The Android Open Source Project
am 6ab186a1
: am c4176236
: (-s ours) am 210226c5
: (-s ours) am 54f0ae27
: am a6fae701
: (-s ours) am 0849a4b9
: (-s ours) Reconcile with jb-mr2-release - do not merge
* commit '6ab186a14c68b37003a5f670323b03a9d0399c62':
2013-04-03 19:21:10 -07:00
Alan Viverette
am 44678fcf
: am f1bcc1d7
: am 9ecac40d
: am 4f11af0c
: am 9da7fa0f
: am 559616fb
: Prevent keyboard A11y proxy from referencing a null keyboard view.
* commit '44678fcf2349486f7f614dd7bce3807bb62223ad':
2013-04-03 19:21:08 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am a050834c
: am 11b600b9
: (-s ours) am 2f73105a
: (-s ours) am db5e07f7
: Merge "[DO NOT MERGE] Increase string limits" into jb-mr2-dev
* commit 'a050834cdc5aff4c85db256f2992e67a02e23de2':
2013-04-03 19:21:07 -07:00
Jean Chalard
am 6e78878f
: am 844e5014
: Merge "Increase string limits"
* commit '6e78878f7b038afa46afc75117cd773e2d181a5c':
Increase string limits
2013-04-03 19:21:06 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am f980ec6c
: am fc801fe8
: (-s ours) am c57cf2b7
: (-s ours) am 841e6016
: Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit 'f980ec6c5bc7452b4e1c6c312fea8b6eb169b2ae':
2013-04-03 19:21:04 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 6e0e8dd6
: am 8ca085db
: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '6e0e8dd6d0706a128cc69cb4578227c8df6a2a44':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-03 19:21:03 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 57b68207
: Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '57b682074820805a19eee151bf54e73508262d08':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-03 19:21:02 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am bb9a8e08
: am f463b45d
: Merge "Fix Possible NPE"
* commit 'bb9a8e082aebbcdd46e4d2378d9839f896c15476':
Fix Possible NPE
2013-04-03 19:21:01 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am e42522f3
: am 2cdf5351
: Merge "Fix possible SIOOBE"
* commit 'e42522f33566857402a8db645f58de2818456dc7':
Fix possible SIOOBE
2013-04-03 19:21:00 -07:00
Kurt Partridge
am bf62dc03
: am ef103e1f
: Merge "Close ResearchLogger upon onFinishInputView"
* commit 'bf62dc036f1e71751c8713ff13e686bbf635d6c3':
Close ResearchLogger upon onFinishInputView
2013-04-03 19:20:59 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
am 577f08a3
: am 22384b57
: (-s ours) am 0ed901ff
: (-s ours) Reconcile with jb-mr2-release - do not merge
* commit '577f08a3d76343f67f6f68c4f8198557e73939dd':
2013-04-03 19:20:58 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
keep history after reset to jb-ub-latinimegoogle-azuki
2013-04-03 19:16:52 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
am d2582473
: (-s ours) am 22953740
: Reconcile with jb-mr2-release - do not merge
* commit 'd2582473b0ede953ed2a4b40c5033430d2dca969':
2013-04-03 18:10:50 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
am 22953740
: Reconcile with jb-mr2-release - do not merge
* commit '229537407a05b96f9a8bc77de8bb9830c7ad3083':
2013-04-03 18:05:33 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
Reconcile with jb-mr2-release - do not merge
Change-Id: I00b5f6a7f1d9578933c846c7614eae3bff5b85f0
2013-04-03 16:43:45 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am e7d91194
: (-s ours) am 370070ae
: am 4cdb7ccb
: Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit 'e7d91194545ab8af13e612951f836906085b83e5':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-03 15:41:47 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 370070ae
: am 4cdb7ccb
: Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '370070ae6bfe0af7186d76b61fd6c7bc60eb52b4':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-03 15:37:55 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 4b8494c4
: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '4b8494c4fc75685b6acfcf1b1e16835171f1226d':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-03 15:36:27 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 4cdb7ccb
: Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '4cdb7ccb325db33fa812855b6ea6de2533cdb6be':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-03 15:34:22 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
Change-Id: I66b30c5f9673fc4ed3b96753cfec023e7d498dec
Auto-generated-cl: translation import
2013-04-03 13:13:26 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
Change-Id: Icf73894934ceedf45d493c67cdc4018ebcb3f7a1
Auto-generated-cl: translation import
2013-04-03 13:08:04 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
Change-Id: Icc098a0e892cee76ccef2492d32798d38a621dfb
Auto-generated-cl: translation import
2013-04-03 13:07:12 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
Change-Id: Ic405d085ced9e64efd9b7da38097734c71808fbc
Auto-generated-cl: translation import
2013-04-03 13:06:22 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 95fe8267
: Move suggest logic to AOSP
* commit '95fe8267955ba5bfcc3cf38383f0d13026287082':
Move suggest logic to AOSP
2013-04-03 05:09:22 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
Move suggest logic to AOSP
Bug: 8197301
Change-Id: I2d0ffbbc9d4d57ebfc2fe43e6cb75e8b44dae466
2013-04-03 21:00:57 +09:00
The Android Automerger
merge in jb-mr2-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev
2013-04-02 09:19:17 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 30667266
: (-s ours) am 5bcb3876
: Merge 2caa1d81ce
- do not merge
* commit '30667266dd48326388ae3e2a62429d5766211bfc':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-02 07:53:03 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 5bcb3876
: Merge 2caa1d81ce
- do not merge
* commit '5bcb3876e2df2523017b4617102518b1523499b9':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-02 07:51:33 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge 2caa1d81ce
- do not merge
Change-Id: I49fb6693ae1231235b91c48058bf9d3daa74e38f
2013-04-02 07:49:43 -07:00
The Android Automerger
merge in jb-ub-latinimegoogle-azuki history after reset to jb-ub-latinimegoogle
2013-04-02 06:48:58 -07:00
Tadashi G. Takaoka
Refactor SpellCheckerProximityInfo as extending ProximityInfo
Change-Id: I544eec9d661796d57749dbaa2163bc1e2a891353
2013-04-02 19:06:32 +09:00
Jean Chalard
am 868805ae
: Merge "Change which backdoor the tests goes through"
* commit '868805aec49ec1ee5e60e787c23e838ed9f55fb3':
Change which backdoor the tests goes through
2013-04-02 02:37:18 -07:00
Jean Chalard
Merge "Change which backdoor the tests goes through"
2013-04-02 09:36:02 +00:00
Jean Chalard
am 248dcdf0
: Merge "Fix a test."
