Merge "Fix issues with single-char word. Some refactorings as well."

Ken Wakasa 2011-04-17 20:34:04 -07:00 committed by Android (Google) Code Review
commit d968a09085
1 changed files with 116 additions and 114 deletions

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@ -41,18 +41,17 @@ import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
* in the data. There is no need to increase the version when only the words in the data changes.
public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
private static final int VERSION_NUM = 200;
public static final int ALPHA_SIZE = 256;
public static final String TAG_WORD = "w";
public static final String ATTR_FREQ = "f";
private static final String TAG_WORD = "w";
private static final String ATTR_FREQ = "f";
private static final int FLAG_ADDRESS_MASK = 0x400000;
private static final int FLAG_TERMINAL_MASK = 0x800000;
private static final int ADDRESS_MASK = 0x3FFFFF;
private static final int INITIAL_STRING_BUILDER_CAPACITY = 48;
* Unit for this variable is in bytes
* If destination file name is main.dict and file limit causes dictionary to be separated into
@ -61,15 +60,15 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
private static int sOutputFileSize;
private static boolean sSplitOutput;
public static final CharNode EMPTY_NODE = new CharNode();
private static final CharNode EMPTY_NODE = new CharNode();
List<CharNode> roots;
Map<String, Integer> mDictionary;
int mWordCount;
private List<CharNode> mRoots;
private Map<String, Integer> mDictionary;
private int mWordCount;
BigramDictionary bigramDict;
private BigramDictionary mBigramDict;
static class CharNode {
private static class CharNode {
char data;
int freq;
boolean terminal;
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
public static void usage() {
private static void usage() {
System.err.println("Usage: makedict -s <src_dict.xml> [-b <src_bigram.xml>] "
+ "-d <dest.dict> [--size filesize]");
@ -118,36 +117,37 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
public MakeBinaryDictionary(String srcFilename, String bigramSrcFilename, String destFilename){
private MakeBinaryDictionary(String srcFilename, String bigramSrcFilename,
String destFilename) {
System.out.println("Generating dictionary version " + VERSION_NUM);
bigramDict = new BigramDictionary(bigramSrcFilename, (bigramSrcFilename != null));
mBigramDict = new BigramDictionary(bigramSrcFilename, (bigramSrcFilename != null));
// Enable the code below to verify that the generated tree is traversable
// and bigram data is stored correctly.
if (false) {
bigramDict.reverseLookupAll(mDictionary, dict);
mBigramDict.reverseLookupAll(mDictionary, mDict);
traverseDict(2, new char[32], 0);
private void populateDictionary(String filename) {
roots = new ArrayList<CharNode>();
mRoots = new ArrayList<CharNode>();
mDictionary = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
try {
SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
parser.parse(new File(filename), new DefaultHandler() {
boolean inWord;
int freq;
StringBuilder wordBuilder = new StringBuilder(48);
StringBuilder wordBuilder = new StringBuilder(INITIAL_STRING_BUILDER_CAPACITY);
public void startElement(String uri, String localName,
String qName, Attributes attributes) {
if (qName.equals("w")) {
if (qName.equals(TAG_WORD)) {
inWord = true;
freq = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue(0));
freq = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue(ATTR_FREQ));
