/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.Typeface; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Xml; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyStyles; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyStyles.KeyStyle; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardBuilder; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardBuilder.ParseException; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardIconsSet; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardParams; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.MoreKeySpecParser; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.R; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Class for describing the position and characteristics of a single key in the keyboard. */ public class Key { /** * The key code (unicode or custom code) that this key generates. */ public final int mCode; /** Label to display */ public final CharSequence mLabel; /** Hint label to display on the key in conjunction with the label */ public final CharSequence mHintLabel; /** Option of the label */ private final int mLabelOption; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_LEFT = 0x01; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x02; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_LEFT_OF_CENTER = 0x08; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_LARGE_LETTER = 0x10; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_FONT_NORMAL = 0x20; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_FONT_MONO_SPACE = 0x40; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_FOLLOW_KEY_LETTER_RATIO = 0x80; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_FOLLOW_KEY_HINT_LABEL_RATIO = 0x100; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_HAS_POPUP_HINT = 0x200; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_HAS_UPPERCASE_LETTER = 0x400; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_HAS_HINT_LABEL = 0x800; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_WITH_ICON_LEFT = 0x1000; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_WITH_ICON_RIGHT = 0x2000; private static final int LABEL_OPTION_AUTO_X_SCALE = 0x4000; /** Icon to display instead of a label. Icon takes precedence over a label */ private Drawable mIcon; /** Preview version of the icon, for the preview popup */ private Drawable mPreviewIcon; /** Width of the key, not including the gap */ public final int mWidth; /** Height of the key, not including the gap */ public final int mHeight; /** The horizontal gap around this key */ public final int mHorizontalGap; /** The vertical gap below this key */ public final int mVerticalGap; /** The visual insets */ public final int mVisualInsetsLeft; public final int mVisualInsetsRight; /** X coordinate of the key in the keyboard layout */ public final int mX; /** Y coordinate of the key in the keyboard layout */ public final int mY; /** Hit bounding box of the key */ public final Rect mHitBox = new Rect(); /** Text to output when pressed. This can be multiple characters, like ".com" */ public final CharSequence mOutputText; /** More keys */ public final CharSequence[] mMoreKeys; /** More keys maximum column number */ public final int mMaxMoreKeysColumn; /** Background type that represents different key background visual than normal one. */ public final int mBackgroundType; public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_NORMAL = 0; public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL = 1; public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_ACTION = 2; public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_STICKY = 3; /** Whether this key repeats itself when held down */ public final boolean mRepeatable; /** The current pressed state of this key */ private boolean mPressed; /** If this is a sticky key, is its highlight on? */ private boolean mHighlightOn; /** Key is enabled and responds on press */ private boolean mEnabled = true; /** Whether this key needs to show the "..." popup hint for special purposes */ private boolean mNeedsSpecialPopupHint; // RTL parenthesis character swapping map. private static final Map sRtlParenthesisMap = new HashMap(); static { // The all letters need to be mirrored are found at // http://www.unicode.org/Public/6.0.0/ucd/extracted/DerivedBinaryProperties.txt addRtlParenthesisPair('(', ')'); addRtlParenthesisPair('[', ']'); addRtlParenthesisPair('{', '}'); addRtlParenthesisPair('<', '>'); // \u00ab: LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK // \u00bb: RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK addRtlParenthesisPair('\u00ab', '\u00bb'); // \u2039: SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK // \u203a: SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK addRtlParenthesisPair('\u2039', '\u203a'); // \u2264: LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO // \u2265: GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO addRtlParenthesisPair('\u2264', '\u2265'); } private static void addRtlParenthesisPair(int left, int right) { sRtlParenthesisMap.put(left, right); sRtlParenthesisMap.put(right, left); } public static int getRtlParenthesisCode(int code, boolean isRtl) { if (isRtl && sRtlParenthesisMap.containsKey(code)) { return sRtlParenthesisMap.get(code); } else { return code; } } private static int getCode(Resources res, KeyboardParams params, String moreKeySpec) { return getRtlParenthesisCode( MoreKeySpecParser.getCode(res, moreKeySpec), params.mIsRtlKeyboard); } private static Drawable getIcon(KeyboardParams params, String moreKeySpec) { return params.mIconsSet.getIcon(MoreKeySpecParser.getIconId(moreKeySpec)); } /** * This constructor is being used only for key in more keys keyboard. */ public Key(Resources res, KeyboardParams params, String moreKeySpec, int x, int y, int width, int height) { this(params, MoreKeySpecParser.getLabel(moreKeySpec), null, getIcon(params, moreKeySpec), getCode(res, params, moreKeySpec), MoreKeySpecParser.getOutputText(moreKeySpec), x, y, width, height); } /** * This constructor is being used only for key in popup suggestions pane. */ public Key(KeyboardParams params, CharSequence label, CharSequence hintLabel, Drawable icon, int code, CharSequence outputText, int x, int y, int width, int height) { mHeight = height - params.mVerticalGap; mHorizontalGap = params.mHorizontalGap; mVerticalGap = params.mVerticalGap; mVisualInsetsLeft = mVisualInsetsRight = 0; mWidth = width - mHorizontalGap; mHintLabel = hintLabel; mLabelOption = 0; mBackgroundType = BACKGROUND_TYPE_NORMAL; mRepeatable = false; mMoreKeys = null; mMaxMoreKeysColumn = 0; mLabel = label; mOutputText = outputText; mCode = code; mIcon = icon; // Horizontal gap is divided equally to both sides of the key. mX = x + mHorizontalGap / 2; mY = y; mHitBox.set(x, y, x + width + 1, y + height); } /** * Create a key with the given top-left coordinate and extract its attributes from the XML * parser. * @param res resources associated with the caller's context * @param params the keyboard building parameters. * @param row the row that this key belongs to. row's x-coordinate will be the right edge of * this key. * @param parser the XML parser containing the attributes for this key * @param keyStyles active key styles set */ public Key(Resources res, KeyboardParams params, KeyboardBuilder.Row row, XmlPullParser parser, KeyStyles keyStyles) { final float horizontalGap = isSpacer() ? 0 : params.mHorizontalGap; final int keyHeight = row.mRowHeight; mVerticalGap = params.mVerticalGap; mHeight = keyHeight - mVerticalGap; final TypedArray keyAttr = res.obtainAttributes(Xml.asAttributeSet(parser), R.styleable.Keyboard_Key); final KeyStyle style; if (keyAttr.hasValue(R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyStyle)) { String styleName = keyAttr.getString(R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyStyle); style = keyStyles.getKeyStyle(styleName); if (style == null) throw new ParseException("Unknown key style: " + styleName, parser); } else { style = keyStyles.getEmptyKeyStyle(); } final float keyXPos = row.getKeyX(keyAttr); final float keyWidth = row.getKeyWidth(keyAttr, keyXPos); final int keyYPos = row.getKeyY(); // Horizontal gap is divided equally to both sides of the key. mX = (int) (keyXPos + horizontalGap / 2); mY = keyYPos; mWidth = (int) (keyWidth - horizontalGap); mHorizontalGap = (int) horizontalGap; mHitBox.set((int)keyXPos, keyYPos, (int)(keyXPos + keyWidth) + 1, keyYPos + keyHeight); // Update row to have current x coordinate. row.setXPos(keyXPos + keyWidth); final CharSequence[] moreKeys = style.getTextArray(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_moreKeys); // In Arabic symbol layouts, we'd like to keep digits in more keys regardless of // config_digit_more_keys_enabled. if (params.mId.isAlphabetKeyboard() && !res.getBoolean(R.bool.config_digit_more_keys_enabled)) { mMoreKeys = MoreKeySpecParser.filterOut(res, moreKeys, MoreKeySpecParser.DIGIT_FILTER); } else { mMoreKeys = moreKeys; } mMaxMoreKeysColumn = style.getInt(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_maxMoreKeysColumn, params.mMaxMiniKeyboardColumn); mBackgroundType = style.getInt(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_backgroundType, BACKGROUND_TYPE_NORMAL); mRepeatable = style.getBoolean(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_isRepeatable, false); mEnabled = style.getBoolean(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_enabled, true); final KeyboardIconsSet iconsSet = params.mIconsSet; mVisualInsetsLeft = (int) KeyboardBuilder.getDimensionOrFraction(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_visualInsetsLeft, params.mBaseWidth, 0); mVisualInsetsRight = (int) KeyboardBuilder.getDimensionOrFraction(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_visualInsetsRight, params.mBaseWidth, 0); mPreviewIcon = iconsSet.getIcon(style.getInt(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyIconPreview, KeyboardIconsSet.ICON_UNDEFINED)); mIcon = iconsSet.getIcon(style.getInt(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyIcon, KeyboardIconsSet.ICON_UNDEFINED)); final int shiftedIconId = style.getInt(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyIconShifted, KeyboardIconsSet.ICON_UNDEFINED); if (shiftedIconId != KeyboardIconsSet.ICON_UNDEFINED) { final Drawable shiftedIcon = iconsSet.getIcon(shiftedIconId); params.addShiftedIcon(this, shiftedIcon); } mHintLabel = style.getText(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyHintLabel); mLabel = style.getText(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyLabel); mLabelOption = style.getFlag(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyLabelOption, 0); mOutputText = style.getText(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_keyOutputText); // Choose the first letter of the label as primary code if not // specified. final int code = style.getInt(keyAttr, R.styleable.Keyboard_Key_code, Keyboard.CODE_UNSPECIFIED); if (code == Keyboard.CODE_UNSPECIFIED && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mLabel)) { final int firstChar = mLabel.charAt(0); mCode = getRtlParenthesisCode(firstChar, params.mIsRtlKeyboard); } else if (code != Keyboard.CODE_UNSPECIFIED) { mCode = code; } else { mCode = Keyboard.CODE_DUMMY; } keyAttr.recycle(); } public void markAsLeftEdge(KeyboardParams params) { mHitBox.left = params.mHorizontalEdgesPadding; } public void markAsRightEdge(KeyboardParams params) { mHitBox.right = params.mOccupiedWidth - params.mHorizontalEdgesPadding; } public void markAsTopEdge(KeyboardParams params) { mHitBox.top = params.mTopPadding; } public void markAsBottomEdge(KeyboardParams params) { mHitBox.bottom = params.mOccupiedHeight + params.mBottomPadding; } public boolean isSticky() { return mBackgroundType == BACKGROUND_TYPE_STICKY; } public boolean isSpacer() { return false; } public Typeface selectTypeface(Typeface defaultTypeface) { // TODO: Handle "bold" here too? if ((mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_FONT_NORMAL) != 0) { return Typeface.DEFAULT; } else if ((mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_FONT_MONO_SPACE) != 0) { return Typeface.MONOSPACE; } else { return defaultTypeface; } } public int selectTextSize(int letter, int largeLetter, int label, int hintLabel) { if (mLabel.length() > 1 && (mLabelOption & (LABEL_OPTION_FOLLOW_KEY_LETTER_RATIO | LABEL_OPTION_FOLLOW_KEY_HINT_LABEL_RATIO)) == 0) { return label; } else if ((mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_FOLLOW_KEY_HINT_LABEL_RATIO) != 0) { return hintLabel; } else if ((mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_LARGE_LETTER) != 0) { return largeLetter; } else { return letter; } } public boolean isAlignLeft() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_LEFT) != 0; } public boolean isAlignRight() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_RIGHT) != 0; } public boolean isAlignLeftOfCenter() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_LEFT_OF_CENTER) != 0; } public boolean hasPopupHint() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_HAS_POPUP_HINT) != 0; } public void setNeedsSpecialPopupHint(boolean needsSpecialPopupHint) { mNeedsSpecialPopupHint = needsSpecialPopupHint; } public boolean needsSpecialPopupHint() { return mNeedsSpecialPopupHint; } public boolean hasUppercaseLetter() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_HAS_UPPERCASE_LETTER) != 0; } public boolean hasHintLabel() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_HAS_HINT_LABEL) != 0; } public boolean hasLabelWithIconLeft() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_WITH_ICON_LEFT) != 0; } public boolean hasLabelWithIconRight() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_WITH_ICON_RIGHT) != 