* commit '248dcdf0eb69903368b3c2bf0e9eda574d1ebf9e':
Fix a test.
2013-04-02 02:24:36 -07:00
Jean Chalard
Merge "Fix a test."
2013-04-02 09:23:02 +00:00
Jean Chalard
Change which backdoor the tests goes through
Yes that's even harder to understand. The old technique doesn't work
any more, so I have to drill a new hole in this class.
Bug: 8303100
Change-Id: I70a41b5094dab2bb56a17eaf55b2a2df853e4bb6
2013-04-02 18:20:19 +09:00
Jean Chalard
Fix a test.
The test was not passing the correct input type when it was
creating the text view, resulting in mismatched types seen from
TextView and LatinIME with some bad results. The test would
even go as far as restoring it after it's been fixed by TextView.
Additionally, since we want to enter litteral carriage returns,
the input type should be MULTI_LINE. If not, TextView does
not allow carriage returns.
Bug: 8302690
Change-Id: I1c20bcf6ca554ad981048ec181e19c649f6c742e
2013-04-02 18:20:14 +09:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am d2a04e1e
: Merge "Move typing policy to AOSP"
* commit 'd2a04e1e791de513c67ac9ded915fdbd074dda05':
Move typing policy to AOSP
2013-04-02 00:57:07 -07:00
Satoshi Kataoka
Merge "Move typing policy to AOSP"
2013-04-02 07:54:43 +00:00
Satoshi Kataoka
Move typing policy to AOSP
Bug: 8197301
Change-Id: Ife9b41a465d7b8d707623a6d3e4c1c88c3c3c4ab
2013-04-02 16:53:53 +09:00
Jean Chalard
am ecb59eff
: (-s ours) Revert "[DO NOT MERGE] Activate hardware keyboard handling"
* commit 'ecb59eff90c6cfd8d3e6ae31961d7f27f8c9eac9':
Revert "[DO NOT MERGE] Activate hardware keyboard handling"
2013-04-02 00:13:32 -07:00
Jean Chalard
Revert "[DO NOT MERGE] Activate hardware keyboard handling"
This reverts commit c741f1f83b
DO NOT MERGE is ignored and this is merged anyway :(
Change-Id: Ie044cdfc6021933379ec97ad7346c5c8591f70bf
2013-04-02 16:08:48 +09:00
Jean Chalard
am c741f1f8
: (-s ours) [DO NOT MERGE] Activate hardware keyboard handling
* commit 'c741f1f83b98293bf0040b6b81e95b75ecf3f6bc':
[DO NOT MERGE] Activate hardware keyboard handling
2013-04-01 23:58:35 -07:00
Jean Chalard
[DO NOT MERGE] Activate hardware keyboard handling
Change-Id: Ifdec9338a454291621b2b87c899f5d4301480b27
2013-04-02 15:38:13 +09:00
Kurt Partridge
Allow logging while replaying
Previously logging was disabled during replay. This makes it impossible to use logged data as a
regression test, since the new log was unavailable. This change corrects this problem.
Change-Id: I19dc31def2f2f87fd219dc561c739d18e4ab9c9c
2013-04-01 16:49:39 -07:00
Kurt Partridge
Do not record log split time when handling separator
Previously handleSeparator() caused the ResearchLogger to mark the time at which a LogUnit should be
broken. However, this causes the motion data associated with a separator to be associated with the
LogUnit of the previous word. This change corrects this bug.
Change-Id: I8b4d4fa6de2a013de9e2a28bb668c446a07f1957
2013-04-01 16:48:15 -07:00
Kurt Partridge
am 5779bc91
: Merge "Split LogUnits differently."
* commit '5779bc91e6d425dc42e444a11057dd286e736203':
Split LogUnits differently.
2013-04-01 16:10:08 -07:00
Kurt Partridge
Merge "Split LogUnits differently."
2013-04-01 23:08:21 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
am 02fc1ed5
: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
* commit '02fc1ed51243e501c14274b9c6646b930117464b':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2013-04-01 13:56:57 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
2013-04-01 20:54:38 +00:00