/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import android.content.Context; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.ProximityInfo; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.CollectionUtils; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; /** * Abstract base class for an expandable dictionary that can be created and updated dynamically * during runtime. When updated it automatically generates a new binary dictionary to handle future * queries in native code. This binary dictionary is written to internal storage, and potentially * shared across multiple ExpandableBinaryDictionary instances. Updates to each dictionary filename * are controlled across multiple instances to ensure that only one instance can update the same * dictionary at the same time. */ abstract public class ExpandableBinaryDictionary extends Dictionary { /** Used for Log actions from this class */ private static final String TAG = ExpandableBinaryDictionary.class.getSimpleName(); /** Whether to print debug output to log */ private static boolean DEBUG = false; /** * The maximum length of a word in this dictionary. */ protected static final int MAX_WORD_LENGTH = Constants.DICTIONARY_MAX_WORD_LENGTH; /** * A static map of locks, each of which controls access to a single binary dictionary file. They * ensure that only one instance can update the same dictionary at the same time. The key for * this map is the filename and the value is the shared dictionary controller associated with * that filename. */ private static final HashMap sSharedDictionaryControllers = CollectionUtils.newHashMap(); /** The application context. */ protected final Context mContext; /** * The binary dictionary generated dynamically from the fusion dictionary. This is used to * answer unigram and bigram queries. */ private BinaryDictionary mBinaryDictionary; /** The in-memory dictionary used to generate the binary dictionary. */ private AbstractDictionaryWriter mDictionaryWriter; /** * The name of this dictionary, used as the filename for storing the binary dictionary. Multiple * dictionary instances with the same filename is supported, with access controlled by * DictionaryController. */ private final String mFilename; /** Controls access to the shared binary dictionary file across multiple instances. */ private final DictionaryController mSharedDictionaryController; /** Controls access to the local binary dictionary for this instance. */ private final DictionaryController mLocalDictionaryController = new DictionaryController(); /** * Abstract method for loading the unigrams and bigrams of a given dictionary in a background * thread. */ protected abstract void loadDictionaryAsync(); /** * Indicates that the source dictionary content has changed and a rebuild of the binary file is * required. If it returns false, the next reload will only read the current binary dictionary * from file. Note that the shared binary dictionary is locked when this is called. */ protected abstract boolean hasContentChanged(); /** * Gets the shared dictionary controller for the given filename. */ private static synchronized DictionaryController getSharedDictionaryController( String filename) { DictionaryController controller = sSharedDictionaryControllers.get(filename); if (controller == null) { controller = new DictionaryController(); sSharedDictionaryControllers.put(filename, controller); } return controller; } /** * Creates a new expandable binary dictionary. * * @param context The application context of the parent. * @param filename The filename for this binary dictionary. Multiple dictionaries with the same * filename is supported. * @param dictType the dictionary type, as a human-readable string */ public ExpandableBinaryDictionary( final Context context, final String filename, final String dictType) { super(dictType); mFilename = filename; mContext = context; mBinaryDictionary = null; mSharedDictionaryController = getSharedDictionaryController(filename); mDictionaryWriter = new DictionaryWriter(context, dictType); } protected static String getFilenameWithLocale(final String name, final String localeStr) { return name + "." + localeStr + ".dict"; } /** * Closes and cleans up the binary dictionary. */ @Override public void close() { // Ensure that no other threads are accessing the local binary dictionary. mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().lock(); try { if (mBinaryDictionary != null) { mBinaryDictionary.close(); mBinaryDictionary = null; } mDictionaryWriter.close(); } finally { mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Adds a word unigram to the dictionary. Used for loading a dictionary. */ protected void addWord(final String word, final String shortcutTarget, final int frequency, final boolean isNotAWord) { mDictionaryWriter.addUnigramWord(word, shortcutTarget, frequency, isNotAWord); } /** * Sets a word bigram in the dictionary. Used for loading a dictionary. */ protected void setBigram(final String prevWord, final String word, final int frequency) { mDictionaryWriter.addBigramWords(prevWord, word, frequency, true /* isValid */); } /** * Dynamically adds a word unigram to the dictionary. */ protected void addWordDynamically(final String word, final String shortcutTarget, final int frequency, final boolean isNotAWord) { mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().lock(); try { mDictionaryWriter.addUnigramWord(word, shortcutTarget, frequency, isNotAWord); } finally { mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Dynamically sets a word bigram in the dictionary. */ protected void setBigramDynamically(final String prevWord, final String word, final int frequency) { mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().lock(); try { mDictionaryWriter.addBigramWords(prevWord, word, frequency, true /* isValid */); } finally { mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().unlock(); } } @Override public ArrayList getSuggestions(final WordComposer composer, final String prevWord, final ProximityInfo proximityInfo, final boolean blockOffensiveWords) { asyncReloadDictionaryIfRequired(); // Write lock because getSuggestions in native updates session status. if (mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().tryLock()) { try { final ArrayList inMemDictSuggestion = mDictionaryWriter.getSuggestions(composer, prevWord, proximityInfo, blockOffensiveWords); if (mBinaryDictionary != null) { final ArrayList binarySuggestion = mBinaryDictionary.getSuggestions(composer, prevWord, proximityInfo, blockOffensiveWords); if (inMemDictSuggestion == null) { return binarySuggestion; } else if (binarySuggestion == null) { return inMemDictSuggestion; } else { binarySuggestion.addAll(binarySuggestion); return binarySuggestion; } } else { return inMemDictSuggestion; } } finally { mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().unlock(); } } return null; } @Override public boolean isValidWord(final String word) { asyncReloadDictionaryIfRequired(); return isValidWordInner(word); } protected boolean isValidWordInner(final String word) { if (mLocalDictionaryController.readLock().tryLock()) { try { return isValidWordLocked(word); } finally { mLocalDictionaryController.readLock().unlock(); } } return false; } protected boolean isValidWordLocked(final String word) { if (mBinaryDictionary == null) return false; return mBinaryDictionary.isValidWord(word); } protected boolean isValidBigramLocked(final String word1, final String word2) { if (mBinaryDictionary == null) return false; return mBinaryDictionary.isValidBigram(word1, word2); } /** * Load the current binary dictionary from internal storage in a background thread. If no binary * dictionary exists, this method will generate one. */ protected void loadDictionary() { mLocalDictionaryController.mLastUpdateRequestTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); asyncReloadDictionaryIfRequired(); } /** * Loads the current binary dictionary from internal storage. Assumes the dictionary file * exists. */ private void loadBinaryDictionary() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Loading binary dictionary: " + mFilename + " request=" + mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateRequestTime + " update=" + mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime); } final File file = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), mFilename); final String filename = file.getAbsolutePath(); final long length = file.length(); // Build the new binary dictionary final BinaryDictionary newBinaryDictionary = new BinaryDictionary(filename, 0, length, true /* useFullEditDistance */, null, mDictType, false /* isUpdatable */); if (mBinaryDictionary != null) { // Ensure all threads accessing the current dictionary have finished before swapping in // the new one. final BinaryDictionary oldBinaryDictionary = mBinaryDictionary; mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().lock(); try { mBinaryDictionary = newBinaryDictionary; } finally { mLocalDictionaryController.writeLock().unlock(); } oldBinaryDictionary.close(); } else { mBinaryDictionary = newBinaryDictionary; } } /** * Abstract method for checking if it is required to reload the dictionary before writing * a binary dictionary. */ abstract protected boolean needsToReloadBeforeWriting(); /** * Generates and writes a new binary dictionary based on the contents of the fusion dictionary. */ private void generateBinaryDictionary() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Generating binary dictionary: " + mFilename + " request=" + mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateRequestTime + " update=" + mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime); } if (needsToReloadBeforeWriting()) { mDictionaryWriter.clear(); loadDictionaryAsync(); } mDictionaryWriter.write(mFilename); } /** * Marks that the dictionary is out of date and requires a reload. * * @param requiresRebuild Indicates that the source dictionary content has changed and a rebuild * of the binary file is required. If not true, the next reload process will only read * the current binary dictionary from file. */ protected void setRequiresReload(final boolean requiresRebuild) { final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); mLocalDictionaryController.mLastUpdateRequestTime = time; mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateRequestTime = time; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Reload request: " + mFilename + ": request=" + time + " update=" + mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime); } } /** * Reloads the dictionary if required. Reload will occur asynchronously in a separate thread. */ void asyncReloadDictionaryIfRequired() { if (!isReloadRequired()) return; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Starting AsyncReloadDictionaryTask: " + mFilename); } new AsyncReloadDictionaryTask().start(); } /** * Reloads the dictionary if required. */ protected final void syncReloadDictionaryIfRequired() { if (!isReloadRequired()) return; syncReloadDictionaryInternal(); } /** * Returns whether a dictionary reload is required. */ private boolean isReloadRequired() { return mBinaryDictionary == null || mLocalDictionaryController.isOutOfDate(); } /** * Reloads the dictionary. Access is controlled on a per dictionary file basis and supports * concurrent calls from multiple instances that share the same dictionary file. */ private final void syncReloadDictionaryInternal() { // Ensure that only one thread attempts to read or write to the shared binary dictionary // file at the same time. mSharedDictionaryController.writeLock().lock(); try { final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); final boolean dictionaryFileExists = dictionaryFileExists(); if (mSharedDictionaryController.isOutOfDate() || !dictionaryFileExists) { // If the shared dictionary file does not exist or is out of date, the first // instance that acquires the lock will generate a new one. if (hasContentChanged() || !dictionaryFileExists) { // If the source content has changed or the dictionary does not exist, rebuild // the binary dictionary. Empty dictionaries are supported (in the case where // loadDictionaryAsync() adds nothing) in order to provide a uniform framework. mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime = time; generateBinaryDictionary(); loadBinaryDictionary(); } else { // If not, the reload request was unnecessary so revert LastUpdateRequestTime // to LastUpdateTime. mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateRequestTime = mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime; } } else if (mBinaryDictionary == null || mLocalDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime < mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime) { // Otherwise, if the local dictionary is older than the shared dictionary, load the // shared dictionary. loadBinaryDictionary(); } if (mBinaryDictionary != null && !mBinaryDictionary.isValidDictionary()) { // Binary dictionary is not valid. Regenerate the dictionary file. mSharedDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime = time; generateBinaryDictionary(); loadBinaryDictionary(); } mLocalDictionaryController.mLastUpdateTime = time; } finally { mSharedDictionaryController.writeLock().unlock(); } } // TODO: cache the file's existence so that we avoid doing a disk access each time. private boolean dictionaryFileExists() { final File file = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), mFilename); return file.exists(); } /** * Thread class for asynchronously reloading and rewriting the binary dictionary. */ private class AsyncReloadDictionaryTask extends Thread { @Override public void run() { syncReloadDictionaryInternal(); } } /** * Lock for controlling access to a given binary dictionary and for tracking whether the * dictionary is out of date. Can be shared across multiple dictionary instances that access the * same filename. */ private static class DictionaryController extends ReentrantReadWriteLock { private volatile long mLastUpdateTime = 0; private volatile long mLastUpdateRequestTime = 0; private boolean isOutOfDate() { return (mLastUpdateRequestTime > mLastUpdateTime); } } }