The large label text size is used for:
* The enter key's action label on phone/number keyboard layout of
phone device and 7-inch tablet
* The enter key's action label on alphabet/symbols keyboard of 7-inch
Bug: 6509415
Change-Id: I1c0dc511b3ac87cba00163b8d29c687ad1e86ce8
This change also modifies 9-patch drawables to fix the following
issues. In order to draw key background drawable just on the
coordinates we want, we have to know where an actual "visible" part is
in the drawable. The only clue we can use is "padding" of the
drawable. To achieve this, the 9-patch drawable must have its
"visible" part marked as "content". Please refer the Bug: 4948171 for
more detailed explanation.
This change also reverts the following "black" drawables back from
Gingerbread because recent change broke these (I70019a91).
* drawable-hdpi/sym_bkeyboard_*.png
* drawable-hdpi/btn_keyboard_key_*_stone.9.png
Bug: 4948171
Change-Id: I6e4d03b3144caa95c793aac97af22df34c5f454f
This change introduces:
* New KeyboardView attribute
* keyLargeLetterRatio to specify large letter text size.
* keyHintLabelRatio to specify hint label text size.
* keyHintLabelColor to specify hint label text color.
* keyPreviewTextRatio to specify key preview text size.
* New Key.keyLabelOption flags
* alignLeftOfCenter, align the key label slightly left of the key center.
* largeLetter, use keyLargeLetterRatio to draw key letter.
* hasHintLabel, draw keyHintLabel at the right of key letter.
* followKeyHintLabelRatio, draw the key label following keyHintLabelRatio size.
* Renames
* Key.keyHintLetter to keyHintLabel.
* Key.keylLabelOption fontFixedWidth to fontMonoSpace.
* Key.keylLabelOption popupHint to hasPopupHint.
* Removes
* number icon releted attributes and declarations.
Change-Id: I2f456737e3a46209e5f48b5155951b2b21a33859
This change instroduces new IceCreamSandwich assets and renames
Honeycomb theme to IceCreamSandwich. Though checked only on
hdpi-phone and mdpi-10"-tablet.
File another bug (Bug: 4852048) to fine tune keyboard layout for all
possible combination of devices and themes.
Bug: 4436327
Change-Id: I4f8dc1dd6b798a39204702bbcbebf17a199dc82f
This change also removes manualTemporaryUpperCaseCode and
manualTemporaryUpperCaseHintIcon. Instead of these keyLabelOption now
has hasUppercaseLetter flag value.
Bug: 4436327
Change-Id: I88fdac1e888a7123735296f5ef45f5fdd565cd2e
Unfortunately current Master seems have bugs in resource
selection. The xml-en/kbd_qwerty.xml is added to avoide those issue as
work around, and must be removed if the issue is fixed.
Bug: 4442045
Change-Id: Ic43d66e8669fb63e2c3f0b8b9aae9178ca3c32b5