Merge remote-tracking branch 'goog/master' into mergescriptpackage
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 213 additions and 114 deletions
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import;
import android.os.SystemClock;
@ -118,98 +117,7 @@ final class GesturePreviewTrail {
/ params.mTrailLingerDuration, 0.0f);
static final class WorkingSet {
// Input
// Previous point (P1) coordinates and trail radius.
public float p1x, p1y;
public float r1;
// Current point (P2) coordinates and trail radius.
public float p2x, p2y;
public float r2;
// Output
// Closing point of arc at P1.
public float p1ax, p1ay;
// Opening point of arc at P1.
public float p1bx, p1by;
// Opening point of arc at P2.
public float p2ax, p2ay;
// Closing point of arc at P2.
public float p2bx, p2by;
// Start angle of the trail arcs.
public float aa;
// Sweep angle of the trail arc at P1.
public float a1;
public RectF arc1 = new RectF();
// Sweep angle of the trail arc at P2.
public float a2;
public RectF arc2 = new RectF();
private static final float RIGHT_ANGLE = (float)(Math.PI / 2.0d);
private static final float RADIAN_TO_DEGREE = (float)(180.0d / Math.PI);
private static boolean calculatePathPoints(final WorkingSet w) {
final float dx = w.p2x - w.p1x;
final float dy = w.p2y - w.p1y;
// Distance of the points.
final double l = Math.hypot(dx, dy);
if (, l) == 0) {
return false;
// Angle of the line p1-p2
final float a = (float)Math.atan2(dy, dx);
// Difference of trail cap radius.
final float dr = w.r2 - w.r1;
// Variation of angle at trail cap.
final float ar = (float)Math.asin(dr / l);
// The start angle of trail cap arc at P1.
final float aa = a - (RIGHT_ANGLE + ar);
// The end angle of trail cap arc at P2.
final float ab = a + (RIGHT_ANGLE + ar);
final float cosa = (float)Math.cos(aa);
final float sina = (float)Math.sin(aa);
final float cosb = (float)Math.cos(ab);
final float sinb = (float)Math.sin(ab);
w.p1ax = w.p1x + w.r1 * cosa;
w.p1ay = w.p1y + w.r1 * sina;
w.p1bx = w.p1x + w.r1 * cosb;
w.p1by = w.p1y + w.r1 * sinb;
w.p2ax = w.p2x + w.r2 * cosa;
w.p2ay = w.p2y + w.r2 * sina;
w.p2bx = w.p2x + w.r2 * cosb;
w.p2by = w.p2y + w.r2 * sinb;
w.aa = aa * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE;
final float ar2degree = ar * 2.0f * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE;
w.a1 = -180.0f + ar2degree;
w.a2 = 180.0f + ar2degree;
w.arc1.set(w.p1x, w.p1y, w.p1x, w.p1y);
w.arc1.inset(-w.r1, -w.r1);
w.arc2.set(w.p2x, w.p2y, w.p2x, w.p2y);
w.arc2.inset(-w.r2, -w.r2);
return true;
private static void createPath(final Path path, final WorkingSet w) {
// Trail cap at P1.
path.moveTo(w.p1x, w.p1y);
path.arcTo(w.arc1, w.aa, w.a1);
// Trail cap at P2.
path.moveTo(w.p2x, w.p2y);
path.arcTo(w.arc2, w.aa, w.a2);
// Two trapezoids connecting P1 and P2.
path.moveTo(w.p1ax, w.p1ay);
path.lineTo(w.p1x, w.p1y);
path.lineTo(w.p1bx, w.p1by);
path.lineTo(w.p2bx, w.p2by);
path.lineTo(w.p2x, w.p2y);
path.lineTo(w.p2ax, w.p2ay);
private final WorkingSet mWorkingSet = new WorkingSet();
private final Path mPath = new Path();
private final RoundedLine mRoundedLine = new RoundedLine();
* Draw gesture preview trail
@ -243,36 +151,35 @@ final class GesturePreviewTrail {
if (startIndex < trailSize) {
final Path path = mPath;
final WorkingSet w = mWorkingSet;
w.p1x = getXCoordValue(xCoords[startIndex]);
w.p1y = yCoords[startIndex];
final RoundedLine line = mRoundedLine;
int p1x = getXCoordValue(xCoords[startIndex]);
int p1y = yCoords[startIndex];
int lastTime = sinceDown - eventTimes[startIndex];
float maxWidth = getWidth(lastTime, params);
w.r1 = maxWidth / 2.0f;
float r1 = maxWidth / 2.0f;
// Initialize bounds rectangle.
