Implement split and create node methods.

Bug: 6669677
Change-Id: Iac4afb637a8ba3d55f7a88f4a532831c1731f93e
This commit is contained in:
Keisuke Kuroyanagi 2013-09-10 15:27:19 +09:00
parent 9c820de7a1
commit fdcd67ba15
2 changed files with 115 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -47,14 +47,16 @@ bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::addUnigramWord(
const int nodeCodePointCount = nodeReader->getCodePointCount();
for (int j = 1; j < nodeCodePointCount; ++j) {
const int nextIndex = matchedCodePointCount + j;
if (nextIndex >= codePointCount) {
// TODO: split current node after j - 1, create child and make this terminal.
return false;
if (!readingHelper->isMatchedCodePoint(j,
if (nextIndex >= codePointCount || !readingHelper->isMatchedCodePoint(j,
wordCodePoints[matchedCodePointCount + j])) {
// TODO: split current node after j - 1 and create two children.
return false;
return reallocatePtNodeAndAddNewPtNodes(nodeReader,
readingHelper->getMergedNodeCodePoints(), j, probability,
wordCodePoints + matchedCodePointCount,
codePointCount - matchedCodePointCount);
} else {
return false;
// All characters are matched.
@ -145,8 +147,8 @@ bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::markNodeAsMovedAndSetPosition(
return true;
// Write new node at writingPos.
bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::writeNodeToBuffer(const bool isBlacklisted,
// Write new PtNode at writingPos.
bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::writePtNodeWithFullInfoToBuffer(const bool isBlacklisted,
const bool isNotAWord, const int parentPos, const int *const codePoints,
const int codePointCount, const int probability, const int childrenPos,
const int originalBigramListPos, const int originalShortcutListPos,
@ -201,6 +203,25 @@ bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::writeNodeToBuffer(const bool isBlackliste
return true;
bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::writePtNodeToBuffer(const int parentPos,
const int *const codePoints, const int codePointCount, const int probability,
int *const writingPos) {
return writePtNodeWithFullInfoToBuffer(false /* isBlacklisted */, false /* isNotAWord */,
parentPos, codePoints, codePointCount, probability,
NOT_A_DICT_POS /* childrenPos */, NOT_A_DICT_POS /* originalBigramsPos */,
NOT_A_DICT_POS /* originalShortcutPos */, writingPos);
bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::writePtNodeToBufferByCopyingPtNodeInfo(
const DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader *const originalNode, const int parentPos,
const int *const codePoints, const int codePointCount, const int probability,
int *const writingPos) {
return writePtNodeWithFullInfoToBuffer(originalNode->isBlacklisted(),
originalNode->isNotAWord(), parentPos, codePoints, codePointCount, probability,
originalNode->getChildrenPos(), originalNode->getBigramsPos(),
originalNode->getShortcutPos(), writingPos);
bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::createAndInsertNodeIntoPtNodeArray(const int parentPos,
const int *const nodeCodePoints, const int nodeCodePointCount, const int probability,
int *const forwardLinkFieldPos) {
@ -229,10 +250,8 @@ bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::setPtNodeProbability(
if (!markNodeAsMovedAndSetPosition(originalPtNode, movedPos)) {
return false;
if (!writeNodeToBuffer(originalPtNode->isBlacklisted(), originalPtNode->isNotAWord(),
originalPtNode->getParentPos(), codePoints, originalPtNode->getCodePointCount(),
probability, originalPtNode->getChildrenPos(), originalPtNode->getBigramsPos(),
originalPtNode->getShortcutPos(), &movedPos)) {
if (!writePtNodeToBufferByCopyingPtNodeInfo(originalPtNode, originalPtNode->getParentPos(),
codePoints, originalPtNode->getCodePointCount(), probability, &movedPos)) {
return false;
@ -260,9 +279,7 @@ bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::createNewPtNodeArrayWithAChildPtNode(
1 /* arraySize */, &writingPos)) {
return false;
if (!writeNodeToBuffer(false /* isBlacklisted */, false /* isNotAWord */, parentPtNodePos,
nodeCodePoints, nodeCodePointCount, probability, NOT_A_DICT_POS /* childrenPos */,
NOT_A_DICT_POS /* originalBigramsPos */, NOT_A_DICT_POS /* originalShortcutPos */,
if (!writePtNodeToBuffer(parentPtNodePos, nodeCodePoints, nodeCodePointCount, probability,
&writingPos)) {
return false;
@ -273,4 +290,69 @@ bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::createNewPtNodeArrayWithAChildPtNode(
return true;
// Returns whether the dictionary updating was succeeded or not.
bool DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper::reallocatePtNodeAndAddNewPtNodes(
const DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader *const reallocatingPtNode,
const int *const reallocatingPtNodeCodePoints, const int overlappingCodePointCount,
const int probabilityOfNewPtNode, const int *const newNodeCodePoints,
const int newNodeCodePointCount) {
// When addsExtraChild is true, split the reallocating PtNode and add new child.
// Reallocating PtNode: abcde, newNode: abcxy.
// abc (1st, not terminal) __ de (2nd)
// \_ xy (extra child, terminal)
// Otherwise, this method makes 1st part terminal and write probabilityOfNewPtNode.
// Reallocating PtNode: abcde, newNode: abc.
// abc (1st, terminal) __ de (2nd)
const bool addsExtraChild = newNodeCodePointCount > overlappingCodePointCount;
const int firstPtNodePos = mBuffer->getTailPosition();
if (!markNodeAsMovedAndSetPosition(reallocatingPtNode, firstPtNodePos)) {
return false;
int writingPos = firstPtNodePos;
// Write the 1st part of the reallocating node. The children position will be updated later
// with actual children position.
const int newProbability = addsExtraChild ? NOT_A_PROBABILITY : probabilityOfNewPtNode;
if (!writePtNodeToBuffer(reallocatingPtNode->getParentPos(), reallocatingPtNodeCodePoints,
overlappingCodePointCount, newProbability, &writingPos)) {
return false;
const int actualChildrenPos = writingPos;
// Create new children PtNode array.
const size_t newPtNodeCount = addsExtraChild ? 2 : 1;
if (!DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingUtils::writePtNodeArraySizeAndAdvancePosition(mBuffer,
newPtNodeCount, &writingPos)) {
return false;
// Write the 2nd part of the reallocating node.
if (!writePtNodeToBufferByCopyingPtNodeInfo(reallocatingPtNode,
reallocatingPtNodeCodePoints + overlappingCodePointCount,
reallocatingPtNode->getCodePointCount() - overlappingCodePointCount,
reallocatingPtNode->getProbability(), &writingPos)) {
return false;
if (addsExtraChild) {
if (!writePtNodeToBuffer(reallocatingPtNode->getNodePos(),
newNodeCodePoints + overlappingCodePointCount,
newNodeCodePointCount - overlappingCodePointCount, probabilityOfNewPtNode,
&writingPos)) {
return false;
if (!DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingUtils::writeForwardLinkPositionAndAdvancePosition(mBuffer,
NOT_A_DICT_POS /* forwardLinkPos */, &writingPos)) {
return false;
// Load node info. Information of the 1st part will be fetched.
DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader nodeReader(mBuffer, mBigramPolicy, mShortcutPolicy);
// Update children position.
int childrenPosFieldPos = nodeReader.getChildrenPosFieldPos();
if (!DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingUtils::writeChildrenPositionAndAdvancePosition(mBuffer,
actualChildrenPos, &childrenPosFieldPos)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace latinime