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
public void endElement(String uri, String localName,
String qName) {
if (qName.equals("w")) {
if (qName.equals(TAG_WORD)) {
if (wordBuilder.length() >= 1) {
addWordTop(wordBuilder.toString(), freq);
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
System.out.println("Nodes = " + CharNode.sNodes);
private int indexOf(List<CharNode> children, char c) {
private static int indexOf(List<CharNode> children, char c) {
if (children == null) {
return -1;
@ -190,27 +190,30 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
return -1;
private void addWordTop(String word, int occur) {
if (occur > 255) occur = 255;
private void addWordTop(String word, int freq) {
if (freq < 0) {
freq = 0;
} else if (freq > 255) {
freq = 255;
char firstChar = word.charAt(0);
int index = indexOf(roots, firstChar);
int index = indexOf(mRoots, firstChar);
if (index == -1) {
CharNode newNode = new CharNode(); = firstChar;
newNode.freq = occur;
index = roots.size();
} else {
roots.get(index).freq += occur;
index = mRoots.size();
final CharNode node = mRoots.get(index);
if (word.length() > 1) {
addWordRec(roots.get(index), word, 1, occur);
addWordRec(node, word, 1, freq);
} else {
roots.get(index).terminal = true;
node.terminal = true;
node.freq = freq;
private void addWordRec(CharNode parent, String word, int charAt, int occur) {
private void addWordRec(CharNode parent, String word, int charAt, int freq) {
CharNode child = null;
char data = word.charAt(charAt);
if (parent.children == null) {
@ -229,89 +232,89 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
} = data;
if (child.freq == 0) child.freq = occur;
if (word.length() > charAt + 1) {
addWordRec(child, word, charAt + 1, occur);
addWordRec(child, word, charAt + 1, freq);
} else {
child.terminal = true;
child.freq = occur;
child.freq = freq;
byte[] dict;
int dictSize;
static final int CHAR_WIDTH = 8;
static final int FLAGS_WIDTH = 1; // Terminal flag (word end)
static final int ADDR_WIDTH = 23; // Offset to children
static final int FREQ_WIDTH_BYTES = 1;
static final int COUNT_WIDTH_BYTES = 1;
private byte[] mDict;
private int mDictSize;
private static final int CHAR_WIDTH = 8;
private static final int FLAGS_WIDTH = 1; // Terminal flag (word end)
private static final int ADDR_WIDTH = 23; // Offset to children
private static final int FREQ_WIDTH_BYTES = 1;
private static final int COUNT_WIDTH_BYTES = 1;
private void addCount(int count) {
dict[dictSize++] = (byte) (0xFF & count);
mDict[mDictSize++] = (byte) (0xFF & count);
private void addNode(CharNode node, String word1) {
if (node.terminal) { // store address of each word1
mDictionary.put(word1, dictSize);
if (node.terminal) { // store address of each word1 for bigram dic generation
mDictionary.put(word1, mDictSize);
int charData = 0xFFFF &;
if (charData > 254) {
dict[dictSize++] = (byte) 255;
dict[dictSize++] = (byte) (( >> 8) & 0xFF);
dict[dictSize++] = (byte) ( & 0xFF);
mDict[mDictSize++] = (byte) 255;
mDict[mDictSize++] = (byte) (( >> 8) & 0xFF);
mDict[mDictSize++] = (byte) ( & 0xFF);
} else {
dict[dictSize++] = (byte) (0xFF &;
mDict[mDictSize++] = (byte) (0xFF &;
if (node.children != null) {
dictSize += 3; // Space for children address
mDictSize += 3; // Space for children address
} else {
dictSize += 1; // Space for just the terminal/address flags
mDictSize += 1; // Space for just the terminal/address flags
if ((0xFFFFFF & node.freq) > 255) {