outBoundsRect.set((int)w.p1x, (int)w.p1y, (int)w.p1x, (int)w.p1y);
outBoundsRect.set(p1x, p1y, p1x, p1y);
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < trailSize - 1; i++) {
final int elapsedTime = sinceDown - eventTimes[i];
w.p2x = getXCoordValue(xCoords[i]);
w.p2y = yCoords[i];
final int p2x = getXCoordValue(xCoords[i]);
final int p2y = yCoords[i];
final float width = getWidth(elapsedTime, params);
final float r2 = width / 2.0f;
// Draw trail line only when the current point isn't a down point.
if (!isDownEventXCoord(xCoords[i])) {
final int alpha = getAlpha(elapsedTime, params);
final float width = getWidth(elapsedTime, params);
w.r2 = width / 2.0f;
if (calculatePathPoints(w)) {
createPath(path, w);
final Path path = line.makePath(p1x, p1y, r1, p2x, p2y, r2);
if (path != null) {
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
outBoundsRect.union((int)w.p2x, (int)w.p2y);
outBoundsRect.union(p2x, p2y);
// Take union for the bounds.
maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, width);
w.p1x = w.p2x;
w.p1y = w.p2y;
w.r1 = w.r2;
p1x = p2x;
p1y = p2y;
r1 = r2;
lastTime = elapsedTime;
// Take care of trail line width.
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
public final class RoundedLine {
private final RectF mArc1 = new RectF();
private final RectF mArc2 = new RectF();
private final Path mPath = new Path();
private static final double RADIAN_TO_DEGREE = 180.0d / Math.PI;
private static final double RIGHT_ANGLE = Math.PI / 2.0d;
* Make a rounded line path
* @param p1x the x-coordinate of the start point.
* @param p1y the y-coordinate of the start point.
* @param r1 the radius at the start point
* @param p2x the x-coordinate of the end point.
* @param p2y the y-coordinate of the end point.
* @param r2 the radius at the end point
* @return the path of rounded line
public Path makePath(final float p1x, final float p1y, final float r1,
final float p2x, final float p2y, final float r2) {
final double dx = p2x - p1x;
final double dy = p2y - p1y;
// Distance of the points.
final double l = Math.hypot(dx, dy);
if (, l) == 0) {
return null;
// Angle of the line p1-p2
final double a = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
// Difference of trail cap radius.
final double dr = r2 - r1;
// Variation of angle at trail cap.
final double ar = Math.asin(dr / l);
// The start angle of trail cap arc at P1.
final double aa = a - (RIGHT_ANGLE + ar);
// The end angle of trail cap arc at P2.
final double ab = a + (RIGHT_ANGLE + ar);
final float cosa = (float)Math.cos(aa);
final float sina = (float)Math.sin(aa);
final float cosb = (float)Math.cos(ab);
final float sinb = (float)Math.sin(ab);
// Closing point of arc at P1.
final float p1ax = p1x + r1 * cosa;
final float p1ay = p1y + r1 * sina;
// Opening point of arc at P1.
final float p1bx = p1x + r1 * cosb;
final float p1by = p1y + r1 * sinb;
// Opening point of arc at P2.
final float p2ax = p2x + r2 * cosa;
final float p2ay = p2y + r2 * sina;
// Closing point of arc at P2.
final float p2bx = p2x + r2 * cosb;
final float p2by = p2y + r2 * sinb;
// Start angle of the trail arcs.
final float angle = (float)(aa * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE);
final float ar2degree = (float)(ar * 2.0d * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE);
// Sweep angle of the trail arc at P1.
final float a1 = -180.0f + ar2degree;
// Sweep angle of the trail arc at P2.
final float a2 = 180.0f + ar2degree;
mArc1.set(p1x, p1y, p1x, p1y);
mArc1.inset(-r1, -r1);
mArc2.set(p2x, p2y, p2x, p2y);
mArc2.inset(-r2, -r2);
// Trail cap at P1.
mPath.moveTo(p1x, p1y);
mPath.arcTo(mArc1, angle, a1);
// Trail cap at P2.
mPath.moveTo(p2x, p2y);
mPath.arcTo(mArc2, angle, a2);
// Two trapezoids connecting P1 and P2.
mPath.moveTo(p1ax, p1ay);
mPath.lineTo(p1x, p1y);
mPath.lineTo(p1bx, p1by);
mPath.lineTo(p2bx, p2by);
mPath.lineTo(p2x, p2y);
mPath.lineTo(p2ax, p2ay);
return mPath;
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <cctype>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include "bloom_filter.h"
@ -64,6 +65,9 @@ class BinaryFormat {
static int detectFormat(const uint8_t *const dict);
static unsigned int getHeaderSize(const uint8_t *const dict);
static unsigned int getFlags(const uint8_t *const dict);
static void readHeaderValue(const uint8_t *const dict, const char *const key,
int *outValue, const int outValueSize);
static int readHeaderValueInt(const uint8_t *const dict, const char *const key);
static int getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(const uint8_t *const dict, int *pos);
static uint8_t getFlagsAndForwardPointer(const uint8_t *const dict, int *pos);
static int getCodePointAndForwardPointer(const uint8_t *const dict, int *pos);
@ -167,6 +171,70 @@ inline unsigned int BinaryFormat::getHeaderSize(const uint8_t *const dict) {
inline void BinaryFormat::readHeaderValue(const uint8_t *const dict, const char *const key,
int *outValue, const int outValueSize) {
int outValueIndex = 0;
// Only format 2 and above have header attributes as {key,value} string pairs. For prior
// formats, we just return an empty string, as if the key wasn't found.
