); canvas.drawLine(x, 0, x, h, paint); } private static void drawRectangle(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, float w, float h, int color, Paint paint) { paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth(1.0f); paint.setColor(color); canvas.translate(x, y); canvas.drawRect(0, 0, w, h, paint); canvas.translate(-x, -y); } public Paint newDefaultLabelPaint() { final Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setTypeface(mKeyDrawParams.mKeyTextStyle); paint.setTextSize(mKeyDrawParams.mKeyLabelSize); return paint; } public void cancelAllMessages() { mDrawingHandler.cancelAllMessages(); if (mPreviewPlacerView != null) { mPreviewPlacerView.cancelAllMessages(); } } // Called by {@link PointerTracker} constructor to create a TextView. @Override public TextView inflateKeyPreviewText() { final Context context = getContext(); if (mKeyPreviewLayoutId != 0) { return (TextView)LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(mKeyPreviewLayoutId, null); } else { return new TextView(context); } } @Override public void dismissKeyPreview(PointerTracker tracker) { mDrawingHandler.dismissKeyPreview(mDelayAfterPreview, tracker); } private void addKeyPreview(TextView keyPreview) { locatePreviewPlacerView(); mPreviewPlacerView.addView( keyPreview, ViewLayoutUtils.newLayoutParam(mPreviewPlacerView, 0, 0)); } private void locatePreviewPlacerView() { if (mPreviewPlacerView.getParent() != null) { return; } final int[] viewOrigin = new int[2]; getLocationInWindow(viewOrigin); mPreviewPlacerView.setOrigin(viewOrigin[0], viewOrigin[1]); final View rootView = getRootView(); if (rootView == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot find root view"); return; } final ViewGroup windowContentView = (ViewGroup)rootView.findViewById(android.R.id.content); // Note: It'd be very weird if we get null by android.R.id.content. if (windowContentView == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot find android.R.id.content view to add PreviewPlacerView"); } else { windowContentView.addView(mPreviewPlacerView); } } public void showGestureFloatingPreviewText(String gestureFloatingPreviewText) { locatePreviewPlacerView(); mPreviewPlacerView.setGestureFloatingPreviewText(gestureFloatingPreviewText); } public void dismissGestureFloatingPreviewText() { locatePreviewPlacerView(); mPreviewPlacerView.dismissGestureFloatingPreviewText(); } @Override public void showGestureTrail(PointerTracker tracker) { locatePreviewPlacerView(); mPreviewPlacerView.invalidatePointer(tracker); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // setBackgroundDrawable is replaced by setBackground in API16 @Override public void showKeyPreview(PointerTracker tracker) { if (!mShowKeyPreviewPopup) return; final TextView previewText = tracker.getKeyPreviewText(); // If the key preview has no parent view yet, add it to the ViewGroup which can place // key preview absolutely in SoftInputWindow. if (previewText.getParent() == null) { addKeyPreview(previewText); } mDrawingHandler.cancelDismissKeyPreview(tracker); final Key key = tracker.getKey(); // If key is invalid or IME is already closed, we must not show key preview. // Trying to show key preview while root window is closed causes // WindowManager.BadTokenException. if (key == null) return; final KeyPreviewDrawParams params = mKeyPreviewDrawParams; final String label = key.isShiftedLetterActivated() ? key.mHintLabel : key.mLabel; // What we show as preview should match what we show on a key top in onBufferDraw(). if (label != null) { // TODO Should take care of temporaryShiftLabel here. previewText.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, null); if (StringUtils.codePointCount(label) > 1) { previewText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, params.mKeyLetterSize); previewText.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); } else { previewText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, params.mPreviewTextSize); previewText.setTypeface(params.mKeyTextStyle); } previewText.setText(label); } else { previewText.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, key.getPreviewIcon(mKeyboard.mIconsSet)); previewText.setText(null); } previewText.setBackgroundDrawable(params.mPreviewBackground); previewText.measure( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); final int keyDrawWidth = key.mWidth - key.mVisualInsetsLeft - key.mVisualInsetsRight; final int previewWidth = previewText.getMeasuredWidth(); final int previewHeight = params.mPreviewHeight; // The width and height of visible part of the key preview background. The content marker // of the background 9-patch have to cover the visible part of the background. params.mPreviewVisibleWidth = previewWidth - previewText.getPaddingLeft() - previewText.getPaddingRight(); params.mPreviewVisibleHeight = previewHeight - previewText.getPaddingTop() - previewText.getPaddingBottom(); // The distance between the top edge of the parent key and the bottom of the visible part // of the key preview background. params.mPreviewVisibleOffset = params.mPreviewOffset - previewText.getPaddingBottom(); getLocationInWindow(params.mCoordinates); // The key preview is horizontally aligned with the center of the visible part of the // parent key. If it doesn't fit in this {@link KeyboardView}, it is moved inward to fit and // the left/right background is used if such background is specified. int previewX = key.mX + key.mVisualInsetsLeft - (previewWidth - keyDrawWidth) / 2 + params.mCoordinates[0]; if (previewX < 0) { previewX = 0; if (params.mPreviewLeftBackground != null) { previewText.setBackgroundDrawable(params.mPreviewLeftBackground); } } else if (previewX > getWidth() - previewWidth) { previewX = getWidth() - previewWidth; if (params.mPreviewRightBackground != null) { previewText.setBackgroundDrawable(params.mPreviewRightBackground); } } // The key preview is placed vertically above the top edge of the parent key with an // arbitrary offset. final int previewY = key.mY - previewHeight + params.mPreviewOffset + params.mCoordinates[1]; // Set the preview background state previewText.getBackground().setState( key.mMoreKeys != null ? LONG_PRESSABLE_STATE_SET : EMPTY_STATE_SET); previewText.setTextColor(params.mPreviewTextColor); ViewLayoutUtils.placeViewAt( previewText, previewX, previewY, previewWidth, previewHeight); previewText.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } /** * Requests a redraw of the entire keyboard. Calling {@link #invalidate} is not sufficient * because the keyboard renders the keys to an off-screen buffer and an invalidate() only * draws the cached buffer. * @see #invalidateKey(Key) */ public void invalidateAllKeys() { mInvalidatedKeys.clear(); mInvalidateAllKeys = true; invalidate(); } /** * Invalidates a key so that it will be redrawn on the next repaint. Use this method if only * one key is changing it's content. Any changes that affect the position or size of the key * may not be honored. * @param key key in the attached {@link Keyboard}. * @see #invalidateAllKeys */ @Override public void invalidateKey(Key key) { if (mInvalidateAllKeys) return; if (key == null) return; mInvalidatedKeys.add(key); final int x = key.mX + getPaddingLeft(); final int y = key.mY + getPaddingTop(); invalidate(x, y, x + key.mWidth, y + key.mHeight); } public void closing() { PointerTracker.dismissAllKeyPreviews(); cancelAllMessages(); mInvalidateAllKeys = true; requestLayout(); } @Override public boolean dismissMoreKeysPanel() { return false; } public void purgeKeyboardAndClosing() { mKeyboard = null; closing(); } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); closing(); mPreviewPlacerView.removeAllViews(); freeOffscreenBuffer(); } }