View file

@ -57,11 +57,19 @@ class DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper {
bool markNodeAsMovedAndSetPosition(const DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader *const nodeToUpdate,
const int movedPos);
bool writeNodeToBuffer(const bool isBlacklisted, const bool isNotAWord, const int parentPos,
const int *const codePoints, const int codePointCount, const int probability,
const int childrenPos, const int originalBigramListPos,
bool writePtNodeWithFullInfoToBuffer(const bool isBlacklisted, const bool isNotAWord,
const int parentPos, const int *const codePoints, const int codePointCount,
const int probability, const int childrenPos, const int originalBigramListPos,
const int originalShortcutListPos, int *const writingPos);
bool writePtNodeToBuffer(const int parentPos, const int *const codePoints,
const int codePointCount, const int probability, int *const writingPos);
bool writePtNodeToBufferByCopyingPtNodeInfo(
const DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader *const originalNode, const int parentPos,
const int *const codePoints, const int codePointCount, const int probability,
int *const writingPos);
bool createAndInsertNodeIntoPtNodeArray(const int parentPos, const int *const nodeCodePoints,
const int nodeCodePointCount, const int probability, int *const forwardLinkFieldPos);
@ -74,6 +82,12 @@ class DynamicPatriciaTrieWritingHelper {
bool createNewPtNodeArrayWithAChildPtNode(const int parentPos, const int *const nodeCodePoints,
const int nodeCodePointCount, const int probability);
bool reallocatePtNodeAndAddNewPtNodes(
const DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader *const reallocatingPtNode,
const int *const reallocatingPtNodeCodePoints, const int overlappingCodePointCount,
const int probabilityOfNewPtNode, const int *const newNodeCodePoints,
const int newNodeCodePointCount);
} // namespace latinime