if (2 <= detectFormat(dict)) {
const int headerOptionsOffset = 4 /* magic number */
+ 2 /* dictionary version */ + 2 /* flags */;
const int headerSize =
(dict[headerOptionsOffset] << 24) + (dict[headerOptionsOffset + 1] << 16)
+ (dict[headerOptionsOffset + 2] << 8) + dict[headerOptionsOffset + 3];
const int headerEnd = headerOptionsOffset + 4 + headerSize;
int index = headerOptionsOffset + 4;
while (index < headerEnd) {
int keyIndex = 0;
int codePoint = getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dict, &index);
while (codePoint != NOT_A_CODE_POINT) {
if (codePoint != key[keyIndex++]) {
codePoint = getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dict, &index);
if (codePoint == NOT_A_CODE_POINT && key[keyIndex] == 0) {
// We found the key! Copy and return the value.
codePoint = getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dict, &index);
while (codePoint != NOT_A_CODE_POINT
&& outValueIndex < outValueSize) {
outValue[outValueIndex++] = codePoint;
codePoint = getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dict, &index);
if (outValueIndex < outValueIndex) outValue[outValueIndex] = 0;
// Finished copying. Break to go to the termination code.
// We didn't find the key, skip the remainder of it and its value
while (codePoint != NOT_A_CODE_POINT) {
codePoint = getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dict, &index);
codePoint = getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dict, &index);
while (codePoint != NOT_A_CODE_POINT) {
codePoint = getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dict, &index);
// We couldn't find it - fall through and return an empty value.
// Put a terminator 0 if possible at all (always unless outValueSize is <= 0)
if (outValueIndex >= outValueSize) outValueIndex = outValueSize - 1;
if (outValueIndex >= 0) outValue[outValueIndex] = 0;
inline int BinaryFormat::readHeaderValueInt(const uint8_t *const dict, const char *const key) {
const int bufferSize = LARGEST_INT_DIGIT_COUNT;
int intBuffer[bufferSize];
char charBuffer[bufferSize];
BinaryFormat::readHeaderValue(dict, key, intBuffer, bufferSize);
for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i) {
charBuffer[i] = intBuffer[i];
// If not a number, return S_INT_MIN
if (!isdigit(charBuffer[0])) return S_INT_MIN;
return atoi(charBuffer);
AK_FORCE_INLINE int BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(const uint8_t *const dict,
int *pos) {
const int msb = dict[(*pos)++];
@ -251,6 +251,12 @@ static inline void prof_out(void) {
// GCC warns about this.
#define S_INT_MIN (-2147483647 - 1) // -(1 << 31)
// Number of base-10 digits in the largest integer + 1 to leave room for a zero terminator.
// As such, this is the maximum number of characters will be needed to represent an int as a
// string, including the terminator; this is used as the size of a string buffer large enough to
// hold any value that is intended to fit in an integer, e.g. in the code that reads the header
// of the binary dictionary where a {key,value} string pair scheme is used.
// Define this to use mmap() for dictionary loading. Undefine to use malloc() instead of mmap().
// We measured and compared performance of both, and found mmap() is fairly good in terms of
LOCAL_TOOL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under,src)
LOCAL_TOOL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
$(call all-java-files-under, $(LATINIME_ANNOTATIONS_SOURCE_DIRECTORY))
$(filter-out $(addprefix %/, $(notdir $(LOCAL_TOOL_SRC_FILES))), $(LOCAL_MAIN_SRC_FILES)) \
$(call all-java-files-under,tests) \
ifeq ($(DICTTOOL_UNITTEST), true)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(call all-java-files-under, tests)
LOCAL_JAR_MANIFEST := etc/manifest.txt
LOCAL_MODULE := dicttool_aosp
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/etc/
@ -13,5 +13,16 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
if [[ $(type -t mmm) != function ]]; then
echo "Usage:" 1>&2
echo " source $0" 1>&2
echo " or" 1>&2
echo " . $0" 1>&2
exit 1
find out -name "dicttool_aosp*" -exec rm -rf {} \; > /dev/null 2>&1
mmm -j8 external/junit
DICTTOOL_UNITTEST=true mmm -j8 packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/tools/dicttool
java -classpath ${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/framework/junit.jar:${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/framework/dicttool_aosp.jar junit.textui.TestRunner
java -classpath ${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/framework/junit.jar:${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/framework/dicttool_aosp.jar junit.textui.TestRunner
Reference in a new issue