/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef LATINIME_CORRECTION_STATE_H #define LATINIME_CORRECTION_STATE_H #include #include "defines.h" namespace latinime { class ProximityInfo; class CorrectionState { public: typedef enum { TRAVERSE_ALL_ON_TERMINAL, TRAVERSE_ALL_NOT_ON_TERMINAL, UNRELATED, ON_TERMINAL, NOT_ON_TERMINAL } CorrectionStateType; CorrectionState(const int typedLetterMultiplier, const int fullWordMultiplier); void initCorrectionState( const ProximityInfo *pi, const int inputLength, const int maxWordLength); void setCorrectionParams(const int skipPos, const int excessivePos, const int transposedPos, const int spaceProximityPos, const int missingSpacePos); void checkState(); void initProcessState(const int matchCount, const int inputIndex, const int outputIndex, const bool traverseAllNodes, const int diffs); void getProcessState(int *matchedCount, int *inputIndex, int *outputIndex, bool *traverseAllNodes, int *diffs); int getOutputIndex(); int getInputIndex(); bool needsToTraverseAll(); virtual ~CorrectionState(); int getSpaceProximityPos() const { return mSpaceProximityPos; } int getMissingSpacePos() const { return mMissingSpacePos; } int getSkipPos() const { return mSkipPos; } int getExcessivePos() const { return mExcessivePos; } int getTransposedPos() const { return mTransposedPos; } bool needsToPrune() const; int getFreqForSplitTwoWords(const int firstFreq, const int secondFreq); int getFinalFreq(const int freq, unsigned short **word, int* wordLength); CorrectionStateType processCharAndCalcState(const int32_t c, const bool isTerminal); int getDiffs() const { return mDiffs; } private: void charMatched(); void incrementInputIndex(); void incrementOutputIndex(); void startTraverseAll(); // TODO: remove void incrementDiffs() { ++mDiffs; } const int TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER; const int FULL_WORD_MULTIPLIER; const ProximityInfo *mProximityInfo; int mMaxEditDistance; int mMaxDepth; int mInputLength; int mSkipPos; int mSkippedOutputIndex; int mExcessivePos; int mTransposedPos; int mSpaceProximityPos; int mMissingSpacePos; int mMatchedCharCount; int mInputIndex; int mOutputIndex; int mTerminalInputIndex; int mTerminalOutputIndex; int mDiffs; bool mTraverseAllNodes; unsigned short mWord[MAX_WORD_LENGTH_INTERNAL]; inline bool isQuote(const unsigned short c); inline CorrectionStateType processSkipChar(const int32_t c, const bool isTerminal); class RankingAlgorithm { public: static int calculateFinalFreq(const int inputIndex, const int depth, const int matchCount, const int freq, const bool sameLength, const CorrectionState* correctionState); static int calcFreqForSplitTwoWords(const int firstFreq, const int secondFreq, const CorrectionState* correctionState); }; }; } // namespace latinime #endif // LATINIME_CORRECTION_INFO_H