node.freq = 255;
if (node.terminal) {
byte freq = (byte) (0xFF & node.freq);
dict[dictSize++] = freq;
mDict[mDictSize++] = freq;
// bigram
if (bigramDict.mBi.containsKey(word1)) {
int count = bigramDict.mBi.get(word1).count;
dictSize += (4 * count);
if (mBigramDict.mBi.containsKey(word1)) {
int count = mBigramDict.mBi.get(word1).count;
mDictSize += (4 * count);
} else {
dict[dictSize++] = (byte) (0x00);
mDict[mDictSize++] = (byte) (0x00);
int nullChildrenCount = 0;
int notTerminalCount = 0;
private int mNullChildrenCount = 0;
private int mNotTerminalCount = 0;
private void updateNodeAddress(int nodeAddress, CharNode node,
int childrenAddress) {
if ((dict[nodeAddress] & 0xFF) == 0xFF) { // 3 byte character
if ((mDict[nodeAddress] & 0xFF) == 0xFF) { // 3 byte character
nodeAddress += 2;
childrenAddress = ADDRESS_MASK & childrenAddress;
if (childrenAddress == 0) {
} else {
childrenAddress |= FLAG_ADDRESS_MASK;
if (node.terminal) {
childrenAddress |= FLAG_TERMINAL_MASK;
} else {
dict[nodeAddress + 1] = (byte) (childrenAddress >> 16);
mDict[nodeAddress + 1] = (byte) (childrenAddress >> 16);
if ((childrenAddress & FLAG_ADDRESS_MASK) != 0) {
dict[nodeAddress + 2] = (byte) ((childrenAddress & 0xFF00) >> 8);
dict[nodeAddress + 3] = (byte) ((childrenAddress & 0xFF));
mDict[nodeAddress + 2] = (byte) ((childrenAddress & 0xFF00) >> 8);
mDict[nodeAddress + 3] = (byte) ((childrenAddress & 0xFF));
void writeWordsRec(List<CharNode> children, StringBuilder word) {
private void writeWordsRec(List<CharNode> children, StringBuilder word) {
if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {
@ -319,60 +322,59 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
int[] childrenAddresses = new int[childCount];
for (int j = 0; j < childCount; j++) {
CharNode node = children.get(j);
childrenAddresses[j] = dictSize;
addNode(node, word.toString());
CharNode child = children.get(j);
childrenAddresses[j] = mDictSize;
addNode(child, word.toString());
word.setLength(word.length() - 1);
for (int j = 0; j < childCount; j++) {
CharNode node = children.get(j);
CharNode child = children.get(j);
int nodeAddress = childrenAddresses[j];
int cacheDictSize = dictSize;
writeWordsRec(node.children, word);
updateNodeAddress(nodeAddress, node, node.children != null
? cacheDictSize : 0);
int cacheDictSize = mDictSize;
writeWordsRec(child.children, word);
word.setLength(word.length() - 1);
updateNodeAddress(nodeAddress, child, child.children != null ? cacheDictSize : 0);
void writeToDict(String dictFilename) {
private void writeToDict(String dictFilename) {
// 4MB max, 22-bit offsets
dict = new byte[4 * 1024 * 1024]; // 4MB upper limit. Actual is probably
// < 1MB in most cases, as there is a limit in the
// resource size in apks.
dictSize = 0;
mDict = new byte[4 * 1024 * 1024]; // 4MB upper limit. Actual is probably
// < 1MB in most cases, as there is a limit in the
// resource size in apks.
mDictSize = 0;
dict[dictSize++] = (byte) (0xFF & VERSION_NUM); // version info
dict[dictSize++] = (byte) (0xFF & (bigramDict.mHasBigram ? 1 : 0));
mDict[mDictSize++] = (byte) (0xFF & VERSION_NUM); // version info
mDict[mDictSize++] = (byte) (0xFF & (mBigramDict.mHasBigram ? 1 : 0));
StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(48);
writeWordsRec(roots, word);
dict = bigramDict.writeBigrams(dict, mDictionary);
System.out.println("Dict Size = " + dictSize);
final StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(INITIAL_STRING_BUILDER_CAPACITY);
