This change also cancels double tap and long press timers if other
letter key is pressed after shift key.
Bug: 5693999
Bug: 6017610
Change-Id: I3b5f3debfb8915fa73a93b409a38afadf24132e9
This change also
* Rename phone shift keyboard to phone symbols keyboard.
Use CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL code to switch between phone and phone symbols keyboard.
* Remove phone symbols keyboard from tablet.
* Introduces enableLongPress flag of Key.keyActionFlags attribute.
* Remove clumsy long press code from PointerTracker.
* Remove CODE_CAPSLOCK handling from LatinIME.
* Make KeyboardSwitcher to invoke haptic and audio feedback.
Change-Id: I00e1f697a10ab5112aec75e36853b96246ff5054