New dict format, step 6

Copy the modified functions to be able to see the diff

Bug: 4392433
Change-Id: Ic9b83b4b4b7b89cc922eed1825507d7d516aff24
This commit is contained in:
Jean Chalard 2011-06-21 22:23:21 +09:00
parent 839fb35f2b
commit 85a1d1ea74

View file

@ -992,6 +992,136 @@ inline bool UnigramDictionary::processCurrentNode(const int pos, const int depth
} }
bool UnigramDictionary::getSplitTwoWordsSuggestion(const int inputLength,
const int firstWordStartPos, const int firstWordLength, const int secondWordStartPos,
const int secondWordLength, const bool isSpaceProximity) {
if (inputLength >= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) return false;
if (0 >= firstWordLength || 0 >= secondWordLength || firstWordStartPos >= secondWordStartPos
|| firstWordStartPos < 0 || secondWordStartPos + secondWordLength > inputLength)
return false;
const int newWordLength = firstWordLength + secondWordLength + 1;
// Allocating variable length array on stack
unsigned short word[newWordLength];
const int firstFreq = getBestWordFreq(firstWordStartPos, firstWordLength, mWord);
LOGI("First freq: %d", firstFreq);
if (firstFreq <= 0) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < firstWordLength; ++i) {
word[i] = mWord[i];
const int secondFreq = getBestWordFreq(secondWordStartPos, secondWordLength, mWord);
LOGI("Second freq: %d", secondFreq);
if (secondFreq <= 0) return false;
word[firstWordLength] = SPACE;
for (int i = (firstWordLength + 1); i < newWordLength; ++i) {
word[i] = mWord[i - firstWordLength - 1];
int pairFreq = calcFreqForSplitTwoWords(TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER, firstWordLength,
secondWordLength, firstFreq, secondFreq, isSpaceProximity);
LOGI("Split two words: %d, %d, %d, %d, %d", firstFreq, secondFreq, pairFreq, inputLength,
addWord(word, newWordLength, pairFreq);
return true;
inline bool UnigramDictionary::processCurrentNode(const int pos, const int depth,
const int maxDepth, const bool traverseAllNodes, int matchWeight, int inputIndex,
const int diffs, const int skipPos, const int excessivePos, const int transposedPos,
int *nextLetters, const int nextLettersSize, int *newCount, int *newChildPosition,
bool *newTraverseAllNodes, int *newMatchRate, int *newInputIndex, int *newDiffs,
int *nextSiblingPosition, int *nextOutputIndex) {
int inputCount = 0;
if (skipPos >= 0) ++inputCount;
if (excessivePos >= 0) ++inputCount;
if (transposedPos >= 0) ++inputCount;
assert(inputCount <= 1);
unsigned short c;
int childPosition;
bool terminal;
int freq;
bool isSameAsUserTypedLength = false;
const uint8_t flags = 0; // No flags for now
if (excessivePos == depth && inputIndex < mInputLength - 1) ++inputIndex;
*nextSiblingPosition = Dictionary::setDictionaryValues(DICT_ROOT, IS_LATEST_DICT_VERSION, pos,
&c, &childPosition, &terminal, &freq);
*nextOutputIndex = depth + 1;
const bool needsToTraverseChildrenNodes = childPosition != 0;
// If we are only doing traverseAllNodes, no need to look at the typed characters.
if (traverseAllNodes || needsToSkipCurrentNode(c, inputIndex, skipPos, depth)) {
mWord[depth] = c;
if (traverseAllNodes && terminal) {
onTerminal(mWord, depth, DICT_ROOT, flags, pos, inputIndex, matchWeight, skipPos,
excessivePos, transposedPos, freq, false, nextLetters, nextLettersSize);
if (!needsToTraverseChildrenNodes) return false;
*newTraverseAllNodes = traverseAllNodes;
*newMatchRate = matchWeight;
*newDiffs = diffs;
*newInputIndex = inputIndex;
} else {
const int *currentChars = getInputCharsAt(inputIndex);
if (transposedPos >= 0) {
if (inputIndex == transposedPos) currentChars += MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS;
if (inputIndex == (transposedPos + 1)) currentChars -= MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS;
int matchedProximityCharId = getMatchedProximityId(currentChars, c, skipPos, excessivePos,
if (UNRELATED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) return false;
mWord[depth] = c;
// If inputIndex is greater than mInputLength, that means there is no
// proximity chars. So, we don't need to check proximity.
if (SAME_OR_ACCENTED_OR_CAPITALIZED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) {
multiplyIntCapped(TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER, &matchWeight);
bool isSameAsUserTypedLength = mInputLength == inputIndex + 1
|| (excessivePos == mInputLength - 1 && inputIndex == mInputLength - 2);
if (isSameAsUserTypedLength && terminal) {
onTerminal(mWord, depth, DICT_ROOT, flags, pos, inputIndex, matchWeight, skipPos,
excessivePos, transposedPos, freq, true, nextLetters, nextLettersSize);
if (!needsToTraverseChildrenNodes) return false;
// Start traversing all nodes after the index exceeds the user typed length
*newTraverseAllNodes = isSameAsUserTypedLength;
*newMatchRate = matchWeight;
*newDiffs = diffs + ((NEAR_PROXIMITY_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) ? 1 : 0);
*newInputIndex = inputIndex + 1;
// Optimization: Prune out words that are too long compared to how much was typed.
if (depth >= maxDepth || *newDiffs > mMaxEditDistance) {
return false;
// If inputIndex is greater than mInputLength, that means there are no proximity chars.
// TODO: Check if this can be isSameAsUserTypedLength only.
if (isSameAsUserTypedLength || mInputLength <= *newInputIndex) {
*newTraverseAllNodes = true;
// get the count of nodes and increment childAddress.
*newCount = Dictionary::getCount(DICT_ROOT, &childPosition);
*newChildPosition = childPosition;
if (DEBUG_DICT) assert(needsToTraverseChildrenNodes);
return needsToTraverseChildrenNodes;
} // namespace latinime } // namespace latinime