0; } public boolean needsXScale() { return (mLabelOption & LABEL_OPTION_AUTO_X_SCALE) != 0; } public Drawable getIcon() { return mIcon; } public Drawable getPreviewIcon() { return mPreviewIcon; } public void setIcon(Drawable icon) { mIcon = icon; } public void setPreviewIcon(Drawable icon) { mPreviewIcon = icon; } /** * Informs the key that it has been pressed, in case it needs to change its appearance or * state. * @see #onReleased() */ public void onPressed() { mPressed = true; } /** * Informs the key that it has been released, in case it needs to change its appearance or * state. * @see #onPressed() */ public void onReleased() { mPressed = false; } public void setHighlightOn(boolean highlightOn) { mHighlightOn = highlightOn; } public boolean isEnabled() { return mEnabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { mEnabled = enabled; } /** * Detects if a point falls on this key. * @param x the x-coordinate of the point * @param y the y-coordinate of the point * @return whether or not the point falls on the key. If the key is attached to an edge, it will * assume that all points between the key and the edge are considered to be on the key. * @see {@link #markAsLeftEdge(KeyboardParams)} etc. */ public boolean isOnKey(int x, int y) { return mHitBox.contains(x, y); } /** * Returns the square of the distance to the nearest edge of the key and the given point. * @param x the x-coordinate of the point * @param y the y-coordinate of the point * @return the square of the distance of the point from the nearest edge of the key */ public int squaredDistanceToEdge(int x, int y) { final int left = mX; final int right = left + mWidth; final int top = mY; final int bottom = top + mHeight; final int edgeX = x < left ? left : (x > right ? right : x); final int edgeY = y < top ? top : (y > bottom ? bottom : y); final int dx = x - edgeX; final int dy = y - edgeY; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } private final static int[] KEY_STATE_NORMAL_HIGHLIGHT_ON = { android.R.attr.state_checkable, android.R.attr.state_checked }; private final static int[] KEY_STATE_PRESSED_HIGHLIGHT_ON = { android.R.attr.state_pressed, android.R.attr.state_checkable, android.R.attr.state_checked }; private final static int[] KEY_STATE_NORMAL_HIGHLIGHT_OFF = { android.R.attr.state_checkable }; private final static int[] KEY_STATE_PRESSED_HIGHLIGHT_OFF = { android.R.attr.state_pressed, android.R.attr.state_checkable }; private final static int[] KEY_STATE_NORMAL = { }; private final static int[] KEY_STATE_PRESSED = { android.R.attr.state_pressed }; // functional normal state (with properties) private static final int[] KEY_STATE_FUNCTIONAL_NORMAL = { android.R.attr.state_single }; // functional pressed state (with properties) private static final int[] KEY_STATE_FUNCTIONAL_PRESSED = { android.R.attr.state_single, android.R.attr.state_pressed }; // action normal state (with properties) private static final int[] KEY_STATE_ACTIVE_NORMAL = { android.R.attr.state_active }; // action pressed state (with properties) private static final int[] KEY_STATE_ACTIVE_PRESSED = { android.R.attr.state_active, android.R.attr.state_pressed }; /** * Returns the drawable state for the key, based on the current state and type of the key. * @return the drawable state of the key. * @see android.graphics.drawable.StateListDrawable#setState(int[]) */ public int[] getCurrentDrawableState() { final boolean pressed = mPressed; switch (mBackgroundType) { case BACKGROUND_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL: return pressed ? KEY_STATE_FUNCTIONAL_PRESSED : KEY_STATE_FUNCTIONAL_NORMAL; case BACKGROUND_TYPE_ACTION: return pressed ? KEY_STATE_ACTIVE_PRESSED : KEY_STATE_ACTIVE_NORMAL; case BACKGROUND_TYPE_STICKY: if (mHighlightOn) { return pressed ? KEY_STATE_PRESSED_HIGHLIGHT_ON : KEY_STATE_NORMAL_HIGHLIGHT_ON; } else { return pressed ? KEY_STATE_PRESSED_HIGHLIGHT_OFF : KEY_STATE_NORMAL_HIGHLIGHT_OFF; } default: /* BACKGROUND_TYPE_NORMAL */ return pressed ? KEY_STATE_PRESSED : KEY_STATE_NORMAL; } } public static class Spacer extends Key { public Spacer(Resources res, KeyboardParams params, KeyboardBuilder.Row row, XmlPullParser parser, KeyStyles keyStyles) { super(res, params, row, parser, keyStyles); } /** * This constructor is being used only for divider in more keys keyboard. */ public Spacer(KeyboardParams params, Drawable icon, int x, int y, int width, int height) { super(params, null, null, icon, Keyboard.CODE_DUMMY, null, x, y, width, height); } @Override public boolean isSpacer() { return true; } } }