Fix the suggestion size.

The available space was not computed correctly. This makes the
decision to ellipsize/expand the middle suggestion correct.

Also, the scale was not applied correctly in some cases.

Finally, for some reason ellipsize does not work as we expect.
I'm not sure how to get it to work like we want it to, but
this works around the problem in a simple manner.

Bug: 11158757
Change-Id: I083e7ac56e157f100923733e67b92a6368a526c9
Jean Chalard 2013-10-10 22:16:17 +09:00
parent 6dac27eeb4
commit c0bd0a244d
1 changed files with 26 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -302,18 +302,19 @@ final class SuggestionStripLayoutHelper {
final int countInStrip = mSuggestionsCountInStrip;
setupWordViewsTextAndColor(suggestedWords, countInStrip);
final TextView centerWordView = mWordViews.get(mCenterPositionInStrip);
final int stripWidth = placerView.getWidth();
final int centerWidth = getSuggestionWidth(mCenterPositionInStrip, stripWidth);
final int availableStripWidth = placerView.getWidth()
- placerView.getPaddingRight() - placerView.getPaddingLeft();
final int centerWidth = getSuggestionWidth(mCenterPositionInStrip, availableStripWidth);
if (getTextScaleX(centerWordView.getText(), centerWidth, centerWordView.getPaint())
// Layout only the most relevant suggested word at the center of the suggestion strip
// by consolidating all slots in the strip.
mMoreSuggestionsAvailable = (suggestedWords.size() > 1);
layoutWord(mCenterPositionInStrip, stripWidth);
layoutWord(mCenterPositionInStrip, availableStripWidth - mPadding);
setLayoutWeight(centerWordView, 1.0f, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
if (SuggestionStripView.DBG) {
layoutDebugInfo(mCenterPositionInStrip, placerView, stripWidth);
layoutDebugInfo(mCenterPositionInStrip, placerView, availableStripWidth);
@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ final class SuggestionStripLayoutHelper {
x += divider.getMeasuredWidth();
final int width = getSuggestionWidth(positionInStrip, stripWidth);
final int width = getSuggestionWidth(positionInStrip, availableStripWidth);
final TextView wordView = layoutWord(positionInStrip, width);
setLayoutWeight(wordView, getSuggestionWeight(positionInStrip),
@ -373,9 +374,9 @@ final class SuggestionStripLayoutHelper {
// Disable this suggestion if the suggestion is null or empty.
final CharSequence text = getEllipsizedText(word, width, wordView.getPaint());
final float scaleX = wordView.getTextScaleX();
final float scaleX = getTextScaleX(word, width, wordView.getPaint());
wordView.setText(text); // TextView.setText() resets text scale x to 1.0.
wordView.setTextScaleX(Math.max(scaleX, MIN_TEXT_XSCALE));
return wordView;
@ -545,8 +546,24 @@ final class SuggestionStripLayoutHelper {
// Note that TextUtils.ellipsize() use text-x-scale as 1.0 if ellipsize is needed. To
// get squeezed and ellipsized text, passes enlarged width (maxWidth / MIN_TEXT_XSCALE).
final CharSequence ellipsized = TextUtils.ellipsize(
text, paint, maxWidth / MIN_TEXT_XSCALE, TextUtils.TruncateAt.MIDDLE);
final float upscaledWidth = maxWidth / MIN_TEXT_XSCALE;
CharSequence ellipsized = TextUtils.ellipsize(
text, paint, upscaledWidth, TextUtils.TruncateAt.MIDDLE);
// For an unknown reason, ellipsized seems to return a text that does indeed fit inside the
// passed width according to paint.measureText, but not according to paint.getTextWidths.
// But when rendered, the text seems to actually take up as many pixels as returned by
// paint.getTextWidths, hence problem.
// To save this case, we compare the measured size of the new text, and if it's too much,
// try it again removing the difference. This may still give a text too long by one or
// two pixels so we take an additional 2 pixels cushion and call it a day.
// TODO: figure out why getTextWidths and measureText don't agree with each other, and
// remove the following code.
final float ellipsizedTextWidth = getTextWidth(ellipsized, paint);
if (upscaledWidth <= ellipsizedTextWidth) {
ellipsized = TextUtils.ellipsize(
text, paint, upscaledWidth - (ellipsizedTextWidth - upscaledWidth) - 2,
return ellipsized;