writeWordsRec(mRoots, word);
mDict = mBigramDict.writeBigrams(mDict, mDictionary);
System.out.println("Dict Size = " + mDictSize);
if (!sSplitOutput) {
sOutputFileSize = dictSize;
sOutputFileSize = mDictSize;
try {
int currentLoc = 0;
int i = 0;
int extension = dictFilename.indexOf(".dict");
String filename = dictFilename.substring(0, extension);
while (dictSize > 0) {
while (mDictSize > 0) {
FileOutputStream fos;
if (sSplitOutput) {
fos = new FileOutputStream(filename + i + ".dict");
} else {
fos = new FileOutputStream(filename + ".dict");
if (dictSize > sOutputFileSize) {
fos.write(dict, currentLoc, sOutputFileSize);
dictSize -= sOutputFileSize;
if (mDictSize > sOutputFileSize) {
fos.write(mDict, currentLoc, sOutputFileSize);
mDictSize -= sOutputFileSize;
currentLoc += sOutputFileSize;
} else {
fos.write(dict, currentLoc, dictSize);
dictSize = 0;
fos.write(mDict, currentLoc, mDictSize);
mDictSize = 0;
@ -382,36 +384,36 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
void traverseDict(int pos, char[] word, int depth) {
int count = dict[pos++] & 0xFF;
private void traverseDict(int pos, char[] word, int depth) {
int count = mDict[pos++] & 0xFF;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
char c = (char) (dict[pos++] & 0xFF);
char c = (char) (mDict[pos++] & 0xFF);
if (c == 0xFF) { // two byte character
c = (char) (((dict[pos] & 0xFF) << 8) | (dict[pos+1] & 0xFF));
c = (char) (((mDict[pos] & 0xFF) << 8) | (mDict[pos+1] & 0xFF));
pos += 2;
word[depth] = c;
boolean terminal = getFirstBitOfByte(pos, dict);
boolean terminal = getFirstBitOfByte(pos, mDict);
int address = 0;
if ((dict[pos] & (FLAG_ADDRESS_MASK >> 16)) > 0) { // address check
address = get22BitAddress(pos, dict);
if ((mDict[pos] & (FLAG_ADDRESS_MASK >> 16)) > 0) { // address check
address = get22BitAddress(pos, mDict);
pos += 3;
} else {
pos += 1;
if (terminal) {
showWord(word, depth + 1, dict[pos] & 0xFF);
showWord(word, depth + 1, mDict[pos] & 0xFF);
int bigramExist = (dict[pos] & bigramDict.FLAG_BIGRAM_READ);
int bigramExist = (mDict[pos] & mBigramDict.FLAG_BIGRAM_READ);
if (bigramExist > 0) {
int nextBigramExist = 1;
while (nextBigramExist > 0) {
int bigramAddress = get22BitAddress(pos, dict);
int bigramAddress = get22BitAddress(pos, mDict);
pos += 3;
int frequency = (bigramDict.FLAG_BIGRAM_FREQ & dict[pos]);
bigramDict.searchForTerminalNode(bigramAddress, frequency, dict);
nextBigramExist = (dict[pos++] & bigramDict.FLAG_BIGRAM_CONTINUED);
int frequency = (mBigramDict.FLAG_BIGRAM_FREQ & mDict[pos]);
mBigramDict.searchForTerminalNode(bigramAddress, frequency, mDict);
nextBigramExist = (mDict[pos++] & mBigramDict.FLAG_BIGRAM_CONTINUED);
} else {
@ -423,21 +425,21 @@ public class MakeBinaryDictionary {
void showWord(char[] word, int size, int freq) {
private static void showWord(char[] word, int size, int freq) {
System.out.print(new String(word, 0, size) + " " + freq + "\n");
static int get22BitAddress(int pos, byte[] dict) {
/* package */ static int get22BitAddress(int pos, byte[] dict) {
return ((dict[pos + 0] & 0x3F) << 16)
| ((dict[pos + 1] & 0xFF) << 8)
| ((dict[pos + 2] & 0xFF));
static boolean getFirstBitOfByte(int pos, byte[] dict) {
/* package */ static boolean getFirstBitOfByte(int pos, byte[] dict) {
return (dict[pos] & 0x80) > 0;
static boolean getSecondBitOfByte(int pos, byte[] dict) {
/* package */ static boolean getSecondBitOfByte(int pos, byte[] dict) {
return (dict[pos] & 0x40) > 0;